Unity openWindow takes two clicks to Open - unity3d

I'm using the WebGL OpenWindow plugin to open a link in a new tab. I attached the script to a button and it is supposed to open the new link as soon as the button is clicked. This works correctly in the Unit Editor, but as soon as I build the project, it takes two separate clicks to open the new tab. After I press the button, I have to click anywhere on the screen in order for the link to open in a new tab. Does anyone know why it doesn't open the new tab right after the button click? Thank you.
OpenURL code


Clickable link in active editor

If I add a link to the active editor either by using the menu/context menu or by simply typing a URL (e.g., http://www.google.com), the link is added but it is not immediately clickable. The only way a user can use the link to navigate to a page is by ctrl-clicking and choosing to open in a new tab. If the editor is in read-only mode then it works as intended but not when the editor is active.
Is there a way to make links clickable in an active editor?
TinyMCE will not (by default) make the link clickable. You can right click on the link and a context menu appears. In that menu is an option to open the link. To modify a link one needs to click on it (select it) in TinyMCE. If that act (clicking) opened the link you would not be able to easily select the link to act upon it in the editor.

How do I handle pop up in katalon studio for a website that's built on REACT?

While recording a specific step in katalon studio, and replaying it I get error. See attachment. I am trying to click on # linked button that opens a pop up and then I click on x icon to close the popup.
Second is a dropdown button, on click, it opens a dropdown, clicking outside of it closes the dropdown.
I am new to katalon and don't understand that while recording manually the objects do get captured but when I play them I get error ( shared below)
This is the URL: juggernaut.in
In this image I have highlighted where I want click actions
this is the error on click
It is probably because , the js is loading and katalon is not able to find objects, you could just use WebUI.delay() after or before action function and manually enter delay time by hit and trial and then check

Menu Bar icon clicked on and runs a function

I was wondering if someone could help me out with a bit of syntax.
I have a menu bar app that I would like to run a function then the icon is clicked.
I have tried messaging about with this syntax with left click right click but it first runs the function and dent open the menu.
Is there a way to make it run the function as well as open the menu at the same time?

How to Open a New Window Even if the Pop-up Blocker Is Turned On in GWT/GXT?

I am using GWT / GXT in my application.
My functionality working is as follows.
I have a button.
On click of the button there is a url which should get opened in a new tab.
Currently on click of button The Url is not opened in a new tab as I have my browser configured to block the popups.
Can anyone suggest a way where I can bypass the popup blocking and open url in new tab anyway??
How Can I achieve this in GWT/GXT framework.

place a popup in tinymce after button click

I added a button to the tinymce editor (version 4.x) and when the user clicks on it it opens a popup to set options. I would like to have this popup open next to the button but I can't find how to get the coordinates of the button.
The function called by the button has an "editor" instance which contains a "buttons" attribute, but no useful information in there for placement.
I could use the element containing the editor as a reference, but is there a better way?