Multi job pipeline always checks out same commit? - azure-devops

I have defined a multi job azure pipeline where every job needs to clone and checkout the source git repository. Some of these jobs can take a while so I am wondering if every job always clones and checks out the momentary HEAD version/commit of the Git branch or the pipeline trigger commit is remembered by the pipeline and then used for every job in order to have a consistent pipeline run.
I am pretty sure resp. can only hope the 2nd to be the case (and never saw anything else) but I am wondering if someone can point me to some Azure docs that officially confirm it.

When a pipeline is queued the ref is set. All jobs in the pipeline will checkout that reference. It's one of the reasons why the agent checks out the ref specifically and leaves the repo in detached HEAD state.
I can't find a doc that explicitly explains this, but that's how it works.

In a build pipeline (both YAML and Classic), by default each job in the pipeline will check out the commit version which triggered the current pipeline run.
In YAML pipeline, if you do not want a job to check out the commit ref, you can add the following step as the first one in the job.
- checkout: none
. . .

Both #Jesse and #Bright are right
There's a pipeline decorator that is evaluated on the first stage that looks for the presence of the checkout task. If the task is not found, it is dynamically inserted as the first step in the job.
You can see the pipeline decorator if you look at the top-level logs of the stage and expand the Job preparation parameters:
By specifying the checkout task with different settings, you can prevent this task from being injected:
- checkout: none


Can I use one AzureDevOps pipeline to run other pipelines?

I would like to have a master pipeline capable of running the pipelines of our system's individual components. I'd also like to be able to run any of those components' pipelines individually. Additionally, some of the component pipelines are configured using yaml, while others are using the classic approach. (I'm not sure if that figures into any possible solutions to this problem.) Those that are configured using yaml typically contain multiple jobs, and I'd need all of the jobs to run in those cases.
Using approach #2 recommended here, I tried the following:
- job: build_and_deploy
displayName: Build and Deploy
cancelTimeoutInMinutes: 1
name: some-pool
- checkout: self
- template: component_one_pipeline.yml
- template: component_two_pipeline.yml
I receive an error for the following "unexpected values": trigger, resources, name, variables, and jobs. I'm guessing these aren't allowed in any yaml file referenced in the template step of another pipeline yaml file. As I mentioned above, though, I need these values in their files because we need to run the pipelines individually.
If possible, could someone point me in the direction of how to get this done?
EDIT: I have also tried the approach given here. I was thinking I'd have a master pipeline that essentially did nothing except serve as a trigger for all of the child pipelines that are supposed to run sequentially. Essentially, the child pipelines should subscribe to the master pipeline and run when it's done. I ended up with the following 2 files:
# master-pipeline.yml
trigger: none
name: some agent pool
- script: echo Running MASTER PIPELINE
displayName: 'Run master pipeline'
trigger: none
#- testing-branch (tried these combinations trying to pick up master run)
#- main
name: some agent pool
- pipeline: testing_master_pipeline
source: TestingMasterPipeline
trigger: true
- script: echo Running CHILD PIPELINE 1
displayName: 'Run Child Pipeline 1'
Unfortunately, it's not working. I don't get any exceptions, but the child pipeline isn't running when I manually run the master pipeline. Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance.
The way that those approaches you linked work, and Azure DevOps build triggering works in general, is that a build completion can trigger another build, and you have to have the trigger in build to be triggered. So:
Yaml templates can't have things like triggers, so they won't really help you here (though you can of course split any of the individual pipelines to templates). Triggers are in the main yaml pipeline fail, which references the template-files. So you can't have a individual component pipelines as templates.
Yaml pipelines can be chained with the resources-declaration mentioned in the first link. The way this works is that the resource declaration is in the pipeline to be triggered, and you configure the conditions (like branch filters: to the pipeline to be triggered. For example, in your component pipeline you declare the master pipeline as resource, and set the conditions when the component pipeline will be triggered, like when the master pipeline is run against /release/* -branch. Or just set the trigger to true in order to trigger the component pipeline from any succesful run of the master pipeline. The component pipeline can still have its own pipeline triggers at the start of the pipeline declaration.
The classic build definitions can also be chained via edit build definition -> triggers -> build completion (see, for example, here: This works the same way as with yaml pipelines; you configure the conditions for this the classic pipeline to trigger, so add the master pipeline as trigger to the component pipelines. Again, you can also set pipeline triggers for the component pipeline.
The limitation here is, that a classic pipeline can be triggered by an yaml pipeline, but not vice versa. A similar limitation in the yaml resources-declaration; they can't be triggered by a classic pipeline. If you need such triggering, or otherwise find the "native" triggers not to be enough, you can of course shoot an Azure DevOps API call in either type of pipeline to trigger any pipeline. See:, or just search for the azure devops rest api and associated blog posts that trigger the api with powershell, the rest api -task or by some other means.
As it turns out, I needed to set the pipelines' default branch to the one I was testing on for things to work correctly. The code in my original post works fine.
If you run into this problem and you're using a testing branch to test your pipelines, check out the information here on how to configure your pipeline to listen for triggers on your branch. Apparently a pipeline only listens for them on its default branch. Note: The example in the link uses the "classic" approach to pipeline configuration as an example, but you can reach the same page from a yaml configuration's edit screen by clicking the 3 dots on the right and selecting "Triggers."
Hope this helps someone.

Prevent Cancellation of Deployment Job on PR Changes

We have an Azure DevOps YAML multi-stage pipeline where code is built and then deployed to a sequence of environments. Deployment is achieved using Terraform.
Builds -> Test -> Deploy to DEV -> Deploy to TEST - - ->
This pipeline is used for both CI/CD builds and also PR builds. For the PR build, the only part of the deployment stage is running terraform plan on the TF scripts.
For PRs, the pipeline is configured to cancel the ongoing build if changes are pushed to that PR.
The problem we're seeing is that when changes are pushed to the PR and the ongoing build is cancelled, sometimes that cancellation happens during the terraform plan step. This occasionally means that the blob lease taken by terraform plan is not released. From that point onwards, manual intervention is required (break the blob lease) in order for the deployment stages to run successfully.
I believe we can switch off the setting which causes the ongoing PR build to be cancelled if changes are pushed.
But I wondered if there was a way of marking a pipeline step as critical - i.e. it should run to completion if the build is cancelled?
There are other ways of cancelling a pipeline build and there must be other tasks/steps which should not be cancelled part-way through. Such a critical-task setting would cover these situations too.
Not sure if you solved this, but I had the exact same issue. Adding condition: always() to my task forced it to complete when DevOps cancelled the pipeline after additional changes were pushed.
- job: Foo
- script: echo Hello!
condition: always() # this step will always run, even if the pipeline is canceled
I'm afraid you won't be able to achieve this using just YAML. What you can do will require some additional effort (and in some cases quite big):
replace terraform script with bicep for isntance - for me syntax iq quite similar and what you get here is lack of terrafrom state
add in your very first step a check if your state is locked and break a lease if it is needed
I understood that you would like to hear something better than this but at the moment there is no way to mark a task as non-cancellable. However, this sound like a cool feature and candidate for feature request.

Azure DevOps : how to disable CI trigger on a YAML template pipeline?

In template pipelines you can't place any trigger statement such as trigger: none as specified in Microsoft's docs to disable ci trigger, so I wonder how do you prevent these pipelines from being executed every time you update them or any other yaml file in the same branch?
The pipeline yaml definition now supports disabling all trigers with
trigger: none
So in the end in a template pipeline you can't state something like trigger: none (to set only manual triggering) and you cannot specify stages or jobs, only steps are allowed (so you can't define any condition to prevent pipeline execution on the job or on the stage).
You have an option to disable the CI trigger by going in the triggers section for the template pipeline and select the following:
I don't like much this option because it means having pipeline configuration that is not captured in the yaml pipeline definition but I found no other way to disable the template pipeline from being triggered every time something (including the pipeline itself) is updated in its branch.
Other answers are fine.
Here is another approach I found. I have a yaml based build pipeline. I did not want to touch the yaml just for disabling the trigger. So I disabled the pipeline as follows.
Pick your pipeline and double click to edit it.
Go to the settings.
Now you should see an option to disable. Note here we are disabling the pipeline, not just disabling trigger to the pipeline.
First you need to go to your Pipelines dashboard, then select the pipeline that you want to disable CI for it
then Click on Edit
You will be redirected to the pipeline yaml file, from there you will click on the vertical ellipsis ⋮ => Triggers
and here you go, you can disable CI for your pipeline that easily
Save it, and you are done.
If you want to update your template without affecting pipelines which uses this template make a change on separate branch and merge it to master (or whatever you use) once you are sure that you have what you want.
The same applies if you use template from different repo:
# Repo: Contoso/WindowsProduct
# File: azure-pipelines.yml
- repository: templates
type: github
name: Contoso/BuildTemplates
ref: refs/tags/v1.0 # optional ref to pin to
- template: common.yml#templates # Template reference
vmImage: 'vs2017-win2016'
By default you use template from your main branch, but you can point to any branch you want. Thus you can also test that your changes on limited pipelines as you need to point directly to a branch where you modified your template.
Let's say you have that branching:
|_ feature/add-extra-step
And you make a change in template but on feature/add-extra-step by adding additional step.
Now hen you trigger pipeline which uses that template:
trigger goes from master - your additional step in template won't be run
trigger goes from feature/add-extra-step - your additional step will be run
I made a change in template on feature/extra-step branch:
And this is change is not avialable when I run pipeline (even the same pipeline) on master:
If you for instance don't want to trigger ci build making changes on template, pleace commit those changes with phrase [skip ci] in th git message. Check here for more details.

Azure Devops YAML Pipeline - Clean up dynamic deployments

Our current pipeline deploys a new instance of our app for every new branch created on azure repos, just like review apps on Heroku or Gitlab.
The creation part went smooth, but I'm not sure what to do with the orphaned resources and deployment once the branch is deleted (hopefully by an accepted pr).
Deleting them manually is not an option and there I can't find a trigger in the documentation for branch deletes.
The only option I can see right now is to create a scheduled job for the master branch(since it always exists) with a bash script that compares the list of deployed apps and existing branches and cleans up the resources.
Is it my only option, or is there another way without a fairly complex, all-access, destroy machine?
So did a little investigation dumping all enviroment vars to Notepad++ and using the compare plugin i realized that when a PR is accepted 2 env variables are different.
First of the initial variable "BUILD_REASON" during a push is set to "IndividualCI", but with the "BUILD_SOURCEBRANCH" set to "refs/heads/feature/******". When a pull request is initiated the "BUILD_REASON" changes to "pullrequest" and "BUILD_SOURCEBRANCH" to "refs/pull/***".
Finally when a PR is accepted the variables change to "BUILD_REASON" = "IndividualCI" and "BUILD_SOURCEBRANCH" = "refs/heads/master".
Once i figured out this i could create stage that have the following conditions:
- stage: CleanUp
displayName: 'CleanUp'
dependsOn: Test
condition: and(succeeded(), in(variables['Build.Reason'], 'IndividualCI'),in(variables['Build.SourceBranchName'], 'master'))
The above stage will be triggered when PR is accepted so to cleanup resources created during PR :-) havnt tested all the way but seems to do the job.
You can use a webhook in Azure DevOps to watch the pull request for updates. When the pull request status changes to completed, fire a script that deletes the resources used for the PR.

Is there a way to make an Azure DevOps release only publish the actual latest change from a build pipeline?

I have a situation where two commits were merged to master (e.g. FIRST and SECOND) very close together (seconds apart). Both triggered the build pipeline: FIRST triggered the pipeline first and SECOND triggered it second (the builds ran in parallel). For whatever reason, the build pipeline for commit SECOND finished first, and 30 seconds later the build for commit FIRST finished.
My automatic release pipeline is configured to always get the "latest" artifact from the build pipeline. The sequence of events described above caused the SECOND change to be deployed first, and then the FIRST change was deployed next (since its pipeline finished second) and stomped on the prior release, effectively deploying old bits to the service.
Is there any way to prevent this situation? Even if a build pipeline finishes second for intermittent reasons, I don't want a release to stomp over a more recent change that happened to finish earlier.
EDIT: Thank you to those who suggested/supported the idea of batching builds but that's not an option I'm looking to enable. I still want each commit to trigger its own build (to enable easier assignment of build break cause). I'm just looking for the releases to trigger in the order of commits, not the order of builds finishing.
You can set batch to true in triggers, so the system waits until the build is completed. Set "Batch changes while a build is in progress" option to true in Triggers for Build Pipeline at Azure DevOps or in YAML:
batch: true
If you use Pull request, there should be no issues as new push should cancel in-progress run. Check autoCancel in PR triggers
You may need to make the pipelines to run on the same agent. So that the newest queue will wait for the previous queue to complete.
You can follow below steps to confine your pipeline to one agent.
1, Add a custom capability to the agent you want to run the pipeline(project settings->agent pools(select an agent pool)->agents(select a agent)->capabilities)
2,Add a demand to your pipeline : # this works for both microsoft-hosted agents and self-hosted agents
I tested and found microsoft-hosted agent pool doesnot support demands for custom capabilities in yaml pipeline.
Below yaml pipeline works only for self-hosted agent pool.
name: Default
demands: Tag -equals Agent1