Understanding npm packages inside github actions - github

Here is my idea: build a static web page template, over time add .md files to a /posts directory and build a CI job to convert the .md files to html (with the showdownjs/showdown package).
Is there a need to install the package on every push? Seems like a waste, but uploading /node-modules is incorrect as well. Is there a way to install the package once, and let github action just work with it (run the md to html converter on newly added files)?

You have 2 options:
Recommened: Use caching action to cache dependencies for your project - using a hash from package-lock.json as a key to make sure it rebuild when depenendencies has changed:
- name: Cache node modules
uses: actions/cache#v2
cache-name: cache-node-modules
# npm cache files are stored in `~/.npm` on Linux/macOS
path: ~/.npm
key: ${{ hashFiles('**/package-lock.json') }}
- name: Install Dependencies
run: npm install
Push your node_modules to Git repository so it's checkout together with everything else
For optimising a need to run your converted you can use this action:
and detect if any files were modified at certain path


Folder missing in artifact - GitHub Actions

I have the following steps to copy files to artifact and publish artifact:
- name: copy FA function arm templates
run: Copy 'Service/Project/Hosts/FA/Infrastructure/' 'upload/functions_arm_templates/FA/Infrastructure'
shell: powershell
- name: copy FB function arm templates
run: Copy 'Service/Project/Hosts/FB/Infrastructure/' 'upload/functions_arm_templates/FB/Infrastructure'
shell: powershell
- name: publish artifact
uses: actions/upload-artifact#v2
name: ${{github.run_number}}
path: upload/**
The Build succeeded however after downloading the artifact, I don't see a folder named functions_arm_templates. What am I missing?
You are only copying the folder without its contents.
Use copy 'Service/Project/Hosts/FA/Infrastructure/' 'upload/functions_arm_templates/FA/Infrastructure/' -recurse to copy the folder with its contents.

Reusing the result of SBT compilation between Travis or Github Actions jobs

Does anyone know if it is possible to have a multi-stage Travis build that uses SBT (latest 1.4.3 version) and for each stage to reuse the compiled code from the previous one?
I tried with caching, but it does not seem to work (I hope I am just missing something).
What I have is a first “Compile” stage, and then a second “Tests” stage where two jobs are run in parallel (unit tests and integration tests).
What I want is that the Compile compiles everything (including test code) and then both the next stage just picks up where the compilation left.
I managed to organise the build to do that but:
either the compilation is re-done in each step or
by caching the whole ./ the compilation is saved…but then it ignores every new change I push (obviously).
The caching config I am using comes from the sbt docs:
- $HOME/.cache/coursier
- $HOME/.ivy2/cache
- $HOME/.sbt
Any idea?
(alternatively, if you know this is a problem of Travis and it can be made to work properly in Github Actions, that would be ok too)
There is a new Travis feature (in beta) that allows you to share files from one job with subsequent jobs in a build: workspaces
- stage: warm_cache
- echo "foo" > foo.txt
name: ws1
- foo.txt
- stage: use_cache
use: ws1
- cat foo.txt || true
Also, SBT 1.4 allows you to push build artefacts to a Maven server and fetch then again later: https://www.scala-sbt.org/1.x/docs/Remote-Caching.html

Github include md files in README.md?

Is there a way in Github to include md files in for example the README.md?
# Headline
It should not link to the file, it should load the contents from it, like PHP include / file_get_contents.
That does not seem to be possible, especially when considering github/markup#346 and github/markup#172.
No include directive is supported.
This is not the correct answer but a workaround for others who really want this.
It's possible to use Gulp and Gulp Concat to merge the files into one before they are sent to Github..
Since it is not possible I just ended up placing a link as
migrate your readme to a different file then construct your actual README however you like as a github action
EDIT: Here's a demo that you can build off of. This repo has a single github action that runs a script that dynamically builds the README.md based on the contents of the repository (to build a site map for the repo in the form of a table of contents): https://github.com/dmarx/bench-warmers
the workflow config:
name: update-readme
branches: [ "main" ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout#v3
- uses: actions/setup-python#v2
- name: Run the script
run: python scripts/update_readme.py
- name: Commit files
run: |
git config --local user.name "dmarx"
git add README.md
git commit -m "Updated TOC"
- name: Push changes
uses: ad-m/github-push-action#master
github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
force: true
Here's the chunk of my update script that's relevant to you:
... # code that builds the object `toc_str`
# template readme
with open('README.stub') as f:
readme_stub = f.read()
# simple replacement, use whatever stand-in value is useful for you.
readme = readme_stub.replace('{TOC}',toc_str)
with open('README.md','w') as f:
Which assumes you have a file named README.stub which might look something like this:
# Title
some text
more text
Where {TOC} is the substitution target for our dynamic content.
Ruby gem markdown_helper implements include files for GitHub flavored markdown (GFM).
Disclosure: I wrote the gem.

Travis CI deploy JAR to Github master

Refs: http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/deployment/ and http://docs.travis-ci.com/user/deployment/releases/
I'm tring to deploy my JAR file to Github, but I don't want to create a tag every time.
I know it is not the correct behaviour, but I want to do this way if possible.
Building process is running fine, but when I use this travis.yml file:
language: java
provider: releases
api-key: "<my_api_key>"
file: "teapot-1.2.5-beta.jar"
skip_cleanup: true
branch: master
I got this error:
Installing deploy dependencies
Fetching: addressable-2.3.6.gem (100%)
Successfully installed addressable-2.3.6
Fetching: multipart-post-2.0.0.gem (100%)
Successfully installed multipart-post-2.0.0
Fetching: faraday-0.9.1.gem (100%)
Successfully installed faraday-0.9.1
Fetching: sawyer-0.6.0.gem (100%)
Successfully installed sawyer-0.6.0
Fetching: octokit-3.7.0.gem (100%)
Successfully installed octokit-3.7.0
5 gems installed
Fetching: mime-types-2.4.3.gem (100%)
Successfully installed mime-types-2.4.3
1 gem installed dpl.2
Preparing deploy
Logged in as Carlos Magno Oliveira de Abreu
Deploying to repo: icemagno/teapot
Current tag is: dpl.3
Deploying application
/home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p551/gems/octokit-3.7.0/lib/octokit/response/raise_error.rb:16:in `on_complete': POST https://api.github.com/repos/icemagno/teapot/releases: 422 - Validation Failed (Octokit::UnprocessableEntity)
Error summary:
resource: Release
code: missing_field
field: tag_name
resource: Release
code: custom
field: tag_name
message: tag_name is not well-formed
resource: Release
code: custom
message: Published releases must have a valid tag // See: https://developer.github.com/v3/repos/releases/#create-a-release
failed to deploy
This is the basic deploy config:
language: java
provider: releases
api-key: "<my_key_again>"
file: "teapot-1.2.5-beta.jar"
skip_cleanup: true
tags: true
all_branches: true
But I have not created any tag because I don't want to do this for now.
I've created a tag, now I need to change .travis.yml file to test some configurations and GitHub is not allowing me to change anything on tag files (ok, must be this way) cr#p !
If I may, I believe what you are looking for is the same as I was.
Basically add something like the following to your .travis.yml:
- git config --global user.email "builds#travis-ci.com"
- git config --global user.name "Travis CI"
- git tag $GIT_TAG -a -m "Generated tag from TravisCI for build $TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER"
- git push -q https://<your-api-key>#github.com/<your_name>/<project_name> --tags
skip_cleanup: true
provider: releases
secure: [redacted]
- "your_file"
tags: false
all_branches: true
- /^*-v[0-9]/
Careful doing this though, as messing up while working with these particular config options might lead to an infinite Travis-CI build loop, which will pollute your build and tag history, and not be easy to cleanup.

How to deploy to github with file pattern on travis?

I have created a simple travis configuration which packages an app and tries to deploy the archive file to github.
The problem is, I would like to have the version number part of the file name, so i require to use a pattern for the filename. I simply can't get it to work.
Configuration is currently:
provider: releases
file: "build/distributions/worktrail-app-hub-sync*.zip"
repo: worktrail/worktrail-app-hub-sync
tags: true
all_branches: true
But it fails with: "/home/travis/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p547/gems/octokit-3.3.1/lib/octokit/client/releases.rb:86:in `initialize': No such file or directory - build/distributions/worktrail-app-hub-sync*.zip (Errno::ENOENT)" - but the file is certainly there: build/distributions/worktrail-app-hub-sync-0.0.1.zip
Example run: https://travis-ci.org/worktrail/worktrail-app-hub-sync/builds/35704111
travis.yml: https://github.com/worktrail/worktrail-app-hub-sync/blob/0.0.1/.travis.yml
Is this supported by travis deployment, or is there any workaround for this use case?
Wildcards are supported by now if you enable the file_glob option. This is how I deploy a build .deb file to GitHub releases:
- export RELEASE_PKG_FILE=$(ls *.deb)
- echo "deploying $RELEASE_PKG_FILE to GitHub releases"
provider: releases
file_glob: true
tags: true
Setting up is easy by executing travis setup releases with a dummy filename and modifying .travis.yml afterwards.
file_glob: true
file: "build/distributions/worktrail-app-hub-sync*.zip"
Sorry, wildcard patterns don't work at the moment, but we'll have a look into making that possible on Travis CI.