We have an issue in running our dataprep pipeline using joins of reference dataset - google-cloud-dataprep

It seems that flows using the union of reference a dataset fails, whereas the dataflow console presents a fine execution. Our flow is based on a reference dataset union. When enabling the union in a receipe, the ouput fails without any explicit message (and whereas in dataflow the treatment seems ok).
I try to reduce the data to only one line in each branch before the union - it does not change the fail.


PySaprk- Perform Merge in Synapse using Databricks Spark

We are having a tricky situation while performing ACID operation using Databricks Spark .
We want to perform UPSERT on a Azure Synapse table over a JDBC connection using PySpark . We are aware of Spark providing only 2 mode for writing data . APPEND and OVERWRITE (only these two use full in our case) . So based these two mode we thought of below options:
We will write whole dataframe into a stage table . And we will use this stage table to perform MERGE operation( ~ UPSERT )with final Table .Stage table will be truncated / dropped after that .
We Will bring target table data into Spark also. Inside Spark We will perform MERGE using Delta lake and will generate a final Dataframe .This dataframe will be written back to Target table in OVERWRITE mode.
Considering the cons. sides..
in Option 1 , We have to use two table just to write the final data. And In,case both Stage and target tables are big , then performing MERGE operation inside Synapse is another herculean task and May take time .
in option 2 ,We have to bring the Target table into Spark in-memory. Even though network IO is not much of our concern as both Databricks and Synpse will be in same Azure AZ, It may leads to memory issue in Spark side.
Is there any other feasible options ?? Or any recommendation ??
Answer would depend on many factors not listed in your question. It's a very open ended question.
(Given the way your question is phrased I'm assuming you're using Dedicated SQL Pools and not an On-demand Synapse)
Here are some thoughts:
You'll be using spark cluster's compute in option 1 and Synapse' compute in option 2. Compare cost.
Pick the lower cost.
Read and write to/from Spark to/from Synapse using their driver uses Datalake as stage. I.e. while reading a table from Synapse into a datafrmae in Spark, driver will first make Synapse export data to Datalake (as parquet IIRC) and then read the files in Datalake to create the Dataframe. This scales nicely if you're talking about 10s or million or billions of rows. But the overhead could become a performance overhead if row counts are low (10-100s of thousands).
Test and pick the faster one.
Remember that Synapse is not like a traditional MySQL or SQL-Server. It's an MPP DB.
"performing MERGE operation inside Synapse is another herculean task and May take time" is a wrong statement. It scales just like a Spark cluster.
It may leads to memory issue in Spark side, yes and no. One one hand all data isn't going to be loaded into a single worker node. OTOH yes, you do need enough memory for each node to do it's own part.
Although Synapse can be scaled up and down dynamically, I've seen it take up to 40 minutes to complete a scale up. Databricks on the other hand is fully on-demand and you can probably get away with turning on cluster, do upsert, shutdown cluster. With Synapse you'll probably have other clients using it, so may not be able to shut it down.
So with Synapse either you'll have to live with 40-80 minutes down time for each upsert (scale up, upsert, scale down), OR
pay for high DWU flat-rate all the time, though your usage is high only when you upsert but otherwise it's pretty low.
Lastly, remember that MERGE is in preview at the time of writing this. Means no Sev-A support cases/immediate support if something breaks in your prod because you're using MERGE.
You can always use DELETE + INSERT instead. Assumes the delta you receive has all columns from target table and not just updated ones.
Did you try creating checksum to do merge upsert only for rows that have actual data change?

Stitch Part Files to one with custom name

Data Fusion Pipeline gives us one or more part files at output if sync in GCS Bucket. My question is how we can combine those part files to one and also gave them a meaningful name ?
The Data Fusion transformations run in Dataproc clusters executing either Spark or MapReduce jobs. Your final output is split in many files because the jobs partition your data based on the HDFS partitions (this is the default behavior for Spark/Hadoop).
When writing a Spark script you are able to manipulate this default behavior and produce different outputs. However, Data Fusion was built to abstract the code layer and provide you the experience of using a fully managed data integrator. Using split files should not be a problem but if you really need to merge them I suggest that you use the following approach:
On the top of your Pipeline Studio click on Hub -> Plugins, search for Dynamic Spark Plugin, click on Deploy and then in Finish (you can ignore the JAR file)
Back to your pipeline, select Spark in the sink section.
Replace your GCS plugin with the Spark plugin
In your Spark plugin, set Compile at Deployment Time as false and replace the code with some Spark code that does what you want. The code below for example is hardcoded but works:
def sink(df: DataFrame) : Unit = {
new_df = df.coalesce(1)
This function receives the data from your pipeline as a Dataframe. The coalesce function reduces the number of partitions to 1 and the last line writes it to GCS.
Deploy your pipeline and it will be ready to run

Difference between DataFlow and Pipelines

I do not understand the difference between dataflow and pipeline in Azure Data Factory.
I have read and see DataFlow can Transform Data without writing any line of code.
But I have made a pipeline and this is exactly the same thing.
A Pipeline is an orchestrator and does not transform data. It manages a series of one or more activities, such as Copy Data or Execute Stored Procedure. Data Flow is one of these activity types and is very different from a Pipeline.
Data Flow performs row and column level transformations, such as parsing values, calculations, adding/renaming/deleting columns, even adding or removing rows. At runtime a Data Flow is executed in a Spark environment, not the Data Factory execution runtime.
A Pipeline can run without a Data Flow, but a Data Flow cannot run without a Pipeline.
Firstly, dataflow activity need to be executed in the pipeline. So I suspect that you are talking about the copy activity and dataflow activity as both of them are used for transferring data from source to sink.
I have read and see DataFlow can Transform Data without writing any
line of code.
Your could see the overview of Data Flow. Data flow allows data engineers to develop graphical data transformation logic without writing code. All data transfer steps are based on visual interfaces.
I have made a pipeline and this is exactly the same thing.
Copy activity could be used for data transmission. However, it has many limitations with column mapping. So,if you just need simple and pure data transmission, Copy Activity could be used. In order to further meet the personalized needs, you could find many built-in features in the Data Flow Activity. For example, Derived column, Aggregate,Sort etc.

Can join operations be demanded to database when using Spark SQL?

I am not an expert of Spark SQL API, nor of the underlying RDD one.
But, knowing of the Catalyst optimization engine, I would expect Spark to try and minimize in-memory effort.
This is my situation:
I have, let's say, two table
TABLE GenericOperation (ID, CommonFields...)
TABLE SpecificOperation (OperationID, SpecificFields...)
They are both quite huge (~500M, not big data, but unfeasible to have as a whole in memory in a standard application server)
That said, suppose I have to retrieve using Spark (part of a larger use case) all the SpecificOperation instances that match some particular condition on fields that belong to GenericOperation.
This is the code that I am using:
val gOps = spark.read.jdbc(db.connection, "GenericOperation", db.properties)
val sOps = spark.read.jdbc(db.connection, "SpecificOperation", db.properties)
val joined = sOps.join(gOps).where("ID = OperationID")
joined.where("CommonField= 'SomeValue'").select("SpecificField").show()
Problem is, when it comes to run the above, I can see from SQL Profiler that Spark does not execute the join on the database, but rather retrieves all the OperationID from SpecificOperation, and then I assume it will be running all the merge in memory. Since no filter is applicable on SpecificOperation, such retrieve would bring a lot, too much, data to the end system.
Is it possible to write the above so that the join is demanded directly to dbms?
Or it depends on some magic configuration of Spark I am not aware of?
Of course, I could simply hardcode the join as a subquery when retrieving, but that's not feasible in my case: statements hve to be created at runtime starting from simple building blocks. Hence, I need to implement this starting from two spark.sql.DataFrame already built up
As a side note, I am running this with Spark 2.3.0 for Scala 2.11, against a SQL Server 2016 database instance.
Is it possible to write the above so that the join is demanded directly to dbms? Or it depends on some magic configuration of Spark I am not aware of?
Excluding statically generated queries (In Apache Spark 2.0.0, is it possible to fetch a query from an external database (rather than grab the whole table)?), Spark doesn't support join pushdown. Only predicates and selection can be delegated to the source.
There is no magic configuration or code that could even support this type of process.
In general if server can handle join, data is usually not large enough to benefit from Spark.

Assigning an SQL result to a Job Parameter in DataStage

I just started using Datastage (version 11.5) and I am trying to assign the value of a simple SQL query (select max(date_col) from Table) into a Job Parameter so that I can use it as a part of a file produced from the job.
Can anyone point out a simple approach to this, since I am rather lost on how to include SQL queries in parameter values.
Thanks in advance.
There are some options to do this. The one I recommend is:
write the result of you query into a sequential file
Use a Execute Command stage (in a Sequence) to read the file
use it in one of the following Job Activity stages (as job parameter)
An alternative could be the use of Parameter Sets with value files. These value files are real files in the OS and their structure is simple so these could be written by the DataStage job. In this case it cannot be used for Conditions in the Sequence.