How to mock a generic implementation of a protocol? - swift

I'm trying to do some dependency injection in order to unit test, and also make iOS live preview easier.
I have a Store protocol, and I want to use these in my SUT classes so I can pass mock implementations.
protocol Store {
associatedtype AnyData
func load() -> AnyData?
func save(data anyData: AnyData)
class FileStore<AnyData: Codable>: Store {
func load() -> AnyData? { /* Actual code that saves to a file */ }
func save(data anyData: AnyData) { /* Actual code that saves to a file */ }
class MockStore<AnyData: Codable>: Store {
func load() -> AnyData? { /* Returns mocked value for unit testing */ }
func save(data anyData: AnyData) { /* Returns mocked value for unit testing */ }
However, in my SUT class I have the following:
class MyClassToBeTested {
let bookStore: Store // ERROR: Protocol 'Store' can only be used as a generic
// constraint because it has Self or associated type requirements
let studentStore: Store<Student> // ERROR: Cannot specialize non-generic type 'Store'
// in real app
bookStore: FileStore<Book>()
studentStore: FileStore<Student>()
// in test or preview
bookStore: MockStore<Book>()
studentStore: MockStore<Student>()
Seems like I'm stuck. I'm essentially trying to have a generic protocol, similar to a generic interface in Java. What am I missing?
Following #Jessy answer, I did:
class MyClassToBeTested<BookStore: Store, StudentStore: Store>
BookStore.AnyData == Book,
StudentStore.AnyData == Student
let bookStore: BookStore
let studentStore: StudentStore
Which solves half of the issue. The other half is how to type a variable with it:
class OtherClass {
var sut: MyClassToBeTested // ERROR: Generic parameter Bookstore could not be inferred
var sut2: MyClassToBeTested< // I know this isn't supported in Swift
Store<Book>, // but can't figure out the right syntax
Store<Student> // ERROR: Cannot specialize non-generic type 'Store'
> // ERROR: Protocol 'Store' as a type cannot conform to the protocol itself
var sut3: MyClassToBeTested< // Compiles, BUT I cannot pass a
FileStore<Book>, // MockStore in my tests/preview
FileStore<Student> // so it's useless

The Store<Student> syntax has never been supported, but there has been a lot of talk on the Swift forum about it lately—it may be soon.
There are many other Q/A's on Stack Overflow about not being able to use a protocol with an associated type like an existential—it's finally available but only in Xcode 13.3 (beta).
It seems to me that you want things constrained like this:
class MyClassToBeTested<BookStore: Store, StudentStore: Store>
BookStore.AnyData == Book,
StudentStore.AnyData == Student
let bookStore: BookStore
let studentStore: StudentStore
If not, the latest syntax, available starting in Xcode 13.3, is
class MyClassToBeTested<StudentStore: Store>
where StudentStore.AnyData == Student {
let bookStore: any Store
let studentStore: StudentStore
bookStore: any Store,
studentStore: StudentStore
) {
self.bookStore = bookStore
self.studentStore = studentStore


Unable to cast to protocol from framework during test cases

So I have a class that comes from one of our internal frameworks. It is defined as follows:
// This lives within a framework
class ExternalClass: ExternalClassProtocol {
// implementation here
// This lives within my test target
class MockExternalClass: ExternalClassProtocol {
// Mock implementation here
// This lives within the same external frame work as ExternalClass
protocol ExternalClassProtocol: AnyObject {
// Protocol methods here
During my test cases, if I try to cast MockExternalClass as? ExternalClassProtocol, the test case crashes.
However, during live app runtime, there is no problem casting ExternalClass as? ExternalClassProtocol.
Is this an issue with trying to implement a protocol from an external module? Is there a way around this?
The class is being accessed through dependency injection (see below dependency injection implementation). The crash occurs on the resolve function.
If you actually debug to this point, you can see that the mock dependency IS in my dependency root (the services array below).
So I know its not failing to cast due to the dependency being missing.
struct Injected<Value> {
var key: String
var wrappedValue: Value {
get { return Dependency.root.resolve(key: self.key) }
set { Dependency.root.add(key: self.key, newValue) }
init(key: String) {
self.key = key
class Dependency {
static let root = Dependency()
var services: [String : Any] = [:]
func add<T>(key: String, _ service: T) {
services[key] = service
func resolve<T>(key: String) -> T {
guard let component: T = services[key] as? T else {
// The test crashes here. It works fine on other mocks that are internal to the project
fatalError("Dependency '\(T.self)' not resolved!")
return component
func clearDependencies() {
private init() {}
In my test case:
#testable import MyProject
import ExternalDependency
class TestCase: XCTestCase {
private var subject: ClassWithService!
private var mockInternalClass: MockInternalClassProtocol!
private var mockExternalClass: MockInternallClassProtocol!
func setUp() {
mockExternalClass = MockExternalClass() // This one crashes when trying to cast to its parent protocol
mockInternalClass = MockInternalClass() // This one does not crash when casting to parent protocol.
Dependency.root.add(key: "internal_class", mockInternalClass)
Dependency.root.add(key: "external_class", mockExternalClass)
Some things I've tried:
Adding AnyObject to the protocol (this fixed a similar issue for internally defined classes that I mock).
changing mockExternalClass type to be the protocol
changing mockExternalClass type to be the implementation
Aside from one protocol being defined in one of our pods, there is no difference between the external protocol and the one we have defined in our own project.
One thing I have noticed is that the cast does not fail if you set a break point inside one of my test case functions. But if you try the same cast within the Dependency.resolve function it crashes. Which leads me to believe there is an issue with the generics.
Any ideas?

Swift: Generic's type protocol not being recognized

Long time listener, first time caller.
I'm getting the following error:
Cannot convert value of type MyClass<Model<A>, OtherClass> to expected argument type MyClass<Protocol, OtherClass>
Despite the fact that MyClass<T> conforms to Protocol
I've attached a snippet that can be run in Playgrounds that resembles what I am actually trying to achieve.
protocol DisplayProtocol {
var value: String { get }
class DataBundle<T: CustomStringConvertible>: DisplayProtocol {
var data: T
var value: String {
return data.description
init(data: T) { = data
class Mapper<DisplayProtocol, Data> {
// ...
class MapperViewModel<Data> {
let mapper: Mapper<DisplayProtocol, Data>
init(mapper: Mapper<DisplayProtocol, Data>) {
self.mapper = mapper
let dataBundle = DataBundle<Int>(data: 100)
let mapper = Mapper<DataBundle<Int>, Bool>()
let viewModel = MapperViewModel<Bool>(mapper: mapper) // <- This fails w/error
Is this the expected behavior? If it is it feels like its breaking the contract of allowing me to have the DisplayProtocol as a type in Mapper.
This is caused by the fact that Swift generics are invariant in respect to their arguments. Thus MyClass<B> is not compatible with MyClass<A> even if B is compatible with A (subclass, protocol conformance, etc). So yes, unfortunately the behaviour is the expected one.
In your particular case, if you want to keep the current architecture, you might need to use protocols with associated types and type erasers.

Swift 2: understanding AnyObject and Self

I couldn't find any good explanation to my questions so I'd like to ask you directly. First of all I'd like to refine my code in this post.
My problem is the protocol AnyObject and the Self type. I didn't implement AnyObject into my code because it is marked with #objc and I don't want any Objective-C stuff involved in my code (don't judge me for that). I also couldn't find any explanation about the Self type. It just worked as expected, but Xcode does not replace Self with the type the static function is called at.
Here is some example:
extension Int : Instance {}
Int.singleton { (customInstanceName) -> Self in 0 } // Self shall be replaced with Int
As you can see Xcode produces a Self instead an Int. Is there any chance I could fix this? Am I right that Self does return the dynamicType and my implementation is fine as it is in my post above? I would really appreciate any good explanation about the Self type.
As you have seen in my code. I am using a custom protocol to check whether my instance is a class or not. Is there any other shiny implementation to check my instances if they are classes or structure types, or am I forced to use AnyObject if I want to get rid of my ClassInstance protocol?
Thank you for your time.
protocol Test {}
class A : Test {}
struct B : Test {}
let aClass : Test = A()
let aStruct : Test = B()
if let someClass = aClass as? AnyObject {
print(someClass) // only this will print
if let someStruct = aStruct as? AnyObject {
This will work, but AnyObject is still marked as an #objc protocol.
The Self type can be only used in protocols where it is a implicit typealias of the type which conforms to it:
protocol Testable {
func test() -> Self
If you want to conform to this protocol you than have to replace Self with the name of the type. For instance:
struct Product: Testable {
func test() -> Product {
return Product()
Important Edit:
As DevAndArtist pointed out in the comments there is a working class check in Swift 1.2 (without automatic bridging to Objective C) but not Swift 2 (Xcode 7 beta 3; probably a bug):
if instance.dynamicType is AnyClass {
// instance is a class
} else {
// instance is not a class
You can see workaround (mainly) for Swift 2 below.
End Edit
With respect to classes you should use AnyObject if you want to keep it simple but you can also use reflection which would be much more effort.
Below you can see some reflection results of string interpolations (only the first few characters):
"\(reflect(classType))" // Swift._ClassMirror
"\(reflect(0))" // Swift._LeafMirror
"\(reflect(enumType))" // Swift._EnumMirror
"\(reflect(structure))" // Swift._StructMirror
"\(reflect([0, 4]))" // Swift._ArrayTypeMirror
"\(reflect(NSDate()))" // Foundation._NSDateMirror
"\(reflect(NSURLRelationship.Contains))" // Swift._EnumMirror
"\(reflect(Int?(2)))" // Swift._OptionalMirror
As you can see enums are consistent if they are not defined in the Swift standard library (unfortunately also Optional...). So you can distinguish also structs and enums:
public enum Type {
case Enum, Class, Struct
public func getType<T>(anything: T) -> Type {
if anything is AnyObject {
return .Class
if "\(reflect(anything))".hasPrefix("Swift._EnumMirror") {
return .Enum
return .Struct
So for a better result you have to put some effort into it to differentiate between all the different cases.
But the easiest way to distinguish only between reference types and value types (aka classes and structs/enums) is still (unfortunately only works for own declared structs and not built in types because they can be bridged to Objective C; I'm working on it...):
if instance is AnyObject {}
// or: if instance is of type Any
if let classInstance = instance as? AnyObject {}

Instantiate class from protocol type

I am writing method which takes a type which conforms to a protocol and instantiates an instance of this class. When I build it, the compiler crashes with a segfault. I appreciate that this points to a compiler bug 99% of the time, but I am interested to see if what I'm trying to do is logically correct or am I just throwing absolute nonsense at the compiler and I shouldn't be surprised to see it crash.
Here is my code
protocol CreatableClass {
class ExampleClass : CreatableClass {
required init() {
class ClassCreator {
class func createClass(classType: CreatableClass.Type) -> CreatableClass {
return classType()
I also tried to rule out passing a Type as a method parameter as being the root of the problem and the following code also crashes the compiler:
protocol CreatableClass {
class ExampleClass : CreatableClass {
required init() {
let classType: CreatableClass.Type = CreatableClass.self
let instance = classType()
So - is this just a straightforward compiler bug and does what I am trying to do seem reasonable, or is there something in my implementation that is wrong?
This can be achieved using generics as shown #Antonio below but unfortunately i believe that isn't useful for my application.
The actual non-dumbed down use-case for doing this is something like
protocol CreatableClass {}
protocol AnotherProtocol: class {}
class ClassCreator {
let dictionary: [String : CreatableClass]
func addHandlerForType(type: AnotherProtocol.Type, handler: CreatableClass.Type) {
let className: String = aMethodThatGetsClassNameAsAString(type)
dictionary[className] = handler()
required init() {}
I usually do that by defining a generic method. Try this:
class func createClass<T: CreatableClass>(classType: T.Type) -> CreatableClass {
return classType()
A possible workaround is to pass a closure creating a class instance, rather than passing its type:
class ClassCreator {
class func createClass(instantiator: () -> CreatableClass) -> (CreatableClass, CreatableClass.Type) {
let instance = instantiator()
let classType = instance.dynamicType
return (instance, classType)
let ret = ClassCreator.createClass { ExampleClass() }
The advantage in this case is that you can store the closure in a dictionary for example, and create more instances on demand by just knowing the key (which is something in 1:1 relationship with the class name).
I used that method in a tiny dependency injection framework I developed months ago, which I realized it works only for #objc-compatible classes only though, making it not usable for my needs...

Generic Types Collection

Building on previous question which got resolved, but it led to another problem. If protocol/class types are stored in a collection, retrieving and instantiating them back throws an error. a hypothetical example is below. The paradigm is based on "Program to Interface not an implementation" What does it mean to "program to an interface"?
instantiate from protocol.Type reference dynamically at runtime
public protocol ISpeakable {
func speak()
class Cat : ISpeakable {
required init() {}
func speak() {
class Dog : ISpeakable {
required init() {}
func speak() {
//Test class is not aware of the specific implementations of ISpeakable at compile time
class Test {
func instantiateAndCallSpeak<T: ISpeakable>(Animal:T.Type) {
let animal = Animal()
// Users of the Test class are aware of the specific implementations at compile/runtime
let t = Test()
//doesn't work if types are retrieved from a collection
//Uncomment to show Error - IAnimal.Type is not convertible to T.Type
var animals: [ISpeakable.Type] = [Cat.self, Dog.self, Cat.self]
for animal in animals {
//t.instantiateAndCallSpeak(animal) //throws error
for (index:Int, value:ISpeakable.Type) in enumerate(animals) {
//t.instantiateAndCallSpeak(value) //throws error
Edit - My current workaround to iterate through collection but of course it's limiting as the api has to know all sorts of implementations. The other limitation is subclasses of these types (for instance PersianCat, GermanShepherd) will not have their overridden functions called or I go to Objective-C for rescue (NSClassFromString etc.) or wait for SWIFT to support this feature.
Note (background): these types are pushed into array by users of the utility and for loop is executed on notification
var animals: [ISpeakable.Type] = [Cat.self, Dog.self, Cat.self]
for Animal in animals {
if Animal is Cat.Type {
if let AnimalClass = Animal as? Cat.Type {
var instance = AnimalClass()
} else if Animal is Dog.Type {
if let AnimalClass = Animal as? Dog.Type {
var instance = AnimalClass()
Basically the answer is: correct, you can't do that. Swift needs to determine the concrete types of type parameters at compile time, not at runtime. This comes up in a lot of little corner cases. For instance, you can't construct a generic closure and store it in a variable without type-specifying it.
This can be a little clearer if we boil it down to a minimal test case
protocol Creatable { init() }
struct Object : Creatable { init() {} }
func instantiate<T: Creatable>(Thing: T.Type) -> T {
return Thing()
// works. object is of type "Object"
let object = instantiate(Object.self) // (1)
// 'Creatable.Type' is not convertible to 'T.Type'
let type: Creatable.Type = Object.self
let thing = instantiate(type) // (2)
At line 1, the compiler has a question: what type should T be in this instance of instantiate? And that's easy, it should be Object. That's a concrete type, so everything is fine.
At line 2, there's no concrete type that Swift can make T. All it has is Creatable, which is an abstract type (we know by code inspection the actual value of type, but Swift doesn't consider the value, just the type). It's ok to take and return protocols, but it's not ok to make them into type parameters. It's just not legal Swift today.
This is hinted at in the Swift Programming Language: Generic Parameters and Arguments:
When you declare a generic type, function, or initializer, you specify the type parameters that the generic type, function, or initializer can work with. These type parameters act as placeholders that are replaced by actual concrete type arguments when an instance of a generic type is created or a generic function or initializer is called. (emphasis mine)
You'll need to do whatever you're trying to do another way in Swift.
As a fun bonus, try explicitly asking for the impossible:
let thing = instantiate(Creatable.self)
And... swift crashes.
From your further comments, I think closures do exactly what you're looking for. You've made your protocol require trivial construction (init()), but that's an unnecessary restriction. You just need the caller to tell the function how to construct the object. That's easy with a closure, and there is no need for type parameterization at all this way. This isn't a work-around; I believe this is the better way to implement that pattern you're describing. Consider the following (some minor changes to make the example more Swift-like):
// Removed init(). There's no need for it to be trivially creatable.
// Cocoa protocols that indicate a method generally end in "ing"
// (NSCopying, NSCoding, NSLocking). They do not include "I"
public protocol Speaking {
func speak()
// Converted these to structs since that's all that's required for
// this example, but it works as well for classes.
struct Cat : Speaking {
func speak() {
struct Dog : Speaking {
func speak() {
// Demonstrating a more complex object that is easy with closures,
// but hard with your original protocol
struct Person: Speaking {
let name: String
func speak() {
println("My name is \(name)")
// Removed Test class. There was no need for it in the example,
// but it works fine if you add it.
// You pass a closure that returns a Speaking. We don't care *how* it does
// that. It doesn't have to be by construction. It could return an existing one.
func instantiateAndCallSpeak(builder: () -> Speaking) {
let animal = builder()
// Can call with an immediate form.
// Note that Cat and Dog are not created here. They are not created until builder()
// is called above. #autoclosure would avoid the braces, but I typically avoid it.
instantiateAndCallSpeak { Cat() }
instantiateAndCallSpeak { Dog() }
// Can put them in an array, though we do have to specify the type here. You could
// create a "typealias SpeakingBuilder = () -> Speaking" if that came up a lot.
// Again note that no Speaking objects are created here. These are closures that
// will generate objects when applied.
// Notice how easy it is to pass parameters here? These don't all have to have the
// same initializers.
let animalBuilders: [() -> Speaking] = [{ Cat() } , { Dog() }, { Person(name: "Rob") }]
for animal in animalBuilders {