What is a right value for replica.lag.time.max.ms? - apache-kafka

We are receiving a lot of Kafka Confluent Control Center alerts related to topic being under replicated. We think these are not real issues because of the alerts bouncing in and off. This may be caused by having a tight value for replica.lag.time.max.ms. This setting controls when a replica is considered out of sync and thus removed from the In-Sync replicas list.
We could relax this value and received less alerts, but how do we guarantee this not becomes an issue of hiding real problems.
Is there an expected normal # of these alerts we can target to?
Or are there any other metrics we can also use to assess the quality of our replicas after relaxing the setting?


How to make full replication in kafka?

How to make full replication in kafka?
I have two servers, a leader and a follower.
How to make sure that when the leader refuses (turns off), all messages that are sent to the follower also appear on the leader after turning it on.
I know one option with launching: Kafka has a built-in bin/kafka-mirror-maker.sh synchronization program. It should always be run on the leader, then messages that go to it will also go to the follower. When the leader turns off, this program should start on the follower, and all messages, as I understand it, will go to him. After the leader is turned on, and after synchronization (that is, at the moment when the messages begin to go only to the leader), this service should also start on the leader and turn off on the follower, then the messages will always be synchronized.
If you keep these services on both servers at the same time, the messages will be endlessly duplicated. That is, one message will constantly come to both the follower and the leader due to synchronization.
But I'm not sure that this method is correct and it requires additional resources: a service for tracking all this and running bin/kafka-mirror-maker.sh.
 How can I do it right and without wasting resources?
Kafka itself is a distributed system. Per the docs:
Kafka replicates the log for each topic's partitions across a configurable number of servers (you can set this replication factor on a topic-by-topic basis). This allows automatic failover to these replicas when a server in the cluster fails so messages remain available in the presence of failures.
If you want to replicate between Kafka clusters (such as full datacenters, or clusters serving different purposes) then this is where something like MirrorMaker would come in.
How to make sure that when the leader refuses (turns off), all messages that are sent to the follower also appear on the leader after turning it on
This is built into the protocol, but that assumes every topic you are using has replication-factor=2
Sounds like you have only two brokers on the same network, so you do not need MirrorMaker, as the docs show it clearly is between two different, regional datacenters.
I would like to add, if you did want to do that, don't use kafka-mirror-maker. It is not as fault-tolerant and scalable as you might expect.
Instead, use MirrorMaker 2, as part of the apache-kafka-connect framework.

Real life scenarios of when would anyone choose availability over consistency (Who would be in interested in stale data?)

I was trying to wrap my brain around the CAP theorem. I understand that Network partitions can occur (eventually leading to the nodes in the cluster not able to sync up with the WRITE operations happening on the other nodes.)
In this case, either the Cluster could still be up and the load-balancer in front of the cluster could route the request to any of the nodes and after a WRITE operation on one of the nodes, the other nodes who can't sync with that data, still have STALE data and any subsequent READS to these nodes will serve STALE data.
[So we are Loosing CONSISTENCY as we choose AVAILABILITY (i.e., we have choose the cluster to give STALE responses back.)]
Or we could SHUTDOWN the cluster whenever a network partition occurs! (There by loosing AVAILABILITY as we don't want to hamper consistency among the nodes.)
I have 2 things I would like to know the answer for it:
In Reality, When would anyone choose to be AVAILABLE and still trade off CONSISTENCY? Who on this earth (practically) would be interested in STALE data?
Please help me understand by listing more than one scenarios.
In case, we would like to choose CONSISTENCY over AVAILABILITY,
the cluster is down. Who on earth (real-time scenarios) practically would accept to design their system to be DOWN in order to preserve CONSISTENCY.
Please list some scenarios.
Won't majority of us look for High availability no matter what? what are our options? please enlighten.
If I send you a message on FB and you send one to me, I'd rather prefer to see messages in an incorrect order(message sent at 1pm comes before message sent at 2pm) rather than not seeing them at all(example of AVAILABILITY of messages prefered over read-after-write CONSISTENCY of messages). Another example, If I gather web site metrics, I'd rather skip or drop some signal rather then force my users to wait for a page load while my consistent transaction is stuck.
Keep in mind that consistency doesn't mean STALE data, also data can be inconsistent in different ways(https://aphyr.com/posts/313-strong-consistency-models)
Financial transactions are a classic example of data that requires consistency over availability. As a bank, I'd rather decline user request for money transfer, than accept it and lose customer's money due to DB being down.
I'd like to point out that CAP theorem is a high-level concept. There are a lot of ways you can treat terms consistency, availability or even partitioning, and different businesses have different requirements. Software engineering as a whole and distributed systems engineering, in particular, is about making trade-offs.
An example where you may choose Availability over Consistency is collaborative editing (e.g. Google Docs). It may be perfectly acceptable (and in fact desirable) to allow users to make local modifications to the documents and deal with conflict resolution once network is restored.
A bank ATM is an example where you'd choose Consistency over Availability. Once ATM is disconnected from the network you would not want to allow withdrawals (thus, no Availability). Or, you could pick partial Availability, and allow deposits or read-only access to your bank statements.

Kafka broker auto scaling

I am looking for some suggestion on Kafka broker auto scaling up and down based on the load.
Let us say we have an e-commerce site and we are capturing certain activities or events and these events are send to Kafka. Since during the peak hours/days the site traffic will be more so having the ideal kafka cluster with fixed number of brokers always is not a good idea so we want to scale it up the number of brokers when site traffic is more and scale it down the number of brokers when traffic is less.
How does people solve this kind of issue? i am not able to find any resource in this topic. any help will be greatly appreciated.
Kafka doesn't really work that way. Adding/removing brokers from the cluster is a very hands-on process, and it creates a lot of additional load/overhead on the cluster, so you wouldn't want the cluster to be automatically scaling up or down by itself. The main reason why it creates so much additional overhead is that adding or removing brokers requires lots of data copying across the cluster, on top of the normal traffic. Basically, all the data from a dead broker needs to be copied somewhere else, to keep the same replication factor for the topic/partitions, or if it's a new broker, data needs to be shuffled into it from the other brokers, so that the load on the cluster as a whole is reduced. All this data being copied around creates lots of IO/CPU load on the cluster, and it might be enough to cause significant problems.
The best way to handle this scenario is to do performance testing and optimization with 2x or even 3x the traffic you'd expect during peak hours, and build out the cluster accordingly. This way, you'll have plenty of headroom if there are sudden spikes, and you won't have to scale-out/scale-in.
Kafka is extremely performant, even for traffic of millions of messages per second, so you will probably find that the cluster size your application/system requires is not as large/expensive as you initially thought.

kafka Multi-Datacenter with high availability

I'm setting up 2 kafka v0.10.1.0 clusters on different DCs and planning to use mirror-maker to keep one as source and the other one as target, what I'm not sure is how to ensure high availability when my source/main cluster goes down (complete DC where source kafka cluster goes down) do I need to make my application switch to produce messages to the target kafka and what will happen when source kafka is back? how to bring it back in sync with the possible lost messages?
From reading your question I don't think, that MirrorMaker will be a suitable tool for your needs I am afraid.
Basically MirrorMaker is simply a Consumer and a Producer tied together to replicate messages from one cluster to another. It is not a tool to tie two Kafka clusters together in an active-active configuration, which sounds a lot like what you are looking for.
But to answer your questions in order:
Do I need to make my application switch to produce messages to the
target kafka?
Yes, there is currently no failover function, you would need to implement logic in your producers to try the target cluster after x amount of failed messages or no messages sent in y minutes or something like that.
What will happen when source kafka is back?
Pretty much nothing that you don't implement yourself :)
MirrorMaker will start replicating data from your source cluster to your target cluster again, but since your producers now switched over to the target cluster, the source cluster is not getting any data, so they will idle along.
Your producers will keep producing into the target cluster, unless you implemented a regular check whether the source came back online and have them switch back.
How to bring it back in sync with the possible lost messages?
When your source cluster is back online and assuming all the things I mentioned above have happened you effectively switched your clusters around, depending on whether you want your source as primary cluster that gets written to or are happy to reverse roles when this happens you have two options that I can come up with off the top of my head:
reverse the direction of mirrormaker and set the consumer group offsets manually so that it picks up at the point where the source cluster died
stop producing new data for a while, recover missing data to the source cluster, switch back your producers and start everything up again.
Both options require you to figure out, what data is missing on the source cluster manually though, I don't think there is a way around this.
Bottom line is, that this in not an easy thing to do with MirrorMaker and it might be worth having another think about whether you really want to switch producers over to the target cluster if the source goes down.
You could also have a look at Confluent's Replicator, which might better suit what you are looking for and is part of their corporate offering. Information is a bit sparse on that, let me know if you are interested in it and I can make an introduction to someone who can tell you more about it (or of course just send a mail to Confluent, that'll reach the right person as well).

Why is Kafka pull-based instead of push-based?

Why is Kafka pull-based instead of push-based? I agree Kafka gives high throughput as I had experienced it, but I don't see how Kafka throughput would go down if it were to pushed based. Any ideas on how push-based can degrade performance?
Scalability was the major driving factor when we design such systems (pull vs push). Kafka is very scalable. One of the key benefits of Kafka is that it is very easy to add large number of consumers without affecting performance and without down time.
Kafka can handle events at 100k+ per second rate coming from producers. Because Kafka consumers pull data from the topic, different consumers can consume the messages at different pace. Kafka also supports different consumption models. You can have one consumer processing the messages at real-time and another consumer processing the messages in batch mode.
The other reason could be that Kafka was designed not only for single consumers like Hadoop. Different consumers can have diverse needs and capabilities.
Pull-based systems have some deficiencies like resources wasting due to polling regularly. Kafka supports a 'long polling' waiting mode until real data comes through to alleviate this drawback.
Refer to the Kafka documentation which details the particular design decision: Push vs pull
Major points that were in favor of pull are:
Pull is better in dealing with diversified consumers (without a broker determining the data transfer rate for all);
Consumers can more effectively control the rate of their individual consumption;
Easier and more optimal batch processing implementation.
The drawback of a pull-based systems (consumers polling for data while there's no data available for them) is alleviated somewhat by a 'long poll' waiting mode until data arrives.
Others have provided answers based on Kafka's documentation but sometimes product documentation should be taken with a grain of salt as an absolute technical reference. For example:
Numerous push-based messaging systems support consumption at
different rates, usually through their session management primitives.
You establish/resume an active application layer session when you
want to consume and suspend the session (e.g. by simply not
responding for less than the keepalive window and greater than the in-flight windows...or with an explicit message) when you want to
stop/pause. MQTT and AMQP, for example both provide this capability
(in MQTT's case, since the late 90's). Given that no actions are
required to pause consumption (by definition), and less traffic is
required under steady stable state (no request), it is difficult to
see how Kafka's pull-based model is more efficient.
One critical advantage push messaging has vs. pull messaging is that
there is no request traffic to scale as the number of potentially
active topics increases. If you have a million potentially active
topics, you have to issue queries for all those topics. This
concern becomes especially relevant at scale.
The critical advantage pull messaging has vs push messaging is replayability. This factors a great deal into whether downstream systems can offer guarantees around processing (e.g. they might fail before doing so and have to restart or e.g. fail to write messages recoverably).
Another critical advantage for pull messaging vs push messaging is buffer allocation. A consuming process can explicitly request as much data as they can accommodate in a pre-allocated buffer, rather than having to allocate buffers over and over again. This gains back some of the goodput losses vs push messaging from query scaling (but not much). The impact here is measurable, however, if your message sizes vary wildly (e.g. a few KB->a few hundred MB).
It is a fallacy to suggest that pull messaging has structural scalability advantages over push messaging. Partitioning is what is usually used to provide scale in messaging applications, regardless of the consumption model. There are push messaging systems operating well in excess of 300M msgs/sec on hard wired local clusters...125K msgs/sec doesn't even buy admission to the show. In fact, pull messaging has inferior goodput by definition and systems like Kafka usually end up with more hardware to reach the same performance level. The benefits noted above may often make it worth the cost. I am unaware of anyone using Kafka for messaging in high frequency trading, for example, where microseconds matter.
It may be interesting to note that various push-pull messaging systems were developed in the late 1990s as a way to optimize the goodput. The results were never staggering and the system complexity and other factors often outweigh this kind of optimization. I believe this is Jay's point overall about practical performance over real data center networks, not to mention things like the open Internet.
Pushing is just extra work for the broker. With Kafka, the responsibility of fetching messages is on consumers. Consumers can decide at what rate they want to process the messages.
If a broker is pushing messages and if some of the consumers are down, the broker will retry certain times to push the messages till they decide not to push anymore. This decreases performance. Imagine the workload of pushing messages to multiple consumers.