PKPaymentToken Apple Pay sample request - apple-developer

We need to integrate ApplePay using Apple Pay JS SDK to obtain a PKPaymentToken to be used by our payment processing gateway for accepting payments. Is there documentation that can provide a sample request for the same? We have already done domain verification on the Apple Developer account.


Can I use Braintree SDK(special me need Apple Pay) with PayPal Gateway?

I have a task, I need append to my client project Apple Pay.
But we have integrated payment system Paypal.
I researched Paypal SDK and found official information about stopping support PayPal SDK in 2013 and then below advice, use Braintree SDK.
For using Braintree SDK I need create account in official web-site. where me need upload certificate and on page below a sow public and private key, merchantID.
My question, if I integrate Braintree SDK on my client application I can use PayPal gateway for my Braintree SDK.
If it real I will be grateful you for link on information.
Braintree definitely supports processing both Apple Pay and PayPal payments. For PayPal, you'll end up using the PayPal Business Account that you already have setup.
I recommend signing up for a sandbox account to test the functionality. Once you've signed up for a sandbox account, Braintree's developer docs have information on how to integrate PayPal and Apple Pay into your web/mobile app.
If you have any further questions while testing an integration, I highly recommend contacting Braintree's Support Team.

How to test failed PayPal transactions through Braintree SDK

I am using Braintree SDK on ASP.NET Core and I can create transactions using the access code generated from however all transactions are accepted by the payment processor and gateway.
I've tried to enter the magic amounts that are supposed to trigger declines as listed on the Braintree documentation however I think that they only work when you use a Braintree sandbox access token and not a PayPal sandbox access token (mentioned here). I've tried using an error code as an amount as documented on the PayPal API documentation here but that was accepted as well as a valid amount and the transaction went through.
Do I have to sign up for a Braintree sandbox account and to be able to get one of the decline codes documented here?
Full Disclosure: I work at Braintree. If you need any further assistance, feel free to contact support.
If you are using the PayPal access codes, in order to receive the decline codes, you'll want to use the mocked checkout flow and will need to setup a Braintree sandbox.

PayPal Mobile SDK payment verification

I am implementing server side payment verification on parse cloud code and so far it all works.
My question is with reference to the documentation ->
Can I just implement the 'Looking up a payment using the REST API' for verification section or do i have to also do further requests and implement the 'How do I verify payments with MSDK version 1.x' sections as well?
You may skip the section of "verify payments with MSDK version 1.x", unless you've integrated with the old version 1.x mobile SDK.
*1.x msdk implements PayPal account payments with "Adaptive Payments" so the verification has to be slightly different from 2.x

how to used paypal lib in non us developer

Accept PayPal and allow direct credit card processing Non U.S. developers, please note that direct credit card processing is not offered to you when using REST APIs. Your live credentials are inoperable for direct credit card processing but your test credentials are enabled for sandbox testing.
What I understand of this is that a Non U.S. account could no process Direct Credicard payments, but they don't say anything about others payment capabilities.
So I made my application, use the REST API in Sandbox and everything works great.
No I was setting the live application and I couldn't. After reading again the Documentation I found this:
Do I need a U.S. PayPal account to sign up? To accept payments using the new REST APIs and PayPal Mobile SDK, we currently require a U.S. PayPal Business account. But stay tuned for more country support. Note that most countries can use our Classic APIs.

Paypal live issue Non US

When I was setting the paypal application I see this note:
Important: Live credentials are disabled for some capabilities. We
require additional information from you for these capabilities as
noted below.
And this:
Accept PayPal and allow direct credit card processing Non U.S.
developers, please note that direct credit card processing is not
offered to you when using REST APIs. Your live credentials are
inoperable for direct credit card processing but your test credentials
are enabled for sandbox testing.
What I understand of this is that a Non U.S. account could no process Direct Credicard payments, but they don't say anything about others payment capabilities.
So I made my application, use the REST API in Sandbox and everything works great.
No I was setting the live application and I couldn't. After reading again the Documentation I found this:
Do I need a U.S. PayPal account to sign up? To accept payments using
the new REST APIs and PayPal Mobile SDK, we currently require a U.S.
PayPal Business account. But stay tuned for more country support. Note
that most countries can use our Classic APIs.
Some is very confuse the message, Am I or Am I not able to use an UK business account to process payments (with for example paypal balance) with the REST API?
The REST API is currently only available to US merchants. UK merchants cannot yet use the feature - sorry.
From the FAQ page on
Do I need a U.S. PayPal account to sign up?
To accept payments using the new REST APIs and PayPal Mobile SDK, we currently require a U.S. PayPal Business account. But stay tuned for more country support. Note that most countries can use our Classic APIs.