All usages of a variable/parameter in anylogic - anylogic

Is there an easy way to figure out all places where a variable or parameter is being utilised in annylogic. Trying to locate where each variable is used can be a pain during debugging.

Sure. Just "ignore" it in the properties and compile the model.
You will get a list of errors for all places where it is called. Double-click on each error and AnyLogic even takes you there :)
Else, you can also use the AnyLogic search functionality.

in order to get some relief for that pain if your model is too big, all your variables should be private and you create setters, so each time you change your variable, you required to use a set function.
This doesn't solve your question, but it tells you what to do in future models to make it easier for you
check this video


AnyLogic: Variables from Simulation will not be displayed anymore

I have added some variables in my simulation start page. Now I want to access them from the main class. However, with ((Simulation)getExperiment()).[...] the variables are no longer displayed. When I press option+space only one of about 150 variables is displayed. This one variable is not different from the other variables in the properties.
All variables are on public and I was able to access all of them a few weeks ago. Now not anymore, although I didn't change much in the model. I have already tried restarting. Did I accidentally remove some package or something? Can someone help me here please? I have only noticed the problem now as my model has runtime errors, presumably as the now unrecognized variables are not being initiated.
You should not access variables from experiments on Main. If you need access, you should pass them on as parameters into Main.
If you have hundreds of variables in the experiment, turn them into fields in a single Java class. Pass 1 instance of that Java class into Main as a parameter.
This way, you always have access, it is easy to add more variables, it is easy to change them and you do not need the awkward (and bad) type-casting you currently do

Possibility of an LLVM LTO Pass plugin?

I was wondering if it's currently possible to have an 'external' (.so/.dylib) LLVM plugin (module) pass scheduled at LTO time? The reason for wanting this is a inter-modular optimization I want to add.
I also found this topic; How to write a custom intermodular pass in LLVM?
But a separate tool is not an option for me.
I think the most helpful thing here might be to understand how passes are run and what the state of the code is during LTO.
First of all, when optimization passes are run by the compiler, they are done as a set that has been added to a PassManager. This means that LLVM/Clang, when passed something like -O3 will create a copy of a PassManager and subsequently provide it the set of passes expected to provide O3 level of optimization. This is very different from what you are doing with an external library which must be provided manually and cannot be fit into the pass pipeline normally.
Then we have the state of things when doing LTO. During Link Time Optimization, all of the individual translation units have been consolidated and are now a single Module. This means that an optimization which runs on each function will run on every function in the code base. Similarly, a per-module optimization will run on the full Module and therefor offer Inter-Procedural Analysis/Optimization.
If you're looking to use an Intra-Modular Pass then there is no reason to do this at LTO time and instead you can simply make a ModulePass and run that on each unit.

How to reset a NetLogo model with an extension?

I'm working on a NetLogo model that has a great deal of information stored in lookup tables and embedded in patches that affect agent behavior. As a result, I'm creating a model "reset" from an extension that clears the turtles, and resets the timer and ticks.
I would also like to have the extension reset specific globals that track model results, but not reset all of the globals that are constants (look up tables of precomputed information). I would also like to reset all the interface plots.
Any thoughts on how to go about this?
I apologize for no code to show, as is the case I can't show what is not working because I'm not even sure what to try!
NetLogo engine internals aren't really documented except in a general way at, so if your extension wants to manipulate engine stuff directly, you'll usually have to consult the NetLogo source code to learn specifics of how it's done.
You want something like clear-globals, so check out and
You want something like clear-all-plots, so check out and
And so on.
For access to the PlotManager, note that plot/primitives.scala has:
in Java code on an extension, from the workspace plotManager() gets you the PlotManager, except the return type of that method is Object (yes, I know, it's grungy and horrible), so you need to insert a typecast to org.nlogo.plot.PlotManager and you're good to go. PlotManager has methods for getting to particular plots.

Loading Variable-Based Parameters in Behavior Search

I am using Behavior Search to calibrate my NetLogo model for 20 different hospital units. I am using global variables to set the min and max for several sliders in my model, but I think this is causing an error in Behavior Search when I attempt to load the parameter values from the model. However, I don't want to manually enter these parameter ranges manually each time I use Behavior Search.
Is there a way to get around this error? Is there a way to set the min and max for a specific slider to a constant, rather than using global variables?
Thanks for your help!
BehaviorSearch developer here -- if I'm understanding your question correctly, your NetLogo model has a slider which has a min/max constraint that is not set to a constant, but is instead set to a global variable (in the slider settings, accessed from the NetLogo interface).
When I choose such a model using the BehaviorSearch GUI, and then click the "Load parameter ranges from model interface" button, then I get the value of 0 for that constraint. (I don't see any error message -- just the value 0 (if you're getting an error message instead, then I may not be understanding your situation correctly, and perhaps you could post exactly what error message you're seeing?)
This will be true even if you are setting the slider min/max to a global value in the special STARTUP procedure (see:, because STARTUP is only run when a model loads in the NetLogo GUI, and not when a model is loaded in headless NetLogo.
Thus, unfortunately, I think the answer to your question is: "no, there isn't a way to get BehaviorSearch to load the parameter ranges from global variables within the model".
Some possible work-arounds:
BehaviorSearch is open-source -- some changes could be made to it -- i.e., maybe adding in a call to "startup" whenever BehaviorSearch GUI loads the parameter ranges would be sufficient for you.
If you're only doing a few searches, I don't see why manually editing the parameter ranges would be particularly onerous. However, if you're generating a lot of different searches with this model, then I can see how it might be an issue. The .bsearch files are just XML text files, so you might consider generating them without the BehaviorSearch GUI, e.g. using a scripting language.

what makes a variable be visible (intellij idea)

With intellij idea, how do I find out what makes a variable be visible?
An example of when it is hard:
Suppose you look at class A, and you see a variable something. If you jump to source you see that it's defined in trait X. But you don't extend trait X directly. What do you extend, then, that makes this variable visible? If you have a deeply nested hierarchy, tracking can be hard.
Any recommendations or solutions?
EDIT: Please vote for the feature if you're interested:
I don't think that IntelliJ IDEA has any shortcut for "finding what makes a variable visible".
However you can determine it using the "Find Usages" option (Alt + F7). For example:
import java.nio._
object TempObj extends App {
def func = 2
val p = file.Paths.get("some-path")
So Find Usages on "file", tells you that its from the Package "file" (in heading of the new Tab it also shows the complete package name, ex: Find Usages of java.nio.file in Project Files).
Whereas Find Usages on func will tell you that its a Method (And the Tab heading now says: Find Usages of func() in Project and Libraries)
So now in way you can determine, what exactly makes the variable visible. This also works for imports since it shows the package from which it is imported and you can then look for import of that packages.
I know of two almost-solutions to this problem.
Go-to-declaration, as you mentioned, solves this problem in the case of local variables.
More generally, the "find usages" feature gives you a neat little breakdown by type and file of different uses of the variable. From this you can see if it's involved in a static import.
It's not perfect, but with a moment's thought these two are generally sufficient to figure out what you want.
Use ctrl+b or F4 to jump to source code. Alternatively you can use ctrl+shift+a to get option/action. You can find shortcuts at as well. Hope it will help.
From what I understood you want to see the code that creates an Object you use, for instance Mystery someMystery;.
That gives you two options to populate someMystery:
someMystery = ... where ... is your code to populate
someMystery and if that is the case you should follow
that code (with ctrl+B as far as you need to) to the point where it
actually creates the Mystery object.
Use CDI to populate that object instance for you, in which case you should look into the CDI mechanism in order to see in what way the object instance is populated.
In either way IMO there is no way to know for sure if the someMystery instance is of some more concrete class than Mystery, because it is decided in runtime, not in compile time, so your next bet would be to run the program in debug and see what object goes into someMystery, although you are not guaranteed to get the same type of object every time.
PS. My answer is based entirely on my java understanding of the topic, can't say if it is valid for scala also.
This might not be exactly the answer you were hoping to get.
However, quoting yourself,
If you have a deeply nested hierarchy, tracking can be hard.
Have you considered using composition over inheritance? Perhaps this would remove the need for the feature you are looking for.
Deeply nested hierarchy doesn't sound good. I understand your pain about that.
When you override vals or defs there is a little circle next to the line number that shows where it is from even when it is from nested hierarchy. Hovering over vals with the command key down also shows you a little tooltip where it is from.
Does this help?
if you want class, field or method to be visible, you need to implement them as public. If it was your question.