Flutter base64 pdf view and download - flutter

Here comes the pdf converted to base64 from an API. I cannot view and download from within the application. I would be glad if you help.
Thanks in advance.

First you need to add "path_provider" and "open_file"
path_provider: ^2.0.9
open_file: ^3.2.1
Then create new class
class FileProcess {
static bool isFolderCreated = false;
static Directory? directory;
static checkDocumentFolder() async {
try {
if (!isFolderCreated) {
directory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
await directory!.exists().then((value) {
if (value) directory!.create();
isFolderCreated = true;
} catch (e) {
static Future<File> downloadFile() async {
final base64str = "put your base64 value";
Uint8List bytes = base64.decode(base64str);
await checkDocumentFolder();
String dir =
directory!.path + "/" + "your file name" + ".pdf";
File file = new File(dir);
if (!file.existsSync()) file.create();
await file.writeAsBytes(bytes);
return file;
After you create the class you can use it for download your pdf.
For open the file add this lines into your class
static void openFile(String fileName) {
String dir =
directory!.path + "/${fileName}.pdf";
After all you can use like
await FileProcess.downloadFile()
These codes should be working.


Delete file permanantly from list view in flutter

I list all pdf files from storage and now I want to delete multi-files in my flutter list . as well as from the device file manager. I am using this function but when I delete and restart the app the file comes again
This is the function I'm using to delete the list:
void deleteItems() {
var list = myMultiSelectController.selectedIndexes;
list.sort((b, a) => a.compareTo(b));
list.forEach((element) {
setState(() {
files.removeAt(element); Just removes file from the list. You need to actually delete file from device.
Future<String> get _localPath async {
final directory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
return directory.path;
Future<File> get _localFile async {
final path = await _localPath;
print('path ${path}');
return File('$path/counter.txt');
Future<int> deleteFile() async {
try {
final file = await _localFile;
await file.delete();
} catch (e) {
return 0;
See more here from SO answer

Flutter App for encryption an audio for secure

I have a project with encrypt an audio for secure my data audio and when the user purchase they can play the audio, but until now didn't find how to do that. I found another way by converting the audio data into a string and then encrypting it, I found a code but it's incomplete so I'm still confused about using it.
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:file_picker/file_picker.dart';
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
class MediaFile {
Future<String> get docPath async {
Directory appDocDir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
return appDocDir.path;
Future<Uint8List> get audioFileData async {
final String path = await docPath;
final String theFilePath = '$path/test.mp3';
final File theFile = new File(theFilePath);
if (await theFile.exists()) {
return await theFile.readAsBytes();
} else {
File file = await FilePicker.getFile();
return await file.readAsBytes();
Future<String> dataToString() async {
Uint8List data = await audioFileData;
return new String.fromCharCodes(data);
Future<File> saveMediaAsString(String fileName, String fileContent) async {
String path = await docPath;
Directory dataDir = new Directory('$path/data');
if (await dataDir.exists()) {
File file = new File('$path/data/$fileName');
return file.writeAsString(fileContent);
await dataDir.create();
File file = new File('$path/data/$fileName');
return file.writeAsString(fileContent);
Future<String> readFromStringMediaFile(String fileName) async {
String path = await docPath;
File file = new File('$path/data/$fileName');
return file.readAsString();
Uint8List stringToData(dataStr) {
List<int> list = dataStr.codeUnits;
return new Uint8List.fromList(list);
Future<File> createAudioFile(String fileName, Uint8List bytes) async {
String path = await docPath;
File file = new File('$path/$fileName');
return await file.writeAsBytes(bytes);
//here you can see how to use them
Future<File> testFile() async {
String dataStr = await dataToString();
File savedFile = await saveMediaAsString('codedFile', dataStr);
String contentSavedFile = await readFromStringMediaFile('codedFile');
Uint8List bytes = stringToData(contentSavedFile);
return await createAudioFile('test.mp3', bytes);

Flutter: exporting file to phone storage

I'm trying to export a txt file as srt (which is written in plain text) in my app and it is working in the sense that I see srt's with the correct name in the specified folder but these files are 0B and I'm not sure where what is not fully working?
void add() async {
fileName = _fileNameCon.text.toString();
print("filename ---------> " + fileName);
setState(() {
srt = "";
subnumber = 1;
void newSubFile(String title) async {
try {
// this is an android specific directory
Directory directory = await getExternalStorageDirectory();
final path = directory.path;
File newSrt = await File('$path/' + title + ".srt").create();
var writer = newSrt.openWrite();
print("----attempting to write to $path/$title----");
} catch (e) {
import 'dart:io'
import 'package:path/path.dart';
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
Directory dir = await getExternalStorageDirectory();
final file = File(join('${dir.parent}/sub folder',"Output.srt"));
await file.writeAsString(subtitles)

Reading from text files until String max length

I'm new to coding in Dart so please bear with me. I searched up how to read files with the readAsString() function from the flutter API. It says that it will read the entire content of the file and return it as a String. However, is there some sort of String max size that it can only read? I could not find the max size of a String in Dart online. Thanks.
Here's the code in case you want a look:
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
class Storage {
Future<String> get localPath async {
final directory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
return directory.path;
Future<File> get localFile async {
final path = await localPath;
return File('$path/data.txt');
Future<List<String>> read() async {
try {
final file = await localFile;
String contents = await file.readAsString(); //the important part
return contents.split(";");
} catch (exception) {
return null;
void write(List data) async {
final file = await localFile;
String toWrite = "";
for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
toWrite += data.elementAt(i) + ";";
Maybe you want something like:
var myFileStream = File('path/to/file').openRead();
var firstChars = myFileStream.take(1024);
This will limit the memory part of the file to the first 1024 characters.
(I think. :)

How to fetch filename from url [Flutter][Dio]

This is My code snippet instead of mypdf.pdf i want to get filename from the url like in android app development,since I'm new in flutter i have no idea can anyone help me
Future<void> downloadPDF() async {
Dio dio = Dio();
try {
var dir = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
await dio.download(pdfurl, "${dir.path}/mypdf.pdf",
onProgress: (rec, total) {
setState(() {
downloading = true;
progressString = ((rec / total) * 100).toStringAsFixed(0) + "%";
} catch (e) {
setState(() {
downloading = false;
progressString = "Completed";
print("Download completed");
did you try it ?
File file = new File("/dir1/dir2/file.ext");
String basename = basename(file.path);
# file.ext
for more details https://flutter.dev/docs/cookbook/persistence/reading-writing-files
You can use the built-in substring and lastIndexOf methods:
final url = "http://africau.edu/images/default/sample.pdf";
final filename = url.substring(url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);