HMS : alternative for CampaignTrackingReceiver of Google analytics in Huawei DTM Kit - huawei-mobile-services

Is there any alternative for CampaignTrackingReceiver of Google analytics in Huawei DTM Kit?
Currently, I'm following below link of Google analytics :
Also unable to find any Huawei Kits for replacement of "fireBase-appindexing:19.1.0", Can anyone suggest some useful information or any document link.

I'm following below link of Google analytics :
DTM don't has similar class, for this question, you don't need to config Receiver in AndroidManifest.xml. Huawei Analytics SDK will auto-collect information of install_referre when user open app for the first time. We don't have similar class in Huawei analytics too. Reference Docs.
Also unable to find any Huawei Kits for replacement of "fireBase-appindexing:19.1.0"
For app index, you can use app linking. Even google also recommends app linking instead of app indexing, so you could try using Huawei App Linking.

If you intend to use the tag template-based visual event tracking feature of DTM Web to report events in your website to Google Analytics. Here are some info. and one example for your reference:
As for app index, you can refer to Huawei app linking :
Developer Guide:
Manually Constructing a Link of App Linking:


Set Offer Token using Flutter in app purchase package for Google Play Store

I am trying to offer a subscription with a specified offer for specific users using Flutter in app purchases in the Google Play console.
I created an offer in Google Play Store with the "Eligibility Criteria" set to "Developer Determined", but I cannot figure out how to specify this offer in an in app purchase.
I am looking for something similar to the setOfferToken method provided by the Google Play Billing Library.
I thought that I could use the offer ID as a product ID from the Google developer API docs, but I had misunderstood the documentation.
I have looked through the Flutter in app purchase package and the Google Play Billing Library, but could not find documentation related to my use case.
Is there any documentation specific to Flutter for assigning offer IDs to in app subscription purchases?

Is Facebook SDK supported on HMS platform

We are using Facebook ads and facebook analytics and facebook push notification as a marketing events? They have huge conversation ration from these on there app . Is Huawei supporting these on HMS platform .
Is integration available for the Mix Panel Analytics?
For facebook analytics and facebook push notification , as these are latest services provided by facebook , please contact facebook support team regarding these services.
Facebook ads:Currently, HUAWEI Ads does not restrict the access to third-party platform SDK for apps. However, apps also need to comply with the App Gallery release protocol. Please give us some time we need to confirm this with audit team also.
Mix Panel Analytics is supported on HMS platform. You can check below reference link , as per Mix Panel support team, it is not dependent on specific app store.

Asking AppTrackingTransparency permission for using google analytics , is mandatory?

I am using Google Analytics SDK in my application.
It uses the demographic area, age and other user informations.
So, Am I need to ask permission for AppTracking manually or it was handled in google analytics SDK?
Without AppTracking Permission,Will my future updates get approved by iTunes connect?
YES, I need to ask permission for App Tracking Transparency manually. It will not handled by Google Analytics SDK.
Since I am using Google Analytics for campaning tracking, GASDK gets the device IDFA, So the app must need Tracking Permission.
Note: If you or your third party framework uses IDFA, It is mandatory to implement app tracking transparency framework. Otherwise Apple will simply reject us.!

How can I use Firebase/Google Analytics for analyzing user behaviors and logging specific events from huawei mobiles?

We are replacing firebase kits with HMS kits for HMS based mobiles (noGMS) for our app.
However, we still would like to stick and use Firebase/Google Analytics for analyzing user behaviors and logging specific events from huawei mobiles?
How it could be achieved? is there any workaround to do that?
You can refer to the official According to that page:
The Firebase SDK for Google Analytics can send events on any device, but some automatic insights such as demographics are only available on devices with Google Play services.
Base on your needs, you can decide if you want to keep using GA with limited functionalities, or to forward analytics data from Huawei Analytics -> Firebase/Google Analytics as sAm suggested
Yes its possible to forward analytics data straight to Firebase using Huawei Analytics and DTM Kits. Not only that you can also forward analytics data to third party tool as well. As shown in this table:
For more details please visit this link

How can I get "written permission" from Google to commercialize my project with Google Assistant SDK?

I want to release the app including the Google Assistant SDK. Google's policy says "Google provides the Assistant API only for developmental use on your Project devices. You may not:commercialize your Project without written permission from Google;", but there isn't any contact form.
How can I get written permission from Google.
You can use the official Google Permission portal: