exception event is counted as others not error in user explorer (Google Analytics 4) - google-analytics-4

One picture worth any words, please take a look at the following picture:


Embed API demo not working

I tried using this Google Analytics Embed API Demo, of course with my own ClientID (49803909):
Embed API Demo
However, instead of the graphic I should be getting, I only get a blank page. I did follow the instructions quite carefully. Does this work for others? Any ideas of what may be wrong?
PS: Here's the screenshot of where I am getting the id from. #DaImTo was right that just 49803909 wasn't it, but I also tried to full long string and even the service id below (the one with #), all to the same effect (a blank screen). So, is this the wrong screen then?
I think #DalmTo is correct. You're most likely using one of the many other Google Analytics IDs instead of using a valid Client ID (which is not Google Analytics-specific, it's a general ID used for accessing Google APIs), and you're probably getting errors logged to the JavaScript console that say something to that affect.
If you follow the steps in this Embed API Developer Guide, you'll see instructions on how to create a Client ID to use with the Embed API.

Is there ANY way to remove photo tags with facebook API?

There are some old posts related to this topic but the API has since changed, so I wanted to ask again. Is there any way to remove photo tags with the Facebook API?
I saw this documentation about deleting photo tags with the graph API.
You can delete a tag for a particular user in the photo by issuing a HTTP DELETE request to /PHOTO_ID/tags/USER_ID or PHOTO_ID/tags?to=USER_ID.
Deleting a tag on a photo requires the publish_stream permission and supports the following parameters.
Parameter Description Type Required
to USER_ID of the User to tag; can also be string yes
provided in URL path (see above).
If the deletion is successful, you get the following return.
Description Type
If the deletion succeeded boolean
It did not work when I tried it. Instead, I always get the following error:
"error": {
"message": "(#3) Application does not have the capability to make this API call.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 3
I submitted a bug report to Facebook and they seemed to acknowledge a bug by putting it into "triaged" status. Then a few weeks later, although several other developers had subscribed to the bug report, they closed the case with this explanation:
We are prioritizing bugs based on impact to the developer community. As this bug report has not received much attention from other developers, we are closing it so as to better focus on the top issues. There is a good chance your issue is due to an implementation problem in which case you can try to find help on Stack Overflow.
The bug report is here: https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/122135101317762
Can anyone help me figure out how to untag via the API? My app is currently written as a Web app, not as a mobile one.
Thank you in advance for any help on this.
Update: As Christopher Blizzard explains in the accepted answer, this isn't in fact a bug, but intentional behaviour that was previously badly documented.
Before this was known, back when this answer was first posted, I investigated a little to try and figure out if there was any way around this restriction. The answer is no. I've left the detail of my findings below in case they are of interest to anybody in the future, but Christopher Blizzard's input makes most of this obsolete.
I'm reasonably confident that the answer is no, there's no way at all. I've exhausted all possible lines of investigation I can think of, and come up blank. Let me list my findings:
1) The bug affects both ways of deleting photo tags listed in the documentation.
Sending a delete request to https://graph.facebook.com/PHOTO_ID/tags/USER_ID/ and sending one to https://graph.facebook.com/PHOTO_ID/tags?to=USER_ID should both work, according to the documentation. However, in reality, both approaches fail with the following error, as you've already observed:
"error": {
"message": "(#3) Application does not have the capability to make this API call.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 3
2) It's got nothing to do with your app's permissions
Using Graph Explorer you can easily test this stuff out using an access token that grants you all possible permissions, and deleting tags still fails.
3) It's got nothing to do with the user's privacy settings
I tried creating a new user on Facebook and setting every single privacy setting in the settings menu to the most lenient option available. It made no difference.
4) It's not to do with the photo's owner or how the original tag was created
Even when the person whose access token you're using owns the photo that the tag is on and created the tag themselves, you still get the same error when trying to delete the tag. This applies whether they created the photo and tag through the normal Facebook user interface, or with your app through the Graph API.
5) There's no workaround using APIs other than Graph
FQL only allows data retrieval, not insertion, modification or deletion. Open Graph has no methods relating to photos or photo tags. The deprecated REST API - which is still functional, but which Facebook instructs us not to use, and whose documentation has been taken down - has functioning methods for getting and adding tags, but none for deleting them, as you can see in a a cached version of the documentation, via the Wayback Machine.
6) There doesn't seem to be any way to delete a tag using POST requests.
You can change the location of an existing tag, but that's it. Specifying an invalid location throws an error and doesn't affect the existing tag. Specifying the to field twice in a post request to try and change the target of a tag throws an error and has no effect.
7) Others have tried to solve the same problem before, and they have not succeeded.
I haven't found many posts about this issue, but there are these two, neither of which are helpful:
Delete photo tag from Graph API
After testing all the points above, I'm out of ideas. Of course, there's no way I can say with certainty that this is impossible - we don't know what's going on on Facebook's back end or why the bug exists. I think these tests represent a pretty thorough examination of the problem, though, and they haven't revealed any solution.
I just updated the documentation on developers.facebook.com, but the short version is that the delete tag API is whitelisted only for certain apps.

Open Graph object showing different with each story

Okay, I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong in Open Graph, but here goes. I've got 3 stories in my Open Graph, which are three different actions linked to one object type.
Make A Pledge To -> Cause
Create -> Cause
Log Expense For -> Cause
Here is what the three look like in the sample section (I'm pretty sure they look like that in the actual timeline as well).
Make a pledge to a cause:
Create a cause:
Log an expense for a cause:
Is there a reason why the "make a pledge" layout is different? Both objects are actual objects on my website, parsed via providing the url to Facebook's sample data tool. I've set the caption in the "make a pledge" story to the same as the "create" story, but the description and cause target that appears in the "create" story doesn't appear in the "make a pledge" story.
Could someone help me on this? Is there a way I can make the "make a pledge" story look like the "create" story? Or is this something Facebook decides?
Facebook uses both formats – and which gets chosen is not up to you or any settings you make/picture formats you use, but Facebook themselves decides that. It might even be one or the other for different users viewing one and the same story.
They do that to test out the formats, and see which one is more “successful”, meaning which one generates more user interaction.
(Can’t point you to a source for that, but is has been confirmed by Facebook employees in the Facebook Developers Group.)
Facebook checks if an image is available on the referenced site/link. If it finds it, it shows a slightly different format. Your second two actions didn't have an image in the reference.

How to publish an action with tagged Google Places (or Maps)?

I'm having problem publishing actions (using OpenGraph) with tagged Google Places instead of Facebook Place. It should be straight forward according to the following document:
But every time I try to publish an action with place=http://GOOGLE_PLACE_URL I get the following error message:
The action you're trying to publish is invalid because the specified place 'http://GOOGLE_PLACE_URL' is invalid.
I've tried to put Google Maps, Google Places and Google+ Local URLs but all with the same problem.
Note: I could successfully publish actions when I set "place=Facebook_Place_ID".
Any help or hint is greatly appreciated!
Thank you,
I don't think Google's place pages have the markup necessary to support Open Graph
From the documentation:
Publishing actions with 3rd party places is similar to the location
tagging example above, except that you will pass in the url to another
site's place object.
The foursquare example in the documentation is defined as a place, as well as having the metadata foursquare uses:
See Facebook's Debug Tool for that URL at https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object?q=https%3A%2F%2Ffoursquare.com%2Fv%2Feataly%2F4c5ef77bfff99c74eda954d3 - it clearly shows that foursquare's place is defined as ‎og:type‎ playfoursquare:venue and has location data available for Facebook - i suspect Google does not have this on their place pages

Open Graph Action and Object Resubmission

As I submit an application for "read" action on Open Graph I received the following response.
Status: Changes needed
Unfortunately, your article.read built-in submission does not meet the read requirements specified at: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/actions/builtin/#read. You must give users the ability to turn sharing off/on globally as well as remove an article that was shared within the app. In addition, read actions should only be generated when there is a strong indication that the user is actually reading the article. Please note that we cannot accept resubmission as this time due to technical limitations, so you will need to create a new submission. We plan to have this resolved within the next couple of weeks. We suggest making the required changes and checking back. We appreciate your patience. Note: If you are creating an aggregation based on the object, you need to add 6-7 unique sample objects, and then create a corresponding sample action acting on each of these unique objects. (You can not just create 6-7 sample actions pointing to the same sample object). Submission Checklist: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/checklist
Please make changes below and resubmit for review.
Unfortunately, this "guide" is not helping with anything. Firstly, I have no idea where to do this:
You must give users the ability to turn sharing off/on globally as well as remove an article that was shared within the app.
Second of all, I don't even know how to "resubmit"!
Any help would be appreciated.
I was experiencing the same thing. You have to click on the name of your action that you submitted. Once you do that, Facebook provides detailed instructions why they didn't approve the action and what you need to do before you resubmit. Once you review the message, you can make the necessary changes and save the action again. Then you'll have the option to resubmit. In my case Facebook said that I need to provide more detailed instructions what the user needs to do to get an action published. They provided this example: "User must create an account, enable Timeline sharing in the settings, view a product within the app and then click the “want” button underneath the product image to trigger a story". I did that and resubmitted. Hopefully it works this time around. Good luck.
To resubmit, just delete the rejected action and create a new one. You can use the same action name as before. You then go through the submission process again as you did the first time.
Facebook have recently updated their guide to implementing their built-in action types. For the Read action type, see https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/actions/builtin/#read. You will see a sample application that meets the following criteria required for the use of this action type:
Turn sharing on/off globally on each page an article appears.
Remove articles they shared within your app on each page an article appears.
Only generate read actions when you're sure someone is interested in reading the article.
Built-In actions can't be resubmitted. It is a FB Bug:
From this answer on FB tools and support I got this:
You can start a new submission at the bottom of the "Items in Review" page:
That link didn't work for me.. so I just went to the app dashboard and clicked on status and review
clicking on the start a new submission button loaded a dialog that prompted me to select which items to "re-review".. so I only selected the problematic one:
after that it loads a form for you to resubmit, so here you gotta re-upload the iOS simulator build etc..
and that's it!