How do I output simple code in Visual Studio Code? - visual-studio-code

I have been using freecodecamp and I just want to have a place I can test things and save code. I been googling for a while and it seems so complicated I wonder why they don't just have a simple button or tab perhaps this is not something experienced coders want. Perhaps I should use a more beginner friendly app?
So far the best thing I have found is this:
Visual Studio Code is not showing the ouput of Python
I am learning JS btw.
Thank you for any help.

If it's purely JavaScript, you could run it with Node through the console tab in VSC.


Visual Studio IDE's ToolBox alternative for VSCode

Visual Studio IDE has a nice feature: ToolBox, witch gives ability to save and use pieces of boilerplate code:
Can't find a similar extension for VSCode. There many extensions with the similar name but they serve different job and are a bit complicated for me.
Can you suggest me something similar to ToolBox please?
P.S. I' not asking about snippets, this is different.
Almost find it but it does not have foldering option and is no longer updated: Code Fragments

Can you run a version of vscode inside the browser without a server?

Is there any way to run a version of VS Code inside a browser without a server? (inside a React or Angular app). Something like an enhanced version of the monaco editor.
Of course that means it will have some missing functionalities.
If not, are there any other options?
Try this
its something of the same king what you want
As far as I could find, it is possible to run VSCode in the browser (since we have, but there doesn't seem to be anyway to deploy it yourself yet?
This Github issue is probably what you want, but there isn't any information there (or on the repo) yet.
It does strongly suggest that is the version used for, so there might be things to be found there, until official instructions/embedding is possible.
I think it depends on how you treat vscode.
if it is just a editor software, there'll be a lot of .
For you customerization purpose, it sounds something like ''
Not sure if it helps, but you can try looking up It opens up a visual studio code instance on your browser with options of installing extensions as well.
Use the link like
You can possibly use Gitpod self-host, or they both have documentation on how to create your own version of VSCode for the web, however, as I've never tried to create one myself, I don't know if it accomplishes your specific use case.

Is there any way to see the dataset and its content in Visual studio code?

In Visual studio we have option to see the dataset using Dataset Visualizer as below image.
But in VS code, do we have anything like this? Any plug-in I can install to get this in VS code?
Currently in VS code I am getting as like this below image. Please help.
Although C# support is not great yet, but the Debug Visualizer extension for VS Code might be exactly thing you are looking for.
There is no proper table visualizer yet and you would need to return JSON in your C# code, but feel free to contribute or to get in contact and share ideas!

End to end testing implementation for Visual Studio Code extension

I have developed a Visual Studio code extension. i want to implement end to end testing for each Command we configure in package.json. these commands have Quickpicks etc
i am not sure how to implement tests
I'm also looking for a concrete solution to do the same. While googling, I came across this. I haven't tried it yet but looks promising to me. Please share your experience in case you use it. Also, don't forget to share if you find a better working solution for the same.

Writing custom IDE on top of Eclipse

I wish to write my own Python IDE (just for the heck of it). I was wondering if I could use Eclipse as a foundation. This will save me from coding a whole lotta things (code editor, intellisense and so on).
To understand what I mean, please take a look at Visual Studio Isolated Shell. I'm essentially looking for something equivalent. Searching on Google hasn't helped. Is there anything like this available in Eclipse's case?
Yes. Eclipse is designed to have additional languages added and there is extensive support for this kind of plugin development. I'm surprised Googling didn't help - there's an entire site dedicated to a tutorial on the basics and a toolkit for developing such things