#mui/lab/DateRangePicker - How to add custom toolbar with action buttons above and under calendar - material-ui

I'm using DateRangePicker from #mui/lab and now, there is need to add custom toolbar with action buttons above or under calendar (for example, buttons apply or cancel). I struggled to find solution but couldn't find something useful. It should be on both desktop and mobile versions of datepicker.

For all those who suffer from the lack of simple and necessary solutions.
Hope this will help 🫡
Here the docs, but there is huge lack of information and examples
<LocalizationProvider dateAdapter={AdapterDateFns} localeText={{ start: 'from', end: 'to' }}>
components={{ //edit component
PaperContent: data => { //exactly PaperContent
const childCopy = [...data.children]; //duplicate to avoid errors
const Component = () => <Box>BUILD YOUR COMPONENT</Box>;
childCopy.push(<Component />);
return childCopy; //return array of childrens
onChange={newValue => {
renderInput={(startProps, endProps) => (
<MNVTTextField {...startProps} />
<MNVTTextField {...endProps} />


Unable to display menu on right click react-big-calendar

I am trying to display menu on right click with react-big-calendar and material ui,
the issue that menu isnt display correctly on html its going on top right corner,
My code is:
const handleClick = (event) => {
return (
<MenuItem onClick={() => redirectToEvent(selectedEvent)}>
style={{ marginLeft: "15px" }}
/>{" "}
פתח אירוע
views={["month", "day"]}
onSelectEvent={(event, e) => {
eventWrapper: ({ event, children }) => (
e => {
//think this is the issue
Material-UI has an example of providing a Context Menu, and it doesn't seem to use an anchorEl prop, or take the bare 'event' target object, placing a different object in state.
const handleContextMenu = (event) => {
contextMenu === null
? {
mouseX: event.clientX - 2,
mouseY: event.clientY - 4,
: // repeated contextmenu when it is already open closes it with Chrome 84 on Ubuntu
// Other native context menus might behave different.
// With this behavior we prevent contextmenu from the backdrop to re-locale existing context menus.
const handleClose = () => {
From that part of the example, it would seem you need to update your onContextMenu accordingly. Since you're setting multiple state values for your menu, both for it's positioning and the referenced selectedEvent, you may want to use a reducer for state instead.
Then, on the <Menu> itself, it also mutates that state.
open={contextMenu !== null}
contextMenu !== null
? { top: contextMenu.mouseY, left: contextMenu.mouseX }
: undefined
// menu items
And, since you've placed the <Menu> inside of your <Calendar>'s container object, what sort of styling is on your container and could that effect it's layout as well? (I don't know if Material-UI automatically portals it's menu in this scenario or not)

Material UI Autocomplete + Infinite Scrolling together?

Problem : Getting double Scrollbars - Removing Paper Scrollbar makes the autocomplete content not scrollable hence showing ONLY the contents in the visible height of the dropdown.
If I hide the other scroll then the Infinite Scroll API does not get invoked. How can I get it working :
Description -
I am trying to create a Infinite Scroll with Material UI Autocomplete for which I am using react-infinite-scroll-component attached link for reference
The way I implemented is :
As we need to attach the Infinite Scroll to the Popper that renders the list items; hence I have written my custom PAPER Component (as per documentation it is responsible for rendering items in the dropdown )
My InfiniteScrollAutoComplete definition is attached below :
options={list.data && list.data !== null ? list.data : []}
getOptionLabel={(option) => option.name}
PaperComponent={(param) => (
hasMore={list.data.length < list.total ? true : false}
<p style={{ textAlign: "center", backgroundColor: "#f9dc01" }}>
<p style={{ textAlign: "center", backgroundColor: "#f9dc01" }}>
<b>Yay! You have seen it all</b>
<Paper {...param} />
renderInput={(params) => (
<TextField {...params} label="" variant="outlined" />
const observer = useRef();
const lastOptionElementRef = useCallback((node) => {
if (observer.current) observer.current.disconnect();
observer.current = new IntersectionObserver(async (entries) => {
if (entries[0].isIntersecting && props.hasMore) {
setPageNumber((pageNumber) => pageNumber + 1);
if (node) observer.current.observe(node);
}, [props.loader]);
you can add this lastOptionElementRef to the last element of the options using the render option prop. This will trigger an function whenever the last option is visible in the viewport. Also, it avoids the scrolling issue

Unable to see results with AsyncTypeahead with multiple option and renderInput

I'm trying to use a custom Input component on a Typeahead with the multiple option set. I see in the docs it says to "handle the refs" correctly, but I see no examples of how this is done. I'm not sure what to pass into referenceElementRef. Everything I've tried so far just doesn't render the options as I type. I see them in the DOM, but the opacity of the .rbt-menu is set to 0, so they're basically hidden.
Here's my code so far:
const divRef = React.useRef(null);
return (
<div ref={divRef}>
<span className="uppercase">
<FormattedMessage id="d.customer" defaultMessage="Customer" tagName="h4" />
'aria-label': 'Customer search',
style: { fontSize: '14px' },
onSearch={(term: string) => handleFilterInputs(term, 'customers')}
id: 'companyName',
defaultMessage: 'Company name',
onChange={(filterItem: any) => handleAutocompleteUpdate(filterItem, 'customer')}
renderInput={({ inputRef, referenceElementRef, ...inputProps }: any) => (
style={{ position: 'relative' }}
ref={(input: any) => {
referenceElementRef(divRef); // What do I put here?
And this is what renders in the DOM after I type in the Typeahead and get results:
Any ideas or working examples of Typeahead using multiple and renderInput together?
Here's a codesandbox of what I'm seeing. I also see that the problem is also happening when multiple is NOT set. It seems to be an issue with using renderInput. Is it required that I also use renderMenu?
If you upgrade the typeahead version in your sandbox to the latest version (v5.1.1) and pass the input element to referenceElementRef, it works (note that you need to type some characters into the input for the menu to appear):
// v5.0 or later
renderInput={({ inputRef, referenceElementRef, ...inputProps }) => (
ref={(input) => {
The menu is rendered in relation to the referenceElementRef node by react-popper. In most common cases, the reference node will be the input itself. The reason there's both an inputRef and a referenceElementRef is for more complex cases (like multi-selection) where the menu needs to be rendered in relation to a container element around the input.
If using v4 of the component, the approach is similar, but the ref to use is simply called ref:
// v4
renderInput={({ inputRef, ref, ...inputProps }) => (
ref={(input) => {

Getting a dialog on click of Edit Button on admin-on-rest

I am working on an application using admin-on-rest framework. For editing an entry on a Resource we provide XXXEdit, XXXShow, XXXCreate props to it. My requirement is that when I click on an Edit button in List view on any entry I should get a Dialog box with the parameters in XXXEdit instead of going to a new page. I tried doing this by using a Dialog in XXXEdit component
<Edit title={<RoleTitle />} {...props}>
title="Dialog With Actions"
<TextInput source="id" />
<TextInput source="name" validate={required} />
.//some more fields
I get errors like The TextInput component wasn't called within a redux-form
If I use a DisabledInput then I get an error cannot read value of undefined
How do I go on with this?
I do not think you can use Simpleform for this. You will need to create a custom Form using Redux-Form. Look at the bottom answer that documents the final answer.
This might help you
How to richly style AOR Edit page
Instead of creating a page. You are creating a component that connects to the Redux state and displays as a dialog box.
I tried to resolve this using HOC and react-router.
I created a button using AOR button and provided a containerElement
pathname: `${basePath}/${encodeURIComponent(record.id)}`
...{ state: { modal: true } }
I created a route like this where DialogRoleEdit is an AOR edit component wrapped with a dialog HOC below .
render={routeProps => {
return !!(
routeProps.location.state && routeProps.location.state.modal
) ? (
<Restricted authClient={authClient} location={routeProps.location}>
<RoleList resource={"roles"} {...routeProps} />
<DialogRoleEdit resource={"roles"} {...routeProps} />
) : (
<Restricted authClient={authClient} location={routeProps.location}>
<RoleEdit resource={"roles"} {...routeProps} />
Finally an HOC
handleClose = () => {
render() {
const actions = [
<FlatButton label="Cancel" primary={true} onClick={this.handleClose} />
return (
We need to provide edit prop for this resource in App.js

MaterialUI together with styled-components, SSR

I'm building a new project with SSR using Next.js, MaterialUI and styled-components. From what I know, MaterialUI uses JSS as a tool for SSR (according to the example in its repository). I wonder if anyone knows how I can make it work with styled-components. I opened issues in MaterialUI and styled-components repositories, both authors answered me that they don't know how to make it work together. But probably anyone did it already? Or at least can tell me where to dig to solve this problem. Thanks in advance!
You can use styled-components with material ui, but you'll end up needing to use !important a lot. Like this:
import Button from "material-ui/Button"
const MyButton = styled(Button)`
background: red !important;
In the project I'm working on with the same combo, I've just resorted to using the JSS style material-ui wants you to use with the whole withStyles HOC..
You may check their docs here https://material-ui.com/guides/interoperability/#styled-components, you may check the deeper elements section if you want to override specific classes https://material-ui.com/guides/interoperability/#deeper-elements
below is my example where for the switch component
const StyledSwitch = styled(({ ...other }) => (
classes={{ colorSecondary: 'colorSecondary', checked: 'checked', bar: 'bar' }}
& .colorSecondary.checked + .bar {
background-color: ${props => props.theme.lighter.toString()};
& .colorSecondary.checked {
color: ${props => props.theme.default.toString()};
export default StyledSwitch;
<StyledSwitch theme={lightTheme.secondary} />
this is using a theme but you can specify any color you want
Looks like we have 3 ways (could be easier, but not everything is flowers) to override Material UI styles with Styled Components. Here is my Gist.
I do it like this:
In head component of app:
const styleNode = document.createComment('insertion-point-jss')
document.head.insertBefore(styleNode, document.head.firstChild)
const generateClassName = createGenerateClassName()
const jss = create({
insertionPoint: 'insertion-point-jss'
<JssProvider jss={jss} generateClassName={generateClassName}>
<Main />
and then just style:
import styled from 'styled-components'
import Select from '#material-ui/core/Select'
import Input from '#material-ui/core/Input'
import React from 'react'
export const InputM = styled(({ ...other }) => (
<Input {...other} classes={{ input: 'input' }} />
color: ${p => p.theme.textColor};
& .icon {
font-family: ${p => p.theme.fontFamily};
font-size: ${p => p.theme.fontSize}px;
color: ${p => p.theme.textColor};