Jackrabbit 2.18.0, Giving ConnectExceptions while calling JCRUtils.geRepository(url), on Tomcat 9.where as every ting works fine on Tomcat 7 - tomcat9

Could you suggest what all steps need to be taken care, while migrating the Jackrabbit based webapplication from Tomcat 7 to Tomcat 9 ?
JackRabbit Version being used : 2.18.0
For Tomcat 9, do we need to also upgrade JackRabbit to latest versions ?


Start GlassFish server with JDK11 in NetBeans IDE

I try to run the Glassfish server 6.2.2 on JDK11 which Officially supports JDK 11 on NetBeans 12.5 which itself should have Jakarta EE 9 GlassFish 6 Support. If I start GlassFish I get a message from NetBeans saying
GlassFish server could not be started with JDK 11 (Default). Pleas select another Java SE Plattform.
If I start GlassFish server via asadmin it works as a charm. So I am guessing it is a NetBeans issue.
Is there a workaround to get this to work or am I missing something?
I have read Problem with Glassfish server on netbeans JDK not which was asked only a couple of days ago and also Does GlassFish server 5.1 can started with JDK15 and also Start Glassfish in Netbeans 10 with JDK11 but they are all about older GlassFish versions prior to version 6.
By the way: if I try to start GlassFish 6.2.2 with JDK8 I get an error message
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occured. Program will exit.
Unrecognized option: --add-opens=jdk.management/com.sun.management/com.sun.management.internal=ALL-UNNAMED
So I have no possibility to start the server at all.
While the Release Notes for NetBeans 12.5 state "Jakarta EE 9 GlassFish 6 Support", the information on the associated GitHub link titled "Jakarta EE 9 GlassFish 6 Support #2902" clarifies the extent of that support:
Adds support for GlassFish 6 automatic registration; Prepares for
Jakarta EE 9.1 and GlassFish 6.1.0, although not yet enabled for
automatic registration.
So NetBeans 12.5 does not support the use of Glassfish 6.2.x. Bear in mind that NetBeans 12.5 was released on September 13, nearly three weeks prior to the release of Glassfish 6.2, so the lack of support is hardly unreasonable.
For more details on why GlassFish 6.2.x won't work with NetBeans 12.5, see these comments from NetBeans issue 5734: JDK-Selection for Glassfish 6.1 is restricted to JDK 1.8
Netbeans expects to have a description of every Glassfish
distribution, and 6.2 has yet to be done. Unfortunately ATM when you
select 6.2.x it defaults to the nearest major version which is 6.0,
and JDK is therefore restricted again, which is correct in that
It looks like support for GlassFish 6.2.x will be included in NetBeans 12.6 which is currently scheduled for release later this month, sometime between November 15th and November 30th.
Updated 12/8/21: The OP has confirmed that this issue is resolved with NetBeans 12.6, which was released on 11/29/21.

Eclipse 2019-09 R Cannot Install Tomcat 9

Hi I tried to install tomcat9.0 on Eclipse but I got "unknown version of tomcat was specified" and the "next" button is dimmed. Any idea to fix it?
Tomcat 9 is not the only version that explicitly supports Java 8: If you check this page, you will see that "Supports Java version: 8 and later", which in this context means, that it officially supports only Java 8 and above. It does not mean however this is the only one supporting Java 8. Theoretically, you should be able to use any Tomcat version, in practice a.
Tomcat 8 will work perfectly: well since it supports Java 7 and above. The majority of people with a Java8 + Tomcat combination are using Tomcat 8. Tomcat 8 also has Eclipse WTP support.

Unable to deploy to Elastic Beanstalk for Tomcat 8 via Eclipse

I try to deploy my first app to elastic beanstalk via Eclipse. However, I encounter an issue: "The server does not support version 4.0 of the J2EE Web module specification." when trying to deploy to AWS Elastic BeanStalk Tomcat for 8 and 7. There is no issue if it is Tomcat 6. I checked and see that the project is web module 4.0.
Any suggestion to fix this problem???
Error when trying to deploy to AWS Elastic Beanstalk for Tomcat 7 or 8
Dynamic Web module version 4.0
It's talking about the Java Servlet specification. Tomcat 9 was the first version to support Servlet 4.0, you've designated your project as requiring a server that supports Servlet 4.0, and now it's telling you that older versions like Tomcat 6 won't satisfy that requirement.
Change the facet version to 3.0.

doesn't Jetty server support version 3.0 of the J2EE Web module specificaton?

I created a version 3.0 of J2ee web module with resin4, now I need to use jetty, so I installed eclipse plugin of jetty 6, but when I new server with it, eclipse point that The server does not support version 3.0 of the J2EE Web module specification, is there any way to fix it?
Jetty 6 is very old and was marked End of Life back in 2010.
Use Jetty 8 or Jetty 9 for Servlet 3.0 support.

Dynamic Web Module option in Eclipse

Could someone please explain the purpose of this option and what exactly it is for.
It looks like the default is on my eclipse installation is 3.0 but it wont run on a Tomcat 5.5 server and probably not Tomcat 6.0
Is it related to the servlet spec that the Tomcat server supports? If so which version do i need to use for Tomcat 5.5 and Tomcat 6.0?
And also, i think there is a link between the compiler version that i use and the web module version selected. Is there some kind of documentation that explains what this relationship is?
And also, why is it that if i select v2.4 web module, it defaults to JDK 1.4?
That version correlates with Servlet API version. Servlet 3.0 (released at december 2009 as part of Java EE 6) runs on Servlet 3.0 containers only (Tomcat 7, Glassfish 3, JBoss AS 6, etc). Servlet 2.5 (released at 11 may 2006 as part of Java EE 5) runs on Servlet 2.5 containers only or newer (Tomcat 6, Glassfish 2, JBoss AS 5, etc). Servlet 2.4 (released at november 2003 as part of J2EE 1.4) runs on Servlet 2.4 containers only or newer, etcetera.
You just need to pick the right API version whatever you want to implement your webapp in. Or if you don't have the freedom in picking the servlet container used, then pick the API which suits the servlet container version the best.
As to why the JDK defaults to one or other, it's just the minimum JDK requirement of the Servlet API version in question. Often, when you're picking an older Servlet API, in reality the JRE/JDK used is also that old.
The below are the jdk requirement for servlet API.
Please find the compatibilty.
Servlet 4.0 Java EE 8
Servlet 3.1 Java EE 7
Servlet 3.0 Java EE 6, Java SE 6
Servlet 2.5 Java EE 5, Java SE 5
Servlet 2.4 J2EE 1.4, J2SE 1.3
Servlet 2.3 J2EE 1.3, J2SE 1.2
Servlet 2.2 J2EE 1.2, J2SE 1.2
I think this is helpful for you :)