attach accessToken using getSession from next-auth and #urql/exchange-auth - next-auth

I'm using NextAuth for authentication and URQL's authExchange. The idea is to attach an accessToken in the Authorization header.
// ...
import { authExchange } from '#urql/exchange-auth'
import { getSession } from 'next-auth/react'
getAuth: async ({ authState }) => {
// for initial launch, fetch the auth state from storage (local storage, async storage etc)
if (!authState) {
const session = await getSession()
if (session && session.user.accessToken) {
return { token: session.user.accessToken }
return null
return null
When I start the server, it prints [next-auth][error][CLIENT_FETCH_ERROR] request to http://localhost:4200/api/auth/session failed, reason: connect ECONNREFUSED
The error is caused by getSession(), but why does that happen and is there any potential fix?

It sounds like NEXTAUTH_URL env variable was either not set, or set to an incorrect url. is you local dev server running at localhost:4200?
If not, you have to update your NEXTAUTH_URL env var.
Also see about making the accessToken available in your session state. Theres some more work you have to do in the callbacks in your pages/api/auth/[...nextauth].js in order to have your accessToken available there where you expect it.

I ran into a similar issue and realized that the error is thrown whenever the function is called client-side. In that case there is no request object and the getSession function throws an error.
I managed to stop the error by only providing arguments to the function if req exists:
const sessionProps = req ? { req } : undefined;
const session = await getSession(sessionProps);
However, for me that still does not provide me with the accessToken in the session for some reason. It seems like the accessToken is not attached to the session in my case.


Connecting to MongoDB from Vercel

I have a SvelteKit application deployed on that uses a MongoDB (Atlas). In most cases the database connection works, but sometimes I get a connection error (connection timed out).
If this error occurs, and I try again to do something that uses the database, it immeadiately logs the same error again. This problem persists for some time, and then suddendly the database connection works again.
(When running the app locally with "npm run dev", using the same database, I've never experienced this error.)
To connect to the database, I defined:
import { MongoClient } from 'mongodb';
const uri = process.env.DB_URI;
const dbClient = new MongoClient(uri).connect();
export default dbClient;
and use it like this (in several places):
import dbClient from '$lib/server/mongodb-client';
const user = await (await dbClient).db().collection('users').findOne({username: username});
I guess that, when the dbClient Promise is rejected (for whatever reason), it stays rejected and any subsequent await will immediately result in "rejected" (and therefore it will not try to reconnect; except that at some point it will ...?). Is my understanding correct? How should this be implemented correctly? (E.g. Do I need to add some options to the connection URI when this connection is create from a serverless function? Do I need to add some options when creating/connecting the MongoClient? Do I need to do this manually and add a loop, check if the promise is rejected and try again? Or should this be implemented in a completely different way?)
As you probably have guessed I'm new to JavaScript/TypeScript, MongoDB, Serverless and everything ... Thanks for any help and advice!
You can declare a function handling the connection to the database.
You will handle connection errors there and also check if a connection is already established:
import { MongoClient } from 'mongodb';
const uri = process.env.DB_URI;
const dbClient = new MongoClient(uri);
export const connectDb = async () => {
try {
if (!dbClient.isConnected()) {
await dbClient.connect();
return await dbClient.db();
} catch (e) {
process.exit(1); // Or do something else...
import { connectDb } from '$lib/server/mongodb-client';
const db = await connectDb();
const user = await db.collection('users').findOne({username: username});

How to retrieve auth0 access token inside Axios Config file?

hope you’re all well and safe!
I'm currently working on a Vue 3 application with Pinia as my store, Auth0 Vue SDK for authentication/authorization and Axios to call my backend API.
In Auth0 docs, they recommend an access token be retrieved using the getAccessTokenSilently() method everytime I want to call my backend API:
const { getAccessTokenSilently } = useAuth0();
const accessToken = await getAccessTokenSilently();
The problem is I have to type this whenever I use axios in my component files to call my backend API with the access token.
Since I have too many endpoints, my plan is to pass the access token once in an axios request interceptor and use Pinia actions to call my APIs.
I’ve created a /config/axios.js file in my application that contains the following:
//Import Axios Library and Auth0
import axios from 'axios';
import { useAuth0 } from "#auth0/auth0-vue"
//Create instance of axios
const instance = axios.create({
baseURL: 'http://localhost:5000/api/v1'
// Create a request interceptor for my instance and get accessToken on the fly
instance.interceptors.request.use(async (config) => {
const { getAccessTokenSilently } = useAuth0();
const accessToken = await getAccessTokenSilently();
config.headers['Authorization'] = accessToken;
return config;
}, (error) => {
return Promise.reject(error)
export default instance;
Simple enough, just create a baseURL and intercept requests to add the authorization header with the access token.
Now in Pinia, I've created a user store that'll fetch users with the axios config as seen below:
//Import the Pinia Library
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'
//Import the Axios Library for API calls
import axiosConfig from "#/config/axios.js"
export const useUserStore = defineStore('user', {
state: () => ({
getters: {
return state.user
actions: {
async fetchUser(){
try {
const data = await axiosConfig.get('/profile')
this.user =
} catch (error) {
console.log("User Pinia error: " + error)
And lastly in my component file, I just import the store and call the Pinia action fetchUsers.
When trying an axios call, I get the following error!
TypeError: auth0_auth0_vue__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_5_.useAuth0() is undefined
I can't figure out how to retrieve the access token from auth0 library in my interceptor function.
A similar question was raised as an issue on auth0-vue github:
The above link describes numerous approaches. I went for the plugin approach that is described in this PR, namely:
But the issue was officially resolved by offering a mechanism to allow the sdk from outside a vue component:

check if api endpoint exits before send request - axios

I have axios request in my vue application:
async get_banner(id:number) : Promise<any> {
return global.axios.get(`${process.env.VUE_APP_DOMAIN}/banners/${id}`)
it works while banner/${id} response exits, but I have situation when I should disable banner in my admin panel so api endpoint becomes empty. (not exits) so I am getting Request failed with status code 404 in my vue app console.
question is how to prevent error and know if url exits or not? what is best practice to do this?
You can't tell whether an API exists or not without trying it (or relying on another API to get status of the former API)
It's usually just a manner of handling the response properly. Usually this would look something like this...
this.errorMessage = null; // reset message on request init
.then(r => {
// handle success
this.results = r;
.catch(e => {
// handle error
if (e.status === 404){
// set error message
this.errorMessage = "Invalid banner Id";
then in your template you could have something like this
<div v-if="errorMessage" class="alert danger">{errorMessage}</div>
Yes, you're absolutely right. This is the default behavior of strapi. Whenever the response is empty it throws a 404 error. This is basically because the findOne method in service returns null to the controller and when the controller sends this to the boom module it returns a 404 Not Found error to the front end.
Just override the find one method in the controller to return an empty object {} when the response is null.
// Path - yourproject/api/banner/controllers/banner.js
const { sanitizeEntity } = require('strapi-utils');
module.exports = {
* Retrieve a record.
* #return {Object}
async findOne(ctx) {
const { id } = ctx.params;
const entity = await{ id });
// in case no entity is found, just return emtpy object here.
if(!entity) return {};
return sanitizeEntity(entity, { model: });
Side Note:
There's no need to make any changes to the browser side axios implementation. You should always handle such cases in controller rather the client side.
Backend Customizations

How can I catch errors in my firebase function when setting a document fails?

I have a firebase cloud function to create a user document with user data whenever a user registers. How would I return an error when the set() fails? Since this is not an http request (an I don't want to use an http request in this case) I have no response. So how would I catch errors?
export const onUserCreated = functions.region('europe-west1').auth.user().onCreate(async user => {
const privateUserData = {
phoneNumber: user.phoneNumber
const publicUserData = {
name: 'Nameless'
await firestore.doc('users').collection('private').doc('data').set(privateUserData);
//What do I put here?
await firestore.doc('users').collection('public').doc('data').set(publicUserData);
//What do I put here?
You can't "return" an error, since the client doesn't even "know" about this function running, there is nobody to respond to.
You can make a registration collection, and in your function make a document there for the current user (using the uid as the document id). In that document, you can put any information you'd like your user to know (status, errors, etc).
So your clients would have to add a listener to this document to learn about their registration.
In your particular code, I think the error is in doc('users'). I guess you meant doc('users/'+user.uid).
Your catch -block will receive errors that occur on your set -call:
try {
await firestore.doc('users').collection('public').doc('data').set(publicUserData);
} catch (error) {
// here you have the error info.

AppSync: Get user information in $context when using AWS_IAM auth

In AppSync, when you use Cognito User Pools as your auth setting your identity you get
{ sub: 'bcb5cd53-315a-40df-a41b-1db02a4c1bd9',
issuer: '',
username: 'skillet',
{ sub: 'bcb5cd53-315a-40df-a41b-1db02a4c1bd9',
aud: '7re1oap5fhm3ngpje9r81vgpoe',
email_verified: true,
event_id: 'bb65ba5d-4689-11e8-bee7-2d0da8da81ab',
token_use: 'id',
auth_time: 1524441800,
iss: '',
'cognito:username': 'skillet',
exp: 1524459387,
iat: 1524455787,
email: '' },
sourceIp: [ '' ],
defaultAuthStrategy: 'ALLOW',
groups: null }
However when you use AWS_IAM auth you get
{ accountId: '12121212121', //<--- my amazon account ID
cognitoIdentityPoolId: 'us-west-2:39b1f3e4-330e-40f6-b738-266682302b59',
cognitoIdentityId: 'us-west-2:a458498b-b1ac-46c1-9c5e-bf932bad0d95',
sourceIp: [ '' ],
username: 'AROAJGBZT5A433EVW6O3Q:CognitoIdentityCredentials',
userArn: 'arn:aws:sts::454227793445:assumed-role/MEMORYCARDS-CognitoAuthorizedRole-dev/CognitoIdentityCredentials',
cognitoIdentityAuthType: 'authenticated',
cognitoIdentityAuthProvider: '"",""' }
The Docs says that this is expected, .
However, if you use AWS_IAM connected to Cognito (which is required to have unauthenticated access), how are you supposed to get at the User's username, email, sub, etc? I need access to the user's claims when using AWS_IAM type Auth.
For making User's username, email, sub etc. accessible through AppSync API, there's an answer for that:
To sum it up, you want to send User Pools ID token to your API (e.g. AppSync or API Gateway). Your API request is IAM authenticated. Then you validate the ID token in a Lambda function and now you have your validated IAM user and User Pools data together.
You want to use the IAM's identity.cognitoIdentityId as primary key for you User table. Add the data included in ID token (username, email, etc.) as attributes.
This way you can make user's claims available through you API. Now, for example, you can set $ctx.identity.cognitoIdentityId as the owner of an item. Then maybe other users can see the name of the owner via GraphQL resolvers.
If you need to access the user's claims in your resolver I'm afraid that doesn't seems to be possible at the moment. I have made a question about this as it would be very helpful for authorization: Group authorization in AppSync using IAM authentication
In this case, instead of using a resolver you could use Lambda as a data source and retrieve the user's claims from the above-mentioned User table.
It's all a bit difficult at the moment :)
Here is bad answer that works. I notice that cognitoIdentityAuthProvider: '"","" contains the Cognito user's sub (the big after CognitoSignIn). You can extract that with a regex and use the aws-sdk to get the user's info from cognito user pool.
if(event.context.identity.cognitoIdentityAuthType === 'authenticated'){
let cognitoidentityserviceprovider = new AWS.CognitoIdentityServiceProvider();
//Extract the user's sub (ID) from one of the context indentity fields
//the REGEX in match looks for the strings btwn 'CognitoSignIn:' and '"', which represents the user sub
let userSub = event.context.identity.cognitoIdentityAuthProvider.match(/CognitoSignIn:(.*?)"/)[1];
let filter = 'sub = \"'+userSub+'\"' // string with format = 'sub = \"1a072f08-5c61-4c89-807e-417d22702eb7\"'
let usersData = await cognitoidentityserviceprovider.listUsers( {Filter: filter, UserPoolId: "us-west-2_KsyTKrQ2M",Limit: 1}).promise()
It's a bad answer because you are pinging the User Pool database instead of just decoding a JWT.
Here is my answer. There was a bug in the appSync client library that would overwrite all custom headers. That has since been fixed. Now you can pass down custom headers that will make it all the way to you resolvers, which I pass to my lambda functions (again, note I am using lambda datasourcres and not using dynamoDB).
So I attach my logged in JWT on the client side and, server side in my lambda function, I decode it. You need the public key created by cognito to validate the JWT. (YOU DO NOT NEED A SECRET KEY.) There is a "well known key" url associated with every user pool which I ping the first time my lambda is spun up but, just like my mongoDB connection, it is persisted between lambda calls (at least for a while.)
Here is lambda resolver...
const mongoose = require('mongoose');
const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken');
const jwkToPem = require('jwk-to-pem');
const request = require('request-promise-native');
const _ = require('lodash')
let conn = null; //MONGODB CONNECTION
exports.graphqlHandler = async (event, lambdaContext) => {
// Make sure to add this so you can re-use `conn` between function calls.
// See
lambdaContext.callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop = false;
////////////////// AUTHORIZATION/USER INFO /////////////////////////
var token = _.get(event,'context.request.headers.jwt'); //equivalen to "token =; quest.headers.alexauthorization;" but fails gracefully
var decodedToken = jwt.decode(token, {complete: true});
// GET THE PUBLIC KEY TO NEEDED TO VERIFY THE SIGNATURE (no private/secret key needed)
await request({ //blocking, waits for public key if you don't already have it
resolveWithFullResponse: true //Otherwise only the responce body would be returned
.then(function ( resp) {
if(resp.statusCode != 200){
throw new Error(resp.statusCode,`Request of JWT key with unexpected statusCode: expecting 200, received ${resp.statusCode}`);
let {body} = resp; //GET THE REPSONCE BODY
body = JSON.parse(body); //body is a string, convert it to JSON
// body is an array of more than one JW keys. User the key id in the JWT header to select the correct key object
var keyObject = _.find(body.keys,{"kid":decodedToken.header.kid});
pem = jwkToPem(keyObject);//convert jwk to pem
jwt.verify(token, pem, function(error, decoded) {//not async
throw new Error(401,error);
return run(event)
} catch (error) {//catch all errors and return them in an orderly manner
throw new Error(error);
//async/await keywords used for asynchronous calls to prevent lambda function from returning before mongodb interactions return
async function run(event) {
// `conn` is in the global scope, Lambda may retain it between function calls thanks to `callbackWaitsForEmptyEventLoop`.
if (conn == null) {
//connect asyncoronously to mongodb
conn = await mongoose.createConnection(process.env.MONGO_URL);
//define the mongoose Schema
let mySchema = new mongoose.Schema({
///my mongoose schem
mySchema('toJSON', { virtuals: true }); //will include both id and _id
conn.model('mySchema', mySchema );
//Get the mongoose Model from the Schema
let mod = conn.model('mySchema');
switch(event.field) {
case "getOne": {
return mod.findById(;
} break;
case "getAll": {
return mod.find()
} break;
default: {
throw new Error ("Lambda handler error: Unknown field, unable to resolve " + event.field);
} break;
This is WAY better than my other "bad" answer because you are not always querying a DB to get info that you already have on the client side. About 3x faster in my experience.
If you are using AWS Amplify, what I did to get around this was to set a custom header username as explained here, like so:
API: {
graphql_headers: async () => ({
// 'My-Custom-Header': 'my value'
username: 'myUsername'
then in my resolver I would have access to the header with:
As explained by the AppSync's docs here in the section Access Request Headers
Based on Honkskillets answer, I have written a lambda function that will return you the user attributes. You just supply the function with the JWT.
const jwt = require("jsonwebtoken");
const jwkToPem = require("jwk-to-pem");
const request = require("request-promise");
exports.handler = async (event, context) => {
try {
const { token } = event;
const decodedToken = jwt.decode(token, { complete: true });
const publicJWT = await request(
const keyObject = JSON.parse(publicJWT).keys.find(
key => key.kid == decodedToken.header.kid
const pem = jwkToPem(keyObject);
return {
statusCode: 200,
body: jwt.verify(token, pem)
} catch (error) {
return {
statusCode: 500,
body: error.message
I use it in Appsync where I create Pipeline resolvers and add this function whenever I need user attributes. I supply the JWT by grabbing it from the header in the resolver using $context.request.