How change only url without rebuild in navigator 2.0 - flutter

I was trying to change url using Navigator 2.0
As far as I can understand, Routing System call RouteInformationParser.restoreRouteInformation to update url when RouterDelegate's notifyListener method called
My problem is to rebuild all Widget when RouterDelegate's notifyListener called
For example, I have changed part of the screen and would like to apply related information to the URL. At this time, there is no need to rebuild the screen.
If you change the current configuration value of RouterDelegate and call the notifyListener function, it rebuild the screen and change the URL.
Is there a way to change the URL only?


updateDisplayName in action without reloading simulator

In my code, I have firebase auth and I get the current user as:
User user = FirebaseAuth.instance.currentUser!;
To display the user name in a Text, just use Text(user.displayName)
To test the update functionality, I created a simple button and on onPressed I have
user.updateDisplayName('Test').then((_) =>user.reload());
How to "notify" the Text that the data has changed and change it without needing to reload the simulator?
--> this code is in a drawer
Since you're using Flutter, you'll need to store the value you want to re-render in the State of a stateful widget, call setState() when the value is updated, and then render it from there in your build method.
I recommend checking the documentation on StatefulWidget for an example of this, and more explanation than I can ever repeat here.

MaterialApp init function/widget with proper context

Like every other app that I created I have some boilerplate code that I need to execute before loading the application:
session check
store hydration
route change listener
user session listener
This code, more often than not, requires a BuildContext context to be available. I cannot use the context that sits at the same level with MaterialApp due to complaints from flutter so I need to go deeper 1+ levels in order to grab a context from a descendant. That descendant is my home route and it obviously fails when you navigate away.
What is a proper place to grab a context and initiate my watchers app wide? Where would you continuously watch for a navigation change for example?

Where should my automatic screen change occur - presentation or model?

I am using scopedModel approach in flutter, but the question still remains with other patterns like flutter.
-My UI calls authModel.login()
-authModel.login does async work and calls notifyListeners
-build is automatically triggered on my UI
-inside build method, UI checks the login state on authModel, then calls
addPostFrameCallback to change the screen from the build method.
Is this the best design? I feel like this is code smell, but I am not sure. Would it be better if the authModel was passed an onLoginCompleteCallback function from the UI that would change the screen, and then I would not need to call addPostFrameCallback in the build method?
The presentation on the screen is not dependant on the isLoggedIn bool at all. Its just observed to change the screen.

Flutter detect when Navigator is ready

Working on a Flutter app, I am handling deeplinks with a SDK for which I am given a listener that I must handle as soon as the app starts, therefore in the main().
Once a deeplink is received, I must navigate to the proper screen, based on the parameters passed along the deeplink data.
Since I receive the deeplink in the main function, I am detached from the Context of the app, therefore to access the NavigatorState I used a navigation singleton with a GlobalKey passed to my CupertinoApp's navigatorKey. I later use this key to retrieve the NavigatorState and call push. (instead of Navigator.of(context)....
However, if opening the app from a deeplink, it is very likely that the navigatorKey does not contain anything (yet).
How can I detect/wait until the Navigator is ready ?
As of right now my approach is to add a WidgetsBinding.instance.addPostFrameCallback in my App's initState, that resolves a promise to indicate when the GlobalKey pointing to the NavigatorState can be used... I'm sure there is a beter way to achieve this.
For this i make the initialRoute as a Loading screen and execute all my logic inside it , that way i can have different initialRoutes and i don't have to worry about not having MediaQuery, or Navigator, or even ThemeData.
However the question specifies a way to know if the navigator is available, for this i would use the builder function of MaterialApp/WidgetsApp/CupertinoApp, it's used to override the navigator altought i use it to add pading and a global background color and even override the navigator widget with a custom one,
builder: (context, child){
//The navigator is ready
() => print(navigatorKey.currentContext)); //We use a delayed since the child needs to be returned first. It's kinda like a hack 7u7
return child;

Flutter: avoid build() method of previous route being called when navigate to next route

My flutter app is showing a splash screen (statefulWidget) as a first route. This route is showing an animation while, on the background, calling an API to get some data.
Once the data has been received and the animation is complete, it navigates to the second route.
All works fine, except that, when calling the Navigator to navigate to the second route, the second route is shown, but i can see again the response from the API on the first route, that is being called.
It turns out that, when the second route is built, the build method of the previous route is called too, making an unnecessary API call again.
How to avoid this behaviour?, I believe this must be a bug on Flutter??
current flow (non-desired): SplashRoute(build) ---> Navigator ---> HomeRoute(build)+SplashRoute(build)
desired flow: SplashRoute(build) ---> Navigator ---> HomeRoute(build)
What you are trying to do is to work against the framework. It's a futile effort. Instead, you should work with the framework. Here is why and how:
Build methods should not make API requests. Build methods should use fields of your state class to generate a UI without any side effects.
Please move your API calls to the initState method, save their results in fields of your state class with setState and get the build method to use them without generating any side effects.