Asyncio & Asyncpg & aiohttp one loop event for pool connection - postgresql

I've been struggling to find a solution for my problem, I hope I've come to the right place.
I have a django rest framework API which connect to a postgresql db and I run bots on my own API in order to do stuff. Here is my code :
def get_or_create_eventloop():
"""Get the eventLoop only one time (create it if does not exist)"""
return asyncio.get_event_loop()
except RuntimeError:
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
return asyncio.get_event_loop()
My DB class which use asyncpg to connect / create a pool :
Class DB():
def __init__(self,loop):
self.pool = loop.run_until_complete(self.connect_to_db())
def connect_to_db():
return await asyncpg.create_pool(host="host",
My API class :
Class Api(APIView):
#create a loop event since its not the main thread
loop = get_or_create_eventloop()
nest_asyncio.apply() #to avoid the <loop already running> problem
#init my DB pool directly so I wont have to connect each time
db_object = DB(loop)
def post(self,request):
... #I want to be able to call "do_something()"
async def do_something(self):
I have my bots running and sending post/get request to my django api via aiohttp.
The problem I'm facing is :
How to implement my post function in my API so he can handle multiple requests knowing that it's a new thread each time therefore a new event loop is created AND the creation of the pool in asyncpg is LINKED to the current event loop, i.e can't create new event loop, I need to keep working on the one created at the beginning so I can access my db later (via pool.acquire etc)
This is what I tried so far without success :
def post(self,request):
This create :
RuntimeError: Non-thread-safe operation invoked on an event loop other than the current one
which I understand, we are trying to call the event loop from another thread possibly
I also tried to use asyng_to_sync from DJANGO :
async def post(..):
resp = await self.do_something()
The problem here is when doing async_to_sync it CREATES a new event loop for the thread, therefore I won't be able to access my DB POOL
edit : cf for that (I would love to implement something like that but can't find a way)
Here is a quick example of one of my bot (basic stuff) :
import asyncio
from aiohttp import ClientSession
async def send_req(url, session):
async with as resp:
return await resp.text()
async def run(r):
url = "http://localhost:8080/"
tasks = []
async with ClientSession() as session:
for i in range(r):
task = asyncio.asyncio.create_task(send_req(url, session))
responses = await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
if __name__ == '__main__':
Thank you in advance

After days of looking for an answer, I found the solution for my problem. I just used the package psycopg3 instead of asyncpg (now I can put #async_to_sync to my post function and it works)


How do I trigger socket io events for testing purposes?

I wanted to write a unit test for connect on the code excerpts below given the following assumptions:
When AsyncClient is instantiated, and
self.conn_established are False
At the first connect call,
we assert that is called (ideally, should be mocked here)
When connect event is
emitted self.conn_established is set to True (since we mock, then we'll need to mock the triggering of the
connect event)
class AsyncClient:
def __init__(self):
self.conn_established = False = socketio.AsyncClient()
def connect():
self.connection_established = True
async def connect(self):
while not
while not self.conn_established:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
What I had tried
I was able to write a mock for io.connect, but I'm stuck with triggering the socketio connect event:
def async_client():
yield AsyncClient()
class AsyncMock(mock.MagicMock):
async def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super(AsyncMock, self).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
async def test_connect(async_client):
def mock_successful_conn(*args, **kwargs): = True
# how do I trigger the following?"connect")
# mock io.connect = AsyncMock(, side_effect=mock_successful_conn)
await async_client.connect()
How do I write the unit tests for the above?
Is there a way to trigger socketio events for testing purposes?
Thanks! Your help would be greatly appreciated.
ok, thanks to #Miguel's suggestion, I was able to mock the triggering of the event by calling the event handler function directly.
We can get them by accessing the client's handlers which are first indexed by namespace, and then indexed by the event handler's name.
So in my case, I can get the connect event handler by doing this:
connect_handler =["/"]["connect"]

aiohttp - How to save a persistent session in class namespace

I am trying to use aiohttp in one of my projects and struggling to figure out how to create a persistent aiohttp.ClientSession object. I have gone through the official aiohttp documentation but did not find it help in this context.
I have looked through other online forums and noticed that a lot has changed ever since aiohttp was created. In some examples on github, the aiohttp author is shown to be creating a ClientSession outside a coroutine functions (i.e. class Session: def __init__(self): self.session = aiohttp.ClientSession()). I also found that one should not create a ClientSession outside coroutine.
I have tried the following:
class Session:
def __init__(self):
self._session = None
async def create_session(self):
self._session = aiohttp.ClientSession()
async fetch(self, url):
if self._session is None:
await self.create_session()
async with self._session.get(url) as resp:
return await resp.text()
I am getting a lot of warning about UnclosedSession and connector. I also frequently get SSLError. I also noticed that 2 out of three calls gets hung and I have to CTRL+C to kill it.
With requests I can simply initialize the session object in __init__, but it's not as simple as this with aiohttp.
I do not see any issues if I use the following (which is what I see as example all over the place) but unfortunately here I end up creating ClientSession with every request.
def fetch(url):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get(url) as resp:
return await resp.text()
I can wrap aiohttp.ClientSession() in another function and use that as context-manager, but then too I would end up creating a new session object every time I call the wrapper function. I am trying to figure how to save a aiohttp.ClientSession in class namespace and reuse it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Here is working example:
from aiohttp import ClientSession, TCPConnector
import asyncio
class CS:
_cs: ClientSession
def __init__(self):
self._cs = ClientSession(connector=TCPConnector(verify_ssl=False))
async def get(self, url):
async with self._cs.get(url) as resp:
return await resp.text()
async def close(self):
await self._cs.close()
async def func():
cs = CS()
print(await cs.get(''))
await cs.close() # you must close session
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
You can do it.
I implemented a way to share session when writing Django programs (using asgi).Use pid to mark the session of different processes, which is convenient for django to call between different processes.
After actual testing, I can directly call the shared session.
Django 3.2
import os
import asyncio
import aiohttp
import logging
session_list = {}
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Req:
def set_session(self):
loop = asyncio.get_running_loop()
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
session = aiohttp.ClientSession(loop=loop)
session_list.update({os.getpid(): session})
return session
def __init__(self):
if session_list.get(os.getpid()):
self.session = session_list.get(os.getpid())
self.session = self.set_session
async def test(self):
if session_list:
session = session_list.get(os.getpid())
if session and session.closed:
session = self.set_session
session = self.set_session
if not session or session.loop.is_running():
session = self.set_session
logger.warning("session abnormal")
result = await session.get("")
req = Req()
from django.http import HttpResponse
from django.shortcuts import render # noqa
from django.views.generic import View
from django.utils.decorators import classonlymethod
import asyncio
class TTT(View):
def as_view(cls, **initkwargs):
view = super().as_view(**initkwargs)
view._is_coroutine = asyncio.coroutines._is_coroutine
return view
async def get(self, request):
await req.test()
return HttpResponse("ok")

Play framework Scala run job in background

Is there any way I can trigger a job from the controller (to not to wait for its completion) and display the message to the user that job will be running in the background?
I have one controller method which takes quite long time to run. So I want to make that run offline and display the message to the user that it will be running in the background.
I tried Action.async as shown below. But the processing of the Future object is still taking more time and getting timed out.
def submit(id: Int) = Action.async(parse.multipartFormData) { implicit request =>
val result = Future {
//process the data
result map {
res =>
Redirect(routes.testController.list()).flashing(("success", s"Job(s) will be ruuning in background."))
You can also return a result without waiting for the result of the future in a "fire and forget" way
def submit(id: Int) = Action(parse.multipartFormData) { implicit request =>
Future {
//process the data
Redirect(routes.testController.list()).flashing(("success", s"Job(s) will be running in background."))
The docs state:
By giving a Future[Result] instead of a normal Result, we are able to quickly generate the result without blocking. Play will then serve the result as soon as the promise is redeemed.
The web client will be blocked while waiting for the response, but nothing will be blocked on the server, and server resources can be used to serve other clients.
You can configure your client code to use ajax request and display a Waiting for data message for some part of the page without blocking the rest of the web page from loading.
I also tried the "Futures.timeout" option. It seems to work fine. But I'm not sure its correct way to do it or not.
result.withTimeout(20.seconds)(futures).map { res =>
Redirect(routes.testController.list()).flashing(("success", s"Job(s) will be updated in background."))
}.recover {
case e: scala.concurrent.TimeoutException =>
Redirect(routes.testController.list()).flashing(("success", s"Job(s) will be updated in background."))

How to properly use LruCache

I am quite an unexperienced spray/scala developer, I am trying to properly use LruCache. I am trying to achieve something very simple. I have a kafka consumer, when it reads something from its topic I want it to put the value it reads to cache.
Then in one of the routings I want to read this value, the value is of type string, what I have at the moment looks as follows:
object MyCache {
val cache: Cache[String] = LruCache(
maxCapacity = 10000,
initialCapacity = 100,
timeToLive = Duration.Inf,
timeToIdle = Duration(24, TimeUnit.HOURS)
to put something into cache i use following code:
def message() = Future { new String(singleMessage.message()) }
MyCache.cache(key, message)
Then in one of the routings I am trying to get something from the cache:
val res = MyCache.cache.get(keyHash)
The problem is the type of res is Option[Future[String]], it is quite hard and ugly to access the real value in this case. Could someone please tell me how I can simplify my code to make it better and more readable ?
Thanks in advance.
Don't try to get the value out of the Future. Instead call map on the Future to arrange for work to be done on the value when the Future is completed, and then complete the request with that result (which is itself a Future). It should look something like this:
path("foo") {
complete(MyCache.cache.get(keyHash) map (optMsg => ...))
Also, if singleMessage.message does not do I/O or otherwise block, then rather than creating the Future like you are
Future { new String(singleMessage.message) }
it would be more efficient to do it like so:
Future.successful(new String(singleMessage.message))
The latter just creates an already completed Future, bypassing the use of an ExecutionContext to evaluate the function.
If singleMessage.message does do I/O, then ideally you would do that I/O with some library (like Spray client, if it's an HTTP request) that returns a Future (rather than using Future { ... } to create another thread which will block).

Using Streams in Gatling repeat blocks

I've come across the following code in a Gatling scenario (modified for brevity/privacy):
val scn = scenario("X")
.repeat(numberOfLoops, "loopName") {
exec((session : Session) => {
val loopCounter = session.getTypedAttribute[Int]("loopName")
session.setAttribute("xmlInput", createXml(loopCounter))
It's naming the loop in the repeat block, getting that out of the session and using it to create a unique input XML. It then sticks that XML back into the session and extracts it again when posting it.
I would like to do away with the need to name the loop iterator and accessing the session.
Ideally I'd like to use a Stream to generate the XML.
But Gatling controls the looping and I can't recurse. Do I need to compromise, or can I use Gatling in a functional way (without vars or accessing the session)?
As I see it, neither numberOfLoops nor createXml seem to depend on anything user related that would have been stored in the session, so the loop could be resolved at build time, not at runtime.
import com.excilys.ebi.gatling.core.structure.ChainBuilder
def addXmlPost(chain: ChainBuilder, i: Int) =
def addXmlPostLoop(chain: ChainBuilder): ChainBuilder =
(0 until numberOfLoops).foldLeft(chain)(addXmlPost)
PS: The preferred way to ask something about Gatling is our Google Group:!forum/gatling