The argument type 'JsObject' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'BuildContext'.dart - flutter

I am getting an error it is saying "The argument type 'JsObject' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'BuildContext'.dart"
error on this part Navigator.of(context).pop()

It looks like you've imported by mistake the dart:js module. If so, just remove it:
import 'dart:js'; // <- Remove this import
The dart:js module exports a global context of type JsObject and its type conflicts with the BuildContext type.


Target of URI doesn't exist: 'package:flutter/material.dart'

I've just set up my Windows 11 for Flutter development,
So I updated flutter SDK, and placed it in my Documents. After, I got this:
Target of URI doesn't exist: 'package:flutter/material.dart'.
The function 'runApp' isn't defined.
Classes can only extend other classes.
The name 'WidgetBuilder' isn't a type so it can't be used as a type argument.
Undefined class 'Widget'.
Undefined class 'BuildContext'.
The method 'MaterialApp' isn't defined for the type 'MyApp'.
The method 'ThemeData' isn't defined for the type 'MyApp'.
Undefined name 'Colors'.
The method doesn't override an inherited method.
What is an error? It's difficult to me.
Try running the following command in terminal:
flutter pub get

The argument type 'BuildContext?' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'BuildContext'. The method 'read' isn't defined for the type 'BuildContext'

I have tried many ways and still can't fix it
The argument type 'BuildContext?' can't be assigned to the parameter type 'BuildContext'. The method 'read' isn't defined for the type 'BuildContext'.
It is saying that, scaffoldState.currentContext can return null. you can do a null check and then use it like
if(scaffoldState.currentContext != null)ScaffoldMessenger.of(scaffoldState.currentContext)...
I dont prefer using ! directly.
I think you can use the parameter context.

Flutter The name FutureOr isn't a type, so it can't be used in an as expression

While upgrading the flutter project to null-safety it has appeared the following error
The name 'FutureOr' isn't a type, so it can't be used in an 'as' expression.
Try changing the name to the name of an existing type, or creating a type with the name 'FutureOr'
Looks like import is missing import 'dart:async';
FutureOr is part of dart:async

Required type Context provided android.content.Context in android

I am calling a method that takes one argument but when I am passing that argument then it shows an error that the required Type is Context, but provided android.content.Context I don't know that how can I fix that. please help.

Flutter "argument type not assignable" Error with two identical types

Flutter shows me this error, but the two types are identical.
[CartItem it's just a simple model; there was a conflict since another widget had the same name but I resolved it using "as" in the import statement]
The argument type List<CartItems> (where CartItem is defined in /Users/marco/Documenti Locali/shop_app/lib/providers/cart.dart)' can't be assigned to the parameter type List<CartItems> (where CartItem is defined in /Users/marco/Documenti Locali/shop_app/lib/providers/cart.dart)'.dartargument_type_not_assignable
list.dart(56, 16): List is defined in /Users/marco/flutter/bin/cache/pkg/sky_engine/lib/core/list.dart
cart.dart(3, 7): CartItem is defined in /Users/marco/Documenti Locali/shop_app/lib/providers/cart.dart
list.dart(56, 16): List is defined in /Users/marco/flutter/bin/cache/pkg/sky_engine/lib/core/list.dart
cart.dart(3, 7): CartItem is defined in /Users/marco/Documenti Locali/shop_app/lib/providers/cart.dart
Peek Problem (⌥F8)
No quick fixes available
It was a double slash in the import statement that generated this strange error.
you should use the library prefix in the usage too so if your namespace is
import 'package:app/xxxx/shop_app/lib/providers/cart.dart as shop_cart;
you should specify it in the generic List as well such as;
List shopCarts = etc...;
Check your import statement at the top of file even if you mistyped a directory folder name as 'Caps or Small' you can get this error.