When Getting Company Activity that are above 10,000 - clio-api

When Getting Company Activity that are above 10,000
we are getting the following error
"An invalid argument was supplied: page_token is now out of bounds and cannot be used. To get a complete set of data use the bulk index"
we successful get till 10,200 records after this the first page callback we get the error

Per the API Manual
By default, requests use Limited Offset Pagination which is limited to 10,000 records that can be paged through. To overcome this limitation, you can use the offset parameter to get the next 10,00 records or you can you use Unlimited Cursor Pagination. It also allows you to get more than 10,000 records at a time.
Limited Offset Pagination
GET /api/v4/activities?fields=id,quantity,price,total&offset=10000
Unlimited Curson Pagination
To use Unlimited Cursor Pagination you must include the order parameter with a value of id(asc) and no offset parameter. For example:
GET /api/v4/activities?fields=id,quantity,price,total&order=id(asc)


Rest Api manipulating URL to get X amount of results

how to force api to get specified amount of results ?
Now I use:
And I got all the results from this date filter but i want to trim amount of results to 5 for example. Is there any method to set maximum amount of resluts ?
Are you trying to achieve pagination? You can send the number of results you want and the number you need to skip with the parameters in Rest Api call. The trimming is generally done at the db level i.e. you can send the number of results required in the fetch query of your db.
Here is solution, i need to set limit which looks like:

Google Analytics API TotalEvents query

I'm trying to get a total count for a give event,however I get a number much bigger(10-20 times bigger), than I see on the GA website, what am I doing wrong? (api v3)
here is the segment
note that I get wrong results with the query explorer as well.
You are using a segment instead of a filter.
Segments are session based so it will include all events in a session if it matches you specification. So essentially if I triggered the event you want plus other events they will all be included in the total events field.
What you need to do Is remove the segment and add a filter, the filter will include only the data you request.
Hope that helps

Paging in inbox threads/comments does not work?

I am tryning to list all messages for a thread in the inbox. I notice that I get the 25 last messages by default by doing something like this:
I get data for the 25 last messages in the thread, in this case message 4 to 28. The first message has a created_time" of "2011-01-21", the last (newest) has a
"created_time" of "2013-09-24".
The data returned for the "comments" connection has paging, the "next" and "previous" links are present and looks like this:
However, both return empty data sets!
How can I get this to work?
Another obeservation: when experimenting with "until", I noticed that when setting "until=2013-02-23" or earlier the response is also an empty data set!
I have also noticed another thing: the default limit seems to be 25 messages, however even when setting limit to a high number (like "limit=100) you only get around 28-30 messages per request. So it seems that for the thread/comments connections there are two problems: 1) "limit=" does not work as expected 2) "until=" does not work as expected: going back before a certain date/time returns an empty data set (this is why the paging does not work I guess).
Any ideas on how to get around this?
If you have a problem with next URL for the pagination, try using the offset along with the limit parameters in the URI.
For example, instead of making an API call to <threadID>/comments, make a call to /comments?limit=100&offset=0. This will start the list of the messages from an offset of 0 and will display a list of 100 messages on each page. The next URL will work just fine in this case. You can however increase the limit of the messages per page.
Also, there are some issues with the paging. Have a look at this post to learn how it works actually.

The limit of Facebook's graph api "limit" parameter

I'm fetching a large amount of comments from a public page using Facebook's Graph API.
By default facebook returns 25 comments per response, and uses paging. This causes the need for multiple requests, which is uneccesery as I know ahead there will be a lot of comments.
I read about the "limit" parameter that you can pass to ask for a certain amount of items per response.
I was wondering, what is the limit of that parameter? I'm assuming I can't pass &limit=10000.
There's a different way for fetching comments:
The maximum value for the limit parameter is 500.
yes, with limit parameter you can pass what number of certain resource you want in one call. default limit is 25.
for ex. if you want 100 comment in one call for a post having id POST_ID, you can query like this:
I think they have changed this. For /feed? I only get 200-225 posts back but for comments I get as many as 2000 back
Old question, but this is in the current Facebook documentation in case anyone finds this question via search (emphasis mine):
Some edges may also have a maximum on the limit value for performance reasons. In all cases, the API returns the correct pagination links.
In other words, even if you specify a limit above what's allowed by the endpoint, the "pagination.previous" and "pagination.next" elements will always provide the correct URL to resume where it left off.
I would recommend you to use FQL instead.
FQL provide a more flexible approach where you can combine data types (posts, users, pages, etc..) as you please. You can also query for comments belonging to a list of stories instead of just one limiting your number of requests even more.
There are a couple of drawbacks though:
1. There is a limit on 5000 comments. Here you would use a query looking something like: "SELECT id, ...... FROM comments, ... WHERE parent_id in (1,2,3....) ORDER BY time LIMIT 0, 5000". Even though you split this up in several queries with "LIMIT 0, 1000", "LIMIT 1000, 1000", LIMIT 2000, 1000, etc.., you would never get anything over 5000 comments("LIMIT 5000, 1000" would return empty).
2. All real requests made on Facebooks server counts as one request. You can send of something that is actually a combination of requests, this will be counted as multiple requests.
3. Facebook does not like to heavy requests. You can end up with getting blocked for a shorter time periods(minutes -> hours, not days). If this happens, act on it.

Maximum number of network updates retrieved per API call

Is there any restriction on the number of entries that are retrieved using a single call to the Network Updates API? I found this forum comment "The per-user limit is per call, so 300 requests with however many updates they have." on the thread
I want to confirm that indeed there is no limit. I have received as many as 106 entries in a single call.
Thanks in advance.
The maximum number of updates returned from the Network Updates API appears to be 250. Performing the following query as an example:
Even if I try to specify the start parameter at, say, 250, I can't get the next 250 updates from the API:
So it looks like 250 is the max, with no ability to page beyond that.
Have verified that 250 is the maximum number returned, either in a single call or via the paging parameters. Looks like the documentation has been updated to reflect this.