Pass arguments to application hosted by Appv but run up via Citrix - citrix

ok I'm no expert in this so I might explain wrong. We are trying to find a way to pass parameters to an app in appV but is launched by Citrix SelfService. So I guess when you have apps in appv you tell it you want to call an app by calling ctxAppVLauncher.exe and then pass it an app key of like "asdasd-123asd-asdd1234" etc etc... so to do that via Citrix selfservice you use the exe box for the txAppVLauncher.exe and then your params are the key... which then leaves you no where to pass in arguments for your real endpoint which for example you want to be notepad.exe but you want to pass notepad a text file path as an argument to auto open... there is no way to do that... at least none that we can find..
anyone have any experience with this ?


Creating a custom powershell module without exposing code

I want to create a custom powershell module that I can distribute without exposing the code. The script includes API calls with app specific private keys that I don't want to compromise. I've seen a lot of discussions about this over the years, but nothing that really solves my problem.
Is there a good way to create a custom powershell module without exposing the underlying code? I want to be able to distribute the powershell module, for others to import or install.
this may be what you are looking for :
but be careful, the API key will still be in the compiled file at someplace. You can try and cipher it, but if it's needed for your script, it will be in your file no matter how you try to hide it. the question is why do you need to ship it inside your script in the first place ? I mean that any of your script's user will be using your private key which is likely not what you want to do

Change workstation OU without AD tools in Powershell

Right now I have a pushbutton tool, which is basically a fancy GUI that calls the DSMOVE command.
Is it possible to change a workstation account to another OU (in powershell natively) without actually having the AD tools for powershell installed? I do have the syntax to be able to see what OU I am in, but I can't find a way to change it. I'd like to cut out the DSMOVE executable.
The next question would be, how do I?
Without any tools (or error checking, or anything similar):
$User = [adsi]'LDAP://CN=BielawB,CN=Users,DC=monad,DC=ps1'
Obviously, it would be wise to wrap it in some function and add some checking/ error handling.
I've used user object, but that's not different for any other AD object...

Powershell Loaded Assemblies ’Wtsapi32′

I have a requirement to write a script that will launch a new process, as an existing/logged in user, into there specific session, with powershell.
Ive done some research and it seems as though I can use the ’Wtsapi32′ module to get the user session token, duplicate it and launch the process as that user. However, Im not sure how to call the loaded module. Does anyone have an tips/hints on this? ie for ‘WTSQueryUserToken’?
An example of what my logic and research is here My link

How to suppress display of password in Selenium RC window

I am writing some Selenium RC tests using the perl library WWW::Selenium. At the beginning of the test I need to login to a web form using my username and password.
I noticed that my password is displayed in the Selenium Remote Control "Command History" window as type(password, secret).
Is there any way to suppress the display of the password? Maybe there is a command other than type I can use?
Unfortunately no. You could go into the Selenium core and change it to show ******* when it finds a field named password.
Beware though that this could make life difficult when debugging
I guess we can do this using native methods support.
Think logically every native methods in selenium will be sent to the operating system not to the browser.
So if you use any of the native methods, the flow is like this:
Client Program ----> Selenium RC server ----> to the operating system (in Java this is done using Robot Class)
But all the other non-native methods flow is like this:
Client Program ----> Selenium RC server ----> to the Browser
So, the Command History window operates at the Browser level and the native methods will not reach there.
Here is the code:
selenium.keyPressNative("key code"); // this will not be shown in command history
Here the key code is only for one character and if you want string (more than one character), we should rely on our client program to implement the logic.
I have given that code in my previous answers to other posts. If you need it personalised post our exact requirement so that I can give that code tailored to your need.

How to run my program on before logout on windows XP?

I am looking for an inverse version of "RunOnceEx".
RunOnceEx does run some program, before the user's shell(desktop&taskbar) start. The login progress will not continue before the runonceex complete.
I want to do exact the same but on user logout.
When she/he logout, all running program shutdown, leaving shell(desktop&taskbar), then ""I wish my program will be execute this moment"", finally logout.
I think it is possible because the "mobsync.exe" is doing that. But I cannot find where and how to do it.
Warning, as said here, gpedit.msc will allow you to configure a logoff script for all users.
If you need that script only for one user, you need to declare it directly in the registry, both in HKCU and HKLM.
To run this only for the current user, you can use WMI to get an information when a shutdown/logout occurs.
Either you write a small C# (or any other language that can use WMI) application or vbs script to listen on the Win32_ComputerShutdownEvent WMI event.
An example C# app can be found here in this question: Get Log off event from system
found in the first result on google for me
To execute a program you can create a script to run it and use group policy to enforce it.
In Group Policy Editor navigate to User Configuration-->Windows Settings-->Scripts (Logon/Logoff)
more information here
If you want a running program to execute code on logoff, then you should hook the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message and look for an lParam value of ENDSESSION_LOGOFF (0x80000000).
It's important to test for this lParam value because the other ones indicate a "forced close" - i.e. your process may be killed before your code is even allowed to run. In fact, most shutdown/session-end messages are only intended to give you an opportunity to run last-minute cleanup code and aren't that safe to respond to with long-running actions; but this particular combination should be OK.
Note: I've never tried to actually run a separate process in response to the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message. It's possible that the window manager will disallow this, like it does during shutdown. Try it and see, I guess.
If you're in a .NET environment (you didn't specify), a quicker way is to add an event handler to the Microsoft.Win32.SystemEvents.SessionEnding event.
What you need is an implementation of GINA. You can run your custom commands in WlxIsLogoffOk function, which gets called when the user initiates a logoff
Once you create the proper GINA dll you can register it here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\#GinaDLL
Here is an implementation which may fit your needs (it provides a Logoff registry key where you could specify your command):
As VonC and TFD already mentioned, the Group Policy Editor is just another way to manipulate the registry.
Just make with gpedit the changes (in Userconfig - Windows Settings - Scripts) you like and afterwards take a look in the registry at [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System\Scripts]
to find out how you can do that directly.
Also on my PC (hanging in a domain) is a hidden folder C:\WINDOWS\System32\GroupPolicy with subfolders for user and machine. Both having additional subfolders called Shutdown and Startup. Maybe you can also use these ones.
If you need something simple and working for a single (or any) user you can make a simple application in C++ or C# for example.
The simplest is having a C# in tray (by simply adding the tray component to the form) and register and event handler for the FormClosing event. It'd look like this:
private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
if (e.CloseReason != CloseReason.UserClosing)
// It's not the user closing the application,
// Let's do whatever you want here, for example starting a process
Process notePad = new Process();
notePad.StartInfo.FileName = "notepad.exe";
notePad.StartInfo.Arguments = "ProcessStart.cs";
So your application will be started with Windows or with the user. It'll wait (using a little bit of memory) and will do something when the system shuts down, or the user log off, etc (by checking "CloseReason" above).