Can anyone help me explain why the code are different results - minizinc

I have a code sample below , Can someone help me explain why the results are different
int : m=3;
int : n=2;
array[1..m,1..n] of int: va=[|1,2|
array [1..m,1..n] of var int : val;
constraint forall(i in 1..m,j in 1..n )( i<2->val[i,j]=va[i,j]+1 );
constraint forall(i in 1..m,j in 1..n )( i>=2->val[i,j]=va[i,j]+3 );
output [ show(val) ];
int : m=3;
int : n=2;
array[1..m,1..n] of int: va=[|1,2|
array [1..m,1..n] of var int : val;
constraint forall(i in 1..m,j in 1..n )( i>=2->val[i,j]=va[i,j]+3 /\ i<2->val[i,j]=va[i,j]+1 );
output [ show(val) ];
if i can write this logic in one constraint?

In your second model the two implications (->) and the conjunction (/\) bind different then using two constraint sections.
The following give the same result as model 1. Note the parenthesis around the implications:
int : m=3;
int : n=2;
array[1..m,1..n] of int: va=[|1,2|
array [1..m,1..n] of var int : val;
constraint forall(i in 1..m,j in 1..n )( (i>=2->val[i,j]=va[i,j]+3) /\
(i<2->val[i,j]=va[i,j]+1) );
output [ show(val) ];
Now both models outputs:
[2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9]


How to implement A = sparse(I, J, K) (sparse matrix from triplet) in a Fortran mex file?

I'm trying to create a sparse square matrix in Matlab through a mex function (written in Fortran). I want something like A = sparse(I,J,K) . My triplets look like this, there are repetitions among the entries
femi = [1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 4, 5, 5, 4, 6, 6, 5, 5, 2]
femj = [2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 6, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4]
femk = [2, 1, 5, 4, 2, 4, 5, 7, 2, 1, 6, 2, 1, 4]
I've written a rough piece of code, it works for small matrix dimensions, but it's much slower than the intrinsic Matlab's sparse. Since I have almost no background in coding, I don't know what I'm doing wrong (wrong way to allocate variables? too many do loops?). Any help is appreciated. Thank you. This is the mex computational subroutine. It returns the pr, ir, jc indices array to give to the sparse matrix
subroutine new_sparse(femi, femj, femk, pr, ir, jc, n, m)
implicit none
intrinsic:: SUM, COUNT, ANY
integer :: i, j, k, n, indjc, m
real*8 :: femi(n), femj(n), femk(n)
real*8 :: pr(n)
integer :: ir(n),jc(m+1)
logical :: indices(n)
indices = .false.
k = 1
indjc = 0
jc(1) = 0
do j=1,m
do i =1,m
indices = [femi==i .and. femj==j]
if (ANY(indices .eqv. .true.)) then
ir(k) = i-1
pr(k) = SUM(femk, indices)
k = k+1
indjc = indjc + 1
end if
end do
if (indjc/=0) then
jc(j+1) = jc(j) + indjc
indjc = 0
jc(j+1) = jc(j)
end if
end do
As suggested by users #jack and #veryreverie in the comments below, it's better to sort directly femi, femj and femk. I guess that ranking/sorting femi first (and sorting femj and femk according to femi) and then ranking/sorting femj (and sorting femi and femk according to femj) provides the desired result. The only thing left is to deal with duplicates.
Edit #2 :
I translated line by line the serialized version of the C code by Engblom and Lukarksi . This document explains very clearly their reasoning and I think it's useful for beginners like me. However, due to my inexperience, I was unable to translate the parallelized version of the code. Maybe that prompts another question.
subroutine new_sparse(ir, jcS, pr, MatI, MatJ, MatK, n, m)
! use omp_lib
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(15,300)
integer, intent(in) :: n, m
real(dp), intent(in) :: MatK(n), MatI(n), MatJ(n)
! integer*8, intent(out) :: nnew
integer :: i, k, col, row, c, r !, nthreads
integer :: hcol(m+1), jcS(m+1), jrS(m+1)
integer :: ixijs, irank(n), rank(n)
real*8 :: pr(*)
integer :: ir(*)
hcol = 0
jcS = 0
jrS = 0
do i = 1,n
jrS(MatI(i)+1) = jrS(MatI(i)+1)+1
end do
do r = 2,m+1
jrS(r) = jrS(r) + jrS(r-1)
end do
do i = 1,n
rank(jrS(MatI(i))+1) = i
jrS(MatI(i)) = jrS(MatI(i)) + 1
end do
k = 1
do row = 1,m
do i = k , jrS(row)
ixijs = rank(i)
col = MatJ(ixijs)
if (hcol(col) < row) then
hcol(col) = row
jcS(col+1) = jcS(col+1)+1
end if
irank(ixijs) = jcS(col+1)
k = k+1
end do
end do
do c = 2,m+1
jcS(c) = jcS(c) + jcS(c-1)
end do
do i = 1,n
irank(i) = irank(i) + jcS(MatJ(i))
end do
ir(irank) = MatI-1
do i = 1,n
pr(irank(i)) = pr(irank(i)) + MatK(i)
end do
This should work:
module test
implicit none
! This should probably be whatever floating point format Matlab uses.
integer, parameter :: dp = selected_real_kind(15,300)
subroutine new_sparse(femi, femj, femk, pr, ir, jc, n, m)
integer, intent(in) :: n ! The size of femi, femj, femk.
integer, intent(in) :: m ! The no. of rows (and cols) in the matrix.
integer, intent(in) :: femi(n) ! The input i indices.
integer, intent(in) :: femj(n) ! The input j indices.
real(dp), intent(in) :: femk(n) ! The input values.
real(dp), intent(out) :: pr(n) ! The output values.
integer, intent(out) :: ir(n) ! The output i indices.
integer, intent(out) :: jc(m+1) ! Column j has jc(j+1)-jc(j) non-zero entries
! loop indices.
integer :: a,b
! Initialise jc.
! All elements of `jc` are `1` as the output initially contains no elements.
jc = 1
! Loop over the input elements.
do_a : do a=1,n
associate(i=>femi(a), j=>femj(a), k=>femk(a))
! Loop over the stored entries in column j of the output,
! looking for element (i,j).
do b=jc(j),jc(j+1)-1
! Element (i,j) is already in the output, update the output and cycle.
if (ir(b)==i) then
pr(b) = pr(b) + femk(a)
cycle do_a
! Element (i,j) is not already in the output.
! First make room for the new element in ir and pr,
! then add the element to ir and pr,
! then update jc.
ir(jc(j+1)+1:jc(m+1)) = ir(jc(j+1):jc(m+1)-1)
pr(jc(j+1)+1:jc(m+1)) = pr(jc(j+1):jc(m+1)-1)
ir(jc(j+1)) = i
pr(jc(j+1)) = k
jc(j+1:) = jc(j+1:) + 1
end associate
enddo do_a
end subroutine
end module
program prog
use test
implicit none
integer, parameter :: n = 14
integer, parameter :: m = 6
integer :: femi(n), femj(n)
real(dp) :: femk(n)
real(dp) :: pr(n)
integer :: ir(n),jc(m+1)
integer :: a,b
femi = [1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 4, 5, 5, 4, 6, 6, 5, 5, 2]
femj = [2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 6, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4]
femk = real([2, 1, 5, 4, 2, 4, 5, 7, 2, 1, 6, 2, 1, 4], dp)
write(*,*) 'Input:'
do a=1,n
write(*,'(a,i0,a,i0,a,f2.0)') '(',femi(a),',',femj(a),') : ',femk(a)
call new_sparse(femi,femj,femk,pr,ir,jc,n,m)
write(*,*) 'Output:'
do a=1,m
do b=jc(a),jc(a+1)-1
write(*,'(a,i0,a,i0,a,f2.0)') '(',ir(b),',',a,') : ',pr(b)
end program
This writes:
(1,2) : 2.
(2,2) : 1.
(3,1) : 5.
(2,1) : 4.
(2,1) : 2.
(4,3) : 4.
(5,3) : 5.
(5,6) : 7.
(4,3) : 2.
(6,1) : 1.
(6,1) : 6.
(5,2) : 2.
(5,2) : 1.
(2,4) : 4.
(3,1) : 5.
(2,1) : 6.
(6,1) : 7.
(1,2) : 2.
(2,2) : 1.
(5,2) : 3.
(4,3) : 6.
(5,3) : 5.
(2,4) : 4.
(5,6) : 7.
The bottleneck in your algorithm comes from the instructions indices = [femi==i .and. femj==j], any(indices .eqv. .true.) and sum(femk, indices). These all take O(n) operations, and as these are within a double loop the overall cost of the subroutine is O(m^2*n).
My algorithm works in two stages. The first stage, the do b=jc(j),jc(j+1)-1 loop, compares each element in the input with each element in the matching column of the output, for a maximum cost of O(mn) operations. If the input element is found in the output, then the value is updated and nothing more needs to be done.
If the input element is not found in the output, then it needs to be added to the output. This is handled by the second stage, the code after the do b... loop. Since this needs to move the output elements in order to make space for the new element, this stage has a maximum of O(n'^2) operations, where n' is the number of unique elements in the input, which should satisfy n'<=n and n'<<m^2 for a sparse matrix.
My algorithm should run a lot faster for large m and n, but it certainly has a lot of scope for improvement. I suspect it is worth using an intermediate data structure for storing ir and pr, so that new elements can be inserted without having to re-arrange all the elements to do so.

Checking for items in a MiniZinc array

I want to create two arrays in MiniZinc with the same items, not necessarily in the same order. Here, every item in A0 should also be in A1:
array[1..3] of var int:A0;
array[1..3] of var int:A1;
constraint forall(A2 in A0)(
(A2 in A1) /\ A2 < 5
But here, there seems to be a type error:
MiniZinc: type error: type error in operator application for `'in''. No matching operator found with left-hand side type `var int' and right-hand side type `array[int] of var int'
How is it possible to check if an array contains the same item that is in another array?
Edit: There is an array2set in the file builtins.mzn but it is not documented in .
The following model works for most FlatZinc solvers such as Gecode, Google-OR-tools, Choco, PicatSAT, and JaCoP, but not for Chuffed (see below). Note the include of "nosets.mzn" so that solvers without innate support for set variables can run the model. Also, I added a smaller domain of A0 and A1 for easier testing.
include "nosets.mzn"; % Support for set variables for all solvers
array[1..3] of var 0..10: A0;
array[1..3] of var 0..10: A1;
forall(A2 in A0)(
A2 in array2set(A1) /\ A2 < 5
forall(A2 in A1)(
A2 in array2set(A0) /\ A2 < 5
solve satisfy;
output [ "A0: \(A0) A1: \(A1)\n" ];
However, some solvers don't like this:
Chuffed: Throws "Error: Registry: Constraint bool_lin_eq not found in line no. 101"
Even later note: If the domains is var int (instead of my var 0..10) then MiniZinc croaks with a weird (and long) error:
in array comprehension expression
comprehension iterates over an infinite set
So array2set seems to require that the variable domains must be bounded.
This is the first answer
Here is an approach that seems to work, i.e. using exists and check for element equality:
constraint forall(A2 in A0)(
exists(i in 1..3) ( A2 = A1[i] /\ A2 < 5)
Note: This constraint only ensures that the elements in A0 is in A1. Thus there might be elements in A1 that is not in A0. E.g.
A0: [1,1,4]
A1: [1,4,3]
I guess that you also want the converse i.e. that all elements in A1 is in A0 as well:
constraint forall(A2 in A1) (
exists(i in 1..3) ( A2 = A0[i] /\ A2 < 5)
Note: The following DOES NOT work but would be nice to have. Both yield the error MiniZinc: internal error: var set comprehensions not supported yet.
% idea 1
constraint forall(A2 in A0)(
A2 in {A1[i] | i in 1..3} /\ A2 < 5
% idea 2
constraint forall(A2 in A0) (
A2 in {a | a in A1} /\ A2 < 5

function which return s-tuples with non-negative integers and a given sum $n$

I am trying to write a function which return s-tuples with non-negative integers and a given sum $n$ (the sum of each tuple is $n$). In the program, I need to use s nested loops:
for i1 from 0 to n do
for i2 from 1 to n do
for is from 1 to n do
end for;
end for;
end for;
How could I use only a few loops instead of s loops? Thank you very much.
I suggest the combinat:-composition() command. On its own, the command won't include zero terms, but you can instead partition n+s and remove 1 from each term at the end:
partitions := proc( n :: posint, s :: posint, { allowzero :: truefalse := false } )
local P, u:
if allowzero = false then
P := convert( combinat:-composition( n, s ), 'list' ):
return select( u -> numelems(u) = s, P ):
P := procname( n + s, s, ':-allowzero'=false ):
return map( u -> u -~ 1, P ):
end if:
end proc:
partitions( 5, 2, ':-allowzero'=false ); # [ [1,4], [2,3], [3,2], [4,1] ]
partitions( 5, 2, ':-allowzero'=true ); # [ [0,5], [1,4], [2,3], [3,2], [4,1], [5,0] ]

Nim operator overloading

Just started programming in the Nim language (which I really like so far). As a learning exercise I am writing a small matrix library. I have a bunch more code, but I'll just show the part that's relevant to this question.
Matrix*[T; nrows, ncols: static[int]] = array[0 .. (nrows * ncols - 1), T]
# Get the index in the flattened array corresponding
# to row r and column c in the matrix
proc index(mat: Matrix, r, c: int): int =
result = r * mat.ncols + c
# Return the element at r, c
proc `[]`(mat: Matrix, r, c: int): Matrix.T =
result = mat[mat.index(r, c)]
# Set the element at r, c
proc `[]=`(mat: var Matrix, r, c: int, val: Matrix.T) =
mat[mat.index(r, c)] = val
# Add a value to every element in the matrix
proc `+=`(mat: var Matrix, val: Matrix.T) =
for i in 0 .. mat.high:
mat[i] += val
# Add a value to element at r, c
proc `[]+=`(mat: var Matrix, r, c: int, val: Matrix.T) =
mat[mat.index(r, c)] += val
# A test case
var mat: Matrix[float, 3, 4] # matrix with 3 rows and 4 columns
mat[1, 3] = 7.0
mat += 1.0
# add 8.0 to entry 1, 3 in matrix
`[]+=`(mat, 1, 3, 8.0) # works fine
All this works fine, but I'd like to be able to replace the last line with something like
mat[1, 3] += 4.0
This won't work (wasn't expecting it to either). If I try it, I get
Error: for a 'var' type a variable needs to be passed
How would I create an addition assignment operator that has this behavior? I'm guessing I need something other than a proc to accomplish this.
There are two ways you can do this:
Overload [] for var Matrix and return a var T (This requires the current devel branch of Nim):
proc `[]`(mat: Matrix, r, c: int): Matrix.T =
result = mat[mat.index(r, c)]
proc `[]`(mat: var Matrix, r, c: int): var Matrix.T =
result = mat[mat.index(r, c)]
Make [] a template instead:
template `[]`(mat: Matrix, r, c: int): expr =
mat[mat.index(r, c)]
This causes a problem when mat is not a value, but something more complex:
proc x: Matrix[float, 2, 2] =
echo "x()"
var y = x()[1, 0]
This prints x() twice.

Concise way of copying objects in Scala

OCaml exposes a concise syntax for copying records having a lot of fields.
type t = {
x : int;
y : int;
z : int;
let _ =
let v = {x = 1; y = 2; z = 3} in
{v with z = 42}
Is there a similar syntax for Scala's case classes?
Case classes define not just equals, hashCode and toString methods, but also copy. Fortunately the copy method is defined in a way that the current values of the this object are the default parameters, but you can change any of them using named arguments. Your example would look like this:
case class Type(
x : int,
y : int,
z : int,
val v = Type(x = 1, y = 2, z = 3)
But you can also use one of the lensing libraries too. (I think both scalaz and shapeless has one.)