IntelliSense completion doesn't show any code - visual-studio-code

I don't know what to do. I tried everything I could but IntelliSense automatic completion shows "-" instead of the code. I think the font is very small but i cant change it. I'm not sure though if it's the size.


VS code autocorrects "at" method to "flat". How do I fix this?

I'm learning at method in JavaScript, and whenever I try to use it, VS code automatically replaces it with flat, even though I don't press tab.
So then I have to manually fix it to at
Is there a way I can modify these suggestions without turning them off completely?

How to stop prettier from random line breaks?

So Prettier is finicky as it is, but here's a weird situation. The image below shows what happens after a save in VS Code with Prettier set up normally. It randomly removed the tabs for these two lines. If I tab it back into place and save it does it again.
Can anyone tell me why, and how to stop it? Makes the code look really bad.

How to auto hide word from IntelliSense when it is already typed

VSCode IntelliSense should get out of the way when not needed.
as shown below, when I start typing reg Intellisense pops up which is cool but when I fully typed regex it's still there, and that with the only suggestion. I find this annoying. Ideally, it should get hidden as there are no available suggestions.
is there a way this little annoyance can be fixed?

VS Code settings

I would like to change the following VS code behavior but can't find a way to do so:
When the cursor is on some items a box pops up with info about that item. I find this extremely annoying as it often blocks what I'm trying to edit. How to disable the pop up?
I code CSS on a single line, such as:
h1 {something; something; something; } And the next CSS on the next line. No Spaces!
But when I save it VS code automatically reformulates it, putting each something on a new line. This is extremely, extremely annoying! It horribly wastes space, and forces me to scroll down a lot to find something I want to edit. How do I get VS code to stop messing with My Coding Style?
To disable the pop up. Do these necessary changes Disable pop up
To stop the CSS formatting, just see in the extensions if you have downloaded CSS formatter, if so then uninstall it or disable it.

Enabling Auto-Complete for custom syntax in Sublime text

I cannot get Sublime auto complete to work properly for custom syntaxes. For example, this is what happens when the syntax is set to Javascript:
When the syntax is set to my custom syntax, these types of suggestions never show up. Custom snippets show up just fine, but variables found in the file do not show up properly. When I click [CTRL+SPACE], this is what I get:
For some reason, single characters will show up, but not whole words. For the syntax, I copied the Completion Rules.tmPreferences, Symbol List.tmPreferences, etc. directly from here so that all should be fine (although messing around with them didn't seem to do anything).
I have tried adding the syntax to auto_complete_selector in settings, but it does not work. I use the package All Autocomplete, and deleting this did not change anything.