How to store new lines of string in a variable in scala? - scala

I want to create a variable that will have values likes this:
for ((k,v,d) <- result) {
segmentMetadata = s"""{"Index": k,"SegmentName": v,"SegmentSize": d}""" }
Not sure how can i append a new line here.


Dart find string value in a list using contains

I have a list of numbers like below -
List contacts = [14169877890, 17781231234, 14161231234];
Now I want to find if one of the above list element would contain the below string value -
String value = '4169877890';
I have used list.any to do the search, but the below print statement inside the if condition is not printing anything.
if (contacts.any((e) => e.contains(value))) {
I am expecting it to print out the first element of the contacts list as it partially contains the string value.
What is it I am doing wrong here?
contacts isn't a List<String>, so your any search can't be true, you need turn element of contracts to string to able to use contains.
void main() {
var contacts = [14169877890, 17781231234, 14161231234];
var value = '4169877890';
var haveAnyValid = contacts.any((element) {
return "$element".contains(value);
// result
// JSArray<int>
// String
// true
Not sure if contacts is an integer and value is a string on purpose or mistake, but this works in dart pad if you convert it to string:
if (contacts.any((e) => e.toString().contains(value))) {
DartPad Link.

I can't display parameter value in report header in crystal reports

I'm developing a small application in c# and I'm using Crystal Reports for reporting. I want to display parameter values in report header but I can't. How can i display parameter values in report header?
ClassParams.EMANET_KITAP_ID = txtKitapID.Text;
ParameterFields From = new ParameterFields();
ParameterField KID = new ParameterField();
ParameterDiscreteValue val = new ParameterDiscreteValue();
val.Value = ClassParams.EMANET_KITAP_ID;
crystalReportViewer1.ParameterFieldInfo = From;
class ClassParams
public static string KID;
public static string EMANET_KITAP_ID
get { return KID; }
set { KID = value; }
Most likely, you have a multi-value parameter.
Since such a parameter stores the values as an array, you need to "flatten" the array.
If it's a String parameter, you can simply create a formula like this:
Join({?yourStringParameter}, ', ' );
If the data type is not string, loop through the array and concatenate the values to a string variable.

how can this Repeated string concatenation function

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class NewMonoBehaviour1 : MonoBehaviour
void ConcatExample(int[] intArray)
string line = intArray[0].ToString(); // the line is the var of the first in array
for(i =1;i <intArray.Length; i++) // the length is unknown ?
line += ", " + intArray[i].ToString(); //
return line;
//each time allocate new in original place
How can this function work ? the length of array is unknown , so how the for loop works ?Besides, this is void function but shouldn't return anythings right ,or is there any exceptional case ,finally,according to the unity manual, it is said that the function will keep producing a string but with new contents in the same place , resulting in consuming large memory space .Why ?thx
What makes you think that the Length should be unknown? It is a property that any array simply has
Gets the total number of elements in all the dimensions of the Array.
Of course it is not unknown the moment you call your method with an according parameter!
The return line; will not even compile since as you say the method is of type void so it can not return anything. It should probably be private string ConcatExample
Then what the unity manual (don't know where exactly you read this) means lies in
line += ", " + intArray[i].ToString();
under the hood every string in c# is an immutable char[]. So everytime you do a string concatenation via stringC = stringA + stringB what happens under the hood is basically something similar to
char[] stringC = new char[stringA.Length + stringB.Length];
for(var iA = 0; iA < stringA.Length; iA++)
stringC[i] = stringA[i];
for(var iB = 0; iB < stringB.Length; iB++)
stringC[iB + stringA.Length] = stringB[iB];
so whenever dealing with loops especially with large data it is strongly recommended to rather use a StringBuilder like
private string ConcatExample(int[] intArray)
var builder = new StringBuilder(intArray[0]);
for(i =1; i < intArray.Length; i++)
builder.Append(", ").Append(intArray[i].ToString());
return builder.ToString();
The length of the array will be the length of the array of ints you pass into the function as an argument.
say you pass it
Int[] ints = {1,2,3}
ConcatExample(ints); //the length of the array is now 3
add a debug.log() function to the ConcatExample method
void ConcatExample(int[] intArray)
string line = intArray[0].ToString();
for (int i = 1; i < intArray.Length; i++)
line += ", " + intArray[i].ToString(); //
debug.log would produce the following in the console
1, 2
1, 2, 3
and finally the return line; at the end would just result in an error because yes you are correct void returns nothing
This function CANNOT work, unless it gets the data it expects. A NULL passed to this function, for example, would generate a runtime null-reference exception. Passing a valid integer array, of length zero would generate an invalid index error on the first line.
You are correct, the function returns nothing, and appears pointless. In fact, I would have expected return line; to generate a complier error.
The string type appears "dynamic" meaning, it will indeed allocate more and more memory as needed. Technically, it is actually the string "+" operator, (a function that takes two strings as parameters) that is allocating this space. This function returns a new string, of the appropriate size. The garbage collector will DEallocate "old" strings when they are no longer referenced by any variables.

Ag-Grid - Pasting Excel Data into Grid - Appending Rows

When pasting clipboard/Excel data into AG-Grid, how do I get the data to append to the current rows?
If my table currently has a single row and I'm trying to paste 10 rows into the table, Ag-Grid only overwrites the single row instead of appending the extra 9 rows. Am I missing a gridOption or is this not possible?
To get what you need, follow these steps:
1) Add a paste event listener:
mounted () {
window.addEventListener('paste', this.insertNewRowsBeforePaste);
2) Create the function that retrieves the data from the clipboard and creates new lines in the grid:
var self = this;
// gets data from clipboard and converts it to an array (1 array element for each line)
var clipboardData = event.clipboardData || window.clipboardData;
var pastedData = clipboardData.getData('Text');
var dataArray = self.dataToArray(pastedData);
// First row is already in the grid and dataToArray returns an empty row at the end of array (maybe you want to validate that it is actually empty)
for (var i = 1; i < dataArray.length-1; i++) {
3) dataToArray is a function that ag-Grid uses to paste new lines and I just needed to adjust the "delimiter" variable. I copied it from the clipboardService.js file.
// From
// This will parse a delimited string into an array of
// arrays. The default delimiter is the comma, but this
// can be overriden in the second argument.
export var dataToArray = function(strData) {
var delimiter = self.gridOptions.api.gridOptionsWrapper.getClipboardDeliminator();;
// Create a regular expression to parse the CSV values.
var objPattern = new RegExp((
// Delimiters.
"(\\" + delimiter + "|\\r?\\n|\\r|^)" +
// Quoted fields.
"(?:\"([^\"]*(?:\"\"[^\"]*)*)\"|" +
// Standard fields.
"([^\"\\" + delimiter + "\\r\\n]*))"), "gi");
// Create an array to hold our data. Give the array
// a default empty first row.
var arrData = [[]];
// Create an array to hold our individual pattern
// matching groups.
var arrMatches = null;
// Keep looping over the regular expression matches
// until we can no longer find a match.
while (arrMatches = objPattern.exec(strData)) {
// Get the delimiter that was found.
var strMatchedDelimiter = arrMatches[1];
// Check to see if the given delimiter has a length
// (is not the start of string) and if it matches
// field delimiter. If id does not, then we know
// that this delimiter is a row delimiter.
if (strMatchedDelimiter.length &&
strMatchedDelimiter !== delimiter) {
// Since we have reached a new row of data,
// add an empty row to our data array.
var strMatchedValue = void 0;
// Now that we have our delimiter out of the way,
// let's check to see which kind of value we
// captured (quoted or unquoted).
if (arrMatches[2]) {
// We found a quoted value. When we capture
// this value, unescape any double quotes.
strMatchedValue = arrMatches[2].replace(new RegExp("\"\"", "g"), "\"");
else {
// We found a non-quoted value.
strMatchedValue = arrMatches[3];
// Now that we have our value string, let's add
// it to the data array.
arrData[arrData.length - 1].push(strMatchedValue);
// Return the parsed data.
return arrData;
4) Finally, to add new blank lines in the grid, use the function below:
addEmptyRow(rowIndex) {
var newItem = {};
this.gridOptions.api.updateRowData({add: [newItem], addIndex: rowIndex});
Basically what this code does is insert blank rows at the beginning of the grid and let ag-Grid paste the data into those rows. For it to work, the line where the code is pasted must be the first line in the grid. It's using the updateRowData from ag-grid (
You may need to make some adjustments if you need something else.
I have the same question. I originally used a paste event listener to add a number of rows to the grid, based on the difference between available space and clipboard data length. But now the grid will only add the rows and not complete the paste.

How to split data in a text file in C#

.This is how my data looks: name: abcsurname: abctel:1234 and I want it to look like:name: abc and surname: abc should go in the next line.
public void SeparateData()
//read file
StreamReader sr = new StreamReader("myTextFile.txt");
//string to hold line
string myline;
myline = sr.ReadLine();
while ((myline = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
string[] lines = Regex.Split(myline, " ");
foreach (string s in lines)
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("myTextFile.txt"))
Well, you don't need regex to do a string split on a space, but I don't that is going to get you want you want either way. I am assuming that "abc" stands in for actual values of varying length?
I think you just need to pull out your regex book and split up the string and rewrite it.
e.g. '(name: )(\w*?)(surname: )(\w*?)(tel: )(\d*)' and then just re-assemble and re-write the line using the capturing groups.
I think what you have will give you: