Contextual deserialization of a field based on multiple fields? - scala

Can CustomSerializer perform deserialization of one field based on the value in another field? In all the examples I've seen, each field is deserialized independently without any context.
Consider a case class for StreetAddress
case class StreetAddress(
addressLine1: Option[String] = None,
addressLine2: Option[String] = None,
city: Option[String] = None,
state: Option[StateCode] = None,
zipcode: Option[String] = None,
country: Option[CountryCode] = None
Currently the CustomSerializer for StateCode looks like this
class StateCodeSerializer
extends CustomSerializer[StateCode](
implicit formats =>
case JString(s) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid state code: $s")
case JInt(i) =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid state code: $i")
}, {
case x: StateCode =>
The deserializer for StateCode needs to know the CountryCode as well because states across several countries can share the same StateCode string. Ex: "CA" is California in US as well Cadiz in Spain.
Is it possible for StateCodeSerializer to be aware of what the value of country is in the JSON?


Scala Option and Some mismatch

I want to parse province to case class, it throws mismatch
scala.MatchError: Some(USA) (of class scala.Some)
val result = EntityUtils.toString(entity,"UTF-8")
val address = JsonParser.parse(result).extract[Address]
val value.province = Option(address.province)
val = Option(
case class Access(
device: String,
deviceType: String,
os: String,
event: String,
net: String,
channel: String,
uid: String,
nu: Int,
ip: String,
time: Long,
version: String,
province: Option[String],
city: Option[String],
product: Option[Product]
val value.province = Option(address.province)
val = Option(
doesn't do what you think it does. It tries to treat value.province and as extractors (which don't match the type, thus scala.MatchError exception). It doesn't mutate value as I believe you intended (because value apparently doesn't have such setters).
Since value is (apparently) Access case class, it is immutable and you can only obtain an updated copy:
val value2 = value.copy(
province = Option(address.province),
city = Option(
Assuming the starting point:
val province: Option[String] = ???
You can get the string with simple pattern matching:
province match {
case Some(stringValue) => JsonParser.parse(stringValue).extract[Province] //use parser to go from string to a case class
case None => .. //maybe provide a default value, depends on your context
Note: Without knowing what extract[T] returns it's hard to recommend a follow-up

Fetch all entities from case class and convert them to string

I have a case class like below:
case class Class1(field1: String,
field2: Option[String] = None,
var var1: Option[String] = None,
var var2: Option[Boolean] = None,
var var3: Option[Double] = None
The list of variables is a bit longer. Now I want to convert all variables, which are inside the class, into a string. Say Option[] must be omitted and also Boolean, Double and Number must be converted to string type. My first approach was:
def anyOptionalToString(class1Dataset: Dataset[Class1]): DataFrame = {
val ds1 = { class1 =>
Is there a way to cast them without calling every field?
Speak in a kind of loop or something similar?
What I would do, is creating a new Seq containing the defaults you want to have. Let's say:
val defaults = Seq("", "", "", false, -1)
Now, we can use the productIterator to iterate over the existing elements, and choose whether we want to use the existing value, or the default:
val c1 = Class1("f1", Some("f2"), None, Some(true), Some(3)) {
case (None, default) => default
case (Some(value), _) => value
case (value, _) => value
The resulting type of the code above is Iterator[String]. Code run can be found at Scastie.

Converting one case class to another that is similar with additional parameter in Scala

So, the problem is in the title, but here are the details.
I have two case classes:
case class JourneyGroup(id: Option[Int] = None,
key: UUID,
name: String,
data: Option[JsValue],
accountId: Int,
createdAt: DateTime =,
createdById: Int,
updatedAt: Option[DateTime] = None,
updatedById: Option[Int] = None,
deletedAt: Option[DateTime] = None,
deletedById: Option[Int] = None)
case class JourneyGroupApi(id: Option[Int] = None,
key: UUID,
name: String,
data: Option[JsValue],
accountId: Int,
createdAt: DateTime =,
createdById: Int,
updatedAt: Option[DateTime] = None,
updatedById: Option[Int] = None,
deletedAt: Option[DateTime] = None,
deletedById: Option[Int] = None,
parties: Seq[Party] = Seq.empty[Party])
Background: the reason for having these two separate classes is the fact that slick does not support collections, and I do need collections of related objects that I build manually. Bottom line, I could not make it work with a single class.
What I need is an easy way to convert from one to another.
At this point, to unblock myself, I created a manual conversion:
def toJourneyGroupApi(parties: Seq[Party]): JourneyGroupApi = JourneyGroupApi(
id = id,
key = key,
name = name,
data = data,
accountId = accountId,
createdAt = createdAt,
createdById = createdById,
updatedAt = updatedAt,
updatedById = updatedById,
deletedAt = deletedAt,
deletedById = deletedById,
parties = parties
Which is working, but extremely ugly and requires a lot of maintenance.
One thing that I tried doing is:
convert the source object to tuple
Add an element to that tuple using shapeless
and build a target object from resulting tuple
import shapeless._
import syntax.std.tuple._
val groupApi = (JourneyGroup.unapply(group).get :+ Seq.empty[Party])(JourneyGroupApi.tupled)
But, this thing is claiming, that the result of :+ is not tuple, even though in console:
Party.unapply(p).get :+ Seq.empty[Participant]
res0: (Option[Int], model.Parties.Type.Value, Int, Int, org.joda.time.DateTime, Int, Option[org.joda.time.DateTime], Option[Int], Option[org.joda.time.DateTime], Option[Int], Seq[model.Participant]) = (None,client,123,234,2016-11-12T03:55:24.006-08:00,987,None,None,None,None,List())
What am I doing wrong? Maybe there is another way of achieving this.
Could you consider Composition?
case class JourneyGroup(
case class JourneyGroupApi(
journeyGroup: JourneyGroup=JourneyGroup(),
parties: Seq[Party] = Seq()
Converting a journeyGroup would just be something like JourneyGroupApi(journeyGroup,parties) and "converting" a journeyGroupApi would be a matter of accessing journeyGroupApi.journeyGroup. You could perhaps come up with names that worked better for this case. Not sure if this approach would fit the rest of your code. In particular referencing journeyGroup attributes in a journeyGroupApi will be one extra level, e.g. journeyGroupApi.journeyGroup.accountId. (This could potentially be mitigated by "shortcut" definitions on journeyGroupApi like lazy val accountId = journeyGroup.accountId.)
Inheritance might also be an approach to consider with a base case class of JourneyGroup then a normal class (not case class) that extends it with parties as the extra attribute. This option is discussed further in this SO thread.

How can I create a different entity type using the original entity id in sorm?

I have the following classes:
case class Product( title : String, description: String, contract: Contract)
case class Contract(contractType: ContractType, price: Int )
case class ContractType(description: String)
and these DTOs:
case class ProductDto(id: Long, title: String, description: String, contractType: ContractTypeDto, price: Int)
case class ContractTypeDto(id: Long, description: String)
I need to create a method that returns the list of products but with the data filled in DTOs, something like this:
def list = Db.query[Product].fetch() => ProductDto(, x.title,
x.description, ContractTypeDto(,
x.contract.contractType.description), x.contract.price))
The thing is that I can't access to the but SORM allows me to access to (at first level), there is any way to do it??
Casting Approach
You can always access the id using casting if you have to:
x.contract.contractType.asInstanceOf[ sorm.Persisted ].id
Total Approach
It is cleaner though to utilize pattern matching to produce a total function to do it:
def asPersisted[ A ]( a : A ) : Option[ A with sorm.Persisted ]
= a match {
case a : A with sorm.Persisted => Some( a )
case _ => None
Then we can use it like so:
asPersisted( x.contract.contractType ).map( ) // produces Option[ Long ]
The benefit of the total approach is that you protect yourself from runtime casting exceptions, which will arise if you try to cast a non-persisted value.
Total Approach With Pimping
You can also "pimp" asPersisted as a method onto Any using value-classes if you don't find this disturbing:
implicit class AnyAsPersisted[ A ]( val a : A ) extends AnyVal {
def asPersisted : Option[ A with sorm.Persisted ]
= a match {
case a : A with sorm.Persisted => Some( a )
case _ => None
Then you'll be able to use it like so: ) // produces Option[ Long ]

Case Classes with optional fields in Scala

For example, I have this case class:
case class Student (firstName : String, lastName : String)
If I use this case class, is it possible that supplying data to the fields inside the case class are optional? For example, I'll do this:
val student = new Student(firstName = "Foo")
If you just want to miss the second parameter without a default information, I suggest you to use an Option.
case class Student(firstName: String, lastName: Option[String] = None)
Now you might create instances this way:
Student("Foo", None) // equal to the one above
Student("Foo", Some("Bar")) // neccesary to add a lastName
To make it usable as you wanted it, I will add an implicit:
object Student {
implicit def string2Option(s: String) = Some(s)
Now you are able to call it those ways:
import Student._
Student("Foo", None)
Student("Foo", Some("Bar"))
Student("Foo", "Bar")
You were close:
case class Student (firstName : String = "John", lastName : String = "Doe")
val student = Student(firstName = "Foo")
Another possibility is partially applied function:
case class Student (firstName : String, lastName : String)
val someJohn = Student("John", _: String)
//someJohn: String => Student = <function1>
val johnDoe = someJohn("Doe")
//johnDoe: Student = Student(John,Doe)
And to be complete, you can create some default object and then change some field:
val johnDeere = johnDoe.copy(lastName="Deere")
//johnDeer: Student = Student(John,Deere)
I would see two ways this is normally done.
1. default parameters
case class Student (firstName : String, lastName : String = "")
Student("jeypijeypi") # Student(jeypijeypi,)
2. alternative constructors
case class Student (firstName : String, lastName : String)
object Student {
def apply(firstName: String) = new Student(firstName,"")
Student("jeypijeypi") # Student(jeypijeypi,)
Which one is better depends slightly on the circumstances. The latter gives you more freedom: you can make any parameter(s) optional, or even change their order (not recommended). Default parameters need always to be at the end of the parameter list, I think. You can also combine these two ways.
Note: within the alternative constructors you need new to point the compiler to the actual constructor. Normally new is not used with case classes.