Unity make Joystick always result in speed 1 - unity3d

So I have a joystick object, which gives me values of -1 to 1 for each axis.
float horizontalMove = joystick.Horizontal * speed;
float verticalMove = joystick.Vertical * speed;
rb.velocity = new Vector3(horizontalMove, verticalMove, 0);
Now, what I want is that no matter how far you pull the joystick in each direction, it will always result in speed 1. Just like how my current code works, but my joystick is always pulled to the edge. I also made it so max. 1 directions can be set to 0.

You can use the .normalized property of the vector, which ensures it either has length 1, or is equal to Vector3.zero.
rb.velocity = new Vector3(horizontalMove, verticalMove, 0).normalized;
Unlike using Mathf.Sign on each axis, the angle of the vector is preserved, so the player will still be able to move in any orientation, not just along axes and diagonals.


Unity 3D. How to find out where the movement of an object is directed relative to its rotation?

I need to make a 3d top down character controller and animate it.
To begin with, I made a code for the character's movement relative to the camera. And this code works, the character walks and turns well.
Vector3 inputDirection = new Vector3(_input.GetAxis.x, 0, _input.GetAxis.y);
float targetAngle = Mathf.Atan2(direction.x, direction.z) * Mathf.Rad2Deg + _camera.rotation.eulerAngles.y;
float angle = Mathf.SmoothDampAngle(transformPlayer.eulerAngles.y, targetAngle, ref _turnVelocity, TurnSmoothTime);
transformPlayer.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, angle, 0f);
Vector3 moveDirection = Quaternion.Euler(0f, targetAngle, 0f) * Vector3.forward;
moveDirectionNormalized = moveDirection.normalized;
_characterPlayer.Move(moveDirectionNormalized * SpeedMultiplier * Time.deltaTime);
The character model is a child object of _characterPlayer.
And if, when the character moves, an enemy gets into his radius, then the player's model will turn towards the enemy, and the character himself will go further along the moveDirectionNormalized.
For turns, I wrote the following code:
if (NearestEnemyAtAttackRadius != null)
Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(NearestEnemyAtAttackRadius.transform.position - MeshCharacter.position);
MeshCharacter.rotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(MeshCharacter.rotation, rotation, 800f * Time.deltaTime);
MeshCharacter.localRotation = Quaternion.RotateTowards(MeshCharacter.localRotation, Quaternion.Euler(Vector3.zero), 800f * Time.deltaTime);
Now if there is an enemy nearby, my character swings towards the enemy, and if there is no enemy or the enemy has left the radius, then the initial state is returned.
And here my problem begins. I wanted to add an animation of the movement. The character has 4 animations: movement with a tilt to the right, left, forward and backward.
In the Animator, I made a Blend Tree (2d simple direction) with 4 animations. Added 2 Float values MoveDirectionX, MoveDirectionY correctly configured for all motion pos x and pos y.
And if I am in MoveDirectionX, MoveDirectionY will feed the vector moveDirectionNormalized, then it does not work correctly. The values of moveDirectionNormalized do not depend on the repetition of my model in any way, and if my character moves away from the enemy, he looks at the enemy but in fact goes backwards, the animation should turn on as he leans back. But now moveDirectionNormalized does not depend on the repetition of my model, and the character tilt animations randomly switch depending on moveDirectionNormalized. As I understand it, it is necessary to create a new vector that will take into account the rotation of my model, but I do not understand how to do this.
As a result, I want to get a vector where x - shows where the character is moving to the left or right (from -1 to 1) and y - shows the movement forward, backward (also from -1 to 1), and this vector should take into account the rotation of the player. At the moment, in the character model, only y changes in rotation. moveDirectionNormalized returns a value that indicates where the movement is directed relative to world space. And I need to make a vector that will return directions relative to the player's rotation. That is, if the character's gaze is directed at the enemy, and the character himself retreats from him, I would like to receive a vector (0, -1). And if the player's gaze is directed at the enemy and he goes to the right (I remind you that the player is constantly looking towards the enemy, that is, you can walk around the enemy and the character will constantly turn in his direction), then I would like to get a vector (1,0)
I am not 100% sure I understand, but if I do, this should help:
You can use Quaternion.Inverse() on the rotation of your player, and multiply that by the vector.
Vector3 yourVector;
Quaternion inverse = Quaternion.Inverse([player rotation]);
return inverse * yourVector;
Multiplying a quaternion by a vector rotates it with the quaternion, so if you invert it it will cancel out the rotation of the player.

Rotate Object around point and move it along sine function

First off: I am very new to Unity, as in VERY new.
I want to do the following: I want to rotate a cube around a stationary point (in my case a camera) with a radius that is adjustable in the inspector. The cube should always have its Z-axis oriented towards the camera's position. While the cube is orbiting around the camera, it should additionally follow a sine function to move up and down with a magnitude of 2.
I have some working code, the only problem is an increase in distance over time. The longer the runtime, the higher the distance between the cube and the camera.
Here is what I currently have:
void Awake()
cameraPosition = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("MainCamera").transform;
transform.position = new Vector3(x: transform.position.x,
y: transform.position.y,
z: cameraPosition.position.z + radius);
movement = transform.position;
I instantiate some variables in the Awake()-method and set the cube's position to where it should be (do you instantiate in Awake()?). I'll use the Vector3 movement later in my code for the "swinging" of the cube.
void Update()
transform.RotateAround(cameraPosition.position, cameraPosition.transform.up, 30 * Time.deltaTime * rotationSpeed);
Here I set the orientation of the cube's z-axis and rotate it around the camera. 30 is just a constant i am using for tests.
void MoveAndRotate()
movement += transform.right * Time.deltaTime * movementSpeed;
transform.position = movement + Vector3.up * Mathf.Sin(Time.time * frequency) * magnitude;
To be quite frank, I do not understand this bit of code completely. I do however understand that this includes a rotation as it moves the cube along it's x-axis as well as along the world's y-axis. I have yet to get into Vector and matrices, so if you could share your knowledge on that topic as well I'd be grateful for that.
It seems like I have found the solution for my problem, and it is an easy one at that.
First of all we need the initial position of our cube because we need to have access to its original y-coordinate to account for offsets.
So in Awake(), instead of
movement = transform.position;
We simply change it to
initialPosition = transform.position;
To have more readable code.
Next, we change our MoveAndRotate()-method to only be a single line long.
void MoveAndRotate()
transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x,
Mathf.Sin(Time.time * frequency) * magnitude + initialPosition.y,
What exactly does that line then? It sets the position of our cube to a new Vector3. This Vector consists of
its current x-value
our newly calculated y-value (our height, if you want to say so) + the offset from our original position
its current z value
With this, the cube will only bop up and down with distancing itself from the camera.
I have also found the reason for the increase in distance: My method of movement does not describe a sphere (which would keep the distance the same no matter how you rotate the cube) but rather a plane. Of course, moving the cube along a plane will automatically increase the distance for some points of the movement.
For instantiating variables in Awake it should be fine, but you could also do it in the Start(){} Method that Unity provides if you wanted to.
For the main problem itself I'm guessing that calling this function every frame is the Problem, because you add on to the position.
movement += transform.right * Time.deltaTime * movementSpeed;
Would be nice if you could try to replace it with this code and see if it helped.
movement = transform.right * Time.deltaTime * movementSpeed;

How to move an object by a certain angle over a period of time in a circle [duplicate]

I a new here and i try to start working with Unity Engine.
Could somebody explain me, how works Quaternion.Slerp? Because I want to rotate some object in different angles 90, 180 and 270. My code you can see below. Unfortunately when I add 180 degrees, object make crazy things and than put rotation to (0, 180, 180) for this game object. I would like to get (180,0,0)
public float speed = 0.1F;
private float rotation_x;
void Update()
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"))
rotation_x = transform.rotation.eulerAngles.x;
rotation_x += 180;
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, Quaternion.Euler(rotation_x, transform.eulerAngles.y, transform.eulerAngles.z), Time.time * speed);
Most examples out there including Unity examples from their official website are using Lerp in the wrong way. They didn't even bother to describe how it works in the API documentation. They just starch it in the Update() function and call it a day.
Mathf.Lerp, Vector3.Lerp, and Quaternion.Slerp work by changing from one position/rotation to another with the t value(last parameter) being passed in.That t value is also know as time.
The min of the t value is 0f and the max is 1f.
I will explain this with Mathf.Lerp to make it easier to understand. The Lerp functions are all the-same for both Mathf.Lerp, Vector and Quaternion.
Remember that Lerp takes two values and returns values between them. If we have a value of 1 and 10 and we do Lerp on them:
float x = Mathf.Lerp(1f, 10f, 0f); will return 1.
float x = Mathf.Lerp(1f, 10f, 0.5f); will return 5.5
float x = Mathf.Lerp(1f, 10f, 1f); will return 10
As you can see, the t(0) returns the min of the number passed in, t(1) returns the max value passed in and t(0.5) will return mid point between the min and the max value. You are doing it wrong when you pass any t value that is < 0 or > 1. That code in you Update() function is doing just that. Time.time will increase every second and will be > 1 in a second, so you have problems with that.
It recommended to use Lerp in another function/Coroutine instead of the Updated function.
Using Lerp has a bad side of it when it comes to rotation. Lerp does not know how to rotate Object with the shortest path. So bear that in mind. For example, you have an Object with 0,0,90 position. Lets say you want to move the rotation from that to 0,0,120 Lerp can sometimes rotate left instead of right to reach that new position which means it take longer to reach that distance.
Let's say we want to make the rotation (0,0,90) from whatever the current rotation is. The code below will change the rotation to 0,0,90 in 3 seconds.
void Start()
Quaternion rotation2 = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0, 0, 90));
StartCoroutine(rotateObject(objectToRotate, rotation2, 3f));
bool rotating = false;
public GameObject objectToRotate;
IEnumerator rotateObject(GameObject gameObjectToMove, Quaternion newRot, float duration)
if (rotating)
yield break;
rotating = true;
Quaternion currentRot = gameObjectToMove.transform.rotation;
float counter = 0;
while (counter < duration)
counter += Time.deltaTime;
gameObjectToMove.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(currentRot, newRot, counter / duration);
yield return null;
rotating = false;
And to just rotate the Object to 90 in z axis, the code below is a great example of that. Please understand there is a difference between moving Object to new rotational point and just rotating it.
void Start()
StartCoroutine(rotateObject(objectToRotate, new Vector3(0, 0, 90), 3f));
bool rotating = false;
public GameObject objectToRotate;
IEnumerator rotateObject(GameObject gameObjectToMove, Vector3 eulerAngles, float duration)
if (rotating)
yield break;
rotating = true;
Vector3 newRot = gameObjectToMove.transform.eulerAngles + eulerAngles;
Vector3 currentRot = gameObjectToMove.transform.eulerAngles;
float counter = 0;
while (counter < duration)
counter += Time.deltaTime;
gameObjectToMove.transform.eulerAngles = Vector3.Lerp(currentRot, newRot, counter / duration);
yield return null;
rotating = false;
All my examples are based on frame-rate of the device. You can use real-time by replacing Time.deltaTime with Time.delta but more calculation is required.
Before anything, you can't add 180 on euler angles like that, and that's mainly what is causing your problem. You'd better use quaternion directly instead, or work on the transform itself.
You can think of a quaternion as an orientation in space. In contrary to what have been said, I do recommend learning how to use them if you can. However, I don't recommend using euler angles at all... as they're suject to different writing conventions, and will fail sometimes. You can look at 'gimbal lock' if you want details about that.
Simply a slerp or lerp (standing for spherical linear interpolation, or linear interpolation respectively) is a way to interpolate (go from one orientation to another, by increasing t from 0 to 1, in a coroutine or anywhere else) between orientation A and B. The difference between the two is that the slerp is giving you the shortest path from A to B.
In the end, when t = 1, lerp(A,B,t) and slerp(A,B,t) will give you B.
In your case, if you want to instantly rotate an object in space to a specific orientation, I suggest you use Quaternion.AngleAxis which is the most forward way to describe mathematically a quaternion.
If you want to add a rotation, say 90° to you actual orientation (without animation between the two), you can do something like this :
transform.rotation *= Quaternion.AngleAxis(axis_of_rotation, angle)
or use transform.rotate (depending on the parameters, it can be a right multiply, or left : local, or world transform).
Programmers' answer is detailling how to animate your transform. But I do suggest you to investigate quaternion themselves, as it will give you global understanding of space transforms.

Quaternion correction

I'm trying to implement network correction for a client simulated Rigidbody. 30 times a seconds I get the target rotation from which I calculate the rotation correction. Then I apply this correction over a number of frames.
Network update:
rotationCorrection = receivedRotation * Quaternion.Inverse(transform.rotation);
Every frame:
var a = Mathf.Min(1, Time.deltaTime * 8);
var final = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, transform.rotation * rotationCorrection, a);
var actualCorrection = final * Quaternion.Inverse(transform.rotation);
rotationCorrection *= Quaternion.Inverse(actualCorrection);
//rotationCorrection = Quaternion.Slerp(rotationCorrection, Quaternion.identity, a); // First try
The reason I don't just interpolate the current rotation to the corrected on is the GameObject contains a Rigidbody which should simulate the object in addition to the correction.
This does work sometimes (at least the first try version), except at angles between roughly -90 and 90. I suspect its the code to slerp the rotationCorrection to identity.
(work in progress since the question was not 100% clear)
The subtraction formulae yield wrong results. Please try using euler, subtract the angles and you can make the desired quaternion.
Are you sure you don't need Lerp instead of Slerp?
Anyway final should not use Lerp or Slerp.
If as final you want transform.rotation * rotationCorrection (which is the current rotation plus the correction), then just use it as that. Multiplications actually add the rotation.
Lerp and Slerp are to be used with an a parametric to time, where a==0 will return the starting rotation, a==1 will return the final rotation. So a should be scaled with time. If, on the other hand, the network correction is exactly what you need and you get it at specific fixed-time updates, then without any Lerp, might as well try transform.rotation = transform.rotation*rotationCorrection.
rotationCorrection = receivedRotation * Quaternion.Inverse(transform.rotation);
What this does is return a rotation that starts from receivedRotation and ends to the opposite rotation of the current transform rotation. So neither the start nor the end point match with the current one.
You set a final quaternion as currentRot * change
a starting as currentRot
and then update transform.rotation by making it = (S)Lerp with start, end and a parameter that equals 0 at starting time and 1 at ending time.
The network update was wrong. Corrected:
rotationCorrection = Quaternion.Inverse(transform.rotation) * receivedRotation;

Constrain object rotation to behave like joystick

I'm trying to constrain an object's rotation, so that it behaves like a joystick (meaning it can only rotate up to some maximum angle from center).
I tried to constrain rotation on each individual axis, but they behaved really weirdly when rotating (the angle values didn't just grow linearly). The input I'm using to supply this rotation is the rotation of physical controller. How can I do this?
This is how it works now and how I want it to work:
Images are 2D but it applies to all axes.
It sounds to me like there are two parts to the problem:
Determine whether supplied rotation exceeds maximum allowable rotation of object
If the supplied rotation is too large, reducing that rotation so it fits within the rotational constraints, then applying it
In my code examples, I'll be assuming that the initial rotation of the virtual joystick is zero across the board (Quaternion.identity), and that your supplied rotation is called newRotation.
For the first part, Quaternion.Angle() comes to mind. This gives the angle between two given rotations, and can be used like so:
if (Quaternion.Angle(Quaternion.identity, newRotation) < 30){
// Angle from initial to new rotation is under 30 degrees
For the second part, you'll need some way of reducing the supplied rotation so it is within the allowable angle from the initial rotation. For that, Quaternion.Slerp() is useful. This allows you to interpolate between two rotations, returning a Quaternion that is a combination of the two supplied. For example, this gives back half of newRotation:
Quaternion.Slerp(Quaternion.identity, newRotation, 0.5f);
Putting these two methods together, you can write a clamping method which ensures that the supplied rotation never exceeds a certain angle from the initial rotation. Here's an example usage:
// Maximum angle joystick can tilt at
public float tiltAngle;
// If this isn't your initial rotation, set it in Awake() or Start()
Quaternion initialRotation = Quaternion.identity;
void Update(){
Quaternion newRotation = MethodToGetSuppliedRotation();
Quaternion clampedRotation = ClampRotation(initialRotation, newRotation, tiltAngle);
transform.localRotation = clampedRotation;
// Clamps "b" such that it never exceeds "maxAngle" degrees from "a"
Quaternion ClampRotation(Quaternion a, Quaternion b, float maxAngle){
float newAngle = Quaternion.Angle(a, b);
if (newAngle <= maxAngle){
// Rotation within allowable constraint
return b;
// This is the proportion of the new rotation that is within the constraint
float angleRatio = maxAngle / newAngle;
return Quaternion.Slerp(a, b, angleRatio);
Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.