How do i open srt file on flutter? - flutter

I am trying to load subtitle to a video using the flutter video player package it works good for short files but it stopped as the file get bigger
I trayed subtitle_wrapper package but it has many bugs
Future<ClosedCaptionFile> getSubtitle(String url) async {
final data = NetworkAssetBundle(Uri(path: url));
final newdata = await data.load(url);
String fileContents = getStringFromBytes(newdata);
return captionFile = SubRipCaptionFile(fileContents);
this is getStringFromBytes function
getStringFromBytes(ByteData data) { final buffer = data.buffer;
var list = buffer.asUint8List(data.offsetInBytes, data.lengthInBytes);
return utf8.decode(list); }

it wasn't the size after all I tested on some srt files that have a blank space for some duration and the flutter converter do a check on every element if the length is<3 it break on get out of the loop


Parse Local Json data in background or isolates in flutter and highlight search text

Working on a project using local json data, but the app takes too long to open due to the size of the json file 10mb , how can i use isolates or parse in background to speed up the reading and loading of json file.
I tried using for the local json data, but it did not work because it is for a network fetch.
i am using this to read the json data
Future<void> readJsonFile() async {
final String response = await rootBundle.loadString('assets/products.json');
final productData = await json.decode(response);
var list = productData["items"] as List<dynamic>;
setState(() {
allProducts = [];
allProducts = => Product.fromJson(e)).toList();
filteredProducts = allProducts;
Can this be done in and isolate or parsed in the backround.
I also want a search item to be highlihgted. such as in the image

Get text content from an epub file flutter

I am trying to extract text content from an epub file but unable to do so. I have tried converting it to bytes and then read it but it's not returning a proper text. I can't find any library that helps me do so.
I only need the text file from the epub file so that I can read it with text to speech.
I did it using the epubx package
Here is the complete code
File _epubFile = File(file.path);
final contents = await _epubFile.readAsBytes();
EpubBookRef epub = await EpubReader.openBook(contents.toList());
var cont = await EpubReader.readTextContentFiles(epub.Content!.Html!);
List<String> htmlList = [];
for (var value in cont.values) {
var doc = parse(htmlList.join());
final String parsedString = parse(doc.body!.text).documentElement!.text;
return parsedString;

Flutter Audio file to text

How can I get the sound I recorded in a file in flutter as a string(text) every word of it?
as an example, he will say hello world in the audio file.How can I get this as a string
String getText = "hello world";
i know about google's speech-to-text product, but it seems too expensive, isn't there another way for me to do it?
Try this package
google_speech: ^2.0.1
To convert audio to text use the code below
Future<List<int>> _getAudioContent(String name) async {
final directory = await getApplicationDocumentsDirectory();
final path = directory.path + '/$name';
return File(path).readAsBytesSync().toList();
final audio = await _getAudioContent('test.wav');
final response = await speechToText.recognize(config, audio);

Store image uploaded by user into Flutter Web as an actual .jpg file

I am using the flutter_web_image_picker package to allow the user to select -and then upload to Firebase- an image.
However, the package returns an image widget, which I can display, but I cannot upload to Firebase. Therefore, I am trying to read the package's code and update it to fit my needs.
In general, I think the packages main functionalities are:
It gets the file
final reader = html.FileReader();
await reader.onLoad.first;
final encoded = reader.result as String;
Then it 'strippes' it
final stripped = encoded.replaceFirst(RegExp(r'data:image/[^;]+;base64,'), '');
final imageName = input.files?.first?.name;
To finally return it as a Widget:
final imageName = imageName;
final imageData = base64.decode(stripped);
return Image.memory(imageData, semanticLabel: imageName);
As I said, it works perfectly, however, I need to adapt it to my needs:
I would like to get the image as a .jpg file so that I can upload it to Firebase.
Is any of the variables above the actual .jpg file? Is there any transformation that I should perform to get a .jpg file?
I based my answer on this post.
Basically, on the flutter_web_image_picker package, before the code I posted, there were a few lines that get an actual html file:
final html.FileUploadInputElement input = html.FileUploadInputElement();
input..accept = 'image/*';;
await input.onChange.first;
if (input.files.isEmpty) return null;
Then using firebase's pacakge, I uploaded the image as follow:
import 'package:firebase/firebase.dart' as fb;
fb.StorageReference storageRef ='myLocation/filename.jpg');
fb.UploadTaskSnapshot uploadTaskSnapshot = await storageRef.put(input.files[0]).future;
Uri imageUri = await uploadTaskSnapshot.ref.getDownloadURL();
return imageUri;

Converting Image FlutterWebImagePicker Output to File

I'm using Flutter web for a webapp and having trouble converting an image from the image picker to a file in order to upload it to my server. I display the image in Image.file(xxx) but I get the error:
Error while trying to load an asset: FormatException: Illegal scheme
character (at character 6)
Here is the code I'm trying:
Future getImage(bool isCamera) async {
Image image;
if (isCamera) {
image = await FlutterWebImagePicker.getImage;
} else {
var bytes = await rootBundle.load('$image');
String tempPath = (await getTemporaryDirectory()).path;
File file = File('$tempPath/profile.png');
await file.writeAsBytes(
bytes.buffer.asUint8List(bytes.offsetInBytes, bytes.lengthInBytes));
setState(() {
currentSelfie = file;
_accDetails['customer_selfie'] = currentSelfie;
Thanks in advance
I've tested this package and was very happy with the result imagePickerWebit returns 3 different types it can be in the form of Image(widget for preview), byte, File(upload)
then you can use this to get the values
html.File _cloudFile;
var _fileBytes;
Image _imageWidget;
Future<void> getMultipleImageInfos() async {
var mediaData = await ImagePickerWeb.getImageInfo;
String mimeType = mime(Path.basename(mediaData.fileName));
html.File mediaFile =
new html.File(, mediaData.fileName, {'type': mimeType});
if (mediaFile != null) {
setState(() {
_cloudFile = mediaFile;
_fileBytes =;
_imageWidget = Image.memory(;
I havent used the plugin although your code has 2 issues. One is the if statement and the second one is using Rootbundle. If you are picking from the filesystem, my assumption isCamera would be false. You have not added any logic for the falsy condition.
if (isCamera) {// This would be true if the source was camera
image = await FlutterWebImagePicker.getImage;
} else {
var bytes = await rootBundle.load('$image');
From the flutter documentation, rootbundle contains the resources that were packaged with the application when it was built. Those are assets that you define in your pubspec. yaml. You are selecting an image at runtime hence its not bundled as an asset.
Since the package appears to return an image object, use the toByteData method on the image i.e
image = await FlutterWebImagePicker.getImage;
await image.toByteData();//This method has some parameters. Look into them