Show All records in jasper reports - jasper-reports

i have a subreport in jasper studio. i send collection of JRBeanCollectionDataSource with 10 records. but in my subreports just show 9 itens. the lastone never show up. i try so mane things. someone help me with this? this is the properties:


Pass values from sub-report to main-report using crystal report

I'm using crystal report xi. I have made a report with two sub report. The sub reports have summary fields named sub total. And i want to make make grand total. How it is possible?
Sample Example Image
I may not be able to answer specifically to your requirement: But following are links that show you how to achieve it. You will have to work your way. The idea is to use Shared variables between main report and subreports.
Hope it helps you.
See links below:
Link 1
Passing Subreport Value to Main Report

Input parameters shows twice in jasper report with subreports iReport?

I have a jasper report that contains three sub-reports. The parameters that I passed to the main report are used in the sub-reports. I didn't show the filter parameters in the header of the main report. I show the filter parameters in the first sub-report. When I go on preview button I have the the filter parameters twice. when I go only on preview on the first report I get the parameters once. Does somebody knows what is the problem?
I put others two sub-reports in the first report and the problem was solved.

crystal report, subreport details section not displaying the next batch of records

I put a subreport in the footer of my main report and I set its details section to display five records per page (through the paging tab).
I am sure my query returns nine records.
Upon previewing the report, on the first page, it displays the first five records.
However, on the second page, it also displays the first five records not the remaining four records.
I am not sure where is the problem since I just started using crystal reports. Hope you can help me. Thanks.
You need to set your sub report links.
This will link the data from your main report to your sub report. In Crystal 2008 you right click on the sub report and choose 'Change Sub report links...' option. Then you can select the data to flow from the main report to your sub report. Otherwise your sub report is being viewed as a completely separate report that you are just inserting on top of your main report and it will be the same at every instance.
Also, it might be a good idea to use groups instead of the details section when inserting sub reports.

Can we suppress the Main report records, If the Subreport returns No Data in Crystal report?

I am Using Remedy AR ODBC DataSource, where We can not use Joins, as AR ODBC does not support join, So I am Using SubReport in Detail section(Used Proper Link)
when I am running the Report:
i.e., Main Report has 3000 Records and Maching Records in SubReport has 1000 records
when I am running the Report, It shows all 3000Records and Blank Subreport where Data Does Not match(against 2000 Records),
Is there a way I can get only 1000 Records (Matching Records) in Report.
(Need to implement innerjoin)
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks !
You can use a shared variable to count the number of records processed in the subreports. On the main report, if that variable is zero you can conditionally suppress that details section from displaying. It certainly won't speed things up, but it will prevent those records from displaying.

Display array values in Crystal Report

I am generating and display crystal report from my application. In the code, i have a array of numbers that I want to be able to display in the report. so if in my code I have int[] {1,4,5,6,8,10 } I want to somehow pass this array to crystal report so that we have 6 rows in the details section of the report where each row is showing one value from the we will have a report like:
is this help
If you are doing this from .Net, you should be able to achieve this by creating a custom dataset and data table, filling the values in the data table as you require, and then provide the datatable as source to your Crystal report.
Have a look at some of these articles, they should help you in the direction you need
Ignore the section where the database corrections are mad.
Focus on the section where it sets the datasource
// Setting data source of our report object
Crystal Report with DataSet and
DataTable using C#
Creating Crystal Reports using C#
with Datasets