1:n Derived Settable Association - mdriven

There is an example of n:1 derived settable association in MDriven Wiki: https://wiki.mdriven.net/index.php/Derived_settable_associations
I'm trying to implement for a multi link Collection(Person) - Person is the target class name. The context in DerivationOCLSet is Person. As far as I understand I access the other end instance over vInputParameter. So, I define it as so (simplifyed):
self.Mother := vInputParameter.Mother (Mother ist an 0..1-association end of Person, also Person).
The model Validation gives me error: "Association End DeriveSet: Person.Sisters: You can never use := to assign a collection - consider using ->first or ->last to get single value"
Another issue I have: If I let DerivationOCLSet empty and let C# generation no method is generated. It it as designed? What Name/Signature is expected then?

As the message says you cannot assign collections - but you can add - so go like vinputparam->foreach(x| self.sisters.add(x))

Efim, can you provide more information? I don't fully understand what you are trying to do.
Removing is done with... no, I don't know how to answer without model section and metod signature


What and when can "Target" be instead of an Entity and should I check its logical name when working on a single entity type?

I'm a newbie in developing in CRM, so I want to get some things clear. And you first you need to know the reason why you have to do something in order to fully understand it. So lets get to the question.
I know you have to do this when making a plugin:
var context = (IPluginExecutionContext)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IPluginExecutionContext));
if (context.InputParameters.Contains("Target") && context.InputParameters.["Target"] is Entity)
var entity = (Entity)context.InputParameters["Target"];
if(entity.LogicalName == "myEntity")
//Do something with your entity
Now, in the PluginRegistration Tool, you can set up that your plugin will be fired on the defined Message and which entities (and specific attributes from them) will be affected by it, besides other stuff.
I can see the validations are very useful when manipulating several entities with a single plugin.
Now, let's suppose you only are updating a single entity with your plugin. Why should I check if the entity that's on "Target" is the entity I want to work on, if I already know because I set it up for that entity in particular? What can an Entity be otherwise in that scenario?
Also, in what cases "Target" is NOT an Entity (in the current context)?
Thanks in advance, and sorry if this is a silly question.
See this answer: Is Target always an Entity or can it be EntityReference?
Per the SDK (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/gg309673.aspx):
Note that not all requests contain a Target property that is of type
Entity, so you have to look at each request or response. For example,
DeleteRequest has a Target property, but its type is
The bottom line is that you need to look at the request (all plugin's fire on an OrganizationRequest) of which there are many derived types (https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/microsoft.xrm.sdk.organizationrequest.aspx) to determine the type for the Target property.
As Nicknow said, the Input Parameters will change depending on the Message being executed.
You can get that information from the MSDN (every request will list the Input Parameters under the Properties section, for instance the CreateRequest) or using the ParameterBrowser.
There's also a really nice alternative to deal with this in a type-safe approach (intellisense included) described in the following blog article: mktange's blog.

How to add fe_group in Controller

I want to set the "standard" TYPO3 field "fe_group" in the extbase controller. As far I see there no "standard" getters and setters? https://typo3.org/api/typo3cms/class_t_y_p_o3_1_1_c_m_s_1_1_extbase_1_1_domain_object_1_1_abstract_entity.html
I tried to implement them in the model, but it does not work - I do not get any error but it is never set.
What exactly I want to do:
I have an object of type \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Domain\Model\FrontendUserGroup and I have an object of my record type (I can set other fields without any problems).
Now I want to do something like:
Do I have to implement this by my own to my model? I tried to implement fe_group as ObjectStorage and also as string - does not work? :-(
Does anyone have a solution for this?
Thank you
First of all: In models please name functions and properties lowerCamelCase. So a field "fe_group" in TCA would become "feGroup" in the model and the function would be "addFeGroup".
FrontendUserGroup model has a function addSubgroup to add other groups as subobjects. Is this the right thing for your purpose or what you need those relation to another group for?

Working with Swift and Core Data

This is more of a generalized question as I have yet to write the code for the question I am asking. Before I get started writing the code I wanted to make sure I am on the right track and possibly getting suggestions for better ways to do what I want to do. Basically right now I have a core data model setup in a way that I think is correct for what I am trying to do and just need some guidance on a very specific part of the code but want to make sure overall I created it correctly.
The first part to the question is more of a clarification on how relationships work in core data. Right now I have 5 entities and to make sure I have the correct idea on how it works I will use a few examples to make sure I am on the right track.
So lets save I have an entity I called name. Within that Name entity that contains only a name attribute. Next I have an entity that has classes, that each have a boolean of true or false to determine which class it is. These 2 are related in a inverse relationship of Name entity having a to one relationship and the Classes having a to many relationship because multiple names can have multiple classes but each name can only have 1 class. If I am right on this one that means I full understand core data relationships!
Now the second part of the question is related to the booleans in the class. I have the Class entity which is like I said a boolean containing a true false set as default to false. When the user selects one of the class buttons before presenting the popover where they actually give the name of the class selected it saves the boolean to true then passes that data over to the popover Name view controller. I am very unsure as to how to do this as it isn't a widely asked question on here nor have I been able to find any info through researching. I am one of those people who needs to actually learn by clear examples....any help with this would be appreciated! Sorry I don't have any example code for this.
The first part seems correct. The ManagedObject of your Class CoreDataObject should have an NSSet property which will contain the names (as the Class can have multiple names)
For the second part, Core Data uses objects. When you 'get' the data from Core Data it will be a (probably extended) NSManagedObject (named Class in our case). You can send this object as a parameter just as you would do with any other object and use it as you would use any other object :-). For example looping over de NSSet Names
func iterateOverNames(someClass: Class) {
for name: Name in someClass.names {
// do stuff
You can check these links for more information:

EntityFramework how to Override properties

I've just started using EF in VS2010. That thing is just amazin'.
I frankly can't understand something. For example I have EntityType with property, they generated from database structure.
Now, I have to simply override that property in my code. I don't need to save value of the property back into DB, but everytime when it gets read from DB it should be substituted with run-time calculated value.
Of course I can create derived class based on my EntityType but I've tried and found kinda difficulties, I'm not sure this is kinda right way to do. Anyway even when I try to change the whole EntityType to Abstract, damn Visual Studio doesn't want to validate that and says something like:
"Error 2078: The EntityType 'AssetsModel.Asset' is Abstract and can be mapped only using IsTypeOf."
"Error 2063: At least one property must be mapped in the set mapping for 'Assets'"
What the hell is this suppose to mean I dunno..
Any ideas?
The best approach would be to use Partial Classes and then create a new ReadOnly property to calculate the value in the getter.

Entity Framework 4.0: Create an unmapped property in the model (currenty i get : error 11009 - Property is not mapped)?

I know that i can enter/add new properties via code manually into partial classes but i wanted to use the model to add my new properties - reason being is that i can control a number of different attributes like NULL and things like that... and of course the code generations works great..
I added some foreign keys manually just on the model and they work great.
But everytime i add a SCALER PROPERTY i get an error in vs 2010 which says
Error 2538 Error 11009: Property 'testprop' is not mapped.
I can't believe i must map a custom property that i created to a column in the db.... is there no way to say "IGNORE" this property or treat as an unmapped property??
This way my code generation will create the required items BUT i don't get the error
Any help on this would be really helpful.
As i say i know i can edit things manually but wanted to update the model rather than edit a partial class....
I am sure i am missing something obvious?
With EntityFramework 5 you can use the NotMappedAttribute for unmapped properties. So, you can migrate to EF5 or use partial classes on EF4.
I believe that EF will on allow you to use the Model Designer to map to something that exists. If you want to create a property that doesnt exist, you'll have to use the partial class.
I had the same error - you can use the NotMappedAttribute for unmapped properties...