Create New user Apache Atlas - apache-atlas

There is an Apache Atlas server. The user connects using ldap technology. Users are adding the atlas-simple-authz-policy.json config file.json and specify its role in the application. We are faced with the following situation, until you create a user on the server itself (useradd nickname), the user will not receive full access within his role. I.e., in fact, the user will be able to log in to the application, perform some kind of search that will display the result, but it is already impossible to view the contents of the fragments found.


How do I create a system user in Atlas App Services?

How do I create a system user? The goal is using this user as an administrator.
I can only create normal (client) and server (something like client) users, but I'm unable to create a system user.
I tried the Atlas App Services Admin Rest API but there I can do just the same I can here.
I see that a possible solution is adding custom user data but there isn't a way in the console.
Any solution?
A server user is for backend access to your database. This may be useful if you are looking to perform backend database administration.
When you use Atlas App Services, you are creating users for frontend access to user-appropriate data. If you want to create users on the frontend with a role/privilege of 'Administrator', then you need to implement that logic.
You can create custom data for users, which is a separate document linked to the user with additional fields. A simple implementation would be a custom field 'isAdmin'.
A rule would need to be implemented to only give your frontend users access to restricted data once 'isAdmin' === true. For example:
"%%true": {"%%user.custom_data.isAdmin"}
For more rule examples:

Keycloak Admin REST-API Synchronize federation mapper

I am using Keycloak 9.0.3 with a LDAP-user federation, with edit mode = WRITABLE and Import Users = on.
I am developing a spring boot application that should call the Keycloak REST API to create, update, delete users and groups in LDAP. I also created "group-ldap-mapper" in my user federation to map LDAP-Groups to Keycloak-Groups and vise-versa.
My requirement is to create and delete Keycloak-groups via the REST API and they get mapped to groups in LDAP using the mapper above. When my application calls POST /{realm}/groups Keycloak just creates the group in Keycloak-DB and does not synchronise to LDAP unless the group gets assigned to some user. This is actually not a big problem.
The real problem is when my application deletes the group via DELETE /{realm}/groups/{id}. The groups gets deleted from the Keycloak-DB but not from LDAP.
An acceptable workaround would be to call POST /{realm}/user-storage/{parentId}/mappers/{id}/sync which synchronises the Groups and does the job.
The problem in this workaround, that there is no way to get the federation mapper id ({id}) other than hardcoding it in the spring application. There is no REST-Call to retrieve this id programatically.
Any idea how to solve this?
I figured out how to find the ids of the federation and the group-ldap-mapper programatically to use them in the call POST /{realm}/user-storage/{parentId}/mappers/{id}/sync.
One can call GET /{realm}/components. This returns among other things federation and mappers. In my case I could find the federation id from the UserRepresentation and then I used it to filter the components (parent={federation id}). According to documentation there is also a type Query, but I could not figure out the right value.

How to manage user database which is present in a single database among multiple applications

We have user data which is present in a single mongoDB. Multiple applications are using this database for user authentication.
The current method for the authentication is when the user signs in any application for the first time, data is fetched from parentDB and saved it respective local application db. The flaw with this method is when the user gets altered in parentDB, local copy needs to be synced.
Another method that we tried was writing the model definition in all the applications and connecting to parentDB of which the flaw is changing the model definition in all the applications if their is any change
What would be the suggested method for maintaining such user management ?
I would move authentication to separate server connected to parent db, and make all user management also request authentication server. Can also proxy authentication from app server to authentication server, so from outside it still looks like each app has its own auth.

specify user id when creating user in keycloak

I'm investigating a migration process from a legacy system into keycloak. Based on some of the ideas here: we're looking to create user accounts in keycloak at the point of login by looking up user credentials from some dedicated endpoints on our legacy system.
As part of this, I need the user ID to remain the same as it was in the legacy system.
Is it possible to create a user with a specified ID rather than relying on keycloak to auto-generate it?
Running into this issue when attempting to create users via the API, I looked into the code for the users service. It looks like it is currently not possible to set the user id due to how the user is created.
From the code in specifically on line the user is first created using the username, then updated. I believe id is not an updatable field. Thus it is not currently possible.
Checking the api I see it is now possible to add an optional "id" field in the userRepresentation object that you pass to create a new user in keycloak.
Find more information here:

Mongodb - how to add database user through spring application

I want to implement database authentication in mongodb.
In order to do that, I found out that I need to first create an admin user and then create separate users for each of my database through mongodb client shell (manually or using a javascript file).
I was wondering if it is possible to add user to the individual databases from the spring application itself but did not get any useful pointers to do this. Is it that this approach is wrong because if this possible the application will always be able to access the database because it itself is creating the user, but external access will still be blocked.
Please let me know how this can be achieved or if it is an incorrect approach.
After you add a normal user via the MongoShell, you can then connect via your application and create either normal users, or read only users.
Note that a normal user can also add users, so the users your application adds may need to be down as read only users depending on your use case and needs.
In the MongoShell, adding a read only user can be done via
use myAppDB
db.addUser("JohnSmith", "CheddarCheese", true)