How to assign different color to different event in Calendar Kit in iOS Swift - eventkit

I want to achieve a task in which i want to add different colors for different events using Calendar Kit pod.


How to show time based event in Calendar - Flutter

I'm creating an app for Grounds in which you can book a ground from a time slot.
I have to create UI like the below image
From the top right corner, the user picks a time range and It'll show only those dates available in the calendar below.
The Red and Orange colors available in the calendar will be from APIs and it indicates already booked time slots.
Does anyone have an idea that how to create UI like this or which package should i use?

How to present data on macOS app like a calendar view in swift

I am creating a macOS application in Swift where I have core data that I store routes planned for a certain date and have a specific duration.
I need to present all routes on a page similar to a calendar where each route will be presented with a certain color (depending the driver).
How I can create this view?
Do I have to use any calendar object?
Thank you.

How to mimic the stock Calendar app on watchOS?

The stock calendar app on the Apple Watch has some UI elemnts I would be interested in implementing in my app. It shows each event in its own view and when scrolling up (with touch or the crown) the view is animated up and the next event is visible below.
Is this a default implementation or is it a modification of the WKInterfaceTable?
After some testing it looks like they use a WKInterfacePicker with a style of 'Stack'. However, from what I understand only images can displayed in the WKPickerItem in this mode. Is that correct?

(Swift) detect color and click it

I'm working on this little Mac App using Swift. When the app detects a certain color, it should simulate a click on it.
I'm using a NSTimer that calls the function "searchForColor()" every second; and when the function detects the color within the app, it clicks it.
What would be the best way to approach this?

Porting iPhone UI with multiple screens over a map to Android. Use multiple Activities?

I have this setup in an iPhone app:
There is always a MKMapView on screen & a additional UI layer on top. The upper UI layer is managed by a simple state system. Each state is a UIViewController and has a .nib attached to it containing the layout.
I'm very new to Android development. What is the best way to build this on Android?
So far I see two options:
1. Have a single Activity & insert/remove layouts as the states change.
2. Have multiple Activities and have a layout for each. Is there then a way to keep a single MapView around beneath, without having one per activity?
In general, it is easier to have multiple activities, each with their own layout.
Before you get to far, make sure you read through the basic Android documentation and UI guidelines. Android has some UI paradigms that are a little bit different from the iPhone, so you generally don't want to just copy over exactly what you have.