Problem with InMemoryEventBusSubscriptionsManager in eshopOnContainer - publish-subscribe

In Microsoft .Net Core Reference Application eshopOnContainers, uses an In-MemorySubscribptionManager for maintaining subscriptions inside a Dictionary. Won't this cause issues if multiple instances of the application are running in different containers.(e.g. Subscribing/UnSubscribing will not affect in all the running instances & raise invalid events)


How are AbsoluteExpiration, AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow and SlidingExpiration used on DistributedCacheEntryOptions?

I'm in charge of implementing a session state server with ASP.NET Core gRPC, and its corresponding client, to have session state management for a load-balanced group of ASP.NET Core applications. That means the client must implement IDistributedCache for that.
The methods Set and SetAsync have a parameter of type DistributedCacheEntryOptions and this class has the properties AbsoluteExpiration, AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow and SlidingExpiration. I presume these properties can be used to signal when a cache entry has expired, but how are they used and how am I to interpret them? Seeing that the 3 properties are nullables, is it that only one of the three is to be populated?
So, as far as I can tell, you're supposed to use only one of those properties (the one that matches your use case). In my case, all I had to do is to use SlidingExpiration and that covered my use case. Other contexts might require other strategies.

How to keep thread safe with multiple pods of a Spring Data Reactive Repository microservice

I have a microservice to wrap the access to a MongoDB (DaaS). It is implemented with Spring Data Reactive Repository (ReactiveMongoRepository).
I have deployed within a docker image, running on Kubernetes (in Google Cloud). I have configured the orchestrator to keep a minimum of 2 pods of my microservice (and a maximum of 4).
In other microservice, I have implemented a batch process with multithreading, where I call my daas, with the following sequence:
Modify some fields (including increments of counters)
Here is the relevant code:
public Mono<Element> updateElement(String id) {
return this.daasClient.findById(id)
.map(elem -> modify(elem))
.flatMap(elem ->;
When there are lots of operations, each pod runs some of then (including the previuos code), so I have seen that the access to the resource (Mongo) is not thread safe, so the resut is not as expected.
I guess, 2 pods run the findById simultaneously, so the update is not to the "real" document, so, the last in invoking the save method overrides the changes of the other.
Anybody know how I could do to avoid this, i.e., to implement this operation in thread-safe (pod-safe) way?

Hyperledger Fabric: How to get names of all the functions along with their arguments and return-types contained in a deployed chain-code

I was wondering if there is any possible way, to get the names of all the functions, which a deployed Chaincode contains, along with the arguments each of them expects, as well as their return-types.
So that the client application can utilize it to minimize inconsistencies while calling them.
You can use one of the Fabric SDKs (e.g Node SDK) to submit a transaction with the argument 'org.hyperledger.fabric:GetMetadata'.
This will return a buffer containing your smart contract metadata, which will have information about your transactions, their arguments, etc.

How DSpace process a query in jspui?

How any query is processed in DSpace and data is managed between front end and PostgreSQL
Like every other webapp running in a Servlet Container like Tomcat, the file WEB-INF/web.xml controls how a query is processed. In case of DSpace's JSPUI you'll find this file in [dspace-install]/webapps/jspui/WEB-INF/web.xml. The JSPUI defines several filters, listeners and servlets to process a request.
The filters are used to report that the JSPUI is running, that restricted areas can be seen by authenticated users or even by authenticated administrators only and to handle Content Negotiation.
The listeners ensure that DSpace has started correctly. During its start DSpace loads the configuration, opens database connections that it uses in a connection pool, let Spring do its IoC magic and so on.
For the beginning the most important part to see how a query is processed are the servlets and the servlet-mappings. A servlet-mapping defines which servlet is used to process a request with a specific request path: e.g. all requests to* will be processed by, all requests to will be processed by
The servlets uses their Java code ;-) and the DSpace Java API to process the request. You'll find most of it in the dspace-api module (see [dspace-source]/dspace-api/src/main/java/...) and some smaller part in dspace-services module ([dspace-source]dspace-services/src/main/java/...). Within the DSpace Java API their are two important classes if you're interested in the communication with the database:
One is org.dspace.core.Context. The context contains information whether and which user is logged in, an initialized and connected database connection (if all went well) and a cache. The methods Context.abort(), Context.commit() and Context.complete() are used to manage the database transaction. That is the reason, why almost all methods manipulating the database requests a Context as method parameter: it controls the database connection and the database transaction.
The other one is The DatabaseManager is used to handle database queries, updates, deletes and so on. All DSpaceObjects contains an object TableRow which contains the information of the object stored in the database. Inside the DSpaceObject classes (e.g. org.dspace.content.Item, org.dspace.content.Collection, ...) the TableRow may be manipulated and the changes stored back to the database by using DatabaseManager.update(Context, DSpaceObject). The DatabaseManager provides several methods to send SQL queries to the database, to update, delete, insert or even create data in the database. Just take a look to its API or look for "SELECT" it the DSpace source to get an example.
In JSPUI it is important to use Context.commit() if you want to commit the database state. If a request is processed and Context.commit() was not called, then the transaction will be aborted and the changes gets lost. If you call Context.complete() the transaction will be committed, the database connection will be freed and the context is marked as been finished. After you called Context.complete() the context cannot be used for a database connection any more.
DSpace is quite a huge project and their could be written a lot more about its ORM, the initialization of the database and so on. But this should already help you to start developing for DSpace. I would recommend you to read the part "Architecture" in the DSpace manual:
If you have more specific questions you are always invited to ask them here on stackoverflow or on our mailing lists ( dspace-tech (for any question about DSpace) and dspace-devel (for question regarding the development of DSpace).
It depends on the version of DSpace you are running, along with your configuration.
In DSpace 4.0 or above, by default, the DSpace JSPUI uses Apache Solr for all searching and browsing. DSpace performs all indexing and querying of Solr via its Discovery module. The Discovery (Solr) based searche/indexing classes are available under the "org.dspace.discovery" package.
In earlier versions of DSpace (3.x or below), by default, the DSpace JSPUI uses Apache Lucene directly. In these older versions, DSpace called Lucene directly for all indexing and searching. The Lucene based search/indexing classes are available under the "" package.
In both situations, queries are passed directly to either Solr or Lucene (again depending on the version of DSpace). The results are parsed and displayed within the DSpace UI.

What things should I consider when using System.Transactions in my EF project?

I have both an MVC app and a windows service that access the same data access library which utilizes EntityFramework. The windows service monitors certain activity on several tables and performs some calculations.
We are using the DAL project against several hundred databases, generating the connection string for the context at runtime.
We have a number of functions (both stored procedures and .NET methods which call on EF entities) which because of the scope of data we are using are VERY db intensive which have the potential to block one another.
The problem
The windows service is not so important that it can't wait. If something must be blocked, the windows service can. Earlier I found a number of SO questions that stated that System.Transactions is the way to go when setting your transaction isolation level to READ UNCOMMITTED to minimize locks.
I tried this, and I may be misunderstanding what is going on, so I need some clarification.
The method in the windows service is structured like so:
private bool _stopMe = false;
public void Update()
EntContext context = new EntContext();
var transactionOptions = new System.Transactions.TransactionOptions();
transactionOptions.IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted;
using (var transactionScope = new System.Transactions.TransactionScope( System.Transactions.TransactionScopeOption.Required, transactionOptions))
List<Ent1> myEnts = (from e....Complicated query here).ToList();
List<Ent2> myOtherEnts = (from e... Complicated query using entities from previous query here).ToList();
Thread.Sleep(5000); //wait 5 seconds before allow do block to continue
}while (! _stopMe)
When I execute my second query, an exception gets thrown:
The underlying provider failed on Open.
Network access for Distributed Transaction Manager (MSDTC) has been disabled. Please
enable DTC for network access in the security configuration for MSDTC using the
Component Services Administrative tool.
The transaction manager has disabled its support for remote/network
transactions. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8004D024)
I can assume that I should not be calling more than one query in that using block? The first query returned just fine. This is being performed on one database at a time (really other instances are being run in different threads and nothing from this thread touches the others).
My question is, is this how it should be used or is there more to this that I should know?
Of Note: This is a monitoring function, so it must be run repeatedly.
In your code you are using transaction scope. It looks like the first query uses a light weight db transaction. When the second query comes the transaction scope upgrades the transaction to a distributed transaction.
The distributed transaction uses MSDTC.
Here is where the error comes, by default MSDTC is not enabled. Even if it is enabled and started, it needs to be configured to allow a remote client to create a distributed transaction.