Entity Framework Core code first many-to-many save with only foreign keys [duplicate] - entity-framework-core

This question already has an answer here:
What is the correct way to do many to many entity relation insert?
(1 answer)
Closed 11 months ago.
I have a many-to-many relationship established code-first that works, with thousands of fake records generated for an API. Now I'm trying to save a new record on one side of that relationship given only the ids of the other side, as the client is passing in an array of int ids.
I've found plenty of questions with problems and answers about saving many-to-many in general, but none specifically about doing so with just a list of foreign keys. Perhaps I'm simply using the wrong terminology?
I could grab all the records for those ids up front, but it seems very heavy to wait for a database query, assign those entities to the new entity, and then go to the database again to save, when all I really need is to establish a relationship with ids I already have.
For single relationships I would just add the foreign key as a separate property and set that instead of the foreign entity itself:
public int? CarId { get; set; }
public CarModel? Car { get; set; }
Is there perhaps a similar paradigm for many-to-many?
Entity setup:
public class ClownModel {
public int Id { get; set; }
public List<CarModel> Cars { get; set; }
public class CarModel {
public int Id { get; set; }
public List<ClownModel> Clowns { get; set; }
DB Context OnModelCreating:
.HasMany(x => x.Cars)
.WithMan(x => x.Clows);

You can use a "stub entity" to add an existing Car to a new or existing Clown without fetching the Car. Eg
var newClown = new Clown();
var car = new Car() { Id = carId };
db.Entry(car).State = EntityState.Unchanged;
Or include the linking entity in your model, which you can do without adding a DbSet property or changing the Many-to-Many navigation properties.
.HasMany(x => x.Cars)
.WithMany(x => x.Clowns)
c => c.HasOne(x => x.Car)
.HasForeignKey(x => x.CarId),
c => c.HasOne(c => c.Clown)
.HasForeignKey(c => c.ClownId)
var newClown = new Clown();
var clownCar = new ClownCar();
clownCar.CarId = carId;
clownCar.Clown = newClown;


Fluent API: Define both "many to many" as relationship and as relationship object too

I've always defined my many-to-many relationships like this:
.HasMany(i => i.Brands)
.WithMany(p => p.PriceLists)
.Map(m =>
And it has always worked well.
But now that I'm using "Entity Framework Extensions Bulk Insert" (https://entityframework-extensions.net/bulk-insert) I want to bulk insert into PriceListsBrands table.
So I had to create the relationship object per sé...(which I usually don't need because I already have the navigation properties Brands and PriceLists)
public class PriceListBrand
public long PriceListId { get; set; }
public virtual PriceList PriceList { get; set; }
public long BrandId { get; set; }
public virtual Brand Brand { get; set; }
public PriceListBrand()
To finally call BulkInsert:
var priceListsBrands = new List<PriceListBrand>();
// Populate
// ...
But then I'm getting this exception:
EntityType 'PriceListBrand' has no key defined. Define the key for this EntityType.
I tried adding the following FluentAPI definition above my previous FluentAPI code:
.HasKey(e => new { e.PriceListId, e.BrandId })
But then I'm getting this exception:
The EntitySet 'PriceListBrand1' with schema 'dbo' and table
'PriceListsBrands' was already defined.
(Notice the "1": it is trying to define twice the relationship)
So the question is: how can I both define a "many to many" relationship and a relationship object too?

Entity Framework - error when adding entity with related entity

I have two entities:
public class EntityA
public int? Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public EntityB { get; set; }
public class EntityB
public int? Id { get; set; }
public string Version { get; set; }
I have existing records for EntityB already in the database. I want to add a new EntityA with reference to one of the EntityB records.
var entityB = _dbContext.EntityB.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == 1);
var entityA = new EntityA { Name = "Test", EntityB = entityB };
When the above code runs I get the following error:
System.InvalidOperationException: The property 'Id' on entity type 'EntityB' is part of a key and so cannot be modified or marked as modified. To change the principal of an existing entity with an identifying foreign key first delete the dependent and invoke 'SaveChanges' then associate the dependent with the new principal.
This seems to me, that the save is trying to also add EntityB, not just a reference to it. I do have the relationship specified in the database as well as in Entity Framework, e.g. when querying for EntityA if I include EntityB in the select, I get the referenced entity as well (so the relationship works).
modelBuilder.Entity<EntityA>(e =>
e.HasKey(p => p.Id);
e.HasOne(p => p.EntityB)
.HasForeignKey<EntityB>(p => p.Id);
modelBuilder.Entity<EntityB>(e =>
e.HasKey(p => p.Id);
How can I save a new EntityA, with only a reference to the selected EntityB, rather than saving both entities?
It looks like you are trying to Extend EntityB with an optional 1:1 reference to a Row n the new table EntityA. You want both records to have the same value for Id.
This 1:1 link is sometimes referred to as Table Splitting.
Logically in your application the record from EntityB and EntityA represent the same business domain object.
If you were simply trying to create a regular 1 : many relationship, then you should remove the HasOne().WithOne() as this creates a 1:1, you would also not try to make the FK back to the Id property.
The following advice only applies to configure 1:1 relationship
you might use Table Splitting for performance reasons (usually middle tier performance) or security reasons. But it also comes up when we need to extend a legacy schema with new metadata and there is code that we cannot control that would have broken if we just added the extra fields to the existing table.
Your setup for this is mostly correct, except that EntityA.Id cannot be nullable, as the primary key it must have a value.
public class EntityA
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public EntityB { get; set; }
If you want records to exist in EntityA that DO NOT have a corresponding record in EntityB then you need to use another Id column as either the primary key for EntityA or the foreign key to EntityB
You then need to close the gap with the EntityA.Id field by disabling the auto generated behaviour so that it assumes the Id value from EntityB:
modelBuilder.Entity<EntityA>(e =>
e.HasKey(p => p.Id).ValueGeneratedNever();
e.HasOne(p => p.EntityB)
.HasForeignKey<EntityB>(p => p.Id);
I would probably go one step further and add the Reciprocating or Inverse navigation property into EntityB this would allow us to use more fluent style assignment, instead of using _dbContext.Add() to add the record to the database:
public class EntityB
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Version { get; set; }
public virtual EntityA { get; set; }
With config:
modelBuilder.Entity<EntityA>(e =>
e.HasKey(p => p.Id).ValueGeneratedNever();
e.HasOne(p => p.EntityB)
.WithOne(p => p.EntityA)
.HasForeignKey<EntityB>(p => p.Id);
This allows you to add in a more fluent style:
var entityB = _dbContext.EntityB.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Id == 1);
entityB.EntityA = new EntityA { Name = "Test" };
This will trip up because you are using EntityA's PK as the FK to Entity B, which enforces a 1 to 1 direct relation. An example of this would be to have something like an Order and OrderDetails which contains additional details about a specific order. Both would use "OrderId" as their PK and OrderDetails uses it's PK to relate back to its Order.
If instead, EntityB is more like an OrderType reference, you wouldn't use a HasOne / WithOne relationship because that would require Order #1 to only be associated with OrderType #1. If you tried linking OrderType #2 to Order #1, EF would be trying to replace the PK on OrderType, which is illegal.
Typically the relationship between EntityA and EntityB would require an EntityBId column on the EntityA table to serve as the FK. This can be a property in the EntityA entity, or left as a Shadow Property (Recommended where EntityA will have an EntityB navigation property) Using the above example with Order and OrderType, an Order record would have an OrderId (PK) and an OrderTypeId (FK) to the type of order it is associated with.
The mapping for this would be: (Shadow Property)
modelBuilder.Entity<EntityA>(e =>
e.HasKey(p => p.Id);
e.HasOne(p => p.EntityB)
An OrderType can be assigned to many Orders, but we don't have an Orders collection on OrderType. We use the .HasForeignKey("EntityBId") to set up the shadow property of "EntityBId" on our EntityA table. Alternatively, if we declare the EntityBId property on our EntityA:
modelBuilder.Entity<EntityA>(e =>
e.HasKey(p => p.Id);
e.HasOne(p => p.EntityB)
.HasForeignKey(p => p.EntityBId);
On a side note, navigation properties should be declared virtual. Even if you don't want to rely on lazy loading (recommended) it helps ensure the EF proxies for change tracking will be fully supported, and lazy loading is generally a better condition to be in at runtime than throwing NullReferenceExceptions.

Many to Many between IdentityUser and other table in a separate context

I am having difficulty creating a join table relationship between my Identity Framework IdentityContext(the IdentityUser) and one of my other tables Let's call it Entry. The problem is, Entry is in an entirely separate context doing it's own thing as well.
What is the proper way to associate these two? Where do I define the Join Table in fluent api?
Right now, I am getting the following error.
The key {'ApplicationUserId'} contains properties in shadow state and is referenced by a relationship from 'ApplicationUser.ApplicationUserEntries' to 'ApplicationUserEntry.ApplicationUser'. Configure a non-shadow principal key for this relationship.
These are how my tables are defined.
public class ApplicationUser : IdentityUser
public virtual List<ApplicationUserEntry> ApplicationUserEntries { get; set; }
public class Entry
public int Id { get; set; }
public virtual List<ApplicationUserEntry> ApplicationUserEntries { get; set; }
And the join table as follows.
public class ApplicationUserEntry
public int ApplicationUserId { get; set; }
public ApplicationUser ApplicationUser { get; set; }
public int EntryId { get; set; }
public Entry Entry { get; set; }
For the IdentityContext I have just some generic setup for other properties
var users = modelBuilder.Entity<ApplicationUser>();
users.Property(u => u.Name).IsRequired().HasMaxLength(65);
users.Property(u => u.FirstName).HasMaxLength(32);
users.Property(u => u.LastName).HasMaxLength(32);
And in my GoalsContext I have some general setup for other unrelated stuff, and the join table defined for ApplicationUserEntry
// Entry Configuration
var entries = modelBuilder.Entity<Entry>();
entries.HasKey(e => e.Id);
entries.HasAlternateKey(e => new { e.MilestoneId, e.CategoryId, e.MetricId });
entries.Property(e => e.Value).IsRequired();
entries.Property(e => e.Locked).IsRequired().HasDefaultValue(false);
// ApplicationUserEntry Join Table
.HasKey(se => new { se.ApplicationUserId, se.EntryId });
.HasOne(se => se.ApplicationUser)
.WithMany(s => s.ApplicationUserEntries)
.HasForeignKey(se => se.ApplicationUserId);
.HasOne(se => se.Entry)
.WithMany(e => e.ApplicationUserEntries)
.HasForeignKey(se => se.EntryId);
Now I'm sure I'm obviously missing something but I can't figure out what. I've never attempted to create a many to many relationship between two tables that are defined in two different contexts... and not even sure if that's wise or not to do.
My ultimate goal is to be able to associate owners with Entry records, so they can only be modified by the owners, which I verify with Identity Framework.
Ideally I would just prefer a unidirectional relationship, so I can find the owner from the Entry, but I'm not intending to get a list of Entry by looking at the IdentityUser

Self-referencing many-to-many relationship EF code first

I work with ASP.NET MVC With Durandal/Breeze templates.
Let's say I have the following class:
public class Person
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Firstname { get; set; }
public string Lastname { get; set; }
public virtual List<Person> Friends { get; set; }
With the following EF Fluent API:
.HasMany(m => m.Friends)
.Map(m => m.ToTable("Friends"));
The database is generated successfully.
The problem is when I perform a que
ry with Breeze (client side) I have no data for the Friends property.
var query = entityQuery.from('Person')
.where('id', '==', 123)
When the query is executed I get as result the requested People entity with all the data except the Friends property is always an empty array. When I check the Json answer I see that also the data are transmitted. Even data for the Friends property. However they are not linked to the Friends property itself.
My question: what do I have to do to have my Friends property filled with values?
You must declare a foreign key in Person. Breeze requires the FK to correctly resolve associations.
I just realized you are asking about a many-to-many relationship. (yeah, I should have read the post title...)
Breeze does not support many-to-many associations.
However, you could have two one-to-many relationships to work as a many-to-many. (i.e. many-to-one-to-many) In this case, you will need to define the linking table/entity and the foreign key as mentioned earlier. (see http://www.breezejs.com/documentation/navigation-properties)
Try this answer: *Note that this is incomplete because i do not see the other table that you are trying to m-2-m with Persons. ( You will only want to use Persons Table and the 2nd Table , NOT table=Friends.
.Include(c => c.Friends)
.Where(c => c.Friends.Any(up => up.FriendVlaue == c.FirstName)) //c.from Persons
.Select(c => new
PersonID = c.ID,
PersonName = c.FirstName,
PersonCount = c.Person.Count()
From This answer
You should include Friends in the results. You can do this by adding Include("Friends")at Server Side API.
public IQueryable<Person> Persons()
return _contextProvider.Persons.Include("Friends");
If you don't want to return always the Friendsreference, you can create another method in the API such as PersonsWithFriends as suggested in here (Specialized query actions).

Many to Many Relationships not saving

I have two entities with a fairly standard Many to Many relationship that I created in EF 5 Code First. These are Service and ServiceItem. The Service entity contains a collection of ServiceItems and the ServiceItem contains a collection of Services. I can create, change and save data to either of the entities basic properties with no problems. When I try to add a ServiceItem to a Service or a Service to a ServiceItem it seems to work, but nothing is saved. I have verified that all the proper database tables are created, including a ServiceItemService table with the cross keys. The database ServiceItemService table doesn't get any entry when I add the items. There is no error and everything else seems to work perfectly.
I am a bit stumped and could use some help. Below are the classes.
The Service class;
public class Service
//Default constructor
public Service()
IsActive = true;
ServicePeriod = ServicePeriodType.Monthly;
ServicePeriodDays = 0;
ServiceItems = new Collection<ServiceItem>();
public int ServiceID { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public ICollection<ServiceItem> ServiceItems { get; set; }
public string TermsOfService { get; set; }
public ServicePeriodType ServicePeriod { get; set; }
public int ServicePeriodDays { get; set; }
public bool IsActive { get; set; }
The ServiceItem class;
public class ServiceItem
public ServiceItem()
IsActive = true;
public int ServiceItemID { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string Description { get; set; }
public ICollection<Service> Services { get; set; }
public string UserRole { get; set; }
public bool IsActive { get; set; }
This is the Fluent mapping I did while trying to debug this issue. The same problem happened before and after adding this mapping.
public DbSet<Service> Services { get; set; }
public DbSet<ServiceItem> ServiceItems { get; set; }
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
.HasMany(p => p.ServiceItems)
.WithMany(r => r.Services)
.Map(mc =>
Here is the code I use to save the Service item that includes 2-3 ServiceItems in the Service.ServiceItems collection. I have carefully verified that the ServiceItems were in the proper collection.
db.Entry(dbService).State = EntityState.Modified;
The dbService object doesn't seem to get affected in any way. The ServiceItems are still in the proper collection, but no update are made to the ServiceItemService database table. Any advice would be very welcome.
It is expected that nothing happens.
What you want to change or add is a relationship between the entities Service and ServiceItem. But you cannot manipulate relationships by setting the state of an entity to Modified. This only updates scalar and complex properties but no navigation properties (= relationships). (For example setting the state of a Service entity to Modified will mark Service.Title and Service.Description, etc. as modified and ensure that those properties are saved to the database. But it doesn't care about the content of Service.ServiceItems.)
The only exception where you can change a relationship by setting the state to Modified are Foreign Key Associations. These are associations that have foreign key properties exposed in your model entity and they can only occur for one-to-many or one-to-one associations. Many-to-many relationships are always Independent Associations which means they can never have a foreign key property in an entity. (Because the FKs are in the join table, but the join table is not an entity and "hidden" from your model classes.)
There is a way to directly manipulate relationships for a many-to-many association but it requires to go down to the ObjectContext and its RelationshipManager which is - in my opinion - pretty advanced and tricky.
The usual and straight-forward way to add and remove relationship entries to/from a many-to-many association is by just adding items to and removing items from the collections while the entities are attached to the context. EF's change tracking mechanism will recognize the changes you have done and generate the appropriate INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements when you call SaveChanges.
The exact procedure depends on if you also want to save Service and/or ServiceItem as new entities or if you only want to add relationships between existing entities. Here are a few examples:
service should be INSERTed, all serviceItems should be INSERTed and the relationships between the entities should be INSERTed into the join table as well:
using (var context = new MyContext())
var service = new Service();
var serviceItem1 = new ServiceItem();
var serviceItem2 = new ServiceItem();
Adding the "root" service of the object graph is enough because EF will recognize that all other entities in the graph are not attached to the context and assume that they have to be INSERTed into the database.
service already exists and should NOT be INSERTed, all serviceItems should be INSERTed and the relationships between the entities should be INSERTed into the join table as well:
using (var context = new MyContext())
var service = new Service { ServiceID = 15 };
var serviceItem1 = new ServiceItem();
var serviceItem2 = new ServiceItem();
EF recognizes here (when SaveChanges is called) that service is attached but the other entities are not. No INSERT for service happens but the serviceItem1/2 will be INSERTed together with the relationship entries.
service already exists and should NOT be INSERTed, all serviceItems already exist and should NOT be INSERTed, but the relationships between the entities should be INSERTed into the join table:
using (var context = new MyContext())
var service = new Service { ServiceID = 15 };
var serviceItem1 = new ServiceItem { ServiceItemID = 23 };
var serviceItem2 = new ServiceItem { ServiceItemID = 37 };
For completeness: How to remove relationships between existing entities?
using (var context = new MyContext())
var service = context.Services
.Include(s => s.ServiceItems) // load the existing Items
.Single(s => s.ServiceID == 15);
var serviceItem1 = service.ServiceItems
.Single(s => s.ServiceItemID == 23); // query in memory, no DB query
var serviceItem2 = service.ServiceItems
.Single(s => s.ServiceItemID == 37); // query in memory, no DB query
The two relationship rows in the join table that link service 15 with serviceItem 23 and 37 will be deleted.
Alternativly instead of calling Attach you can load the existing entities from the database. It will work as well:
var service = context.Services.Single(s => s.ServiceID == 15);
And the same for existing ServiceItems.