How to force creating a new session in Keycloak to authenticate CLI apps using OIDC Protocol - keycloak

I have a webapp that uses Keycloak for user management and auth provider successfully.
The same application requires a CLI tool for some operations (similar to the gcloud CLI + web console).
I've implemented the CLI part using the OIDC Authorization Code Flow that opens the browser for the user to authenticate. It works like a charm.
However, if the user logoff from the browser, Keycloak will invalidate the session and the cli will have to re-authenticate to get a new access_token and refresh_token.
My question here is, how can I force the CLI app login to create a new session separate from the browser session.
Or, if not possible, what's the correct way of achieving this?

Eventually, found out that I just have to add the scope offline_access to the list of scopes I am requesting. Keycloak will then create a new offline session (bad name for the feature, Offline just means that the user doesn't have to be present, but all the refreshes happen the same way)


Configure Authentication for actual html login page

We've got an install of Azure Devops server that currently authenticates against our active directory server and authentication works, but it appears to do so by means of browser basic authentication (the browser modal prompt that asks for a simple user name and password).
I'm wondering if there is some way to configure authentication such that users that have never logged in, actually get a login page... not just the basic authentication prompt in the browser.
I appreciate any input, I've used and administered azure devops in the cloud for a LONG time, but the devops server stuff I'm new to.
NOTE: I've played with IIS settings for authentication (enabling and disabling basic authentication and forms auth etc, but nothing really seemed to help there)
it appears to do so by means of browser basic authentication (the
browser modal prompt that asks for a simple user name and password).
I'm wondering if there is some way to configure authentication such
that users that have never logged in, actually get a login page... not
just the basic authentication prompt in the browser.
What's the login page do you mean?
1.If you mean the login page to connect to TFS web portal, as I know using basic prompt with username+password is the only appraoch.
Web Portal:
Only logic page:
2.But if you mean something used for authentication when accessing the code. I think you must be familiar with PAT which is widely used in Azure Devops Service. IIS Basic Authentication is not recommended. You can check Enabling IIS Basic Authentication invalidates using Personal Access Tokens and Use the TFS Cross Platform Command Line with TFS using basic authentication or personal access tokens (PATs).
Hope it helps to resolve your puzzle :)
So after lots of research, I found that in the differences between azure devops server and azure devops services documentation. In this documentation it states that it uses windows authentication, and you will never be presented with any login experience.
I'd vote that this should be something that be configured to show a login screen, as sometimes we want to log in as users other than the users we logged into the machine as.

Keycloak Applications vs Client authentication

Hi i am a bit confused as to how to secure applications through keycloak, the website shows how to secure clients. The application which i need to secure in my setup is a desktop application which uses keycloak + keycloak-gatekeeper protected endpoints.
i managed to get it working using the following library in python
however, it requires me to enter the client-secret and i am wondering if this is safe?
also, when i use the browser login instead, the browser doesnt need the client secret, but goes though gatekeeper, this tells me that i am doing something wrong here.
Use public access type client (Clients doc):
Public access type is for client-side clients that need to perform a browser login. With a client-side application there is no way to keep a secret safe. Instead it is very important to restrict access by configuring correct redirect URIs for the client.
You can change access type on clients - choose client - settings tab admin interface.
in your case, I would use Access type as confidential
and Authorization Enabled > on
and you should use the secrecy key to authorize your call to keylock when you want to interact with keycloak API
Keycloak keycloak = KeycloakBuilder.builder()
.username("foo")//the admin user

How to get clientid and clientsecret for OAuth 2.0 authentication in servicenow

I am trying to integrate my client application with ServiceNow using OAuth 2.0 authentication. In servicenow documentation for REST apis i have seen that we have to register our client with servicenow to get clientid and clientsecret for OAuth 2.0 resource owner password authentication. In the document to register the application we have to navigate to System OAuth > Application Registry in servicenow, but in my servicenow instance System OAuth > Application Registry is not present. How should i proceed to get the clientid and clientsecret
It sounds like the OAuth 2.0 plugin may not be active on your instance.
Got to: https://YOURINSTANCE/ and make sure it is Active
Also in your System Properties, make sure that OAuth is turned on.
This URL:
Also check out the wiki for any further clarification:
Good luck!
Steps to create and app and get client id/client secret.
Log into ServiceNow. Make sure you have an admin user login.
You need to navigate to System OAuth > Application Registry. Click New.
Easiest way is to search for "Application Registry"to register an OAuth client application in ServiceNow interceptor page, click Create an OAuth API endpoint for external clients. Fill out the fields, as appropriate.
Step 1
Step 2
Name - e.g. MyApp
If you leave the "Client Secret" as blank that will be the admin password by default (I won't recommend this)
Step 3
Additional Info:
Note that the refresh token expires in 100 days (8,640,000 seconds).
You can update the “Refresh Token Lifespan” to “2,147,483,647” (maximum value allowed by ServiceNow) to have a longer expiry for refreshtoken.
More Details -
• Click Submit.
Make sure tables you access via the api are allowed for web service access. Go to System Definition > Tables and locate your table (e.g. “sys-user”). Make sure “Allow access to this table via web services” checkbox is ticked. By default this is enabled.
Provide your Servicenow admin account username and password with the ClientId and ClientSecret to authorise your app to connect to ServiceNow.

Accessing REST service after login within browser using oauth2 and spring security using java config

I have implemented Oauth2 using sparkl2 app. I am using spring-security as described in the sparkl2 app using java config. I can successfully get auth token using curl and i can invoke web service using curl.
My question is
How I can access my REST service within the same browser after login into my application? I am not sure what I am missing here?
Let me elaborate my question in more details. The way browser keep session after login and we can access any protected resource in the application, what is the best way to implement so that I can test my REST api from browser
spring security keeps it in session. Session id is stored in browser cookie, so its passed with each request to your service. Then spring security should take it and check if specific session(with user logged in) is allowed to hit this particular url.
I would start with configuring secure paths in your java config:
or some other method instead antMatchers.
you probably have to log in user into spring security on some oauth callback, something like:
Authentication auth = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(user, null, authorities);

Is there a way to prompt the domain administrator to enable API access during authorization?

Our web application will require API access to be enabled in the Google Apps control panel to take advantage of the Directory API (Admin SDK). Is there a way to prompt the domain administrator to enable it during their initial authorization with our application (if it is not enabled) or another alternative?
If the APIs are not enabled, the specific error you'll see will be:
Error 403: Domain cannot use apis. - domainCannotUseApis
when setting up your application, you should perform a simple Directory API request call, maybe something like users.get() for the admin user logged into your application. If you get the above error, you should prompt the admin to enable the APIs in the CPanel.