I need to create a Nestjs back-end service using data passed from Google Home - rest

As I said in the title i need to create a service in my nest-js project, this service needs the data that the user verbally "says" to google home, so my question is: how does google home translates the voice in text? what kind of data arrives on my nestjs application? is it a text as i think or is it something else? i can't find any tutorial online, can you please paste some usefull link and/or explain to me what should i do?
long story short: i need to figure out how to take the data that arrives from a http get call from google home and use that datas for return a result based on said datas.
thank you for your help


Golang server background notofication process

I apologize in advance for my bad english.
I've created simple training service in golang, which supports login and registration system with MongoDB. This service allows you to scrape rooms for rent in London in specified location if you loggedin. So, now I want to implement notifications for loggedin user's about new rooms in user's marked location. My first idea was to make some background process, which will scrape rooms every 30 seconds, save the results (in mongo, in cookies or somewhere else, advise me please), match new scrape results with previous and save differences (new rooms) in DB for future posting to user in some form (email or list on html page).
1) Is my idea about notifications generally correct? If not, please describe me better way to do this or point to some relating examples.
2) What is the best way to make that background process in go?
3) This would be great if you'd point me on some examples relating to the case.
The demo of service on Heroku
Github repo
I appreciate your concern.

iOS user authentication (restrict to specific domain name)

I'm developing my first iPhone app to make what is effectively an app version of a fantasy league I created for work colleagues.
I am using Parse for the backend of the app. I only want people to be able to register with their work email address ie only if their e-mail address is _#mycompany.com
I'm sure this would be quite easy to someone who knew what htey were doing but I'm kind of new to this so any advice would be much appreciated.
You could do this in a number of ways. The easiest way would be to have the validation happen on-device - just check the e-mail address the user has put into the app, and only allow the registration to happen if it matches the domain you want to limit it to.
However, although this is very easy it's also open to abuse and it's not very flexible (if you want to add additional domains, you have to update the app).
Fortunately, Parse offers cloud code, which lets you validate data server-side. Cloud code is written in JavaScript, and you then upload it to Parse. There is full documentation on Parse's website, including examples for validating data.

How to get item sold notification using Amazon Marketplace Web Service (MWS)

I want to get item sold notification for items listed on amazon marketplace programmatically. Is there a way to do this using MWS APIs? I looked through the documentation and didn't quite find anything close.
Hi I know that this is old and the user that asked the question is probably inactive.
Though just in case someone lands here I would to say that at the moment of writing this MWS does not support item sold notifications (the might do in the future) for now the only notification supported is "AnyOfferChanged".
more info
The way to get the orders will be by making a call to the ListOrders service, more info
Hope this helps anyone
You have to use MWS service from Amazon.
You will find all docs, api and information on this website : https://developer.amazonservices.com/.
You have to code the call to their webservice and treat response.
There is an "order" call than you can load, using a cron for example, to get any new orders. This is the order api call.
I hope this help.
Have a look at the description of FulfillmentOrderStatus notification type

How to check mail open rate using google analytic?

The problems is since the mail is not an actual html page putting in webserver
The problems are:
How can i use the google analytics to check the open rate of the mail?
IF i use a random code eg. newsletter?code='sadsd' I can actually know who have opened the email?
Can i view the result by capture the data instead of login to google and view.
Thank you for any kind of help/ experience sharing.
How can i use the google analytics to check the open rate of the mail?
IF i use a random code eg. newsletter?code='sadsd' I can actually know who have opened the email?
You can't just write something and get something. First of all, if your question is referring to email campaigns then there is a well structured way to achieve this. You can use this for reference.
Can i view the result by capture the data instead of login to google and view?
Yes, by using GA-API , you can extract the data, store it in database and view it in your desired format.Also for testing purpose, by using tools like Omnibug or Charles you can test what values are getting passed to the google analytics server (through the Google Analytics Code placed to capture the data(from user interaction) and pass the data (to GA server)).
*Pardon me if I misunderstood your question.

iOS app - users updating wait time

I am building an iPhone app in which users (or employees) will be able to go to restaurants and update/give an estimate of the waiting time at that location. To do something like this, would it be most efficient to use an XML webpage and parse the data that is currently there and update that value with the user's input then reload the XML database? Obviously any user should be able to update the site so it needs to be done from a web-server.
Also, if anyone knows of a similar example for this, that would be spectacular!
Thanks for your help,
you can take a textfield in which you can fill the value and then send it onto the web server through XML or JSON web service and the other users can see the update from the web service.