Fetch Data between 2 specific dates automatically in DB2 - date

Here I'm with another unusual requirement.
Ok, so I have BO webi report (db2 database), and the report is supposed to run on 5th of every month and then it should have only data between a certain billing cycle (26th to 25th of last month)
So basically if I run the report on 5th of March, it should have data of billing cycle** 26th Jan - 25th Feb**.
I know I can manually put the dates in the query every month and run the report, but this report is going to be a schedule. So has to run automatically.
Any ideas ? Any date functions that can particularly tells a query to run between those dates ?
have not tried anything yet, but trying to come up a syntax. no clue :(

If you have whatever date of the same month as 2022-03-05, then you may get your date intervals as follows.
WITH PAR (DT) AS (VALUES '2022-03-05'::DATE)
DT - (DAY (DT) - 1) - 2 MONTH + 25 AS DATE_FROM
, DT - (DAY (DT) - 1) - 1 MONTH + 24 AS DATE_TO


How can I always get the full period when grouping by week in PostgreSQL?

I'm used to do the following syntax when analysing weekly data:
select week(creation_date)::date as week,
count(*) as n
from table_1
where creation_date > current_date - 30
group by 1
However, by doing this I will get just part of the first week.
Is there any smart way to alway get a whole week in the beginning?
Like get the first day of the week I would get half of.
First off you need to define what you mean by "week". This is more difficult than it appears. While humans have an intuitive since of a week, computers are just not that smart. There are 2 common conventions: the ISO-8601 Standard and, for lack of a better term, Traditional. ISO-8601 defines a week as always beginning on Monday and always containing 7 days. Traditional weeks begin on Sunday (usually) but may have weeks with less than 7 days. This results from having the 1st week of the year beginning on 1-Jan regardless of day of week. Thus the 1st and/or last weeks may have less than 7 days. ISO-8601 throws it own curve into the mix: the 1st week of the year begins on the week containing 4-Jan. Thus the last days of Dec may be in week 1 of the next year and the first days Jan may be in week 52/53 of the prior year.
All the below assume the ISO-8061.
Secondly there is no week function in Postgres. In you need extract function. So for this particular case:
select extract(week from creation_date)::integer as week, ...
Finally, your predicate (current_date - 30) ensures you will unusually not begin on the 1st of the week. To get the correct date take that result back 1 week, then go forward to the next Monday.
with days_to_monday (day_adj) as
( values ('{7,6,5,4,3,2,1}'::int[]) )
select current_date - 30
, current_date - 30 - 7 + day_adj[extract (isodow from current_date - 30 )]
from table_1 cross join days_to_monday;
The CTE establishes an array which for a given day of the week contains the number of days need to the next Monday. That main query extracts the day of week of current date and uses that to index the array. The corresponding value is added to get the proper date.
Putting that together with your original query to arrive at:
with next_week (monday) as
( values (current_date - 30 - 7
+ ('{7,6,5,4,3,2,1}'::int[])[extract (isodow from current_date - 30 )])
select extract(week from creation_date) as week,
count(*) as n
from table_1
where creation_date >= (select monday from next_week)
group by 1
order by 1;
For full example see fiddle.

DB2: How do I pull the previous full months' data for a table.column?

I'm running into an issue with a DB2 query for a Crystal Report. What I need to do is to pull the previous full month's data for a column, even if the previous month is December of the previous year (as it would be in January, for example). For instance, I have this table named TABLE:
Name Date
John 11/01/2019
Dave 12/15/2019
Frank 01/02/2020
I would need something like
select DATE from TABLE where month(DATE) = month(x)
In this instance, x = the full previous month's data, which in this case, would be December 2019, so it should return"
Dave 12/15/2019"
What's the code to pull the previous full month's data, regardless of what the current month and year are? Of course it should be dynamic, so it will pull the previous full month's data regardless when the query is run.
Try this
select date from table
where date between last_day(current_date - 1 month) + 1 day - 1 month
and last_day(current_date - 1 month)
or if your version of db2 knows first_day
select date from table
where date between first_day(current_date - 1 month)
and last_day(current_date - 1 month)
I was actually able to pick apart the IBM documentation to use the DB2 version of DATEPART and DATEADD. Here's what I came up with:
I hope this helps someone in the future.
You may use any date instead of current date to return the first and last days of month previous to this given date.
This works for any Db2 version.

Postgres Adding Month to date

In postgresql 10
select '2019-02-28'::timestamp + interval '1 months'
resulted to: 2019-03-28 00:00:00
It was supposed to return 2019-03-31 00:00:00
How to get actual result?
As far as I can see Postgres is giving the correct answers; adding one month to 2019-02-28 should result in 2019-03-28 in the same way that adding one month to 2019-02-27 should result in 2019-03-27. In these cases you are asking PostgreSQL to add one month to a specific date and it is doing this. Things do get interesting when you try something like select '2019-01-30'::timestamp + interval '1 months' (result 2019-02-28 00:00:00) but that's really the only logical choice (because 2019-02-30 is not valid).
I'm assuming that your real question is "given a timestamp, how do I get the last day in the following month"; if so try something like:
SELECT (date_trunc('MONTH', '2019-02-28'::timestamp) + INTERVAL '2 MONTH - 1 day');
Note: If you are using this in a query then you are probably better to get the first day of the following month so your query can say where xxx > month1 and xxx < followingmonth (otherwise you end up losing the last days data).

how to find number of days since 28th of last month till 27th of current month in db2

I need to generate a report on 28th of every month .
So for that I need to run an autosys job.
In that I have a query with the condition
validation_date >= (number of days since last run)
Could you please help me on this .How can I achieve this condition in DB2 ?
This is a monthly job.So I don't want to hard code my previous run date in the query .At the same time I need to get a condition which satisfies for all the months .
Note :
If the query is running on feb 28th ,then feb 28th is not included. I need to get data from january 28th(included) till feb 27th(included)
similarly for march 28th run ,I need to get data from feb 28th(included) till march 27th(included)...Thanks in advance.Please help
Consider putting your report generation in a procedure, and parameterizing the start and end dates. In other words, have something like this:
create procedure monthly_report(
start_date date,
end_date date
language sql
... report queries here ...
Now you potentially have something much more flexible (depending on the report requirements). If, in the future, you want to run a report on a different day, or for a different length of time, you will be able to do that.
Once you design it this way, it also may be easier to set the dates in your job scheduling script, rather than in SQL. If you did it in SQL, you could do something like this:
call monthly_report(
year(current timestamp - 2 months) ||'-'||
month(current timestamp - 2 months) ||'-'||
'28' from sysibm.sysdummy1
year(current timestamp - 1 month) ||'-'||
month(current timestamp - 1 month) ||'-'||
'27' from sysibm.sysdummy1
You may need to tweak it to handle some edge cases (I'm not exactly sure if you care what happens if it runs on the 29th of the month, and if so, how to handle it). But you get the basic approach.
You can use DAY() function that extracts day of month from date and you can use it for triggering job. for example where day(param)=28.
other two parameters can be calculated with date calculation , here is example for trigger , date_to value and date_from value
select day(timestamp_format(20170228,'yyyyMMdd') ),timestamp_format(20170228,'yyyyMMdd')- 1 DAY,timestamp_format(20170228,'yyyyMMdd') -1 month from sysibm.sysdummy1;
if your parameter/column is date/timestamp you can remove timestamp_format(20170228,'yyyyMMdd') function and just put your column/parameter

Need to sort by Date then Hour, then output Date, text Day of week , range of hours SQL Server 2008 R2

NEWBIE at work! I am trying to create a simple summary that counts the number of customer visits and groups by 1) date and 2) hour, BUT outputs this:
Date Day of Wk Hour #visits
8/12/2013 Monday 0 5
8/12/2013 Monday 1 7
8/12/2013 Monday 6 10
8/13/2013 Tuesday 14 25
8/13/2013 Tuesday 16 4
We are on military time, so 14 = 2:00 pm
TPM300_PAT_VISIT.adm_ts as [Date]
,TPM300_PAT_VISIT.adm_ts as [Day of Week]
,TPM300_PAT_VISIT.adm_ts as [Hour]
,count(TPM300_PAT_VISIT.vst_ext_id) as [Total Visits]
and TPM300_PAT_VISIT.adm_ts between '07-01-2013' and '08-01-2013'
Group by
cast(TPM300_PAT_VISIT.adm_ts as DATE)
Order by
This should solve the problem:
; With Streamlined as (
DATEADD(hour,DATEDIFF(hour,'20010101',adm_ts),'20010101') as RoundedTime,
adm_srv_cd='22126' and
adm_ts >= '20130701' and
adm_ts < '20130801'
CONVERT(date,RoundedTime) as [Date],
DATEPART(weekday,RoundedTime) as [Day of Week],
DATEPART(hour,RoundedTime) as [Hour],
count(vst_ext_id) as [Total Visits]
Group by
Order by
In the CTE (Streamlined)'s select list, we floor each adm_ts value down to the nearest hour using DATEADD/DATEDIFF. This makes the subsequent grouping easier to specify.
We also specify a semi-open interval for the datetime comparisons, which makes sure we include everything in July (including stuff that happened at 23:59:59.997) whilst excluding events that happened at midnight on 1st August. This is frequently the correct type of comparison to use when working with continuous data (floats, datetimes, etc), but means you have to abandon BETWEEN.
I'm also specifying the dates as YYYYMMDD which is a safe, unambiguous format. Your original query could have been interpreted as either January 7th - January 8th or 1st July - 1st August, depending on the settings of whatever account you use to connect to SQL Server. Better yet, if these dates are being supplied by some other (non-SQL) code, would be for them to be passed as datetimes in the first place, to avoid any formatting issues.