Trying to draw a partial dependence plot but an error is reported - partial

I tried to build the gbm model and prepared a partial dependence plot of the variables but got an error.
partial(,pred.var = "lstat", n.trees =$n.trees, grid.resolution = 100)
Error in copy_classes(pred.grid, train) :
sapply(x[column.names], class) and sapply(y[column.names], class) are not equal:
Lengths: 1, 2
names for target but not for current
Attributes: < names for current but not for target >
I'm not sure what's wrong, please fix this problem.


How to use functions in the command window of Dymola?

I am working with Dymola, and try to use the functions provided by Modelica standard library in the command window, but it seems that I can't use them, and I couldn't claim a variable of a specific type either. I am wondering if there is some kind of limit of the command I could use in the command window of Dymola. Where should I find all the allowable commands?
I try to use some functions from Modelica.Media, it seems the input variables are out of range, but I tried a lot of times and different units system. I find that I can't declare a variable of pressure type in the command window, but Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.h_pT() requires that I need to provide the variable as pressure and enthalpy type, is this the reason I can't use this function in the command window?
Failed to expand Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.h_props_pT(
phase = 1,
region = 1,
p = 1000000.0,
T = 800.0,
h = 9.577648835649013E+20,
R = 461.526,
cp = 1.8074392528071426E+20,
cv = -3.7247229288028774E+18,
rho = 5.195917767496603E-13,
s = 1.2052984524009106E+18,
pt = 645518.9415389205,
pd = 6.693617079374418E+18,
vt = 357209983199.2206,
vp = -553368.7088215105,
x = 0.0,
dpT = 645518.9415389205
Failed to expand Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.h_pT(1000000.0, 800, 1).
Assuming the inputs are valid there seems to be an issue specifically related to evaluating some media-functions interactively in Dymola (since they shouldn't be evaluated in models). It will be corrected in Dymola 2022x.
A temporary work-around is to first set the flag Advanced.SemiLinear = false; and then:
= 9.577648835649013E+20
(I'm not sure how valid the formulation is in that region.)
But please remember to set Advanced.SemiLinear = true; before translating and simulating any models - in particular models using media-functions.
The problem is that you are giving the function an invalid input. It seems Dymola does not give you the error-message for this based on the screenshot and logs you provided. I tried it in OpenModelica and got:
Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.h_pT(100e5, 500e3)
[Modelica 4.0.0/Media/Water/] Error: assert triggered: IF97 medium function g5: input temperature (= 500000 K) is higher than limit of 2273.15K in region 5
By using a value within the limits, it returns a value:
Modelica.Media.Water.IF97_Utilities.h_pT(100e5, 1e3)

Adding edge attribute causes TypeError: 'AtlasView' object does not support item assignment

Using networkx 2.0 I try to dynamically add an additional edge attribute by looping through all the edges. The graph is a MultiDiGraph.
According to the tutorial it seems to be possible to add edge attributes the way I do in the code below:
g = nx.read_gpickle("../pickles/" + gname)
yearmonth = gname[:7] = yearmonth # works
for source, target in g.edges():
g[source][target]['yearmonth'] = yearmonth
This code throws the following error:
TypeError: 'AtlasView' object does not support item assignment
What am I doing wrong?
That should happen if your graph is a nx.MultiGraph. From which case you need an extra index going from 0 to n where n is the number of edges between the two nodes.
for source, target in g.edges():
g[source][target][0]['yearmonth'] = yearmonth
The tutorial example is intended for a nx.Graph.

Specman coverage: How to cover only that some transition occurred?

I need to make sure that at least 1 change occurred in a specific uint item X, i.e. X had 2 different values (it is unknown what specific values). Something like this:
cover some_event {
item X : uint = some_uint using no_collect;
transition X using when = (prev_X != X);
** The code causes compilation error
Is it possible to define such coverage in Specman?
Thank you for your help
what you wrote is almost accurate, but instead of "when" - use "ignore"
cover some_event is {
item X : uint = some_uint using no_collect;
transition X using ignore = (prev_X == X);

MATLAB: dynamic variable definitions

For a numerical simulation in MATLAB I have parameters defined in an .m file.
%; Parameters as simple definitons
amb.T = 273.15+25; ... ambient temperature [K]
amb.P = 101325; ... ambient pressure [Pa]
combustor.T = 273.15+800; ... [K]
combustor.P = 100000; ... [Pa]
combustor.lambda = 1.1;
fuel.x.CH4 = 0.5; ... [0..1]
fuel.n = 1;
air.x.O2 = 0.21;
%; more complex definitions consisting of other params
air.P = reactor.P;
air.T = amb.T;
air.n = fuel.x.CH4 * 2 * fuel.n * combustor.lambda / air.x.O2;
Consider this set as 'default' definitions. For running one simulation this definitions works fine.
It's getting more complicated if I want to change one of these parameters programmatically for a parameter study (the effect of changing parameters on the results), that is, to perform multiple simulations by using a for loop. In the script performing this I want to change the defintion of several parameters beforehand, i.e. overwrite default definitions. Is there a way to do this without touching the default definitions in-code (comment them/overwrite them literally)? It should be possible to change any parameter in the study-performing script and catch up on default definitions from the listing above (or the other way round).
Let me illustrate the problem with the following example: If I want to vary combustor.lambda (let's say running from 0.9 to 1.3) field air.n has to be evaluated again for the change to take place in the actual simulation. So, I could evaluate the listing again, but this way I would lose the study-defined combustor.lambda for the default one.
I am thinking about these solutions but I cannot get to how to do this:
Use references/handles in a way that the struct fields only hold the definitions, not the actual values. This allows for changing default definitions before 'parsing' the whole struct to get the actual values.
Evaluate the default definition set by a function considering (non-default) definitions defined preliminarily, i.e. skipping these lines of the default definition set during evaluation.
Any OOP approach. Of course, it is not limited to struct data types, but on the other hand, maybe there are useful functions for structs?
The purpose of the default set is for the programmer to be as free as possible in choosing the varying parameters with any of the other parameters keeping their default definition which can be independent (= values) as well as dependent (= equations like air.n).
% one default parameter set
S = struct('T', 25, 'P', 101000, 'lambda', .5, 'fuel', .5);
GetNByLambda = #(fuel, lambda) fuel * 2 * lambda;
T = struct('P', S.P, 'n', GetNByLambda(S.fuel, S.lambda));
% add more sets
S(end+1) = struct('T', 200, 'P', 10000, 'lambda', .8, 'fuel', .7);
T(end+1) = struct('P', S.P, 'n', GetNByLambda(S(end+1).fuel, S(end+1).lambda));
% iterate over parameter sets
for ii = 1:length(S)

Why is a function parameter considered an undefined variable?

I've been looking around for a while, but I can't seem to find something that describes and answers the problem I've been having. Namely, I have a function being defined in a ball class that checks to see if it and another ball are intersecting (due to the balls being kept on the same z-plane and the radius being the same for all of them, I've simplified the problem to that of intersecting circles). This function is as follows (where both obj and other are of the class ball, and where the ball class contains a position vector of length 3):
function intersected = ball_intersection(obj, other)
intersected = (obj.position(1)-other.position(1))^2+(obj.position(2)-other.position(2))^2 <= (2*ball.radius)^2;
I get the following error:
Undefined variable other.
Error in ball/ball_intersection (line 29)
intersected = (obj.position(1)-other.position(1))^2+(obj.position(2)-other.position(2))^2 <= (2*ball.radius)^2;
Error in ball/move (line 56)
if ball_intersection(other)
Error in finalproject (line 41)
cueball.move(0.0001, 0, 0, 9.32, 4.65, otherball);
For some reason, Matlab thinks that a function parameter is undefined, and I don't know how to make it know that it is in fact defined right there.
Any and all help is appreciated - thanks for reading!
ball_intersection has to be called with two input arguments.
Most likely, you want to change line 56 of ball to if ball_intersection(obj,other), or if obj.ball_intersection(other).