Sharing one camera with multiple Players - unity3d

I want to create a simple multiplayer game in unity 3d using photon pun 2 free.
Im trying to implement a shared camera, a camera that doesnt follow any Player, stays stationary and everyone sees the same thing.
I ve run into the issue where Only the master client sees the changes and other clients have the scene frozen As if the camera didnt update for them at all
So how to fix that, how to make the camera update for everyone not just the host?


Personal First Person Cameras for each Player using Unity's 'Netcode for GameObjects'

I'm currently learning how to use Netcode for GameObjects and have just gotten the client, host, and server working as well as a movement script for the players that only effects each player individually. the only problem with it now is that when a new player is spawned, any existing players camera is changed to the camera that is spawned within the prefab of the new player. I have looked around online for a solution and this is the closest thing I could find but it's not done using Netcode for GameObjects and I'm not sure how to translate the information in the video over.
Any idea how i could achieve this?

Unity2D: Mirror Multiplying - How to view an opponent's screen in a match 3 game

I'm making my own match 3 multiplayer game, the concept is to have two people face off against each other person can face off another person by swapping tiles to make a line of the same form. I want to introduce multiplayer by connecting two players together and allowing each person to see their opponent's screen, as well as syncing their moves. So far, I have a simple match 3 game (I created one using different tutorials, mainly this playlist) and followed a simple multiplayer tutorial (Mirror) for a player to host or be a client. My problem is that I have no idea how to show both players their opponent's screen to each other. I even found an example of what I want the multiplayer mode in my game to be like. Can anyone point me in the right direction, please and thank you.
Additional information:
I'm using mirror for multiplayer
I created a network manager gameobject and added the necessary components to it. I also added the game pieces into the 'registered spawnable prefabs' and created an empty gameobject, called player for the player prefab.
Each game piece has a network transform and network identity component attached.
The player prefab object has a camera child under it to.
This is what I want my game to look like:
Overall, I want to have player's view each other's screen:
As you can see, both player's are connected, what I want to do it to allow each player see their opponent's screen. Does anyone have an idea on how I can do it?
Thank you! :)

Scene management using unity MLAPI (Multiplayer)

I was reading up on the unity MLAPI and read in the documentation that basic scene management is offered. However as far as I could see this is limited to placing all of the connected clients and their player prefabs in the same scene. For this use case this works pretty good, I was wondering if anyone has experience using MLAPI and managing different scenes for different players. Basically running a multiplayer game where player X could be in a different scene than player Y, whilst still being able to move to another players scene and see the state of the scene that player caused. A bit how games such as Diablo 3 work. I have no idea where to begin with such an implementation, any pointers would be greatly appreciated!

UE4 - Changing ADS Camera when using a different weapon

I'm very new to Unreal Engine 4 and have been following an fps guide online!
Currently have an AK and M4 in the game and can switch between the two using 1 / 2 on the keypad. I had to setup the first aim down sights camera to the AK and it works well! However if I equip the M4 and aim down sights then the camera is no longer in the correct spot and it doesn't line up at all with the ironsights. So I added another camera called M4A1 ADS Camera, but can't figure out how to switch to that camera when aiming down sights then going back to the AK camera if using that weapon.
Is there a better way of doing this or any tutorials / tips to help with the process for the future?
If I want to try and answer your question I'd say that you should add a switch case or make branches to check wich weapon is equipped at the time.
But I'd say a better way to do this would be to add a camera to your weapon blueprint then you could access the camera from the weapon directly (assuming you have a master weapon class). This way you would configure 1 ADS camera per weapon and align it properly in it own blueprint.
you can use "Set View Targent With Blend" function to change your cameras, it is very good for changing speed, and blending other things.
I know this is old but even cleaner than Deimos's suggestion would be to have an ADS camera component on your character and attach it to a socket you create on each of your weapons. You can adjust the socket position and rotation on each weapon's skeleton and then all you do from the character side is attach the camera to the weapon any time you equip one.

Unity game flipped after deploying

I havea game that uses ARCamera from Vuforia. When running in Unity the game works no problem. After I deploy the game to UWP, however, it seems that every thing has flipped. Almost as if I was looking at the game from the back. Even the writing is reversed. when deploying the game to android devices this does not happen. Does anyone have an idea how to solve this?
Thanks in advance
There is a ReflectionMode which flips the view horizonally. This is used when using a front facing camera.
If you look at the 'Vuforia Core Samples Example' from the asset store, they have a CameraManager script that shows how to handle camera configuration.