What could be the potential reasons for Windows service to hang? - ado.net

We are facing issue with windows service, its hanging just after opening the oracle connection and while creating the oracle command.
Before killing the service, when we analyzed the database logs, it showed the inactive session (not closed) and it’s matching the ‘DB last call time’ with the ‘service hung time’. That particular db session keeps waiting for application to instruct the next steps and stays idle, until we kill the service.
Most importantly this issue happens only sometimes without any pattern.
We have pool size set to 50 and connection timeout to 10min at application.
Types of oracle commands used:
using (OracleCommand cmd = oraCon.CreateCommand())
_cmd = new OracleCommand(“sqlText”, _connection)


MongoDB: Error connecting to, No connetion could be made because target machine actively refused it

I've been using Mongo for a while now, and I never had any kind of errors. But today, I tried running the mongo command in my terminal and I got the following error:
Error connecting to :: caused by :: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. :
I have my PATH variable for Mongo properly configured in my environment variables as follows:
C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.4\bin
so I doubt that is the issue. I remember going through my task manager yesterday and I accidentally terminated a program running in the background related to Mongo, but I can't seem to remember exactly what it was called, and I really think that that's the root of my problem, because before having terminated that Mongo program in my task manager I had never ran across this connection problem before.
By terminating a program in the background, I'm going to assume you didn't just end process, otherwise a simple computer restart would fix your issue. And in some cases, that same program would've relaunched when you launched MongoDB. But if you disabled a service and need to find which service needs to be running to be able to connect to your MongDB then I would suggest going through your Windows Services list and seeing which ones you disabled and looking one relating to TCP or SNMP.
This is because MongoDB Wire Protocol is a simple socket-based, request-response style protocol. You communicate with the database server through a regular TCP/IP socket and since you can't remember which one you "terminated" and any number of services related to networking can cause a dependency to be absent, I can't be more specific in helping you determine which one you need to turn back on and you'll have to do it through trial and error but I can at least offer you some guidance, hopefully.
Specifically you can either
Run system configuration using
In a run box, navigating to the Services tab, order the list by Date Disabled to find the service that was disabled which correlates with when you when snooping through task manager, or
Run Task manager and navigate to the Services Tab, then Open Services, and order them by Status or by Name, and look for any service that includes TCP/IP, COM+, Port direction, etc. to see which one is disabled and change the configuration from anything but Disabled and then stat it manually and run MongDB again.
It's about as specific as I can get without knowing anything more than you terminated some program running in the background but I hope it helps.
The background process (daemon) for MongoDB is called 'mongod'. It's an executable in your bin directory inside your mongodb installation. You can just execute it in the terminal.
C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\4.4\bin\mongod.exe

Opening DB connections to Postgres taking long

Some of our applications are facing issues with the connection pool. I run one of them. A JEE application on Payara 4.1 which uses PostgreSQL 9.5.8.
I have as good as no problems when running the application localy with local db instance. When running on the remote environment I have seen issues happening every 10 minutes that the application was unresponsive (well, it actually responded everything with HTTP status 503). Guessing it was related to opening connections taking long, we have set the parameter idleTimeoutInSeconds="0" in jdbc-resource. Now we have the same issues about 4 times a day which is an improvement, but - well - neighbour systems are still complaining.
We usually run with 5 steady connection allowing maximum connections of 30. Our application usually uses 1 up to 2 to handle traffic. With TCP dump I have seen, that at a certain point in time the connection pool tries to open many connections (the pool realizes the connections it holds have been closed by the DB without any information like TCP FIN, opening each connections takes about 1 second). During this time of about 30 seconds not all requests can be safely queued and some 503 happen.
Locally everything is fine. Opening a connection takes ~50ms and everyone is happy. Our postgres team is not helping at all and I am stuck with a problem. As I don't see any improvement possibility with the connection pool in JEE, I have radical ideas going in the direction of:
Refreshing the connections myself. All the time. Constantly. (Which would be hard to implement in JEE where I can not simply look into the connection pool and tell each connection to be refreshed just in case).
Replacing the not-helping-at-all JEE implementation of connection pool with something that works better. (Future generations of developers maintaining our app will hate me...)
Replacing the DB with something managed by myself. (Even dumber idea)
Does anyone:
Has any idea how I could perform 1 or 2 above?
Has any other ideas what could help?
Here my current JDBC resource definition if needed:
<jdbc-resource poolName="<poolName>" jndiName="<jndiName>" isConnectionValidationRequired="true"
connectionValidationMethod="table" validationTableName="version()" maxPoolSize="30"
validateAtmostOncePeriodInSeconds="30" statementTimeoutInSeconds="30" isTimerPool="true" steadyPoolSize="5"
idleTimeoutInSeconds="0" connectionCreationRetryAttempts="100000" connectionCreationRetryIntervalInSeconds="30"

How to know if a Firebird 2.0 database is being accessed?

I know that using Firebird 2.5+ I can check if there are users accessing my database using SQL, but unfortunately, Firebird 2.0 doesn't have this feature. Yes, I know it's an old version, but it's a legacy software and I'm not allowed to upgrade this in a short time... :(
I need to know if someone is connected to my 2.0 Firebird database, due to a process I'll run:
Block connections to DB (but ONLY if no one is connected)
Run my process
Allow users to reconnect again
I can start my process only when there are no users connected.
My database is part of a client/server system (no Web).
Any hints?
-at[tach] : this parameter prevents any new connections to the database from being made with the exception of the SYSDBA and the database owner. The shutdown will fail if there are any sessions connected after the timeout period has expired. It makes no difference if those connected sessions belong to the SYSDBA, the database owner or any other user. Any connections remaining will terminate the shutdown with the following details:
There is also Services API to do it so your database access library should expose the shutdown function. Specify a short shutdown, and if it failed - then there were some users. If it succeeded - now you can go on with maintenance, having a warranty client applications will not be able to connect.
Alternatively you can upgrade Firebird 2.0 -> 2.1 which is more close to 2.0 than 2.5 but already have Monitoring Tables implemented.
However this your approach has one weak point - race conditions. Using M.T. you envision your work as following:
Keep querying M.T. (which slows down server work significantly) until there are no other connections.
start maintenance work, that would fail if other connections are active
complete maintenance work
Problem is, that even after at step 1 you gained "no other connection" state, it does not mean that between steps 1 and 2, and especially between steps 2 and 3 now new connections would be made.
Even if you made your checks and ensure #1 condition, when you would go on with maintenance there would be some new user connected back and working now. Not every time of course, but as time goes by it will eventually happen one day.
But there is yet one more good thing in FB 2.1 - database-level triggers.
c:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2_1\doc\sql.extensions\README.db_triggers.txt
You can create a regular "all_current_connections" table, using on connect and on disconnect triggers to keep it up to date.
You perhaps would also have to add some logic to your applications, so they would update that table with your internal application ID, to tell main workflow apps/connections from servicing utilities. However it is also possible that mere CURRENT_USER and CURRENT_CONNECTION pair, which the trigger knows and can store to the table, would be enough for that table, if you can infer kind of application from mere user name.
Then on disconnect trigger might be checking whether all "main workflow" apps disconnected and POST_EVENT to notify servicing utilities. However those utilities would still have to shutdown the database first, anyway.
You can shut down the database using gfix. The gfix tool will try to shutdown the database and if connections still exist after a timeout, the shutdown will fail.
For example, use:
gfix -shut -attach 5 <your-database>
This will:
prevent new connection being created,
wait 5 seconds for the existing connections to end,
if after 5 seconds there are still active connections the shutdown will abort,
otherwise, after 5 seconds the database will be shut down.
After shutdown, only SYSDBA or the database owner can create a connection to the database. This is only a viable option if your application it self doesn't use SYSDBA or the database owner account.
You bring the database back online using:
gfix -online <your-database>
For more information, see also Gfix - Database Housekeeping: Database Startup and Shutdown
Well, not an elegant way, but works...
I try to rename the database file.
If there is someone accessing the database, the rename operation will give me
an exception, saying that the file is in use by some process.
If rename succeeds, new users will not be able to access the database
anymore (the connection string used by my systems is not changed).
I run the exclusive process I have to.
Rename the database file to its original name, allowing new users to
connect again.
I post my solution in the hope that helps someone facing a similar problem.
Our new version of the product will probably a Web application and the database was not choosen yet, but certainly will no be Firebird.
Thanks to all that tried to give me an answer.

Multiple could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer Postgresql and Resque

I have a server that runs Postgresql. in the logs I am seeing this message for my resque based 'worker' box, multiple times a minute. Some minutes there isn't a message, others could be 10 times.
2016-01-12 13:40:36 EST:[16141]: LOG: could not receive data from client: Connection reset by peer
Now when i go into the box to look at netstat -ntp i don't see a port 33899, and most of them are at least in the 40xxx range by now. That may be conjecture but I'm at a loss to find out why a Redis/Resque/Puma Rails stack would be printing out these messages, let alone what that means even if i get to the bottom of it.
Will I gain memory back if they are closed 'normally'?
Is this a thing to be wary of?
How does one debug OLD ports that are open when the db box and the worker box both don't display the ports any more?
This message is probably due to the resque worker task not closing the database connection before it exits. It's not a huge problem, but presumably Postgres is doing a little extra work to clean it up, and it makes a mess of your log file...
One solution is to add a hook to your resque worker's task file (the same file that contains the self.perform definition):
def self.after_perform(*args)

PostgreSQL connection issue - Dropping idle connections

Brief Background:
We have a cloud based Warehouse Management System that uses Glassfish to dish out the java interface. The Warehouse Management System consists of a Dashboard and a mobile application - both of which talk constantly with the Glassfish server (using a web browser).
Recently our PostgreSQL database server HDD failed. After restoring from a backup and moving the database to an Amazon Web Service Server, idle connections seem to be dropping out. This causes the entire Warehouse Management System to fail. Restarting the Glassfish server seems to fix the issue until the idle connection causes it to fail again.
It happens around 3-4 times per day after approx 20mins of idle activity i.e. our customer's lunch breaks, after hours etc..
Is there a setting that I'm missing in the postgresql.conf file? What else could be causing this?
I've attached a screenshot containing the output of running 'select * from pg_stat_activity;' and also the postgresql.conf file.
select * from pg_stat_activity
postgresql-8.4-main.log shows this occasionally, although it doesn't seem to be when it cuts out.
2015-10-19 07:51:41 NZDT [9971-1] postgres#customerName LOG: unexpected EOF on client connection
glassfish server.log is riddled with these lines:
[#|2015-10-19T07:46:49.715+1300|SEVERE|glassfish3.1.1|javax.enterprise.system.container.web.com.sun.enterprise.web|_ThreadID=25;_ThreadName=Thread-2;|WebModule[/pns-CustomerName]Received InterruptedException on request thread
[#|2015-10-20T09:34:42.351+1300|WARNING|glassfish3.1.1|com.sun.grizzly.config.GrizzlyServiceListener|_ThreadID=17;_ThreadName=Thread-2;|GRIZZLY0023: Interrupting idle Thread: http-thread-pool-8080(2).|
[#|2015-10-20T07:33:55.414+1300|WARNING|glassfish3.1.1|javax.enterprise.system.container.web.com.sun.enterprise.web|_ThreadID=14;_ThreadName=Thread-2;|Response Error during finishResponse java.lang.NullPointerException
Thanks in advance