VSCode workspace default terminals - visual-studio-code

It would be nice to have two terminals open with a specific path automatically when selecting a workspace.
Is there any way to set this up?


Can Google Cloud Shell Editor (Theia) have color themes configured per workspace?

I like having a color theme configured per workspace in VS Code to give me an immediate indication of the project. I cannot seem to find a way to do this in the Cloud Shell Editor, Theia. The option to set the Color Theme appears to be global; is this possible at all to set per workspace? How?
Yes Google Cloud Shell Editor (Theia) can have color themes configured per workspace.
Steps :
Go to Cloud Shell Editor.File -> Open Workspace.
Choose a workspace/ folder you want to test on.
After the workspace is opened,File-> Settings -> Open Preferences.
There are two tabs, User and Workspace.
User Settings : Globally-applicable settings, applied to all your instances of the Cloud Shell Editor.
Workspace settings : Workspace-specific settings, applied to only the currently active workspace. These settings are saved in the .theia/settings.json file in your workspace folder and can be shared using version control or by downloading the workspace folder.
Switch to Workspace settings by clicking on the Workspace tab.
Use the Search Settings search bar that returns a set of settings
that match your query. Type color theme in the search bar.
You will see the query returns, Workbench: Color Theme (which
specifies the color theme used in the workbench)
Type any theme you want : Red/ light/ light+/Abyss/ Dark/ Dark+/
Solarized Dark/Tomorrow Night Blue etc. and then press Enter. Your
workspace is configured with the theme you chose.
Now to be sure, open any other workspace, you won’t see the theme
that you set in your previous workspace appearing in your current
workspace. By default any workspace has theme Light (Theia)

specifying vscode tasks.json location

When I press F9 in vscode it runs a task from C:\Users\James\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\tasks.json
That is, no matter what folder or workspace I have open, the same task.json file is always used.
How do I get vscode to use a task.json that is specific to the open workspace or folder?
The docs say that the tasks.json file should be in .vscode/ and I have placed it there, but it is ignored. I guess I accidently modified a setting that controls where this file should be, but I cannot find it to undo the change.
Clicking menu Terminal | Configure tasks also takes me to C:\Users\James\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\tasks.json
Delete C:\Users\James\AppData\Roaming\Code\User\tasks.json
Create new workspace
Clicking menu Terminal | Configure tasks

Open the same folder in two different windows in VS Code

I want to open the same folder in two different windows. I opened the folder in the first window, but when I tried to open the folder in the second window, VS Code just jumped to the first window, instead of opening it in the second window.
I want to do this because I want to divide my files into two windows and I am using VSCoq, which requires VS Code to open a particular folder to work.
This worked for me in VS Code 1.66.2
Then type
Workspaces: Duplicate As Workspace in New Window
open your folder as Workspace inside the new Window
Workspaces: Duplicate As Workspace in New Window

Can a Visual Studio Code Workspace Be Used with Multiple Windows?

Is it possible to associate a workspace with multiple windows? For example, when I open a workspace, can I have it open memorized documents in two windows? If I open a new window from an existing workspace, will it be opened under the same workspace with the same extensions enabled and disabled?
To duplicate your workspace in a new window see release notes, duplicate a workspace.
Duplicate Workspace in New Window
There is a new command Duplicate Workspace in New Window to duplicate
the current workspace in a new window. This command can be used as a
workaround to the current limitation that one workspace cannot be
opened in two windows. The workaround works best when you have the
setting files.autoSave set to afterDelay, onFocusChange, or
onWindowChange. In this way, the editor documents will be synced
through the file system when you have the same document open in
different windows.
The new window will have the same extensions enabled and disabled. But it will not open any files that you have already opened in the source window. Pay heed to the above link's comments about synchronizing your saves across windows.
You will need to bind the command to a keybinding, for example:
"key": "ctrl+alt+w",
"command": "workbench.action.duplicateWorkspaceInNewWindow"

Use same workspace for multiple eclipse instances at same time

I have two eclipse installed in my system. I want to run the two eclipse at same time and that should use the same workspace. But when I open the second eclipse instance it will prompt something like the workspace is in use. try different one . How can i achieve this?
Yes you can't open multiple instances of eclipse on a single workspace. But you can open multiple windows on a single workspace.
After first instance opened then click on Window > New Window option to open other eclipse window on the same workspace.