How to define a folder while run-batch from jboss-cli - jboss

How can I define a folder (e.g. relative to jboss.server.config.dir) where the cli script lies while running run-batch --file=path/to/cli/script.cli in jboss-cli? Auto-completion of a command run-batch --file= in jboss.cli shows that the jboss.home.dir+/bin is the default folder. E.g.:
[standalone#embedded /] run-batch --file=script.cli
The batch failed with the following error: : File d:\wildfly25\bin\script.cli does not exist.


Adding registry tables to db:pg:staff "C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/12/bin/psql" failed to start

When I try to deploy my postgres database using sqitch, I face this issue
adding registry tables to db:pg:staff:
C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/12/bin/psql" failed to start: "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect"
But my psql in this path C:\Program Files\pgsql\bin. Where I should change this path, psql command added on environment variable
this issue solved by
added psql environment variable with your correct path
added it in your project sqitch conf to be like that
[engine "pg"] client = psql

How to deploy the Sql files to Dedicated Server with Azure Devops Pipeline CI/CD

I am working on Azure DevOps CI CD Pipelines. The project's Backend is Dotnet Core, Frontend is Angular 8 and for Database, we used Entity Framework code-first approach. I was able to add Front and back end in pipelines. Now I am stuck with database deployment. since I was also unable to find any dedicated article.
The project is consists of Multi Context and Multi-Project. Reference folder structure
At local we usually run this command to generate migration and it works fine.
Add-Migration -Context ABCCompanyContext AddCompanyTable
Now, in Pipeline i have added the following command which I get from stackoverflow it self. but it didn't work. But from the error. it seems like I am really close
Pipeline Command
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef dotnet ef migrations script -i
-o $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\Migrations\migrate.sql --project **/ABC.Company.Data.csproj --startup-project **/ABC.Company.Api.csproj -i -o $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\Migrations\migrate.sql
Error Log
2020-12-24T06:49:27.0265041Z ========================== Starting
Command Output ===========================
2020-12-24T06:49:27.0688206Z ##[command]"C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe"
2020-12-24T06:49:32.9358440Z You can invoke the tool using the
following command: dotnet-ef 2020-12-24T06:49:32.9359182Z Tool
'dotnet-ef' (version '5.0.1') was successfully installed.
2020-12-24T06:49:38.4701578Z System.IO.IOException: The filename,
directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. :
'D:\a\1\s*\obj' 2020-12-24T06:49:38.4702878Z at
System.IO.FileSystem.CreateDirectory(String fullPath, Byte[]
securityDescriptor) 2020-12-24T06:49:38.4703503Z at
System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(String path)
2020-12-24T06:49:38.4704199Z at
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools.Project.FromFile(String file,
String buildExtensionsDir, String framework, String configuration,
String runtime) 2020-12-24T06:49:38.4705029Z at
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools.RootCommand.Execute(String[] _)
2020-12-24T06:49:38.4705729Z at
args) 2020-12-24T06:49:38.4706399Z at
args) 2020-12-24T06:49:38.4707003Z at
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools.Program.Main(String[] args)
2020-12-24T06:49:38.4707626Z The filename, directory name, or volume
label syntax is incorrect. : 'D:\a\1\s*\obj'
2020-12-24T06:49:38.6646502Z ##[error]Cmd.exe exited with code '1'.
2020-12-24T06:49:38.7627325Z ##[section]Finishing: Build EfCore
The error message,
System.IO.IOException: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. : 'D:\a\1\s\*\obj'
The path string contains the character '*'. Normally this character is not available in file name and folder name.
As the introduction from the docs about .NET Core CLI, the values of the options '--project' and '--startup-project' are the relative paths to the project folders.
According to my test, in the 'dotnet ef' command, it seems does not support wildcard patterns.
When I use wildcard patterns to set the path values, it always return the same error message.
System.IO.IOException: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. : 'D:\a\1\s\**\obj'
However, when I directly provide the complete relative paths instead of using wildcard patterns, the error disappears.
So, I recommend you directly use the complete relative paths to the project folders.

Config file missing when running Confluent Platform

When I start confluent platform I get an error [ERROR] unable to load config: unable to parse config file: /home/user/.confluent/config.json: unexpected end of JSON input. There is no file in the path shown in the error.
Unexpected EOF would suggest the file is present. .confluent directory is hidden, so it's not clear how you've checked if the file exists.
Try ls -laR~/.confluentorfind $HOME -name config.json`...
In any case, kafka-server-start should work fine, and I suggest using it

VSTS Agent cannot overwrite nor remove the DLL when used by IIS

VSTS agent for AZure devOPS is not able to remove or overwrite the file when a URL has been invoked . However when the IIS worker process is killed and the Release is redeployed it is working fine .
I have enabled both overwrite and clean option . But it is still unable to deploy.
2018-11-17T13:05:23.2176452Z ##[section]Starting: Copy Files to: D:\IIS Hosting\CICD
2018-11-17T13:05:23.2179160Z ==============================================================================
2018-11-17T13:05:23.2179236Z Task : Copy Files
2018-11-17T13:05:23.2179314Z Description : Copy files from source folder to target folder using match patterns (The match patterns will only match file paths, not folder paths)
2018-11-17T13:05:23.2179373Z Version : 2.117.2
2018-11-17T13:05:23.2179438Z Author : Microsoft Corporation
2018-11-17T13:05:23.2179495Z Help : [More Information](
2018-11-17T13:05:23.2179554Z ==============================================================================
2018-11-17T13:05:23.4602460Z found 7 files
2018-11-17T13:05:23.4602904Z Cleaning target folder: D:\IIS Hosting\CICD
2018-11-17T13:05:23.4650798Z ##[error]Unhandled: Failed rmRF: EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink 'D:\IIS Hosting\CICD\AZSync.Web.dll'
2018-11-17T13:05:23.4659907Z ##[section]Finishing: Copy Files to: D:\IIS Hosting\CICD
Gives an error -
The solution was to have a task to copy app_offline.htm to the IIS hosting directory which would stop dotnet core from running . Copy/ overwrite all files and then remove app_offline.htmusing a delete file task.


Description Resource Path Location Type
make: * Config file '' does not exist -- add the OMNeT++ bin directory to the path so that opp_configfilepath can be found, or set the OMNETPP_CONFIGFILE variable to point to Stop. Makefile /IWF line 55 C/C++ Problem**
I had the same problem with OMNET++ 4.3.1, it turns out that i extracted the omnet source files to C:\Omnet rather than the default expected location c:/omnetpp-4.3.1 by the make script. So when you try to build the mixim, the build stops by giving two errors one of them being
make: *** Config file 'c:/omnetpp-4.3.1/' does not exist --
To solve this issue, navigate to mixim(or whatever folder)>out>gcc-debug>.last-copts or you can search your workspace for something like omnetpp-4.3.1, remember the version, to locate the file. Then just change -Ic:/omnetpp-4../include to exact directory path where you have extracted omnet++.