Reading STEP file into Open Cascade loses size information - import

I'm working on reading a STEP file into my C++ application, translating it into OCCT shapes, and displaying them using VTK. Everything seems to be working fine EXCEPT the scale. The shape I'm importing is just under 20 mm in diameter according to a 3D viewer (which matches what it was when I exported it from my app), but when I import it, it displays as the expected shape but at just under 20 meters in diameter. The program uses meters internally; OCCT appears to be ignoring units during import.
My program runs the following on initialization:
The import code is:
STEPControl_Reader rdr;
IFSelect_ReturnStatus ret = rdr.ReadFile(filname);
if (ret == IFSelect_RetDone)
int navail = rdr.NbRootsForTransfer();
debugPrint("Found ",std::to_string(navail)," roots available");
int nroots = rdr.TransferRoots();
debugPrint("Transferred ",std::to_string(nroots)," roots");
TopoDS_Shape s = rdr.OneShape();
// Process the returned shape for display after this...
I've tried changing the value of "xstep.cascade.unit", and it has no effect on the size of the imported shape. It works as expected when exporting OCCT shapes to a STEP file, but not importing. Is there some parameter or initialization step I'm missing? We're using OCCT version 7.6.0.
ADDENDUM: I did check inside the STEP file, and the units are recorded with lines like:
So it shouldn't be a matter of not knowing what it's translating from.


Cannot identify image file io.BytesIO on raspberry Pi using PiCamera library and PIL

I am having trouble using the output from PiCamera capture function (directed in a BytesIO stream) and opening it using the PIL library. Here is the code (based on the PiCamera basic examples):
#Camera stuff
camera = PiCamera()
camera.resolution = (640, 480)
stream = io.BytesIO()
for frame in camera.capture_continuous(stream, format = "jpeg", use_video_port = True):
The error is : PIL.UnidentifiedImageError: cannot identify image file <_io.BytesIO object at 0xaa01cf00>
Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
Have a nice day!
The problem is simple but I am wondering why the io library works that way.
One simply needs to seek back the stream to 0 after truncating it or seek to 0 and then simply call truncate with no parameter (all after you are done opening the image). Like so:
for frame in camera.capture_continuous(stream, format = "jpeg", use_video_port = True):
image =
#Do stuff with image
Basically when you open the image and do some operation on it, the pointer of the BytesIO can move around and end up somewhere else than the zero position. After that when you call truncate(0) it does not move the pointer back to zero as I thought it would (seems logical to me to move the pointer back to where the truncation occurs). When to code runs once more, the capture writes in the stream but this time it does not start writing at the beginning and everything breaks after that.
Hope this can help someone in the future :)

Matlab - Error using imwrite

I have a weird problem... I want to create a video with the extension .tif with a lot of frames. My script is running well 2 times over 3 but it crashes randomly sometimes...
I have a loop which has the length of the total of frames in the video and at each turn I add a tif to my multipage tif.
There is my code to create the new video :
% --- Create the new frame
newVid.cData = iL(y0:y0end, x0:x0end);
% --- Create the new video
if nbrFrames == 1
Each turn I change the value of "newVid.cData". in fact the new video is a portion of an original video in which I focused on a specific object (a mouse for me). "dataOutVid" is the path where I store the new video and the extension of the path is .tif.
How I obtain the path:
disp('Where do you want to save the new video and under which name ?');
[name, path] = uiputfile({'.tif'}, 'Save Video');
dataOutVid = strcat(path,name);
There is the mistake I can possibly have randomly:
Error using imwrite (line 454)
Unable to open file "D:\Matlab\Traitement Vidéo\test.tif" for writing. You might not have write permission.
Error in mouseExtraction(line 164)
Well I don't understand why this error appears randomly (one time at the frame 270, another time at the frame 1250, etc...). How is it possible I suddendly loose the right to overwrite my file...
Edit : I already checked if I didn't have a RAM problem but I only use 20% of it during the execution of the script...

How to persist markers using ADF in TangoARPoseController

I am trying to persist markers in an augmented reality game. Here is the gist of what I am doing:
I have my users recording and saving an area to an ADF. Then they drop marker’s into the scene and save out their position data in Unity World coordinates to a text file. I then restart the app, load and localize to the ADF and load the markers.
In order to get this working, I've modified the ARPoseController.cs file in the Unity demo package to use the Area Description as it's base frame. In the _UpdateTransformation method I've swapped out the frame pairs
pair.baseFrame = TangoEnums.TangoCoordinateFrameType.TANGO_COORDINATE_FRAME_START_OF_SERVICE;
pair.targetFrame = TangoEnums.TangoCoordinateFrameType.TANGO_COORDINATE_FRAME_DEVICE;
pair.baseFrame = TangoEnums.TangoCoordinateFrameType.TANGO_COORDINATE_FRAME_AREA_DESCRIPTION;
pair.targetFrame = TangoEnums.TangoCoordinateFrameType.TANGO_COORDINATE_FRAME_DEVICE;
I've also added some code confirming that I'm successfully localizing to the ADF, but I'm noticing that my markers position in Unity World Space do not position properly relative to real environment.
I can confirm that my markers save and load properly based on START_OF_SERVICE origin so I assume that they are properly serializing and deserializing. What could be causing this? Am I wrong in assuming this should just work by switching the base framepair to Area_Description instead of START_OF_SERVICE?
I had a similar problem getting the AR and ADF integrated, I had to modify the TangoPointCloud to check if you're using an AreaDescription in OnTangoDepthAvailable() and adjust the baseFrame target as required.
if (m_tangoDeltaPoseController.m_useAreaDescriptionPose)
pair.baseFrame = TangoEnums.TangoCoordinateFrameType.TANGO_COORDINATE_FRAME_AREA_DESCRIPTION;
pair.targetFrame = TangoEnums.TangoCoordinateFrameType.TANGO_COORDINATE_FRAME_DEVICE;
pair.baseFrame = TangoEnums.TangoCoordinateFrameType.TANGO_COORDINATE_FRAME_START_OF_SERVICE;
pair.targetFrame = TangoEnums.TangoCoordinateFrameType.TANGO_COORDINATE_FRAME_DEVICE;
That way, the geometry of the point cloud adjusts itself based on the ADF offset instead of from device start.
After that change, when I'm using the sample code for AR to drop markers, it registers the surface properly so I'm placing the markers in the correct spots and orientation. I'm still encountering some flakiness with the markers not adjusting when relocalized though, have to look into the AreaLearningInGameController for loop closure events.
Hope that helps!

Blank output for image subtraction when using raspicam library

I am using raspberry pi with raspicam to run a project. I have downloaded the raspicam library from
I am trying to run a code for image subtraction but not getting results. Here is my code
raspicam::RaspiCam_Cv Camera;
Camera.set(cv::CAP_PROP_FRAME, CV_8UC1);
std::cerr<<"cannot open camera"<<std::endl;
while (True)
when I run this code I get blank frames of result1 and result2 as output. This is just a part of my code ignore if i have missed something.
Well, inside your loop
that'll be sort of identically zero...
Also, have you considered the timing here? You're grabbing images very close together in the time-domain, so naturally they'll be mostly identical (bar noise and fast motion) so the difference will be near-zero.

PIL to Qimage conversion: QImage constructor does not free memory

I am developping a Qt application loading pictures with PIL, modifying colors and alpha channels, then converting them as QImage.
Here is the problematic piece of code: normal repeated usage of the ImageQt function: # memory is filled around 7 mB/s
if name == 'main':
while True:
im ='einstein.png') #small picture
imQt = QtGui.QImage(ImageQt.ImageQt(im)) # convert to PySide.QtGui.QImage'outtest.png')# -> rendered picture is correct
#del(imQt) and del(im) does not change anything
The problem here is the crazy memory filling, when the picture is supposed to be erased by the garbage collector. I checked with gc.collect(), but it did not change anything.
This example shows what happends with the imageQt function, but in fact, I noticed this is a problem caused by QImage: if you repeatedly use the QImage constructor with data, the memory used by python process increases: im= Image.load('mypic.png').convert('RGBA')
data = im.toString('raw','RGBA')
qIm = QtGui.QImage(data,im.size[0],im.size[1],QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32)'myConvertedPic.png')# -> picture is perfect
If you put this code in a loop, memory will increase, as 1st example. From there i am a bit lost because this is a PySide problem...
I tried to use a workaround, but it does not work either:
#Workaround, but not working ....
if name == 'main':
while True:
im ='einstein.png') #small picture
imRGBA = im.convert('RGBA') # convert to RGBA'convtest.png') # ->picture is looks perfect
imBytes = imRGBA.tostring('raw','RGBA')
#print("size %d %d" % (imRGBA.size[0],imRGBA.size[1]))
qImage = QtGui.QImage(imRGBA.size[0],imRGBA.size[1],QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32) # create new empty picture
qImage.fill( # fill with blue, otherwise it catches pieces of the picture still in memory
loaded = qImage.loadFromData(imBytes,'RGBA') # load from raw data
print("success %d" % loaded)# -> returns 0'outtest.png')# -> rendered picture is blue
I am really stuck here, if you could help find a solution with this workaround ? Because I'm really stuck here!
Also I would like to discuss the QImage problem. Is there any reliable way to free this memory ? Could the fact I am using python3.2(32bits) be a problem in this case ? Am I the only one in this case ?
The imports I am using in case of:
import time
import sys
import PySide
sys.modules['PyQt4'] = PySide # this little hack allows to solve naming problem when using PIL with Pyside (instead of PyQt4)
from PIL import Image, ImageQt
from PySide import QtCore,QtGui
After further unsuccessful searching, I noticed, that the PIL function image.tostring() associated with a QImage constructor caused this problem
im ='einstein.png').convert('RGBA')
data = im.tostring('raw','RGBA') # the tostring() function is out of the loop
while True:
imQt = QtGui.QImage(data,im.size[0],im.size[1],QtGui.QImage.Format_ARGB32)"testpic.png") #image is valid
#no memory problem !I think I am really close to find what is wrong, but I cannot point it out.
It definitely has something to do with the data variable being held in memory.