Why does Flutter show another page in the stack before showing the actual page on Back event - flutter

I have built a functioning flutter app using Navigator 2.0 API and RouterDelegate. All the navigation works fine but the problem is on the back event. On pressing back either from the app bar or from the device button, the top page does pop but the page that is 2 layers deep in the stack is displayed for a fraction of second before the desired page is displayed.
Like in the attached image, when going back from ArchivedChatThread, Bots is displayed for few milliseconds and then another page is shown. Here, the stack is also not proper as there should be one page between Bots and ArchivedChatThread i.e ArchivedChats.
I tried a lot of different things but am unable to find a solution as this is my first flutter app and Navigator 2.0 being a relatively new and complex concept.
Any kind of help is appreciated. Thanks!


Flutter Get Navigation - Removing route in the middle

I know there are some duplicate/similar questions, I read them all but I can't get the right answer.
I'm using Getx to navigate between screens(Get.toNamed()) and I was just wondering if there's any way to remove a certain route from the navigation stack. Let's say I have the following routing for my sample social networking app:
main screen -> post screen -> profile screen -> (another) post screen
I want to remove the first post screen and add a new post screen after the profile screen but able to go back to the profile screen when I press the back button from the second post screen(another back button goes to the main screen and if I go to profile screen(again) from the second post screen, the first profile screen will also be removed). The reason I want to do this is because I want the screens to have only one instance.
I tried saving the Get.rawRoute of post screen and called Get.removeRoute(route) when opening the second post screen from the profile screen but I get "'route._navigator == this': is not true." assertion.
Is it impossible because it's a stack? but.... I just don't think this is impossible, there must be a way...
Help me Flutter Masters!
Just kidding, saving the Get.rawRoute of the post screen and calling Get.removeRoute(route) before opening another post screen works just fine, I made a mistake. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Full page view - Issues with Auto-fill code - Flutter

In my flutter app, I'm implementing a full page view using -
Now, It works just fine until I reach a page in the app that uses PinCodeTextField. In that page, a user can input the received OTP.
Now, the issue is that as soon as the page is opened, "Auto-fill code from Messages" appears and it brings back the notification bar as well as the bottom menu bar.
I have not implemented this feature and looks like somehow It has come on its own. Though, it is a nice feature to have, I really don't want it to mess up my app's full page view. Not until I restart the app, it goes back to full page view but again whenever I reach to a page with PinCodeTextField, that popup appears and messes things up.
Now, how do I force my app to go back to full page view ? If that is not possible, how do I stop Auto-fill code to keep coming on my screen on such pages ?? Kindly help.

The route.first page (MyHomePage) is updating even without a callback, function or notification listener

I can't really share code for this as it's for my entire ~large~ application, but is it normal for a flutter application's lower navigation stack to be updated when the current page is?
For example, in this page I have a standard form with a few TextFormFields:
Whenever I click on one to start typing the page sets state as expected, but by adding print("Update"); inside the build function of the bottom page of the navigation stack, I can see that page is being updated too. It happens on all pages I put on top of the first route page. I've also been experiencing that the home page gets slower as the app has been open for longer, could this be a cause for that problem too?

popAndReplacement shows page which is behind the poping page in Flutter

There are 3 screens in my app. When I use popAndPushNamed() in the 2nd page, it pops the 2nd page and shows the 3rd page, but when It pops it shows the 1st page behind it in milliseconds. how to avoid that?
is Animation the way?
or are there any other methods just like push and show 3rd page, and pop 2nd page when the 3rd page visible to the user?
popAndPushNamed() as the documentation suggests, pushes the new route but pops the old route simultaneously, and hence, there is a small moment where you can see the first page even if your new routes are fully opaque. Replace the method with Navigator.of(context).pushReplacementNamed() and it should work as expected.

Ionic either doesn't show back button or page doesn't load at all

I am trying to create a new page from an existing page with a back button. I have recreated the issue here in a plunkr. In the trip analytics option When I click the first card i.e. Enter Home address. I want the todayDetail .html page to come up with a back button. I have already tried two approaches
First approach The ng-click approach. In which I give $state.go(statename) to give that page. But then I wouldn't get a back button as the navigation stack is changed.
Second approach - If I keep the navigation stack i.e. keep the state name as initial.trips.today.todayDetail. The page doesn't load at all.
What is the issue? How should I go about it?