While setting up release pipeline azure subscription error - azure-devops

My account and subscription is active in portal.azure.com and also same account I have been using for azure devops as well, However while trying to add new service connection in release pipeline section I am seeing below error. Please help.
enter image description here

Please follow these steps to troubleshoot the error "You don’t appear to have an active Azure subscription".
Open a new InPrivate/incognito window of browser, and try to create a service connection again.
Go to https://ms.portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_Azure_Billing/SubscriptionsBlade to check if your subscription status is active.
Go to https://ms.portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_AAD_IAM/TenantPropertiesBlade to check whether the Security defaults is disabled.
In addition, when the user is assigned the subscription for the first time, it needs time to sync the changes when logging in to Azure DevOps.
If there is still the error, please report your issue to Developer Community, you could share your detailed messages in private channel (Microsoft Only).


Error when creating a pipeline. "You don’t appear to have an active Azure subscription."

I'm getting an error when I try to create a pipeline in our Azure DevOps. I've created a service connection for Azure US Gov to Azure Resource Manager that seems to have verified and saved successfully. Tried different browsers / incognito mode with no luck.
Error Message...
"You don’t appear to have an active Azure subscription."
Running version 18.181.31626.1 (Azure DevOps Server 2020 Update 1.1)
I've configured the service principal with contributor access. The connection appears to verify okay in DevOps when creating the service connection. In this example I'm selecting the option for Docker, though it appears to replicate against any of the options in the list. When selecting any of the options I see the pop out window on the side state "You don’t appear to have an active Azure subscription."
Please follow these steps to troubleshoot the error "You don’t appear to have an active Azure subscription".
1.Go to  https://ms.portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_Azure_Billing/SubscriptionsBlade to check if your subscription status is active.
2.Go to  https://ms.portal.azure.com/#blade/Microsoft_AAD_IAM/TenantPropertiesBlade to check whether the Security defaults is disabled.
Remember to switch to your subscription aad in the steps above.
In addition, when the user is assigned the subscription (access level above contributor) for the first time, it needs time to sync the changes when logging in to Azure DevOps.

Understand the causes of the error message received in Azure DevOps

The developer who installed my Azure devops Git environment left a few months ago. My new developer doesn't really understand this environment.
We were using it already for several weeks, but yesterday I received an error message:
If I understood what my ex developer said, is that he placed an Agent in me remote desktop connected to my server which I have to activate (run as administrator) in order to deploy the Azure devOps releases.
But this time there is a "getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND" error which I don't understand an my new developer neither.
To narrow down the issue, please follow the items below:
Set variable system.debug to True in your pipeline, and click the error in your screenshot to check the detailed error log.
Go to the FTP service connection you are using in your pipeline, update the username and password, or create a new service connection to make sure your FTP server is connected.

Azure DevOps Release Pipeline Managed Identity App Service Error On Deployment

I am just new to Azure Cloud and Devops, so forgive me if I may forget some critical info here.
So during creation of tasks for the release and selecting subscriptions, I get an error when trying to authorize the subscription (which I suspect is because of insufficient permissions associated to my account), so I go to advanced options to select the managed identity authentication.
After which no error shows now. So I set all remaining items and assign Deploy Azure App Service task. However during the running of the agent I get an error during Deploy Azure App Service step.
Error: Failed to get resource ID for resource type 'Microsoft.Web/Sites' and resource name 'sample-vue'. Error: Could not fetch access token for Managed Service Principal. Please configure Managed Service Identity (MSI) for virtual machine 'https://aka.ms/azure-msi-docs'. Status code: 400, status message: Bad Request
I have already set my azure app service to have a system assigned managed identity, but still this error occurs. I can't find any answer, online, with regards to the error above so hoping that someone could help explain to me the problem and how to possibly fix it. My hunch now is that I may have some insufficient permissions, but I don't know what it may be.
Please try the following items:
Remove and re-add the service connection in DevOps.
Check the rights of the account on Azure subscription. Please verify if the account has at least contributor access on Azure subscriptions. Check https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/billing/billing-add-change-azure-subscription-administrator

Azure Resource Manager Service Connection not connecting

We currently have one DevOps repository, with a functional CI/CD pipeline. We have another website hosted on a different instance (and different region) on Azure. We are trying to use our existing repo to deploy to the other Azure instance, but it is giving is the following message:
Failed to query service connection API: 'https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/c50b0601-a951-446c-b637-afa8d6bb1a1d?api-version=2016-06-01'. Status Code: 'Forbidden', Response from server: '{"error":{"code":"AuthorizationFailed","message":"The client '2317de35-b2c2-4e32-a922-e0d076a429f5' with object id '2317de35-b2c2-4e32-a922-e0d076a429f5' does not have authorization to perform action 'Microsoft.Resources/subscriptions/read' over scope '/subscriptions/c50b0601-a951-446c-b637-afa8d6bb1a1d'."}}'
I have tried all of the recommended trouble-shooting, making sure that the user is in a Global Administrator role and what-not, but still not luck. The secondary Azure subscription that we are hoping to push our builds to is a trial account. I'm not sure if it being a trial account matters.
I came across the same error. It turns out that, as the error message states, the service principal didn't have Read permission over the subscription. So the solution was to go to Azure Portal, select the subscription, select IAM and assign the role Reader to my service principal. Full explanation on here:
I have the same problem. There are one repository and two instances of the application on the Azure portal. For the first instance, the subscription Pay-As-You-Go is used, and there were no problems for it when creating the service connection and CI/CD settings. For the second instance, a free subscription is used and when trying to create a new service connection (Azure Resource Manager) I get the same error.
I tried to do it with the permissions of Owner and Contributor
UPD: I was helped by the re-creation of the application in the azure portal
Another option would be to save without verification if the Service Principle will not require permissions at the Subscription level. Like for example providing access to a Keyvault.
Check if the service connection for the second instance is correctly added in project settings:

How to detach, unlink, clear, remove, or rollback VSTS connection to Azure AD

There are good instructions available here on changing the VSTS connection from one Azure AD to another: Change VSTS AD.
But what if you just want to remove the Azure AD integration, and just revert to using Microsoft Accounts?
I successfully performed all the steps in the instruction, up to the point of attaching a new target Azure AD. You'd think when the VSTS account was unlinked in Azure, it would no longer show up in VSTS.
But going to https://[AccountName].visualstudio.com/_admin/_home/settings still shows account being backed by the source directory.
Attempting to add a Microsoft Account based user at https://[AccountName].visualstudio.com/_user fails to find the account, presumably because it is looking the the Source Azure AD.
This is an important capability when transferring ownership of an account. Thanks for taking a look!
You can follow the steps here: Disconnect your Team Services account from Azure AD.
To stop using Azure AD and revert to using Microsoft accounts, you can
disconnect your Team Services account from its directory.
Here's what you'll need:
Microsoft accounts added to your Team Services account for all users.
Team Services account owner permissions for your Microsoft account.
Directory membership for your Microsoft account as an external user
and global administrator permissions. Azure AD members can't
disconnect Team Services accounts from directories.
With the help of Microsoft Premium Support, we did manage to get this worked out.
The problem was the Team Services was not disconnected from the associated Azure AD before it was unlinked. Then once it was unlinked, it appeared gone from Azure, leaving no way to disassociate Azure AD.
The documentation does show to first disconnect the VSTS account from Azure AD, and then “unlink” the account. Where I got into trouble was by using the new portal. It's pretty hard to even find the old portal anymore BTW).
The new portal has this nice handy unlink button, which is practically irresistible. If clicking it, then it declares success. There is nothing in the UI that prevents you from unlinking while still leaving the AD association. There is no option at all in the new UI portal, as far as I could find, to disconnect Team Services from Azure AD.
Once unlinked, the only fix is to relink, and then redo it all in the old portal as is indicated by the documentation.
This is much more difficult than it should be because it seems like something that should be simple to achieve through the web UI. These posts helped me, but I wanted to add my 2 cents:
In order to disconnect VSTS from AAD you need to be able to use the disconnect button on the configure tab in the old portal seen here. However, you can only use that button if you're the VSTS account owner and if your account is not sourced from the currently linked active directory (i.e. - a MS Account). But you can't make the VSTS account owner a MS account if you've used the portal's interface to add the MS Account to your AAD as an external user. This is because external users are added as Guest account type by default (rather than Member type). If you try to set the MS account as VSTS owner you get the "AAD guest users are not allowed to be collection owners" message seen here.
It's a chicken/egg thing which is made more difficult by the fact that the official documents for this process make no mention of the conflict you'll face. They read as if this should just work.
The answer is that (as of today) you can't do this without using Powershell or an AAD API to convert the MS Account from a "Guest" to a "Member" user type. There are a number or articles out there which walk through the older APIs to do this. Here is what I did with the latest PS:
First, log in to the directory you wish to unlink with an account which has permissions to modify members. Ideally an admin or owner.
Next, find the account you want to modify using this command:
Find the ObjectID of the user you want to convert from Guest to Member and then run this command:
Set-AzureADUser -ObjectId [ObjectID GUID Here] -UserType Member
This will convert the MS Account in the AAD you want to unlink to a 'member' type. In my situation I found that I had to remove the MS Account from VSTS and re-add it in order to trigger a refresh which allowed me to set it as account owner.
Now you just follow the documented steps:
set MS account as project owner. Save.
log in to old portal, go to configure tab, and disconnect
log back in everywhere to see the changes