How to change hyper link text color in SwiftUI - swift

I am trying to custom change the default font color of hyperlink in a given markdown string with SwiftUI. Something equivalent to txtString.linkTextAttributes = [ .foregroundColor: ] of UIKit.
Here's my code:
import SwiftUI
struct TextViewAttributedString: View {
var markdownString: String
var body: some View {
private func convertIntoAttributedString(markdownString: String) -> AttributedString {
guard var attributedString = try? AttributedString(
markdown: markdownString,
options: AttributedString.MarkdownParsingOptions(allowsExtendedAttributes: true,
interpretedSyntax: .inlineOnlyPreservingWhitespace))
else {
return AttributedString(markdownString)
attributedString.font = .custom("Times New Roman", size: 16, relativeTo: .body)
let runs = attributedString.runs
for run in runs {
let range = run.range
if let textStyle = run .inlinePresentationIntent {
if textStyle.contains(.stronglyEmphasized) { // .stronglyEmphasized is available
// change foreground color of bold text
attributedString[range].foregroundColor = .green
if textStyle.contains(.linkTextAttributes) { // compiler error since .linkTextAttributes not available
// change color here but .linkTextAttributes is not available in inlinePresentationIntent
// Any other way to change the hyperlink color?
return attributedString
Example View where AttribtedString being used
import SwiftUI
struct AttributedStringView: View {
let text: String = "**Bold** regular and _italic_ \nnewline\n[hyperlink]("
var body: some View {
TextViewAttributedString(markdownString: text)
struct AttributedStringView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
Result Screen
Reference Docs:

if != nil {
// change foreground color of link
attributedString[range].foregroundColor = .orange

iOS 15:
You can initialize SwiftUIs Text with an AttributedString. You can create the AttributedString from a markdown string, find the link labels with regex and change the color for that part of the AttributedString.
let markdown = "**Bold** regular and _italic_ [hyperlink cool]("
let linkColor =
var body: some View {
func makeAttributedString() -> AttributedString {
var string = (try? AttributedString(markdown: markdown)) ?? AttributedString("Error markdown")
let linkLabels = getLinkLabels(markdownString: markdown)
for label in linkLabels {
if let range = string.range(of: label) {
string[range].foregroundColor = linkColor
return string
func getLinkLabels(markdownString: String) -> [String] {
guard let regex = try? NSRegularExpression(pattern: "\\[[a-zA-Z0-9_ ]*\\]") else { return [] }
let results = regex.matches(in: markdownString,
range: NSRange(markdownString.startIndex..., in: markdownString))
let labels = results.compactMap {
Range($0.range, in: markdownString).map { String(markdownString[$0]) }
// removing the brackets from the link labels before return
return { $0.trimmingCharacters(in: CharacterSet(charactersIn: "[]")) }

I had to replace the AttributeContainer.
if != nil {
var container = AttributeContainer()
container.foregroundColor = .red

The easiest solution for me was:
Text(.init("some text **[](**"))


Why does all formatting disappear from an NSTextView when using NSViewRepresentable and SwiftUI?

I am making a small program using SwiftUI that allows users to create rich text "notes" in an NSTextView. I have enabled all of the formatting features from NSTextView, including the ability to work with images. The program is only for macOS and not for iOS/iPadOS.
The problem I am facing is that whenever the user types anything in the NSTextView, the caret moves to the end and all formatting and images disappear.
Since I am just using the standard formatting options provided by Apple, I have not subclassed NSTextStorage or anything like that. My use-case should be pretty simple.
The program is tiny so far and the entire source code is on GitHub (, but I'll post the relevant code here.
This is my NSViewRepresentable class for the NSTextView:
import SwiftUI
struct RichTextEditor: NSViewRepresentable {
#EnvironmentObject var noteModel: NoteModel
func makeNSView(context: Context) -> NSScrollView {
let scrollView = NSTextView.scrollableTextView()
guard let textView = scrollView.documentView as? NSTextView else {
return scrollView
textView.isRichText = true
textView.allowsUndo = true
textView.allowsImageEditing = true
textView.allowsDocumentBackgroundColorChange = true
textView.allowsCharacterPickerTouchBarItem = true
textView.isAutomaticLinkDetectionEnabled = true
textView.displaysLinkToolTips = true
textView.isAutomaticDataDetectionEnabled = true
textView.isAutomaticTextReplacementEnabled = true
textView.isAutomaticDashSubstitutionEnabled = true
textView.isAutomaticSpellingCorrectionEnabled = true
textView.isAutomaticQuoteSubstitutionEnabled = true
textView.isAutomaticTextCompletionEnabled = true
textView.isContinuousSpellCheckingEnabled = true
textView.usesAdaptiveColorMappingForDarkAppearance = true
textView.usesInspectorBar = true
textView.usesRuler = true
textView.usesFindBar = true
textView.usesFontPanel = true
textView.importsGraphics = true
textView.delegate = context.coordinator
context.coordinator.textView = textView
return scrollView
func updateNSView(_ nsView: NSScrollView, context: Context) {
func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator {
class Coordinator: NSObject, NSTextViewDelegate {
var parent: RichTextEditor
var textView : NSTextView?
init(_ parent: RichTextEditor) {
self.parent = parent
func textDidChange(_ notification: Notification) {
guard let _textView = notification.object as? NSTextView else {
self.parent.noteModel.noteContents = _textView.attributedString()
On GitHub:
And this is my NoteModel class responsible for managing the NSTextView content:
import SwiftUI
import Combine
final class NoteModel: ObservableObject {
private var switchingPages = false
#Published var pageNumber = UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: "pageNumber") as? Int ?? 1 {
didSet {
UserDefaults.standard.set(pageNumber, forKey: "pageNumber")
switchingPages = true
noteContents = NSAttributedString(string: "")
switchingPages = false
#Published var noteContents = NSAttributedString(string: "") {
didSet {
if !switchingPages {
private var noteName: String {
return "\(NoteManager.NOTE_NAME_PREFIX)\(pageNumber).rtfd"
init() {
private func openNote() {
// This is necessary, but macOS seems to recover the stale bookmark automatically, so don't handle it for now
var isStale = false
guard let bookmarkData = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "storageLocationBookmarkData") as? Data,
let storageLocation = try? URL(resolvingBookmarkData: bookmarkData, options: .withSecurityScope, relativeTo: nil, bookmarkDataIsStale: &isStale)
else {
ErrorHandling.showErrorToUser("No storage location for your notes could be found!", informativeText: "Please try re-selecting your storage location in the settings.")
let fullURL = storageLocation.appendingPathComponent(noteName)
let options = [NSAttributedString.DocumentReadingOptionKey.documentType: NSAttributedString.DocumentType.rtfd]
do {
guard storageLocation.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() else {
ErrorHandling.showErrorToUser("ScratchPad is not allowed to access the storage location for your notes!", informativeText: "Please try re-selecting your storage location in the settings.")
if let _ = try? fullURL.checkResourceIsReachable() {
let attributedString = try NSAttributedString(url: fullURL, options: options, documentAttributes: nil)
noteContents = attributedString
} catch {
private func saveNote() {
// This is necessary, but macOS seems to recover the stale bookmark automatically, so don't handle it for now
var isStale = false
guard let bookmarkData = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "storageLocationBookmarkData") as? Data,
let storageLocation = try? URL(resolvingBookmarkData: bookmarkData, options: .withSecurityScope, relativeTo: nil, bookmarkDataIsStale: &isStale)
else {
ErrorHandling.showErrorToUser("No storage location for your notes could be found!", informativeText: "Please try re-selecting your storage location in the settings.")
let fullURL = storageLocation.appendingPathComponent(noteName)
do {
guard storageLocation.startAccessingSecurityScopedResource() else {
ErrorHandling.showErrorToUser("ScratchPad is not allowed to access the storage location for your notes!", informativeText: "Please try re-selecting your storage location in the settings.")
let rtdf = noteContents.rtfdFileWrapper(from: .init(location: 0, length: noteContents.length))
try rtdf?.write(to: fullURL, options: .atomic, originalContentsURL: nil)
} catch {
On GitHub:
Does anyone have any idea why this is happening and/or how to fix it?
I have found these similar issues, but they don't really help me much:
Replacing NSAttributedString in NSTextStorage Moves NSTextView Cursor - I don't have any custom syntax highlighting or anything like that.
Cursor always jumps to the end of the UIViewRepresentable TextView when a newline is started before the final line + after last character on the line - Only solves the caret issue and causes jerky scroll behavior in longer documents.
Edit: I forgot to mention that I'm using macOS Ventura, but am targeting 12.0 or higher.
Edit #2: I have significantly updated the question to reflect what I've found through more debugging.

macOS menu bar text with icon

As you can see in the image I would like to be able to do a similar one, to make a way that instead of showing only the icon of the sun, also showing a text.
As seen in the image below, an icon followed by a text.
But I only managed to do this:
The problem I would like to put the icon on the left or right of the text, not above it, can you give me a hand?
The text must change accordingly, how can I make the StatusBarController receive the text changes.
import AppKit
import SwiftUI
class StatusBarController {
#ObservedObject var userPreferences = UserPreferences.instance
private var statusBar: NSStatusBar
private var statusItem: NSStatusItem
private var popover: NSPopover
init(_ popover: NSPopover) {
self.popover = popover
statusBar = NSStatusBar.init()
statusItem = NSStatusBar.system.statusItem(withLength: NSStatusItem.variableLength)
if let statusBarButton = statusItem.button {
if let _ = userPreferences.$inDownload {
statusItem.button?.title = userPreferences.$percentualDownload
statusBarButton.image = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "Weather")
statusBarButton.image?.size = NSSize(width: 18.0, height: 18.0)
statusBarButton.image?.isTemplate = true
statusBarButton.action = #selector(togglePopover(sender:)) = self
statusBarButton.imagePosition = NSControl.ImagePosition.imageLeft
#objc func togglePopover(sender: AnyObject) {
if(popover.isShown) {
else {
func showPopover(_ sender: AnyObject) {
if let statusBarButton = statusItem.button { statusBarButton.bounds, of: statusBarButton, preferredEdge: NSRectEdge.maxY)
func hidePopover(_ sender: AnyObject) {
I'm thinking of using something like that:
import EventKit
import ServiceManagement
private struct PreferencesKeys {
static let backgroundIsTransparent = "backgroundIsTransparent"
static let inDownload = "inDownload"
static let percentualDownload = "percentualDownload"
class UserPreferences: ObservableObject {
static let instance = UserPreferences()
private init() {
// This prevents others from using the default '()' initializer for this class.
private static let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
#Published var backgroundIsTransparent: Bool = {
guard UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: PreferencesKeys.backgroundIsTransparent) != nil else {
return true
return UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: PreferencesKeys.backgroundIsTransparent)
}() {
didSet {
UserPreferences.defaults.set(backgroundIsTransparent, forKey: PreferencesKeys.backgroundIsTransparent)
#Published var inDownload: Bool = {
guard UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: PreferencesKeys.inDownload) != nil else {
return true
return UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: PreferencesKeys.inDownload)
}() {
didSet {
UserPreferences.defaults.set(inDownload, forKey: PreferencesKeys.inDownload)
#Published var percentualDownload: String = {
guard UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: PreferencesKeys.percentualDownload) != nil else {
return "0%"
return UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: PreferencesKeys.percentualDownload)!
}() {
didSet {
UserPreferences.defaults.set(percentualDownload, forKey: PreferencesKeys.percentualDownload)
but I get the following error:
First problem solved I used:
statusBarButton.imagePosition = NSControl.ImagePosition.imageLeft
statusBarButton.imagePosition = NSControl.ImagePosition.imageRight
For the update text problem, what can I do?

I can print data but can't assign it to a label in Swift

I sent my data from my API call to my InfoController viewDidLoad. There, I was able to safely store it in a skillName constant, and also printed it, receiving all the information by console.
The problem comes when I try to assign this variable to my skillLabel.
override func viewDidLoad() {
fetchPokemons { (names) in
guard var skillName = names as? String else { return }
self.pokemon?.skillName = skillName
self.allNames = skillName
There, when I print allNames, the console shows all the data I need. This is how the data looks like: Data Example
And the computed property where I wanna use this data looks is:
var pokemon: Pokemon? {
didSet {
guard let id = pokemon?.id else { return }
guard let data = pokemon?.image else { return }
navigationItem.title = pokemon?.name?.capitalized
infoLabel.text = pokemon?.description
infoView.pokemon = pokemon
if id == pokemon?.id {
imageView.image = UIImage(data: data)
infoView.configureLabel(label: infoView.skillLabel, title: "Skills", details: "\(allNames)")
PD: allNames is a String variable I have at InfoController class-level.
This is how my app looks when run:
My goal is to get that details param to show the skillName data, but it returns nil, idk why. Any advice?
EDIT1: My func that fetches the Pokemon data from my service class is this one:
func fetchPokemons(handler: #escaping (String) -> Void) {
controller.service.fetchPokes { (poke) in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.pokemon? = poke
guard let skills = poke.abilities else { return }
for skill in skills {
guard let ability = skill.ability else { return }
guard var names =!.capitalized as? String else { return }
self.pokemon?.skillName = names
EDIT2: InfoView class looks like:
class InfoView: UIView {
// MARK: - Properties
var delegate: InfoViewDelegate?
// This whole block assigns the attributes that will be shown at the InfoView pop-up
// It makes the positioning of every element possible
var pokemon: Pokemon? {
didSet {
guard let pokemon = self.pokemon else { return }
guard let type = pokemon.type else { return }
guard let defense = pokemon.defense else { return }
guard let attack = pokemon.attack else { return }
guard let id = else { return }
guard let height = pokemon.height else { return }
guard let weight = pokemon.weight else { return }
guard let data = pokemon.image else { return }
if id == {
imageView.image = UIImage(data: data)
nameLabel.text =
configureLabel(label: typeLabel, title: "Type", details: type)
configureLabel(label: pokedexIdLabel, title: "Pokedex Id", details: "\(id)")
configureLabel(label: heightLabel, title: "Height", details: "\(height)")
configureLabel(label: defenseLabel, title: "Defense", details: "\(defense)")
configureLabel(label: weightLabel, title: "Weight", details: "\(weight)")
configureLabel(label: attackLabel, title: "Base Attack", details: "\(attack)")
let skillLabel: UILabel = {
let label = UILabel()
return label
let imageView: UIImageView = {
let iv = UIImageView()
iv.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill
return iv
. . .
infoView.configureLabel is this:
func configureLabel(label: UILabel, title: String, details: String) {
let attributedText = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: NSAttributedString(string: "\(title): ", attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key.font : UIFont.boldSystemFont(ofSize: 16), NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: Colors.softRed!]))
attributedText.append(NSAttributedString(string: "\(details)", attributes: [NSAttributedString.Key.font : UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 16), NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: UIColor.gray]))
label.attributedText = attributedText
EDIT 3: Structures design
struct Pokemon: Codable {
var results: [Species]?
var abilities: [Ability]?
var id, attack, defense: Int?
var name, type: String?
struct Ability: Codable {
let ability: Species?
struct Species: Codable {
let name: String?
let url: String?
Jump to the Edit2 paragraph for the final answer!
Initial Answer:
I looks like you UI does not get updated after the controller fetches all the data.
Since all of you UI configuration code is inside the var pokemon / didSet, it's a good idea to extract it to a separate method.
private func updateView(with pokemon: Pokemon?, details: String?) {
guard let id = pokemon?.id, let data = pokemon?.image else { return }
navigationItem.title = pokemon?.name?.capitalized
infoLabel.text = pokemon?.description
infoView.pokemon = pokemon
if id == pokemon?.id {
imageView.image = UIImage(data: data)
infoView.configureLabel(label: infoView.skillLabel, title: "Skills", details: details ?? "")
and now you can easily call in the the didSet
var pokemon: Pokemon? {
didSet { updateView(with: pokemon, details: allNames) }
and fetchPokemons completion aswell
override func viewDidLoad() {
fetchPokemons { (names) in
guard var skillName = names as? String else { return }
self.pokemon?.skillName = skillName
self.allNames = skillName
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.updateView(with: self.pokemon, details: self.allNames)
It's super important to do any UI setup on the main queue.
The fetch function may be causing the problems! you are calling handler multiple times:
func fetchPokemons(handler: #escaping (String) -> Void) {
controller.service.fetchPokes { (poke) in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.pokemon? = poke
guard let skills = poke.abilities else { return }
let names = skills.compactMap { $0.ability?.name?.capitalized }.joined(separator: ", ")
After looking at your codebase there are a couple of things you need to change:
1. fetchPokemons implementation
the handler of controller.service.fetchPokes gets called for every pokemon so we need to check if the fetched one is the current (self.pokemon) and then call the handler with properly formated skills.
func fetchPokemons(handler: #escaping (String) -> Void) {
controller.service.fetchPokes { (poke) in
guard == self.pokemon?.id else { return }
self.pokemon? = poke
let names = poke.abilities?.compactMap { $0.ability?.name?.capitalized }.joined(separator: ", ")
handler(names ?? "-")
2. update viewDidLoad()
now simply pass the names value to the label.
override func viewDidLoad() {
fetchPokemons { (names) in
self.pokemon?.skillName = names
self.infoView.configureLabel(label: self.infoView.skillLabel, title: "Skills", details: names)
3. Refactor var pokemon: Pokemon? didSet observer
var pokemon: Pokemon? {
didSet {
guard let pokemon = pokemon, let data = pokemon.image else { return }
navigationItem.title =
infoLabel.text = pokemon.description!
infoView.pokemon = pokemon
imageView.image = UIImage(data: data)

SwiftUI Drag and Drop files

I am trying to add a "Drag and Drop" gesture / function to my SwiftUI Mac application.
I want to drop files from my System/ Desktop into my Application. It is possbile in regular Swift, which I found. I am trying to do this in SwiftUI now.
I find a onDrop() function in SwiftUI for Views. However, it looks like that this is only for internal gestures inside my application. I want to drag files from outside.
In Swift you need to register your NSView, for dragged Types.
I thought of creating a NSViewRepresentable and wrap that into my SwiftUI view.
This is the code I came up with, however I can not call registerForDraggedTyped.
final class DragDropView: NSViewRepresentable {
func makeNSView(context: NSViewRepresentableContext<DragDropView>) -> NSView {
let view = NSView()
view.registerForDraggedTypes([NSPasteboard.PasteboardType.pdf, NSPasteboard.PasteboardType.png])
return view
func updateNSView(_ nsView: NSView, context: NSViewRepresentableContext<DragDropView>) {
Is there a simpler solution for that in SwiftUI? I would love to use that onDrop() function, but this is not working for external files, is it?
Here is a demo of drag & drop, tested with Xcode 11.4 / macOS 10.15.4.
Initial image is located on assets library, accepts drop (for simplicity only) as file url from Finder/Desktop (drop) and to TextEdit (drag), registers drag for TIFF representation.
struct TestImageDragDrop: View {
#State var image = NSImage(named: "image")
#State private var dragOver = false
var body: some View {
Image(nsImage: image ?? NSImage())
.onDrop(of: ["public.file-url"], isTargeted: $dragOver) { providers -> Bool in
providers.first?.loadDataRepresentation(forTypeIdentifier: "public.file-url", completionHandler: { (data, error) in
if let data = data, let path = NSString(data: data, encoding: 4), let url = URL(string: path as String) {
let image = NSImage(contentsOf: url)
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.image = image
return true
.onDrag {
let data = self.image?.tiffRepresentation
let provider = NSItemProvider(item: data as NSSecureCoding?, typeIdentifier: kUTTypeTIFF as String)
provider.previewImageHandler = { (handler, _, _) -> Void in
handler?(data as NSSecureCoding?, nil)
return provider
.border(dragOver ? : Color.clear)
As OP noted, this is only for a Mac OS application.
If you want to
open from Finder
drag from Finder
AND drag from elsewhere (like a website or iMessage)
then try this (drag image from this view not included).
XCode 11+ / SwiftUI 1.0+ / Swift 5:
Required Extension for opening from Finder:
extension NSOpenPanel {
static func openImage(completion: #escaping (_ result: Result<NSImage, Error>) -> ()) {
let panel = NSOpenPanel()
panel.allowsMultipleSelection = false
panel.canChooseFiles = true
panel.canChooseDirectories = false
panel.allowedFileTypes = ["jpg", "jpeg", "png", "heic"]
panel.canChooseFiles = true
panel.begin { (result) in
if result == .OK,
let url = panel.urls.first,
let image = NSImage(contentsOf: url) {
} else {
NSError(domain: "", code: 0, userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "Failed to get file location"])
The SwiftUI Views
struct InputView: View {
#Binding var image: NSImage?
var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 16) {
HStack {
Text("Input Image (PNG,JPG,JPEG,HEIC)")
Button(action: selectFile) {
Text("From Finder")
InputImageView(image: self.$image)
private func selectFile() {
NSOpenPanel.openImage { (result) in
if case let .success(image) = result {
self.image = image
struct InputImageView: View {
#Binding var image: NSImage?
var body: some View {
ZStack {
if self.image != nil {
Image(nsImage: self.image!)
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
} else {
Text("Drag and drop image file")
.frame(width: 320)
.frame(height: 320)
.onDrop(of: ["public.url","public.file-url"], isTargeted: nil) { (items) -> Bool in
if let item = items.first {
if let identifier = item.registeredTypeIdentifiers.first {
print("onDrop with identifier = \(identifier)")
if identifier == "public.url" || identifier == "public.file-url" {
item.loadItem(forTypeIdentifier: identifier, options: nil) { (urlData, error) in
DispatchQueue.main.async {
if let urlData = urlData as? Data {
let urll = NSURL(absoluteURLWithDataRepresentation: urlData, relativeTo: nil) as URL
if let img = NSImage(contentsOf: urll) {
self.image = img
print("got it")
return true
} else { print("item not here") return false }
Note: Have not needed to use the "public.image" identifier.
Optional Extensions if you need the result as PNG data (I did to upload to Firebase Storage):
extension NSBitmapImageRep {
var png: Data? { representation(using: .png, properties: [.compressionFactor:0.05]) }
extension Data {
var bitmap: NSBitmapImageRep? { NSBitmapImageRep(data: self) }
extension NSImage {
var png: Data? { tiffRepresentation?.bitmap?.png }
// usage
let image = NSImage(...)
if let data = image.png {
// do something further with the data
Can’t you use onDrop(of:isTargeted:perform:)? You can pass your array of supported types in the of argument.

Apple Vision framework – Text extraction from image

I am using Vision framework for iOS 11 to detect text on image.
The texts are getting detected successfully, but how we can get the detected text?
Recognizing text in an image
VNRecognizeTextRequest works starting from iOS 13.0 and macOS 10.15 and higher.
In Apple Vision you can easily extract text from image using VNRecognizeTextRequest class, allowing you to make an image analysis request that finds and recognizes text in an image.
Here's a SwiftUI solution showing you how to do it (tested in Xcode 13.4, iOS 15.5):
import SwiftUI
import Vision
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
ZStack {
The logic is the following:
struct SomeText: UIViewRepresentable {
let label = UITextView(frame: .zero)
func makeUIView(context: Context) -> UITextView {
label.backgroundColor = .clear
label.textColor = .systemYellow
label.textAlignment = .center
label.font = .boldSystemFont(ofSize: 25)
return label
func updateUIView(_ uiView: UITextView, context: Context) {
let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "imageText", ofType: "png")
let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: path!)
let requestHandler = VNImageRequestHandler(url: url, options: [:])
let request = VNRecognizeTextRequest { (request, _) in
guard let obs = request.results as? [VNRecognizedTextObservation]
else { return }
for observation in obs {
let topCan: [VNRecognizedText] = observation.topCandidates(1)
if let recognizedText: VNRecognizedText = topCan.first {
label.text = recognizedText.string
} // non-realtime asynchronous but accurate text recognition
request.recognitionLevel = VNRequestTextRecognitionLevel.accurate
// nearly realtime but not-accurate text recognition
request.recognitionLevel =
try? requestHandler.perform([request])
If you wanna know a list of supported languages for recognition, read this post please.
Not exactly a dupe but similar to: Converting a Vision VNTextObservation to a String
You need to either use CoreML or another library to perform OCR (SwiftOCR, etc.)
This will return a overlay image with rectangle box on detected text
Here is the full xcode project
Hope it is helpful
// Text Detect
func textDetect(dectect_image:UIImage, display_image_view:UIImageView)->UIImage{
let handler:VNImageRequestHandler = VNImageRequestHandler.init(cgImage: (dectect_image.cgImage)!)
var result_img:UIImage = UIImage.init();
let request:VNDetectTextRectanglesRequest = VNDetectTextRectanglesRequest.init(completionHandler: { (request, error) in
if( (error) != nil){
print("Got Error In Run Text Dectect Request");
result_img = self.drawRectangleForTextDectect(image: dectect_image,results: request.results as! Array<VNTextObservation>)
request.reportCharacterBoxes = true
do {
try handler.perform([request])
return result_img;
} catch {
return result_img;
func drawRectangleForTextDectect(image: UIImage, results:Array<VNTextObservation>) -> UIImage {
let renderer = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size: image.size)
var t:CGAffineTransform = CGAffineTransform.identity;
t = t.scaledBy( x: image.size.width, y: -image.size.height);
t = t.translatedBy(x: 0, y: -1 );
let img = renderer.image { ctx in
for item in results {
let TextObservation:VNTextObservation = item
ctx.cgContext.drawPath(using: .fillStroke)
for item_2 in TextObservation.characterBoxes!{
let RectangleObservation:VNRectangleObservation = item_2
ctx.cgContext.drawPath(using: .fillStroke)
return img