I installed ahk yesterday so I don't know very much how to use it. I want to create a script that writes characters. exemple:
I press < and it automatically puts > at the end and sets the cursor between < and >
I searched for about 30 minutes how to do this, but none of the answers were working.
Hotstring version (recommended):
Hotkey version:
~<::Send >{Left}
$<::Send <>{Left}
It can be done with remapping < to
<::Send {<}{>}{Left}
When you type <, you will be typing <, >, then press the left arrow key.
On VSCode, if you highlight a text, you can do "CTRL+d" and it will highlight the next matching text and add a cursor there.
You can then start typing/deleting and it will affect all the cursors.
How can I do this in VIM?
Note: I know the search and replace function, this is too slow to type, is there something as easy or almost as easy as it is on VSCode?
Visual explanation on VSCode:
Highlight the word you're looking to replace:
CTRL+d two times, which highlights them all:
Now modify them all at the same time:
I want this will help you.
You can do the below steps to change all selected words.
< SHIFT > + # // select the all words on your cursor.
If you want to change all 'const' to 'AAA',
move to one of the 'const' words and press < SHIFT >+'#'.
And type the command ":%s//AAA/g".
Move the cursor on top of a word in your code.
Type gb to add another cursor. This puts Vim into Visual
mode and ready to operate on the word you have selected.
Type gb to continue adding cursors until you’re done.
Now you can perform an action in Visual mode (delete,
change, etc).
Go back to Normal mode with <ESC>
I'm trying to use Auto Hot Key to replace $ with %. I also am replacing & with $.
My problem is that when I press the & key (now remapped to $), it thinks I'm actually pressing $, so it triggers the code and types %.
This is the code:
$::Sendraw `%
My keyboard layout doesn't have these keys as actual keys, so I can't really test this for you, but I can still tell you what will likely fix the problem, and then an other version which will definitely fix the problem.
So the thing that will likely fix the problem is using the $ modifier (docs). You should only need it for the $::Sendraw `% hotkey, because the other hotkeys use the remapping syntax and will automatically do what adding the $ does.
So your script would look like this:
$$::SendInput, `%
(and I also switched to using SendInput because SendRaw really made no sense there)
That should work if all the hotkeys are as actual keys on your keyboard layout (as opposed to being accessible with modifier key combos (e.g. CTRL + ALT + 2), like they are on my keyboard layout).
Why it wouldn't work when having to mess with modifiers keys is a bit more complicated. I can explain it in detail if you're actually interested, but for now I'll just say it's because of the blind send mode the remapping syntax uses.
So, not using the remapping syntax like this should ensure it'll work on any keyboard layout no matter what:
*~::SendInput, #
*#::SendInput, ?
*%::SendInput, {^}
*^::SendInput, ~
*$::SendInput, `%
*&::SendInput, $
*?::SendInput, {+}
*/::SendInput, _
*+::SendInput, &
*=::SendInput, /
*_::SendInput, =
Here we're using the * (docs) modifier to deal with having to hold modifier keys to access hotkeys. And we're not using $ modifier, because using * already does what $ does. So having them both would be redundant.
+4::SendInput, `%
This should work fine.
I want to create a hotkey using a backslash key (\). Namely, I would like to assign Media_Prev to Windows button + backslash. I have tried both LWin & \::Media_Prev and #\::Media_Prev. However, these do not work: it just normally sends the backslash character. In AutoHotkey's key history, I do see that both \ and LWin register when I press this key combination.
Interestingly, something like LWin & c::Media_Prev or #v::Media_Prev does work well, just not with the backslash character.
This worked for me, using AHK version
LWin & \:: run Notepad
you can also use scan codes - something like
SC15B & SC02B:: run Notepad
should have the same effect
reference: here
I successfully tested the following:
<#vk dc::Send {Media_Prev}
< is Left key
# is Windows key
VK DC is virtual key number DC (you can find this code using AHK menu View > Key History and Script Info). With VK, the same key works regardless of active keyboard layout.
Note: Don't do LWin & key or Ctrl & key etc... & has a bit different meaning. For the above purpose AHK provides prefixes as shown above, e.g. ^b or #F1 etc. See AHK help on Remapping Keys and Buttons
I recently switched from Eclipse to IntelliJ IDEA, and found myself wondering how to move the cursor out of a pair of auto-completed brackets.
In Eclipse after I finished typing in a pair of brackets, pressing tab brings me out of the brackets. How can I do the same thing without using the arrow keys?
Many thanks for your help!
IDEA doesn't have such feature yet. The closest equivalent is the Complete Current Statement editor action (Ctrl+Shift+Enter).
Initial implementation for this feature is available in 2018.2 EAP version - press Tab to jump out.
It works more like in MS Visual Studio - without visual indication of tab 'exit' position. For now, it should work in Java, SQL, Python and some other files. It will take some time for other languages to catch up - some language-specific code changes are required.
The feature is disabled by default, you can enable it in
Settings -> Editor -> General -> Smart Keys -> Jump outside closing
bracket/quote with Tab
Ctrl + Shift + Enter does not seem to work for me in IDEA 12.1.4, but I found the closest feature to what I was looking for was Shift + Enter. This completes the line, creates a new line below the current line and moves the cursor to it.
You can do this by pressing the closing symbol that you would've pressed otherwise, but was auto completed. For example, if you have just typed the f below, you would press shift and 0 (or closing parenthesis), and it will move your cursor outside of the parenthesis.
String asdf = "hello world";
I went to preferences->Keymap and set a shortcut for "Move Caret to Line End" to Shift-Space. It takes me to the end of the current line I am on without adding anything, if that's what you want.
Not currently supported by Intellij. There is an open feature request on this at http://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-74666. Extra votes would be nice.
Intellij supports the ctrl+shift+m shortcut that jumps to the end of the block:
It's not quite what you're looking for, but you can type the character you are trying to move outside of (a closing paren, for example) and that should pop you outside of the auto-completed character.
Not ideal, but functional as far as I've tested it.
I set these setting:
1) I added Semicolon shortcut to Complete Current Statement:
Instead of using for loop command, I using fori command (because for command needs semicolon character):
2) I added Alt+Semicolon shortcut to Move Caret to Code Block End:
So when I inside the loop, by pressing Alt+Semicolon jumping end of the bracket, by pressing Semicolon I jumping out the bracket subsequently.
by adding these shortcuts, the speed of coding will be faster.
Such key is called "End".
You can assign any unused shortcut to "Move Caret to Line End" action in "Settings/Preferences | Keymap".
P.S. You can use Ctrl+Shift+Enter to complete your statement (in your case it will place caret at the end of line and will add ";" there) -- action called "Complete Current Statement" and shortcut can be checked/changed in a same way as described earlier.
If you decide to move back to Eclipse and use PyDev this feature by default is disabled, First Switch to PyDev Perspective and you can enable it by going under Preferences>PyDev>Editor>Typing>Enable link on Automatic parenthesis or literals closing
In my DOS prompt I have to put in a tilde (~) character to open any files.
For some reason it won't show up in the DOS box/prompt.
Is there any form of Ctrl shortcut key thing that could get me to typing a ~ character?
It's only the DOS prompt that won't recognize that key is what gets me the most though.
Hold down the Alt key and type 0126 (zero one two six) on the numeric keypad. That is the ascii value of that character.
10 a$="~"
20 ? asc(a$)
In DOS you need to begin with a 0 + value you need for other symbols and it only works on the numeric keypad.
On Spanish keyboards you can press "Alt Gr" and "4".
That key combination will write a tilde anywhere, including the command line.
How about trying to copy/paste it?
select the ~ char and hit select then copy
open the prompt window and go Alt+Space then Edit->Paste
I typed SHIFT and the "key left to the digit 1" to produce a tilde ~ in my multimixed system.
(This actually worked. Actual keyboard is de-sg, but the multiemulated environment behaves like a DOS or WinPE US keyboard, in a command window.)