GIMP 2.10 -- change GTK theme from the terminal - gtk

How can I change Gimp 2.10 theme from the terminal. Gimp is not affected by gsettings commands. It is also not affected by gconftool-2 commands.


ANSI colors don't work in VSCode integrated terminal with PowerShell

I am using Visual Studio Code for my python project and I am also using flakeheaven (fork of the unmaintained flakehell package) to manage flake8 and other linters/plugins. When running flakeheaven lint, it tries to print the output nicely with colors. Here's how it looks on my terminal (Windows terminal using Powershell Core):
I like this feature. However, When I run the lint command in the integrated terminal in VSCode, it doesn't display the colors, and instead displays weird ANSI sequences:
It looks like VSCode can't display the ANSI colors correctly in the terminal. I'd like to know if there is a way to fix this to get the same colorful output as in the external terminal.
Is there a way to make VSCode terminal display colored ANSI output correctly?

IPython tab completion menu colors are unreadable

Tab completion in IPython is practically unusable because the text is so difficult to read.
Here's what I've tried:
I didn't have an ipython configuration file so I created one:
ipython profile create.
In my I set c.InteractiveShell.colors = 'NoColors'. That made all my text white but the completion text didn't change.
I'm using the following software:
kitty terminal: 0.14.1
IPython: 7.5.0
Pygments: 2.4.2
prompt-toolkit: 2.0.9
I found a solution. It seems my terminal is using 24bit color and that must be interacting poorly with the defaults of IPython which defaults to 256 colors. You can test your terminal with this command:
printf "\x1b[38;2;255;100;0mTRUECOLOR\x1b[0m\n"
If you see 'TRUECOLOR', then your terminal supports true color.
I set that in my file: c.TerminalInteractiveShell.true_color = True. Now the completion text is readable.

Enabling vi key bindings in IPython qtconsole

I have enabled vi mode in my ~/.inputrc using the following lines in my mac.
set editing-mode vi
When I use IPython in terminal, I am getting proper vi key bindings, but when I use IPython in QtConsole using the command ipython qtconsole the vi key bindings don't work.
Is there anything else I have to do to get vi key bindings in IPython QtConsole?
Qt console is not built around readline or anything related to the OS terminal. It's a Qt widget that mimics much of the behavior of terminal IPython and also has several cool features of its own (like inline plots and the ability to render Latex).
It comes with a lot of key bindings (which you can find by going to the menu Help > Show QtConsole Help) but unfortunately none of them is customizable.

IPython qtconsole highlighting

I am using the IPython qtconsole and the directories are dark blue and I can't seem to find any way to change this in the theme. I'm using pygments with the monokai theme for the syntax highlighting.
This coloring is actually done by ls itself.
You can use the LSCOLORS ( on OS X / BSD, or LS_COLORS on Linux) environment variable to customize this.
Here is a nifty utility for generating an LSCOLORS value.
You can probably Google-about for peoples favored dark-background LSCOLORS values.
Then just set the variable, either in Python:
import os
os.environ['LSCOLORS'] = 'gxfxcxdxbxegedabagacad'
or in your shell session prior to launching IPython (or .bashrc, etc.):
$> export LSCOLORS=gxfxcxdxbxegedabagacad
$> ipython qtconsole
see also: reference docs for LS_COLORS

Color themes are strange/incorrect in terminal emulator

I'm running emacs-nox 23.3 in Konsole (from kde) emulator, the most color themes have strange colors.
For example, i like the Solarized Theme. I expect the theme should look like this:
However, this is what I get:
Broken Solarized Theme
Most of themes that comes in emacs-color-theme package have similar behavior. I tried to change the Konsole color settings - no result. I also tried to replace my .Xresources with this one, with no success.
You need 256 colors in your terminal for most color themes to have decent appearance. Try adding this to your .bashrc (or .zshrc):
After you've sourced the setting (source .bashrc), start again emacs and hopefully the themes will be looking much better.
No, do not put this line
to .Xresources. Try to run emacs with this command:
TERM=xterm-256color emacs
and if everything is ok, put this line to your .bashrc or .bash_profile file:
alias emacs='TERM=xterm-256color emacs'
After that your can execute emacs with usual 'emacs' cmd and get the normal colors in editor.