Flutter InkWell widget color not updating after Tap - flutter

I am having trouble coding a function. In my app, a quiz has been added, the quiz functionality works, the quiz data is retrieved from a server and delivered as JSON data. I have a problem where my app does not show whether a user's answer is correct or not when they select an answer but will only do so if the user leaves the screen and then returns. Using a function that returns a color, the correct and incorrect answers are presented. However, I am unsure what the problem is; how can I solve it?
I would like to provide the code but it is a lot, so you can find it here: https://github.com/BotsheloRamela/code
Most of the functionality can be found here in the main code: https://github.com/BotsheloRamela/code/blob/main/option.dart

If you're having trouble with that then make sure to do it so
child: InkWell(
child : Ink()));
// and populate this accordingly


Flutter - Keep track of data between screens

I'm trying to make a Gym app. You can add a workout by pressing the + on the appbar, and this takes you to a new screen where you can add the information about all the exercises and the workout name. When you press the check button, it goes back to the main screen where it displays all the workout that you've created, so that if you tap on a list tile it displays all the exercises.
My problem is that I don't know how to pass all the information about the exercises back to the main page. The only thing that I pass back is the workout name. My idea was to pass a Map<String workoutName, List> so that in the main page I have everything that I need. What do you think about it?
P.S. Rn I'm not storing anything in LocalStorage yet, mainly because I don't know what to store I was thinking about storing the Map<String workoutName, List> But I'm a fresh dev on Flutter so there may be easier solutions.
There are many ways to do this. Because of the inevitable growth of your requirements, I suggest going with the most common way to both pass variables and control your state. Meaning: when your variables change, when you return to your original screen, the screen also rebuilds to show your new information. Riverpod has become the successor to the previously Flutter team recommended State Management solution.
I suggest finding a nice, popular tutorial on Riverpod, perhaps building an app entirely with the video to give yourself a good start.

Keeping a route alive in Flutter

I have a flutter app where can see several cards. These cards are clickable, and will show a InAppWebView with a custom made viewer, which exists on the website I link to.
The loading of this InAppWebView is pretty taxing on the app however, and I would like to pre-load this as much as possible.
It is kinda hard to give a lot of details, since this is job-related and thus private information, so I can't be too specific. I am also the only one working with Flutter here, so no advice can be expected from colleagues.
I am hoping to reduce the loading times of the InAppWebView by having it opened in the background already, and then just swapping to the correct route instead of initializing it from scratch. The problem here is that the URL will change, but that can be handled inside the view instead of creating an entirely new InAppWebView.
In short:
How do I create a widget/route in the background of my Flutter application, and swap to it when necessary?
Maybe you can use a Stack and a Visibility widgets ? like this:
bool _isWebPageVisible = false;
children: <Widget>[
visible: _isWebPageVisible,
child: WebPageWidget()
And you could change _isWebPageVisible whenever needed. When visible, the WebPageWidget will appear above the MainWidget.

Problem showing a value contained in an InheritedWidget

I've been developing in Flutter for a few months and I'm not yet very experienced. These days I'm working on an app that I didn't create from the beginning and I'm having a strange problem, unfortunately I can't paste too much pieces of code but I try to explain the wrong behavior.
The state of the app is contained in an InheritedWidget that is called before all the others. For example, in this InheritedWidget there is a value that must always be visible at the top of the app (in the AppBar). The problem is that if at runtime this value is changed in the InheritedWidget, the view shows the previous value (as if it wasn't updated), but if I do Navigator.push() to a new page, the AppBar shows the correct value (i.e. the updated one). If I pop to the previous page, the old value reappears in the AppBar. If I put the app in the background and bring it back to the foreground, the correct value finally appears.
It seems that the view does not update even if the value changes in the InheritedWidget. I specify that before being displayed, this value is extracted directly from the InheritedWidget using context.dependOnInheritedWidgetOfExactType<InheritedWidgetName>(). I also specify that "updateShouldNotify" is set this way:
bool updateShouldNotify(Session oldWidget) {
return true;
I wanted to ask if anyone knows what might be causing this problem.
Thanks in advance.

One page, multiple contexts ? Is that possible?

Here is my problem: I have an app that has 2 list view.builders. You can imagine the scenario.
within the Stateful widget, we have:
Widget build(ct)
and this returns a column widget that has TWO list views.
The problem I have is that one list view changes (or should change) the items in another list view.
So what are my options? To create two Widget build(ct1) and Widget build(ct2)??
Do we do that? How can I communicate changes to ct1?
Oh my goodness, I've tried a lot, even setState etc... nothing works.. Perhaps could someone tell me how I can invoke the page to be refreshed?? That would work.
I keep on finding the answers myself - but for anyone who has this issue, Flutter apparently has evolved... if you are using the latest version, I really believe that SetState() function should work for you.. you just need to use it in the right place.

Show Loading Screen on Home Screen Widget Android

I understand the "android:initialLayout" element within the xml folder for defining the default layout of an Android homescreen widget. I want to be able to display a "loading your information" on my widget while I am waiting for data...how do I do this. I have tried to display an error message on my widget if there is no connectivity, but it doesn't get past the "android:initialLayout" , so showing code I believe is irrelevant. Correct me if I am wrong please...don't bash me. Any help greatly appreciated!
Yes, the initialLayout is so that your widget displays something before Android has had a chance to call your widget-updating code. This is a great place to put a "Loading..." message.
Once your onUpdate method is called in your widget, that is your chance to get your data. If you have a connectivity problem at that point, you can display an error message at that point. Otherwise, if you successfully get your data, then you can draw you widget with the data.
I'm not sure if I've answered your question, so apologies if I have not. Please clarify a bit more if I have not. The main questions I have are:
Is Android calling your onUpdate function? Log statements can be really helpful for this.
Are you trying to load your data in the background, such as a separate Service, and then reading the results in the widget? Or are you loading the data inside the widget?