Quarkus devservices not starting config free postgres db - postgresql

I just wanted to try dev services for spinning up a config free postgres in docker as I read at https://quarkus.io/guides/datasource#dev-services-configuration-free-databases
Generated a quarkus project https://code.quarkus.io/ with dependency quarkus-jdbc-postgresql
and application.properties looks like
Starting quarkus does NOT spin up postgres, instead I get a warning that quarkus does not understand its own properties, see Quarkus Log
2022-03-09 23:11:14,433 WARN [io.qua.config] (Quarkus Main Thread) Unrecognized configuration key "quarkus.datasource.devservices.enabled" was provided; it will be ignored; verify that the dependency extension for this configuration is set or that you did not make a typo
2022-03-09 23:11:14,433 WARN [io.qua.config] (Quarkus Main Thread) Unrecognized configuration key "quarkus.datasource.devservices.port" was provided; it will be ignored; verify that the dependency extension for this configuration is set or that you did not make a typo
2022-03-09 23:11:14,433 WARN [io.qua.config] (Quarkus Main Thread) Unrecognized configuration key "quarkus.datasource.db-kind" was provided; it will be ignored; verify that the dependency extension for this configuration is set or that you did not make a typo
2022-03-09 23:11:14,936 INFO [io.quarkus] (Quarkus Main Thread) quarkus-resteasy-postgres 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT on JVM (powered by Quarkus 2.7.4.Final) started in 2.182s. Listening on: http://localhost:8080
2022-03-09 23:11:14,937 INFO [io.quarkus] (Quarkus Main Thread) Profile dev activated. Live Coding activated.
2022-03-09 23:11:14,937 INFO [io.quarkus] (Quarkus Main Thread) Installed features: [cdi, jdbc-postgresql, resteasy, smallrye-context-propagation, vertx]
Any idea what is going on here?
Project here: https://github.com/syr/quarkus-resteasy-postgres

According to your warning message, there's one extension missing for this configuration:
2022-03-09 23:11:14,433 WARN [io.qua.config] (Quarkus Main Thread) Unrecognized configuration key "quarkus.datasource.db-kind" was provided; it will be ignored; verify that the dependency extension for this configuration is set or that you did not make a typo
You can solve your problem adding one of these dependencies to your project (on your pom.xml):
Pool your database connections (included in Hibernate ORM)
Hibernate ORM


Spring Cloud Config Server not registering as client to Spring Boot Admin

I have Spring Cloud config server and trying to register it to Spring Boot admin. In my pom.xml file I have
I have several other services registering, so I know I have all my URL and settings correct. But I am not seeing is the registering log in the config server logs.
Found the answer after running the config server in debug mode.
Did not match:
- Spring Boot Client is disabled, because 'spring.boot.admin.client.url' is empty. (SpringBootAdminClientEnabledCondition)
- #ConditionalOnWebApplication (required) found 'session' scope (OnWebApplicationCondition)
Did not match:
- Spring Boot Client is disabled, because 'spring.boot.admin.client.url' is empty. (SpringBootAdminClientEnabledCondition)
- #ConditionalOnWebApplication (required) found 'session' scope (OnWebApplicationCondition)
Since the config server doesn't read from the config server git repo the client URL was not set.
Adding --spring.boot.admin.client.url=<url> to the startup fixed it.

Configure a db2 datasource with Thorntail / Wildfly Swarm

Has anyone managed to configure a db2 datasource with Thorntail / Wildfly Swarm?
As far as I understand: As soon as I pull in the datasources fraction, the db2 driver should be autodetected according to documentation (https://docs.thorntail.io/2.3.0.Final/#auto-detecting-jdbc-drivers_thorntail).
So the only thing I should have to do is reference "ibmdb2" as the driver-name in my datasource, right?
pom.xml (using Thorntail 2.3.0.Final)
path: /
driver-name: ibmdb2
connection-url: jdbc:db2://host:port/schema
user-name: user
password: password
Currently I get the following error on startup:
2019-05-02 09:07:52,747 INFO [org.wildfly.swarm.datasources] (main) THORN1003: Auto-detected JDBC driver for ibmdb2
2019-05-02 09:07:57,660 ERROR [org.jboss.as.controller.management-operation] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 16) WFLYCTL0013: Operation ("add") failed - address: ([
("subsystem" => "datasources"),
("jdbc-driver" => "ibmdb2")
]) - failure description: "WFLYJCA0114: Failed to load datasource class: com.ibm.db2.jdbc.DB2XADataSource"
You found a bug in the JDBC driver autodetection code. The driver was (probably) autodetected, but it was wrongly configured. Specifically, this line of code sets the XA datasource class name to com.ibm.db2.jdbc.DB2XADataSource, which doesn't exist. (That's actually what your error message says, but I also confirmed it by looking into the JDBC driver JAR.) The correct class name is com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2XADataSource. I filed THORN-2398 and submitted a PR with a fix.
I'm not sure if there's a simple workaround, because JDBC driver autodetection is performed after all configuration is applied. Perhaps the following hack might work. Define a new JDBC driver in project-defaults.yml like this:
driver-module-name: com.ibm.db2jcc
driver-xa-datasource-class-name: com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2XADataSource
But keep everything else intact. That means there will be 2 JDBC drivers for DB2, one autodetected (which will create the com.ibm.db2jcc module), and the second one you create that will piggyback on the infrastructure created by the first. If that works, just change driver-name: ibmdb2 in your data source to driver-name: mydb2.
If this doesn't work, you'll have to move off of JDBC driver autodetection for now, until the issue is fixed.

Changing Liferay war file context root on JBoss EAP

I am trying to deploy Liferay 6.2 CE GA4 WAR file on my JBoss EAP 6.4 server with a specified context root. We already have an application with the context defined as "/" and this is what Liferay defaults to. I have tried following with no luck:
Specifying /liferay as the context root in jboss-web.xml
Creating portal-ext.properties in WEB-INF/classes and including portal.ctx=/liferay
Adding -
to web.xml
Ultimately I want http://localhost:8080/liferay to bring me to the Liferay application, not http://localhost:8080. Does anyone have any other suggestions or things that worked for them? I can post full file contents if it would shed more light on my problem.
UPDATE: Here is my JBoss server.log where it is trying to register the context:
16:15:52,652 INFO [org.jboss.as.server.deployment] (MSC service thread 1-9) JBAS015876: Starting deployment of "liferay.war" (runtime-name: "liferay.war")
16:16:04,500 INFO [org.jboss.web] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 324) JBAS018210: Register web context: /liferay
16:16:04,547 INFO [org.jboss.as.server] (DeploymentScanner-threads - 2) JBAS015859: Deployed "liferay.war" (runtime-name : "liferay.war")
16:16:04,547 INFO [org.jboss.as.controller] (DeploymentScanner-threads - 2) JBAS014774: Service status report
JBAS014776: Newly corrected services:
service jboss.deployment.unit."liferay-fresh.war".component."com.liferay.alloy.taglib.alloy.AioTag".START (no longer required)
service jboss.deployment.unit."liferay-fresh.war".component."com.liferay.alloy.taglib.alloy.AutoCompleteTag".START (no longer required)
service jboss.deployment.unit."liferay-fresh.war".component."com.liferay.alloy.taglib.alloy.ButtonItemTag".START (no longer required)

How can I implement Picketlink Authenticator in the war layer

As the title say, I created a class in the war layer that is annotated with #Picketlink. Note that I have an ear deployment structure (ejb, war).
The custom authenticator:
public class PicketlinkAuthenticator extends BaseAuthenticator { }
If I put that class in the ejb layer, the authentication is ok but when I put it to the war layer it seems like it's not found by the project as it's throwing:
20:49:46,027 INFO [org.picketlink.common] (default task-10) Using logger implementation: org.picketlink.common.DefaultPicketLinkLogger
20:49:46,043 INFO [org.picketlink.idm] (default task-10) PLIDM001000: Bootstrapping PicketLink Identity Manager
20:49:46,068 WARN [org.picketlink.idm] (default task-10) PLIDM001101: Working directory [\tmp\pl-idm] is marked to be always created. All your existing data will be lost.
20:49:46,111 INFO [org.picketlink.idm] (default task-10) PLIDM001100: Using working directory [\tmp\pl-idm].
20:49:46,127 DEBUG [org.picketlink.idm] (default task-10) No partitions to load from \tmp\pl-idm\pl-idm-partitions.db
20:49:46,152 DEBUG [org.picketlink.idm] (default task-10) Initializing Partition [6a373282-0173-4b7d-bd6a-ff0e5dc43436] with id [6a373282-0173-4b7d-bd6a-ff0e5dc43436].
20:49:46,153 DEBUG [org.picketlink.idm] (default task-10) Loaded Agents for Partition [6a373282-0173-4b7d-bd6a-ff0e5dc43436].
20:49:46,154 DEBUG [org.picketlink.idm] (default task-10) Loaded Credentials for Partition [6a373282-0173-4b7d-bd6a-ff0e5dc43436].
Why not just move the authenticator to the ejb side?
->Because I'm throwing custom error like user expired, etc. I need jsf to post these error messages.
Why not move the picketlink dependency in the web layer?
->Because my account that extended the picketlink account is binded to my services.
As suggested here I already added the picketlink module in the war project:
<module name="org.picketlink" />
Anyway around this? I just want to show some custom errors :-(
I was not able to solve this problem but I have a work-around solution and that is to move the picketlink module to the web layer and just pass the identity instance to the services that need it.
I have been missing around with the same problem as well for a while now (it's 2016 now ...). What seems to make it work is to add the following CDI annotations:
public class PicketlinkAuthenticator extends BaseAuthenticator { }
I would have expected the core Authentication Manager to pick this up just based on the #PicketLink Annotation, but without the CDI Annotations, the custom Authenticator class is never even loaded. Maybe there is an other way that will require us to bootstrap PicketLink - but I could not find any references.

EAR Content not Bounded Exception

I am using JBoss AS 5.0.1 and and I am getting the following error when i Try to Invoke my Servlet.
17:11:48,060 ERROR [STDERR] javax.naming.NameNotFoundException: EJBSvcApp not bound
I have Created an EAR by the Above name to which I have Added my EJB and Web Project.
I have also Included EJBClient in deployment assembly of my Web App. Below is the JBoss Log Trace. I also See a warning in the Log Which I am not sure what it is.
17:09:27,962 INFO [Ejb3DependenciesDeployer] Encountered deployment AbstractVFSDeploymentContext#457214762{vfszip:/C:/jboss- 5.0.1.GA/server/default/deploy/EJBSvcApp.ear/EJBSvcEJB.jar/}
17:09:27,963 INFO [Ejb3DependenciesDeployer] Encountered deployment AbstractVFSDeploymentContext#457214762{vfszip:/C:/jboss-5.0.1.GA/server/default/deploy/EJBSvcApp.ear/EJBSvcEJB.jar/}
17:09:27,963 INFO [Ejb3DependenciesDeployer] Encountered deployment AbstractVFSDeploymentContext#457214762{vfszip:/C:/jboss-5.0.1.GA/server/default/deploy/EJBSvcApp.ear/EJBSvcEJB.jar/}
7:09:27,986 WARN [Ejb3AnnotationHandler] JBMETA-4: did not find any bean meta data for annotation bean OrderBean, will create some
17:09:33,622 INFO [JBossASKernel] Created KernelDeployment for: EJBSvcEJB.jar
17:09:33,626 INFO [JBossASKernel] installing bean: jboss.j2ee:ear=EJBSvcApp.ear,jar=EJBSvcEJB.jar,name=OrderBean,service=EJB3
17:09:33,626 INFO [JBossASKernel] with dependencies:
17:09:33,626 INFO [JBossASKernel] and demands:
17:09:33,627 INFO [JBossASKernel] jboss.ejb:service=EJBTimerService
17:09:33,627 INFO [JBossASKernel] and supplies:
17:09:33,627 INFO [JBossASKernel] Class:com.webpage.ejb.Order
17:09:33,627 INFO [JBossASKernel] Added bean(jboss.j2ee:ear=EJBSvcApp.ear,jar=EJBSvcEJB.jar,name=OrderBean,service=EJB3) to KernelDeployment of: EJBSvcEJB.jar
17:09:33,776 INFO [SessionSpecContainer] Starting jboss.j2ee:ear=EJBSvcApp.ear,jar=EJBSvcEJB.jar,name=OrderBean,service=EJB3
17:09:33,786 INFO [EJBContainer] STARTED EJB: com.webpage.ejb.OrderBean ejbName: OrderBean
17:09:33,791 INFO [JndiSessionRegistrarBase] Binding the following Entries in Global JNDI:
17:09:33,850 WARN [WebServiceDeployerEJB] Ingore ejb deployment with null classname: org.jboss.metadata.ejb.jboss.JBossSessionBeanMetaData#6012d7fe{OrderBean}
17:09:33,928 INFO [TomcatDeployment] deploy, ctxPath=/EJBSvcWeb
I have Created An EJB INterface
public interface Order {...
and Bean
#Stateless(name = "OrderBean")
public class OrderBean implements Order { ...
I am making a lookup in My Servlet as below
Order o = (Order)(new InitialContext()).lookup("EJBSvcApp/OrderBean/remote");
I was curious about this part:
[Ejb3AnnotationHandler] JBMETA-4: did not find any bean meta data for annotation bean OrderBean, will create some
It seems to be that the problem is a Jboss AS 5.1.0 GA's bug.
If I understood the post correctly, the problem is originated because you have an empty META-INF/ejb-jar.xml file.
I would try to:
a) delete the file. (I think this will be enough).
b) or try to fill it with the next :
<ejb-jar version="3.0"
xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/javaee/ejb-jar_3_0.xsd">