Get Snippets from Bing News Search that are Most Relevant to Query - bing

I am using the query endpoint to search for news articles. The web search endpoint returns snippets from the website that are relevant to the query. Is it possible to get the same for this endpoint?


Facebook Graph API: search people by city

I'm trying to find people either from particular city or who live in that city. Is there an API for this purpose?
When I use Facebook page, I can type in "People who live in Rome, Italy" (which is translated to URL and it shows me all people who currently live in Rome. Using web page I can also search people by name and then add additional filter by city.
Can I do something similar with Graph API?
You can only search by name with the API: - there is no way to get the same kind of search than on
you can add center and distance in the query
this comes from the documentation, you can change the type to type=user

Facebook Graph API Search "Unofficial Results"

I'm using the Facebook Graph API to search for a business's Page. I've included type=page in the search query, however the results contain several Place results that are listed as "Unofficial Pages".
Is there an easy way to filter the Unofficial Pages out of the results? I can't seem to find any documentation on how to do this.
For example, a local search is returning the following results for the same business....
Official Page:
Unofficial Place:
I would like to figure out how to have the first, official result returned only. Or, if there is parameter that I can use to filter out the unofficial, place results.
There is no filter option according to the docs about the Search API:
You will have to filter on your own after getting the results.
Use the Field "is_unclaimed". If it is true, that's mean that the page is "Unofficial Page".

Search content in specific pages on Graph API

I'm trying to figure if its possible to search for strings in specific pages on Facebook's Graph API (version 2.5) or all searches abilities has been blocked?
There is any other wat to do so?
Here is the only search methods that i found
You found everything that is possible to search for. You canĀ“t search for strings on Pages, you can only get the feed and and search for the string with your programming language of choice.

Can I show Facebook posts/comments in ecommerce website search results?

Is it possible to use the FB GraphAPI to call posts / comments using specific keywords so that this content can be shown on an e-commerce site search results page?
For example, a user on searches for 'gucci handbags'. As well as the usual product search results, there is a tab for 'Social posts' - in this tab content from Facebook is shown that matches the search query 'gucci handbags' (so perhaps that phrase is contained in the post/comment).
So the site would need send a GET request to FB when the query is submitted and then fetch the relevant content and display it on the search results page.

Find related facebook interests using graph API

I'm trying to figure out a way find related interests on Facebook. E.g. I want to search for Cityville and result should be Farmville, Castleville etc.
Is there an API to support this, what are the alternatives?
You can search the JSON result by the Graph API with the url{your_token_here}, replacing the "me" with the Facebook User ID/Name.
If you are looking for pages search, you can use the same API, with the url{keyword}&type=page&access_token={your_token_here}.