nVim disable error detection of coc plugin - neovim

I use neovim with coc.nvim for auto-completion of code, but I don't like this error detection [I don't mean its bad], I only want to disable this grey like with red >> on the left of line numbers
(no problem with red line numbers)
How can I disable it,
like a line of code Which can be added to .vimrc or .init.vim which will do the job
that's what I want...

put this in your init.vim file:
let b:coc_diagnostic_disable=1
if the error detection still present, edit your coc-settings.json file, it's located on the same location of your init.vim usually at ~/.config/nvim, add this line:
"diagnostic.enable": false


How to change iPython error highlighting color

I'm using IPython with iterm2 in macOS. I had never had issues before with the color scheme, but this time when an exception occurs, it highlights certain parts in a color combination that I find very hard to read. I've tried with different color setups in iterm and also adjusting highlighting_style and colors in the ipython_config.py file, without much luck. I've seen there is an option to set specific colors highlighting_style_overrides but I haven't been lucky finding the right pygments option for this.
See Position below. This is the best contrast setup I've achieved, I still find hard it to read without focusing.
There is an open issue regarding this: https://github.com/ipython/ipython/issues/13446
Here is the commit which introduced this change:
To get the file path on your system, run the following:
import IPython, os
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(IPython.__file__), 'core/ultratb.py')
Finally, open the file and look for:
style = stack_data.style_with_executing_node(style, "bg:ansiyellow")
For the time being, you can manually patch it by changing bg:ansiyellow to something that works best given your color scheme, e.g. bg:ansired or bg:#ff0000.
Here's an option you can drop in your ipython_config.py to duck punch in a better background color:
from IPython.core import ultratb
ultratb.VerboseTB._tb_highlight = "bg:ansired"
except Exception:
print("Error patching background color for tracebacks, they'll be the ugly default instead")
Verified to work with IPython version 8.7.0

Visual Studio Code / VS Code: Turn off Cursor line/Current line Highlight option

I'm not sure how I made this feature but I can't stop highlighting the cursor line. As you can see, I have a green underline at the position of the cursor line.
This feature is good if you do not use .ipynb/jupyter file but if you do you can see this:
I have looked all settings and also deleted .json setting file parameters to be sure not there but did not work.
Does anyone knows the exact parameter name that I can turn off this feature?
I have similar issue, but later I found that is the column select mode. You need to remove it from the setting.json
"editor.columnSelection": true

VSCODE powershell terminal clickable link

in the terminal(powershell integrated terminal) i display with format-table the output of a deployment (pl1 code).
The warnings etc. are displayed with the line number where they appear. Is it possible to make a clickable link(on the whole line with the warning or just on the line number) to directly jump to the line in the source code?
Found out that it is possible by just writing the full
or relative path followed by position

How to add line breaks in vs code terminal?

I Have a problem that, my vs code terminal does not have the line break after the output
please tell how to add the line break after the output
(1st image is my output and 2nd image is the expected output)
Use this in settings.json when using c++
".cpp":"echo -e",
Open VS Code, go to settings > extentions > Run code configuration open settings.json ( you must have code runner extention installed for this), you must have vscode settings json,
then white code-runner.executorMap on newline inside brackets, you must have something like this
then whatever language you code, add on the end of the String
"; echo -e"
so you must have something like this, for example I code on java
the result is this

How to find out the reason a line is highlighted when using elpy?

When a line of mine is unacceptable to the default syntax/quality checker used with elpy, it underlines the line in red.
How do I find out why the lne is underlined?
Normally you'd have to hover over the line with your mouse.
However that's very un-emacs-y so I'd suggest using flymake-cursor so that the message appears in the mini buffer instead.